Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: You can learn to direct energies

April 15, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 286
Lesson 13: You can learn to direct energies
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: You can learn to direct energies
Apr 15, 2024 Season 13 Episode 286
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 16-22

Prepare to embrace the extraordinary truth that your being stretches far beyond the confines of physicality and time. 

Ever pondered the sheer magnitude of your influence and the choices that shape your journey? This discussion weaves through self-empowerment and the ease with which we can direct energy. As we reconcile the fear of embracing our inner Christ Self with the joy of acting as conduits for love and the divine, you'll be inspired to take ownership of your experiences and the miraculous potential that lies within.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 16-22

Prepare to embrace the extraordinary truth that your being stretches far beyond the confines of physicality and time. 

Ever pondered the sheer magnitude of your influence and the choices that shape your journey? This discussion weaves through self-empowerment and the ease with which we can direct energy. As we reconcile the fear of embracing our inner Christ Self with the joy of acting as conduits for love and the divine, you'll be inspired to take ownership of your experiences and the miraculous potential that lies within.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend. And today we continue with lesson 13, titled you Are Unlimited Spirit. That's it, that's all that needs to be said. You are unlimited spirit. You're not a body, mind, you're not a personality, you're not your past, you're not anything that's happened to you. You are unlimited spirit. And we continue with section three, titled Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness.

Speaker 1:

This is what Jeshua isetched to our small, personal, ego-thinking brain, and yet it is what we are, and so we're being invited into growing this awareness of ourselves in ourselves, to have a different experience, to be that which we were created to be. So here we go. We're diving back in paragraph 16, where Jeshua continues. The way of transformation is much simpler than you think, but again, it rests on your decision to use time to be wholly committed to awakening from the narrow constraints you have placed upon your vast field of consciousness, for no other reason than it might be rather entertaining to allow this tiny little ray to continue in space and time for a while, while being aware of the totality of your capital S self and actually operating from that totality. So, again, it's this idea that we are so much more than we think we are. And that's the meditation we're given in this lesson, which is I am not what I have perceived myself to be, and I open up to a whole vast other dimensions of experience. And so we have to start thinking of yourself, start opening to these feelings, to these ideas that you are, consciousness, your awareness itself that gets to direct its attention.

Speaker 1:

And the analogy that Jesher uses he's kind of used two different ones, which is the drop of foam at the tip of a wave of the ocean that thinks it's separate, the little foam that thinks it's separate from the ocean, of the ocean that thinks it's separate, the little foam that thinks it's separate from the ocean. That's one analogy. And another analogy he's using and he mixes them in this section is the tiny little ray of light that thinks it's separate from the entire sun, but it's just an extension of the sun. So the way of transformation is so much simpler than the brain makes it out to be. Well, that's impossible. I can't do that. I don't have special powers, I'm not special. This is just magic. This isn't real.

Speaker 1:

All the things that we say to ourselves to convince ourselves or to doubt ourselves because we are choosing not to see and own what we really are. But Yeshua is holding the mirror right back up to us saying yes, you are this, you are the same as me, we are the Christ, we are the one creation of God. But it rests on your decision to use time, this idea of using time to awaken, to be wholly committed to awakening. We can't be half committed, we can't even be 99.9% committed, because when things get challenging, if we're not fully all in and things get hard, we've given ourselves an out, even if it's 1%, we've left the door open just a crack. So when things get hard, I'm opening the door, I'm bailing. We've all been there, we've all done that to ourselves and we also have all done something where we've said I'm all in, no matter what, and when things got hard, we stayed in it and we found a way, or we just fought through it.

Speaker 1:

And this is what we're being invited into to fully commit, wholeheartedly to using time differently than we've been using, which is to be a victim, to be constantly searching out there, which it's an illusion, because the whole thing, the whole thing, is a projection of consciousness. It's a projection of consciousness, of awareness. So we hold the thought, we drop a pebble. We we give value to something, which we decide what has value, and we drop the pebbles. We obviously don't realize we're doing. This is happening subconsciously. We keep dropping these pebbles, valuing these thoughts, and a lot of them were given to us.

Speaker 1:

Life's not fair. See, look, life's not fair. Life's not fair. Life's not fair. A whole culture of people can believe life's not fair. We're the victims, victims, whatever it is. Money doesn't grow in trees. You've got to fight to survive. Whatever the thoughts are that we're valuing, that we've made important and real again, again by our choice, and then we project it out and our experience reflects it back to us.

