Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: The Holiest of Temples - your Self

April 10, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 284
Lesson 13: The Holiest of Temples - your Self
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: The Holiest of Temples - your Self
Apr 10, 2024 Season 13 Episode 284
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 4-8

In this episode, we'll uncover the latent power within each of us to transcend our earthly constraints and achieve spiritual growth, no matter the cards we've been dealt. Our spiritual narratives are sculpted by our individual awareness, and this episode is an invitation to reshape yours. We'll navigate through the wisdom of A Course in Miracles, the insights of Ram Dass, and others, to reveal that our true essence is far grander than our physical presence, and that adversity is but a catalyst for our soul's evolution.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 4-8

In this episode, we'll uncover the latent power within each of us to transcend our earthly constraints and achieve spiritual growth, no matter the cards we've been dealt. Our spiritual narratives are sculpted by our individual awareness, and this episode is an invitation to reshape yours. We'll navigate through the wisdom of A Course in Miracles, the insights of Ram Dass, and others, to reveal that our true essence is far grander than our physical presence, and that adversity is but a catalyst for our soul's evolution.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, and today we continue with Lesson 13,. You Are Unlimited Spirit. Let's go, section 3, cultivating Unlimited Consciousness. This is what we are working towards and Jeshua is leading the way. We want unlimited awareness, unlimited consciousness, and we're going to grow that with his help and his teachings.

Speaker 1:

We continue in paragraph four, where Jeshua says there's no one without privilege. There's no one, by their station in life, as the world would see it, who is limited from watering and cultivating and bringing forth the fruit that rests within their unlimited consciousness. There's no one without privilege, there's no one that hasn't been blessed with this gift of consciousness, because we're made in the image and likeness of source. We're a wave in the ocean of love. A wave is all the properties of water. Everyone can do what I did because everyone has been blessed and bestowed with this gift. It's in the very fabric of your being unlimited consciousness. There's no one by their station in life. No one is limited by their station in life, by their socioeconomic status, their race, their gender, their circumstances, their physical abilities, from the physical, as the world would see it, who's limited from growing their consciousness. And you'd say, well, what about someone who has dementia? What if somebody is severely mentally handicapped and can't think and can't even understand this stuff? Well about them? Well, to that I would reference more of the way of mastery and other teachings.

Speaker 1:

That soul plan that you are not just and jesh was been saying from the beginning you're not just limited to the body and mind and this personality bashar talks about it too, emmanuel's book talks about it too. Many enlightened awake beings teaching say this is that we are so much more than this body-mind. There's a higher self of us who's very much aware that this A Course in Miracles talks about the ego is this tiny blemish on this vast canvas that we put all of our attention on and focus all of our attention. And there's so much more to us that we're not even aware of. People who do plant medicine, people who go to revelation, breathwork journeys, people who have out-of-body experiences experience themselves as so much more vast than this physical form. So we're not just limited to that. Ram Dass talks about it. When you die it's like taking off a tight shoe and all of a sudden there's an expansiveness of consciousness, of space within you.

Speaker 1:

So, soul plan that earth is a school, earth school. So we come and we choose at a soul level. This is consciousness We've chosen. We're not aware of it. It's obviously below our conscious awareness. We move through the veil of forgetfulness, as A Course in Miracles talks about.

Speaker 1:

When you incarnate in a body, you forget. This is the environment that I want to grow up in. I want to grow up with alcoholic parents. I want that because it's going to teach me unconditional love. It's going to teach me forgiveness. It's going to teach me self-worth, that my worth isn't based on what anyone, even my own parents, think about me or do to me. That's just one very small example. Everything in life is a school, is a lesson, everything the Holy Spirit is bringing to us for our growth, for our awakening.

Speaker 1:

So, even if you are, one is severely handicapped or mentally disabled, that's not who they are, that's the experience that they're having. But who they are is so much more vast and unlimited consciousness, and Jeshua is speaking to this part of us. So, regardless of your station in life, no one is limited from growing, watering and bringing forth the fruit that rests within their unlimited consciousness. No one. There's no one who's a victim of the world they see. And of course, again, just as a reminder, this is radical. This is so outside of the scope of mainstream world view. This is crazy talk. Of course people are a victim to the world. They say look at their circumstances, look what they were born into, look what happened to them. Look, they were born in war-torn countries. They were born in famine. They didn't ask for this. How do you know? How do you know to a soul level, they didn't ask for it that they did ask for it. You hear this, I mean again. There's so many sources that are not of the world that share this.

Speaker 1:

Emanuel's book talks about this at length. For the world they see truly occurs nowhere, save within the field of their awareness, which we call consciousness or mind. So your world is subjective, it's not objective. Everyone's experiencing their own version of their own reality. The world that you see occurs only within the field of your awareness. So if you're not aware of something, it doesn't really exist for you, and then, when you become aware of it, it exists for you, it's a part of your awareness. So if you're not aware of something, it doesn't really exist for you, and then, when you become aware of it, it exists for you, it's a part of your experience, it's a part of your world, and I remember thinking about this during COVID or at any time.

Speaker 1:

There's people I think about this sometimes, the weird things I think about, that there's people on some island in the world who are kind of oblivious to world politics and governments and economics and they're just like living their life and they're happy or they're not happy, but they're living their life independent of all the busyness of the world, and that's their reality. Now somebody might say, oh, they're sheltered or they're this or they're that. Well, that's your perception. If you say that they're sheltered or they're not participating or they're living in a fantasy world, that's again that's your experience, that you're having of them. But in their reality they're happy. They don't need to know what's going on in the world. They don't want to know. If they did, then they would figure it out, they would connect into the world. Now the Internet's pretty easy.

Speaker 1:

So the experience that you have, what you are aware of, is on some level chosen by you because you want it. And now, again, that sounds crazy to the mind. Why would I want poverty? Why would I the mind? Why would I want poverty? Why would I want abuse? Why would I want infidelity? Why would I want hardship and struggle? Well, that's a great question to start asking yourself. But anyway, that's a side note, because Jeshua's not talking about that right now. He talks about that in other places, in the way of mastery. Let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua says the buildings, the automobiles you drive, the dollars in the bank none of that is real. These are merely symbols of the quality of experience you have chosen to call to yourself as a temporary learning experience. This is the matrix. It's a hologram, it's a simulation. In a way, it's a creation of consciousness. It just seems so solid Again, we can't be reminded of this enough what Einstein brought to the world, that matter, energy, cannot be created, neither created nor destroyed. It just changes shape and form. And when you look closely at what we think is so solid and quote unquote real, we see that it's just space and it's just light, it's just vibration. That's either dense or not dense. That's it. And it's influenced by consciousness, by attention, by awareness, by focus, by observation. This is what quantum physics is starting to show us, what the mystics, like Jeshua, have been telling us.

Speaker 1:

So everything in this world is really a symbol. The buildings, yes. Do they feel real? Are they real? Kind of, to us they are, but they're really not Right. It's like if you're playing a video game in the video game the buildings seem very real to the person in the video game, but to us we know, oh, it's just graphics, it's just ones and zeros. It's not real. It's in a video game, but out here, when I'm touching a concrete wall, now that's real. It's the same thing. It's a projection in consciousness and what Jeshua says not only is it not real, but it's just a symbol. It's a projection of the quality of experience that you have chosen to call to yourself. This is the quality of experience I want to have. This is your soul speaking, not your ego, personality, self, who's unaware, who thinks you're a victim. So it's like this is the quality of experience I want to come into this body, in this timeline, with these issues, with this culture, with this parents, for the adventure of it, to learn, to grow, not to escape. You're in school, you chose to be here, so use it.

Speaker 1:

So many people that are trying to get spiritual are trying to like, get out of this. You chose to be here. Imagine if you got out of it so quick. And I'm not just saying like suicide, I'm talking about like, oh, I just want to, I just want to go home and I want to get out of earth. Well, what happens when you, all of a sudden, you get out and you're like, oh my, oh, my goodness, now I know who I am again. And that was so much fun. I realize I'm safe all the time. I realize like I belong to the universe, even though if I didn't feel like I belong to my family or I had no friends and I was alone, like I realize I belong. Let me go back in there and play again. Let me go back in there and learn and grow some more. But we're so quick to get out of it. When it's here, it's material to be used. It's the classroom that wants us to use it so we grow through it, not get out of it and escape it.

Speaker 1:

That's why gesture says feeling is the gateway to the kingdom. It's OK to feel. That's part of it. It is the gateway to the kingdom. If you deny your feelings, you resist them, you make them wrong, you make them bad, you're missing out, you're limiting experience because you're afraid of it. So when you make it OK, when you allow experience to flow through you, then you're not living in fear. Then there's just experience.