Speaker 1:

But we don't see that we're the projector of the movie. We think that what we see on the screen is out there and we're reacting to it, when really we're creating it the whole time, so we can make the decision to use time, everything that happens in this dimension of space and time for our awakening, it's not happening to us, it's happening for us and, even higher level, it's happening from us. For no other reason than it might be rather entertaining to allow this tiny little ray, this ego, little self, to continue in space and time for a while, because all things in time are temporary by definition, while being aware of the totality of yourself. So you get to be in a body, but not of the body. You get to be in the world but not of the world, and you are awake, you know who you really are. It's like Neo when he wakes up in the Matrix, he knows when he's in the Matrix this is not real, but he's still aware of his whole self. And that's what we're being invited into and living in the world as the totality of the capital S self.

Speaker 1:

This was the life and is the life of Jeshua, jesus, the Christ and many awakened masters that are awake to what's happening and they don't get caught up in the dream. And he says can you imagine living like that? Can you imagine your body-mind driving its little automobile down the road? But every time you pull up to your red light and you notice someone next to you, you do not perceive another body. You will still see the automobile. You will still see the automobile, you will still see the body, but what you are feeling, what you are knowing and what you are seeing is that this is an infinite field of consciousness, just like you are, and that their mind field touches yours throughout all dimensions and that you are Christ and you can transmit wisdom and love to them. Bam, can you imagine that You're a barista at Starbucks?

Speaker 1:

You don't see them as a person. You don't see them as a race or a gender or an age or a person with a history and a past. I mean, you acknowledge all those things, but you're really seeing that they are a consciousness that is projecting itself into form. How amazing is that? And you can feel and know things about that consciousness because you are connected with them throughout all dimensions and all of creation and they're infinite, just like you. And if you are the Christ, they are the Christ and you can transmit wisdom and love to them. And whether their conscious mind recognizes that, that doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

I think on some level, when you send love to someone, they feel it, even if consciously. Oh, all of a sudden, I can realize that my friend on the other side of the're choosing to be, when we extend love and wisdom, there's nothing to do with the other person. If you think it does, if you're like, oh, I'm going to extend love to them to fix them because they're broken, that's a totally whacked out point of view in spirit. It's not true. They're not broken. Their human experience is going through something challenging, but their soul is unscathed, untouched, forever, perfect, whole, unlimited, forever. So you think you're doing a nice thing by trying to fix someone by sending love, but you're actually really not. You're actually, you're confused about who they are. Now, if you're sending love just because that's what you are and it feels good to send love, and you want to extend love to bless the other person just because in their perfectness, hey, I know on one level your body, mind is really going through some hard times, but I'm blessing you and loving you because you're my brother and we're perfect in Christ, even though we're living in this dream together. That's not trying to fix anything. That's recognizing the divine within the soul, the essence of that other consciousness, infinite consciousness. That they're just choosing to have this experience on some level for the growth of it or for the joy of it, who knows?

Speaker 1:

Again, if you play a video game and it's so easy, you play on the easiest level. It's not fun, so you want to play, maybe on the medium level, and then you master that it's not really fun anymore, it gets boring. So then you create a harder level, you go into extreme. So why wouldn't the same apply to us? In consciousness, maybe you've lived a thousand lives of grace and ease and all of a sudden like, hey, I want a little more challenge, I want to figure things. You know, I want to like, grow more, I want to have more perceived limitation that forces me to get more creative or forces me to learn a little bit more or deepen or expand more.

Speaker 1:

But yet we judge our own life. How do you know? Your life isn't exactly what you've asked for. In truth it is. So stop judging it, stop wishing away your problems when your quote-unquote problems are the challenges that you've asked for to grow through.

Speaker 1:

If you see them like that, it changes the entire game. It doesn't mean it's not still hard. You can acknowledge this is really hard for a part of me. A part of me doesn't like this, and which part is that. It's the ego self, it's the victim self, it's the part of me that has this insane idea that I'm not powerful, that I'm at the mercy of things outside of me, that I'm not the creator of my experience. That's just a very small part of me, and I've created my experience of these hardships in my life, to see through that, to grow through that, to wake up and remember the truth. And how amazing is that? And when I remember what I already know? And it's a journey to nowhere because in truth I'm already in heaven, so to speak, always. I can't leave, you can't leave heaven, and by the very power of your consciousness, you can create experiences. That's the gift. So we're so quick to judge our life, we're so quick to judge ourselves, we're so quick to have this, as Jeshua says, this very narrow constraint of consciousness. But we're being shown another way.