Speaker 1:

I saw a video on Instagram the other day of this guy talking about instead of thinking about like, trying to get somewhere in life to some end, where you're like get, striving for a goal, just think about having. Because when you don't get the goal, or it's it's delayed or there's hardship or something, then you're like I failed or I'm not doing it right or what. There's a whole lot of like internal dialogue about that and and a lot of people delay happiness till they get the thing, and if they don't get the thing, they can can't be happy. So this guy was talking about just life is experience. You're here to have experiences and everything's an experience. So there's no winning or losing, there's no right or wrong. There is just not even collecting. There's having experience because every experience is an opportunity to choose love, to go within, to gain wisdom, to have a different perspective. So when you start to think of life as the only quote, unquote goal in my life is to have experience, you're meeting that goal in every single second when you're present and you have this kind of approach to life.

Speaker 1:

So Jeshua says all the shit in the world, what you think is important, the cars, the money, the buildings, the status, the, whatever it is, the things. It's all just a symbol of a quality experience you've chosen to yourself not to judge that, oh, my quality of experience stinks. I'm struggling and I don't like my life. That's not what it is. It's like oh, what is this teaching me? Get more curious about it instead of judging yourself for it. Look at it innocently Because, again, it's all a temporary learning experience. This, too, shall pass. Everything in time is temporary. It's a temporal time. It's the nature of time is. It's temporary, all the things. That's why this is for me and this is like just a.

Speaker 1:

When people like I want to leave a legacy, I want to leave something behind. Again, that, to me, that's all it's like. That part of it is ego. Now, if you're like, hey, I want to be of service, fine, great, be of service. But when you need to know that you've left something behind that's making the world a better place, the world is going to crumble. Everything that you see or touch in the physical is going to turn to dust. It's going to be gone one day. So what does it matter what you leave behind Somebody that I love very dearly.

Speaker 1:

Read me a quote that probably many of us have heard, which I think is from Eleanor Roosevelt, which is oh no, it was Maya Angelou. People aren't going to remember what you said. People aren't going to remember what you did, and I'll go use this analogy People aren't going to remember what legacy you left behind. They're going to remember how you made them feel. They're going to remember how you made them feel when you were in their presence.

Speaker 1:

So everything in time is temporary, but we give it so much meaning because we're really. It's just just, I would say, it's a projection that we're afraid of our own physical death, so we don't want. So we need something to stick around at last, when that's so narrow minded to the vast consciousness of eternality and and the true self. If you really knew that what Jeshua is teaching, that it's all God and there's dimensions upon dimensions of existence, and you never, really you never die. You just change experience, you shift in dimensions, you shift in consciousness, you would never say, well, I need this thing to last in this dimension for this amount of time. That's ridiculous, making you just go on to the next thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeshua even says it in the way of mastery. Talk about the earth. We're all trying to save the earth. He's talking about the earth, we're all trying to save the earth. He's like if the earth perishes, life goes on. Life goes on somewhere else. Big whoop, life just creates more life. That's a totally different. Again, this is crazy making to the world, but it's liberation to the spirit and the soul. So Jeshua says beloved friends, use time.

Speaker 1:

Well, ask yourself, am I fully committed to transforming my awareness from one who has been sleeping and perceiving myself as limited to the space and time dimension, or am I committed to truly hearing my brother's call to take up my cross and follow him? That is the cross of crucifixion, the heavy wooden cross that you have been carrying around. That says, quote I move to another location that would do it. Maybe there's a spiritual technique out there that I haven't found yet in the smorgasbord available. Once I find it and start practicing it, then I can get on with it. End quote. So again, this lesson is you are unlimited consciousness.

Speaker 1:

And the exercise that Jeshua gave us in the previous section is saying and let me read it. The previous section is saying and let me read it it's basically getting us out of our limited identity. The exercise is I am not what I have perceived myself to be, which is a limited body, mind. I am not what I have perceived myself to be. I'm unlimited, pure spirit, and nothing is unavailable to me. Therefore, in this moment, I choose to open access to other dimensions of experience, so that I might call this moment to me in a different way. And I remember I think it was less than nine, where Jeshua talks about when I would meditate under a tree and I would have all of these visions and I would start having visits, visitations from my own teachers who would show up to me in the middle of the night in my bedroom and depart wisdom on me and I would see what I'm doing now, which, as a teenager in Judea 2,000 years ago, I never like didn't make any sense to me, but I knew it was real. So Jeshua was inviting us to get out of this very limited, narrow self-identity and expand our consciousness again.