Speaker 1:

Holly, freaking Luya, jeshua, as we continue, says you can learn to direct energies. You might see them as a certain color, you can touch their field, their auric field. You can send healing to the organs of the body that you can see are perhaps a little out of whack. You can be the embodiment, in space and time, of that self, capital S self, that is so vast, so grand, so filled with extraordinary power that all you can do is smile, perhaps unseen and unrecognized by those who themselves have become unwittingly identified with a tiny little drop of foam which is part of the wave, which is part of the ocean of their capital S self. Fuck, yes, baby, this is what's available to us and we can let I know.

Speaker 1:

For me, I, you know there's a very. Again, the ego, small self part of me is like when's this going to happen for me? When can I start doing this and I want it now. And this isn't realistic. And comparing myself to other people who can do these things, well, jeshua can do these things, but I'm not him. Oh my God. And if I, even if I think I'm him, people are going to call me a sinner and a blasphemer and and I'm they bad? And who am I to get too big for my britches and stay humble and all this crap?

Speaker 1:

No, jesuit, from his own words, his own mind, is giving us the path, the way you can learn to direct energies. It's not rocket science. This is something we teach in, uh the way, in our revelation breathwork, facilitator training. It's not rocket science. So many people think, oh, I got to go through all these trainings and initiations and fine. And I think that denies who you are. It denies who you are. You are powerful, you are love, you are consciousness. You can direct energies right now through sending light in your consciousness to someone sending loving energy. You can't see it. You can't see Wi-Fi waves, you believe in those, believe that you can direct and send loving energy. And of course, there's all these science experiments that prove what Jeshua is saying. Right now they do it in the schools. They take two plants, they put one and they say loving words to the plants and they play mozart music to it, and the plant flourishes. They take another plant and they say horrible, mean things to it and the plant withers and dies.

Speaker 1:

The hidden messages in water by dr uh imasu maroto and I totally butchered his name and I apologize, but I'm in the flow, so let's keep going. But the hidden messages in water Google, if you've never heard of it. They take water, they put it in a freezer or a refrigerator, they it's distilled and they put messages on the bottles. But it's not the words, not the ink on the, on the tape that they tape to the bottle. It's the intention, it's the energy of gratitude, of love or of I hate you. And then they would photograph the crystals of the water and the ones that were I love you and gratitude and peace be with you. Those were beautiful, symmetrical, amazing crystals, and the water that was I hate you. You're the worst. Whatever was negative. It was all gross.

Speaker 1:

So it's like you are powerful. You can tell when someone's really judging you and you're in their presence. They don't have to say a word. You can feel it. This stuff is real. And the more you buy in, the more you experience it, because if you don't want to buy in, you're not going to experience it.

Speaker 1:

And the more you buy in, the more you experience it. And the more you buy in, the more you experience it. You can learn to direct energy. Send it with your consciousness, send loving vibes, energy, light, whatever works for you, whatever way helps you to believe. You know you can buy into the most. Send that to another person. That's why the power of prayer works. And again, all these scientific researches and all these things around healing all prove prayer works. You might see it as a certain color. Everyone experiences it differently. You can touch their field, their auric field, with love. You can send healing to the organs of the body that, as you develop this ability, as you wake up to this, you can see the organs are perhaps a little out of whack. I've worked with healers that can do this, that have done this, that have done like light soul surgery on parts of my body that are out of alignment. They're not actually doing anything like with a knife and a scapel and all that stuff. They're doing it in consciousness.

Speaker 1:

You can be the embodiment in space and time of that self, the capital S self, the Christ self, which is who you are. That's so vast, so grand, so filled with extraordinary power that all you can do is smile Because again, the keys to the kingdom. You're living in humility. You know that of myself I do nothing but through God. All things are possible when I'm a vessel, on a channel for love for God, for the universe to move through me, to be of service God. All things are possible when I'm a vessel and a channel for love for God, for the universe to move through me to be of service. All things are possible. You can move mountains, perhaps unseen and unrecognized by others who have become unwittingly identified with a little tiny drop of foam, with the ego. They're still asleep and think they're still a body and they suffer the effects of that. I guess you could say and that's okay, have love and compassion, because we've been asleep and in many ways there's days where we're asleep for years, months, and we're in the process, we're on the way of mastery, practicing this every day, to live awake more and more and more. Not because it's good and bad, it's just a different experience that we want to have. More, father, I want all of you.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua continues, but what they choose does not influence your choice. This is so key. But what they choose does not influence your choice. Listen very carefully. What another chooses does not influence your choice at all, even when it seems like it.