Speaker 1:

This is why some people choose to use a plant medicine as a tool to expand their consciousness, to have an experience, the, the one of the most important parts of those kinds of consciousness expanding experiences. And it doesn't have to come through drugs. It can come through again, revelation breathwork, holotropic breathwork, lots of different things. It come through lovemaking. It can come through nature, come through running the runners high, can come through all these different experiences that we have that get us out of our limited identity, of this small self. That's the value of something like plant medicine or a revelation. There's other value, but that's a big value in terms of this.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh, I can have this experience when I lay down on the floor and breathe in revelation breathwork, where I'm very much in my body. I'm myself, but I'm not limited to this physical body. I'm floating in the universe, I'm expansive, I feel myself so much bigger. I expand timelines. I'm having visitations from Jeshua or other beings, my dead grandparents, whatever it is. It's like there's so much more. But we've been programmed to be in the little matrix and this chapter is calling us Jeshua's not mincing words anymore to wake up. There's so much more here.

Speaker 1:

Are you fully committed to go from sleeping to awake, to being awake? Am I committed to truly hearing my brother's call to take up my cross and follow him? What does he say? The cross is, he says, the cross of crucifixion, the heavy wooden burden that you've been carrying around. That's what the cross is. Again, if we're talking about symbols, the cross is a symbol of the way you crucify yourself, the way you punish.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm really struggling and trying to get to Christ consciousness, but maybe if I get rid of my husband, then that would do it. Or if I move to another part of the world, then that will do it. Or if I find the spiritual technique or the plant medicine, then that will do it. Or I find the right teacher, then that will do it. And it's just, it's always the next thing, the next thing. It's always out in the future, it's always somewhere else, but right here, right now.

Speaker 1:

Look, let's take a minute. Look at your life, look at where you're waiting for something to happen for you to claim your own holiness, your own expansiveness, your own vastness, your own unlimitedness as a powerful creator. I can't feel happy until I can't feel fulfilled. Until I can't feel fulfilled, until I can't feel secure, until I can't feel courageous, until I can't feel at peace, until this situation resolves itself. It's all lies. Honestly, we're lying to ourselves and Jeshua says right here, right now, you are in the holiest of temples, your capital S self. You abide in the perfect moment for your transformation. Nothing limits you at all or at any time.

Speaker 1:

The power of the freedom of choice is in italics is the essence of Christ. Let me read that again the power of the freedom of choice is the essence of Christ, and the very power that you have been using to try to convince yourself of your limitations is exactly the same power that I have used to overcome death. There is no difference except a wink of an eye, an intention, a commitment, a recognition. That is all In reality, nothing is impossible to you and nothing unavailable to you. Wow, now, that is a empowering, challenging message that we're getting.

Speaker 1:

Stop using excuses, stop saying it's out there, you're never going to find it. I think there's a line in A Course in Miracles that says seek and do not find. So many people identify as spiritual seekers. They're always seeking, so they're never finding. Jeshua's saying it's right here, right now. Now, be one who has found, start to identify as one I have found.

Speaker 1:

Be so bold, so crazy, dare to say that you have found the christ and be the christ, the love, be the love that you are in any situation. If you're not sure what that looks like, ask. Spirit, holy spirit, god, jeshua, saints, show me what love is here. Use me love. How can I speak words of love? How can I be the most loving in this situation and then listen and honor whatever's coming through? But you don't have to go anywhere. You don't have to make any amount of money, you don't have to be a certain way, you don't have to lose any weight, you don't have to have a certain amount of relationship. Kids, whatever.

Speaker 1:

You're in the holiest of temples right now, which is yourself, and you abide in the perfect moment for your transformation. Your dirty dishes is your ashram. Your 10 pounds overweight is your ashram. Your work and the relationships with your colleagues or your clients is your ashram. Your work and the relationships with your colleagues or your clients is your ashram. Your arguments or challenges or conflicts you have with your spouse or significant other is your ashram. Your relationship with your kids, if it's great or if it's bad, whatever it is, it is your ashram. There's no right way to go through life and the challenges are not bad things. They are the way through. Your soul has called and created the challenges for you. Use them, see them as gifts and blessings. They're your ashram. Your car that breaks down is your ashram. The meeting that you missed because you overslept, because you're overwhelmed and stressed and in freeze mode, is your ashram.

Speaker 1:

The health challenge that you're having right now is your ashram. Go in it, go into it, into it within yourself, in your body, feel it in your heart, in your mind, ask, Be curious, use it. Nothing limits you at all or at any time, not a thing, not a person, not a situation, not a hardship or a challenge. You're only calling it a hardship because all events are neutral. It's a thing that's happening. The hardship is in how you are perceiving it, in the story you're telling yourself about it. When people say I'm on the struggle bus, well, yeah, because you're calling it a struggle bus. What is the struggle? There's something way that you're holding in your mind that is holding it as a struggle. So you're going to experience that as a struggle. If you say this is a lesson, this is a gift for me, you're going to experience it as such. You get to create your experience, not circumstance, not what happens, because that's just neutral.