Speaker 1:

It is not even accurate to say, oh well, I fell under the influence of so-and-so and so-and-so, I went a little unconscious, that's why it happened. I gave up myself. You can't even say that, because we go back to the first axiom Nothing comes into your experience without your permission, without allowing it. Everything I experience, I have created that experience for myself. It all comes back to that. That is the ultimate ownership, the ultimate responsibility, the ultimate freedom, the ultimate empowering message of all time. That is why, jeshua, maybe the church is a cult where there's one big leader and you got to bow down to the leader and do that.

Speaker 1:

But Jeshua, jesus, the Christ, was not out to create any cult where there's a leader at the head and you give yourself over to the cult, to the leader. That's never been his message ever. That's not the message of the way of mastery, that's not the message of any true teacher. Any true teacher is empowering you to wake up to the kingdom of God within you, to the Christ that is within you, whether you use the word Christ or not. There's other words and other traditions, but the idea is that it's within you. So what anyone else chooses does not affect you. This is radical to the world. Again, this message, this teaching and this specific message, because the victim says I am at the mercy of things people affects outside of me, and that's that's the belief. So what someone else? And this is the world we live in. Oh, my God, this is the world that we live in right now and this just creates more and more victimhood and, uh, victim victimhood. Oh, look what you did to me, look what they're doing to us.

Speaker 1:

What someone else chooses does not influence your choice, because you are the power to choose where you will reside. Viktor Frankl, nazi concentration camp, the man's search for meaning, the book, man's Search for Meaning. The greatest of human freedoms, the last of human freedoms, is the power to choose your perception, your experience, no matter what is happening. The freedom to choose your own experience between stimulants and response is a choice. That is the last of human freedoms to choose your own way. It's the same thing as what Christ was saying, and you are Christ.

Speaker 1:

What someone else chooses does not influence your choice. Tattoo that in your brain and he says it again. Listen very carefully. What another chooses does not influence your choice at all, even when it seems like it. You are the master of your domain. You are a sovereign being that gets to choose where you will reside, what you want to value and invest in and think and believe and what you will do. Even if you're in reaction mode, you're choosing that. You're never a victim to the world, you see.

Speaker 1:

So look at your life right now. This is where we apply this stuff. Look at your life. Where might you be saying inside? You might be saying it out loud, but where might you be saying or feeling that someone else's choice is influencing your choice and that's it. That that's a key word there influence, because you could say someone else's choice kind of forces my choice, but influence isn't even that. Commanding. Influence is like well, they influenced me, I still made the well. They influenced me, I still made the choice, but they influenced me, jeshur, saying nope, not even that you cannot be influenced, because you always choose. It's your choice, no exceptions, and you get to choose. If someone even influences you, if you will allow their opinion or their action to influence you, you choose that you have ultimate sovereignty.

Speaker 1:

This is radical, we can't say this enough, and a part of us hates it. The part of us that wants to be a victim, the part of us that wants to believe we're powerless or we're separate or whatever, afraid, wants to argue with this and disagree with this and look for all the evidence against this. Oh well, I fell under the influence of so-and-so and so-and-so. I went a little unconscious. That's why it's happened. I gave up myself. I'll continue in the next paragraph. No, no, no, with an exclamation point.

Speaker 1:

In every moment of your experience, what you experience is coming from within you. In italics. It is not placed in you from a source outside of yourself. It is not placed in you from a source outside of yourself. In every moment, you remain free to observe and to notice whether you are having a good time, being where you are. That is, being in your perception of life and recognizing you have the power to think differently. I mean, this is freedom. Just think about what this message is saying to us. Oh my gosh, it is the good news. No, you are not at the mercy of anyone else. In every moment of your experience, in every single moment, with that exception, what you experience is coming from within you. So reverse engineer it. What are you experiencing right now in a part of your life that you don't like, that you're blaming someone else for? Could be the economy, could be the government, could be your partner, your spouse, it could be your parents, it could be your lineage. Well, I came from a bunch of people who are male pattern baldness, so it's not my fault that I've got baldness Now. Maybe you can't choose to all of a sudden grow your hair. Maybe you could.

Speaker 1:

Side note, I'm going to get off on a tangent here and forget where I'm going, but anyway, side note, when I was working for the San Diego Padres, I was learning from Dr Joe Dispenza, if you're familiar with him, and I think his work is great. I think he's great and I was fortunate enough, because I worked at the Padres, to be able to see if Dr Joe maybe would be a good fit to bring in as a guest to teach some of his work to our players, to our organization, and so when I went to one of his workshops, I had lunch with him a couple of times and we would discuss how would we work this into baseball and so. But I got to meet him and have lunch with him, which is kind of special. But I asked him I was in the car with him and some of his employees as we were driving from the event to the dinner, and I asked him has anyone ever used your techniques in this work to manifest growing their hair back, like because I was going bald? And he said not that I know of. And so the skeptical part of me was like, oh see, this work is bullshit, because if you can heal cancer, if you can heal all these illnesses, why can't you heal going bald? But I obviously I didn't say anything, um and uh, I just thought that was funny. So because I do believe in all these things the power of not positive thinking, but what, what this is a love, and how your thoughts and your energy can influence and shift and heal, so maybe that could be a long-term project for me. I actually don't mind being bald, so I actually embrace it. So, unless I'm really bought into it, maybe it's not going to work, but anyways, I thought that was a fun story. So back to this.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua is saying in every moment of your experience, what you experience is coming from within you. It's not placed in you from a source outside of yourself. Now, if you read a book and it plants a seed, where'd that book come from? Randomly, did the book just show up randomly in your life? There's nothing random. We've already been told that and on some level, I mean that's what I truly believe that nothing is random in this life Because, again, it's all a projection of your consciousness and there's many layers of consciousness. There's so many things we're unaware of that are subconscious, of mastery. It's this.

Speaker 1:

I didn't write the way of mastery that's coming from outside in. Well, I would disagree. I would say that on some level, you did write the way of mastery, but I would also say that your consciousness chose to wake up and the vehicle of the waking up was the way of mastery. So you invited it into your life. It didn't come from outside in, it's already within you and it projected it outside and then called it back to yourself. Ultimate ownership it's not placed in you from a source outside. There's nothing outside of yourself too. If it's all ocean, there's nothing outside the ocean. It's all ocean In every moment. You remain free to observe and to notice whether you are having a good time being where you are. So if you're not having a good time being where you are, that is your perception of life.

Speaker 1:

If you are struggling, you the word struggle is a made-up word. So when you say and tony robbins does this all the time I think it's neurolinguistic programming, nlp the words you use have energy, have an effect to you. So if you say I'm struggling, that means something to you and you're, in a way, suffering the effects of that meaning You're creating. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you say I'm learning and growing every day, somebody could say I'm struggling so bad. And somebody else could be going through the same thing and saying I'm learning and growing right through this experience. Which one do you think is going to learn and grow through the experience and have more grace and have more peace during the experience? Of course, the person who's saying I'm learning and growing, not the person saying I'm struggling, this sucks your words, which is really your words, are a reflection of your energy, of your choice, of your consciousness, creates your experience.

Speaker 1:

All effects, all events are neutral. Sorry, all events are neutral. You experience the effects of your thoughts. All events are neutral. All people, all places, all things, all events are neutral. Repeat that over and over again All events are neutral. And remember what else Jeshua says. But no thought is neutral. Every thought has an energy to it and you experience the effect of that thought and the world mirrors back and brings back to you and you drop the pebble and the ripples go out and come back to you as you reap. Is that the right thing? As you reap, you shall sow. As you sow, you shall reap. Or the book as a man Thinketh, as you think, you will experience the effects of that Rose-colored glasses. It's all the same thing and so many said in so many different ways. So let's continue and finish these last two short paragraphs.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua says, for example, quote oh, that's right, I'm not in a traffic jam. There's no such thing as a traffic jam. Everything is perfect. There is just a giant weaving together of experiences, of infinite souls. So while I sit here in this little car with this funny little body, I'm going to be Christ, I'm going to tap in to what's going on around the edges of my awareness. I'll feel the thoughts of anyone I choose to direct attention to and, from the depth of my being, I will direct love to them. I can choose to be the truth of who I am. The red light, the automobiles, all jangled together, these things do not create my experience. My experience is flowing from within. It is being extended outward. End quote.

Speaker 1:

Read that every morning if you need to, if you're feeling down, read that every morning Again. What's a traffic jam? It's a word you make up. That if you associate as a bad, negative thing, it's an inconvenience, it's this, it's pollution, it's a waste of my time, that's what you're going to experience. You're going to experience frustration and despair and victimhood to the traffic jam and all these other things because you named it. What you name, you experience.