Speaker 1:

The power it is a power to choose, the freedom of choice we are free to choose and that's a power we have. It's a gift we've been given to choose. That's the essence of Christ, because you are a powerful creator. You cannot help but creating. You have all the free will. But the one thing you can't have free will over is that you are creating. Whether you like it or not, whether you realize it or not, you are a ceaseless creator. It's what you are. You're not a human being, you're a creator. You create through your consciousness. So what do you want to create? It's that simple. And if you don't like what you're creating, don't judge yourself, don't make yourself wrong. Just look at it innocently and inquire where did this come from? Why did I create this? Do I like this? Let me make a different choice. You're not bound by your past creations. You can create anew. You can drop new pebbles in any given moment.

Speaker 1:

We're referencing now lesson eight. It all ties in together. It's all the same message what you choose is the Christ. It's the essence of the Christ. That's it. It's just all choice. When you make the full commitment to just choose God, choose love, choose the Holy Spirit, choose love, that's it. Then it doesn't matter what's happening, it doesn't matter the form, because the content is love and your choice, that's it. Then it doesn't matter what's happening. It doesn't matter the form, because the content is love and your choice. That's it.

Speaker 1:

The very power that you've been using to convince yourself you're a victim, you're weak, you're helpless, you're unworthy, is the same power that you can choose to create empowerment, the opposite of those things. Go from victim to victor, go from weak to strong, Go from lacking to wholeness, from fear to love, from fear to faith. Jesher says the same power is the one I use to overcome death, because death isn't real, it's an illusion, it's a fear, it's a misunderstanding. There's no difference between what I did and am doing and what you are doing. We're doing the same thing, except then he has a little fun with us. The wink of an eye, an intention, a commitment. Then he has a little fun with us. The wink of an eye, an intention, a commitment, a recognition. That's all.

Speaker 1:

In reality, nothing is impossible to you, nothing is unavailable to you. Now the ego mind, who inherently feels lacking, sees this and says well, if nothing's impossible, why don't I have more money? Why don't I have the relationship that I want? Why don't I have the health that I want? Why are these bad things happening? And the ego labels them bad? So the ego argues for its own limitation and guess what? It wins every single time, because life just says yes, you're right. You feel like you're not enough. You're right. Here's more experiences of feeling like you're not enough. There's nothing outside of you that's going to make you feel enough. You have to claim that for yourself. No one person's going to bestow that upon you, because it's already. Your enoughness is not an issue. You're alive, you exist. So there's nothing that's impossible to you. It's nothing that's unavailable to you.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua is not just talking about here as a human being. He's talking about a soul. He's talking about what you are and inviting you into, into that truth. And we can know this now. We don't have to wait until we leave the physical form and expand in our consciousness and be like oh, I'm still alive and I don't need money and I don't need food. I'm still alive, my survival is not at issue. Oh, I'm okay, now let's go back in there. Right, we can have that experience now, but not if we're identifying as the body-mind, not if we're in survival mode. You are unlimited spirit and Jeshua and the lineage it's not just him so many beings loving on us every moment when we're really struggling. There's no judgment, there's only love, but there's a path.

Speaker 1:

When you feel like you're in the darkness, you feel like you're alone, you feel like you don't know where to go, this is a way that's been lighted, that's, that's guiding you home to yourself. When we wake up, we realize we, we, we did a journey to nowhere. We went on this big, long journey back to ourself. It's always been within us. We remember we. We don't find something new. Jesus is helping us remember who we already are, what we already are, and maybe many of us have had glimpses of that, experiences of that. Maybe it's not lasting, but we know that it's there and we want more and more and more of it and we're willing to commit more and more and more to it. It's not a destination to get to. It's a waking up of where we already are and we're being shown the way, we're being given exercises and things that will help us believe more and more and more.

Speaker 1:

So, love you guys, thanks for being on this journey with me. I don't know what I'm doing. I love this teaching. I love Jesus I would say non-religious Jesus, whatever the heck that means, but I love Jeshua, his love, these words, they sing in my heart. This book, this message, many other books too, but this one in particular, um, sings in my heart and I just like talking about it, I like sharing it, I like living it and um. So thanks for being on the journey and we'll see you next time.

Unlimited Consciousness and Soul Plan
Awakening to Unlimited Consciousness
Journey of Teaching and Love