Speaker 1:

So Jeshua is giving us a great common example. But you can easily say everything is perfect and believe it, and then everything is perfect. Sitting in your car, not moving, is perfect. Why not? Who says it's not? And this is just a giant weaving together, a tapestry of experiences of infinite souls. We're not survival mode, we're not a body-mind, so we're just having this temporary experience of being here together doing this thing, and I'm going to get curious. I'm going to be Christ.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take my attention from outside, go within and tap into what's going around on the edges of my awareness. Oh, let me look at that lady in that car over there. Let me feel the thoughts of her, because I can choose to direct my attention to her. Let me feel her thoughts. Now part of me is going to say you're crazy, you're making this up. But the more I believe, the more I am open to say you're crazy, you're making this up, but the more I believe, the more I'm open to. If you're not open minded, you're not going to learn anything. We know that. But if you're open minded, you might learn something. You might experience something All of a sudden. Now I'm open to it and I get to send love to that lady. Oh, look, I can see her struggling sudden of this weird thing that she's going through some like she's having some kidney issues. Now my brain's like that's crazy. What are you talking about? I don't know. But OK, that came in.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to bless her kidneys and send love and light to her kidneys and to not just her kidneys as a physical thing, but what's going on in her life, where it's manifesting in her kidneys? What do the kidneys do? Don't they filter things? Aren't they filters? Where is she having a trouble maybe filtering in her life? So I'm going to send love to the consciousness that is creating and manifesting back to her kidney challenges, not to fix them, but just to love that part of her that's having that temporary human experience, recognizing that she's a Christ just like me, and I'm going to love her because of that. I'll direct love to them. I'm going to love her. Because of that, I'll direct love to them.

Speaker 1:

I can choose to be the truth of who I am, regardless of if I'm in traffic, if I'm in prison, if I had my left arm amputated, if my child just died. Of course I'm using very extreme circumstances. If I just lose my job, no matter what's happening, if I just lost money in the stock market, whatever it is, I got into a car accident, I gained 10 pounds over the holidays. I get to choose to be the truth of who I am. All of this is just energy, consciousness all jangled up together, and these things do not create my experience. My experience is flowing from within and it is being extended outward by me, by my choice to extend and be the presence of love in all directions, in all dimensions, in all ways.

Speaker 1:

This is how jeshua lived and he will, and he says he learned these things and now he's teaching us and showing us the way. So have patience with yourself. This is a process and we're on this journey together. We're opening our mind with new, with new they're they're not really new thoughts and ideas, because we remember they're old thoughts, they're just truth that we're opening up to and and and using. We're using and choosing these truths to remember who we are and to wake up so that we can be that which we were created to be this Christ, this wave of love in the ocean of love that is here to extend the good, the holy and the beautiful. That's the whole purpose of our existence to be God-informed, to be light, spread the good, the holy and the beautiful in all ways. That's it, and we've fallen asleep in the matrix, but we're waking up, hallelujah. Thank you Jesus, thank you Buddha, thank you Krishna, thank you Archangel, michael or Saint Germain or whatever teachers you have Anthony DeMello, joel Goldsmith, deepak Chopra, whoever it is Luke Skywalker might be one of your teachers who knows Yoda, but that's what we're doing here and that's amazing. I love you guys. Thanks for being on the journey.

Speaker 1:

If you get value from the podcast, please like or subscribe or share with someone that you care about. And if you can go to Apple Podcasts and give us a good review and write a very short comment, take two minutes. That would be so great. And if you want information on living the way of mastery our year-long program where we go 12 months, a lesson a month, through the way of the heart, lesson one through lesson 12 in a year. That's a commitment, but we're not just studying the way, we're applying it, we're discussing it, we're seeing how it's playing out in our lives. It's the ultimate way of mastery coaching group because it's practical. It's your life and your life will transform because you will transform and you'll use your very daily life to transform.

Speaker 1:

It's incredible. It's my favorite thing the group right now we're in the middle of the 10 month. It's incredible. It's my favorite thing. The group right now. We're in the middle of the 10 month. It's awesome and yeah, thanks. If you want to send me an email, I'd love to say hi, just to know that you're listening, wherever you are in the world. Hello at revelation. Breath, work calm and Love you guys so much. I'll talk to you soon.

Unlimited Spirit
The Power of Choice and Influence
Power of Thoughts and Manifestation
Revelation Breathwork Global Connection