Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself

April 19, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 289
Lesson 13: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Apr 19, 2024 Season 13 Episode 289
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraphs: 1-4

Embark on a transformative exploration of self-awareness as we challenge the boundaries of self-imposed limitations. Have you ever considered that the phrase "I am" could be the key to unlocking a life without limits? Throughout this episode, we unravel subconscious patterns, dissect our self-constructed identities, and empower ourselves to shift from passive participants to conscious creators of our reality. Inspired by Jeshua's teachings, we dissect the art of personal narratives and how the power of our focus can manifest a new self, free from the constraints of our past creations.

This auditory journey isn't just about introspection; it's about radical responsibility and rewriting our life's 'squiggles.' As we tackle the notions of self-identity and the words that follow "I am," we realize they are more than just descriptors—they're the brushstrokes defining the canvas of our existence. This episode is an invitation to break free from the shackles of the painter we thought we were and embrace the true artist within, capable of crafting a masterpiece of boundless possibilities. Tune in to redefine your story, one where you stand as the unlimited spirit, ready to paint a new world of limitlessness.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraphs: 1-4

Embark on a transformative exploration of self-awareness as we challenge the boundaries of self-imposed limitations. Have you ever considered that the phrase "I am" could be the key to unlocking a life without limits? Throughout this episode, we unravel subconscious patterns, dissect our self-constructed identities, and empower ourselves to shift from passive participants to conscious creators of our reality. Inspired by Jeshua's teachings, we dissect the art of personal narratives and how the power of our focus can manifest a new self, free from the constraints of our past creations.

This auditory journey isn't just about introspection; it's about radical responsibility and rewriting our life's 'squiggles.' As we tackle the notions of self-identity and the words that follow "I am," we realize they are more than just descriptors—they're the brushstrokes defining the canvas of our existence. This episode is an invitation to break free from the shackles of the painter we thought we were and embrace the true artist within, capable of crafting a masterpiece of boundless possibilities. Tune in to redefine your story, one where you stand as the unlimited spirit, ready to paint a new world of limitlessness.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the daily study of the way of mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend. And today we continue lesson 13,. You Are Unlimited Spirit. Can't hear that enough. Put that on a loop, put it on in your headphones or on your phone when you fall asleep. Imagine falling asleep to that message. You are unlimited spirit. It goes against all of our kind of daily understandings. I don't feel unlimited. I definitely don't feel like a spirit. I'm a limited body. That's how we feel most of the time. So let's hear it over and over and over again and you can even say it I am unlimited spirit. We'll talk about in this episode today how important I am is, and these declarations are. And let's dive in as we begin.

Speaker 1:

Section five bringing awareness to the limiting definitions of yourself, of yourself. We can't change what we're not aware of right, our subconscious, unconscious behavior and patterns and belief systems. If we don't know they're in there, operating in the background. We can't make a change. We can't change it. So often our behavior seems almost out of our own control because we're not taking the time and having the intention to really slow down, feel our feelings around something, right. That's what most addictions are. It's. I don't want to feel, so I go to whatever the thing is to help me not feel, and then that feels good to not feel. So I start to get addicted to that. I want to go back to it over and over again because I'm avoiding feeling something, acknowledging something inside of myself. So I create some kind of substitute for that feeling so I don't have to feel. Could be video games, could be shopping, could be binge watching shows, could be pornography, could be alcohol, drugs, whatever. I think anything could be a vehicle for addiction if we're not feeling. So anyways, bringing awareness. We need awareness to the limiting definitions of yourself, and we're the ones who are creating the limiting definitions of ourselves, as we will see. But let's dive in. Jeshua begins.

Speaker 1:

The second stage in the way of transformation requires that you begin to bring awareness to the little squiggly lines that you have drawn on the white and unlimited and perfectly unblemished canvas of consciousness. Your psychologists would call these personalities or masks. Come to be aware of the little selves, in italics, the little selves you have created. Begin to ask yourself what am I defending? What am I continuing on a daily basis that no longer fulfills me? After all, I have been there. I have done that. How might I look upon these little selves, these little drops of foam on this temporary wave I have brought forth? How might I use them differently? I wonder if I could create a brand new one.

Speaker 1:

So this idea is so much of one of the core foundations of the entire way of mastery, one that you are a ceaseless creator, that you are not a victim to the world. You see, and you are responsible for every single experience. You are the creator of every experience that you have, and so we are being taught and shown the way to create consciously and to see how we've been creating, which is unconsciously, bring it into consciousness and then make a different choice. But we can't choose differently if we don't even see what we're doing. So this is the second stage of the way of transformation, and it requires it's not optional, it's mandatory. It requires that you have awareness of the little squiggly lines, your personalities, or masks, or the parts of you that are parts of the ego, the sense of separation, the sense of a personal small self. So you are pure consciousness.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua has been saying this consistently you are pure awareness, pure consciousness, with the power to choose where you focus your consciousness, your awareness. As you focus your awareness on something, it's like dropping a pebble into the quantum field, and the quantum field of life, of God, of the universe, only says yes. So you drop a pebble of what you're focusing on, the ripple goes out and it comes back to you and you experience the effect of what you're focusing on. Another way. Jeshua says that what you're valuing. So if you're focusing on, life is unfair, I'm a victim of the world. I see the quantum field. It goes out and the quantum field says yes, and it creates an experience that you have of that thought. The experience you have in your life maybe it's you get fired unjustly. The experience you have in your life maybe it's you get fired unjustly, the experience that you have, let's say, getting fired, is the effect of a deeper belief.

Speaker 1:

Most of us are not aware of that. We're focusing our consciousness and valuing this idea. It's just the thought that life is unfair, the universe says yes, brings us an experience. And then what we do is we say, see, I was right, life isn't fair, this thing happened to me. And we get more entrenched in that thought, we buy into it, we invest more of our attention and our energy into the thought and what you invest in. Where energy goes, where attention goes, energy flows, the universe says oh, you're, you're, you're putting more energy in this thought that life's not fair. Well, here you go, look at all this evidence. But we, we see the things happening in the evidence. We're like see, the evidence is the evidence of what I'm thinking.

Speaker 1:

And it's the other way around. We are the creator, we, you are the cause of what you're experiencing. It's not anything outside of you. And so you are vast, infinite, unlimited consciousness, a white, unlimited and perfectly unblemished canvas of consciousness. And then you get to paint your masterpiece. To quote John Wooden make every day your masterpiece. You are the masterpiece you get to create yourself. In a way, you get to create your experience.

Speaker 1:

And so that's what Jess was saying these little squiggly lines that we painted or that we put on this canvas, and not only do we put them there, we think that we are the line, we don't see, that we are the. We't take the, the, the infinite view, back the 30,000 foot view and be like oh, I'm the one who painted the squiggly lines, I'm not the squiggly line, I'm the painter, not the painting. I think I've used that analogy before you're the painter, not the painting. We get confused of who we are and we have an environment and parents and the world that is, uh, reinforcing this idea that, no, no, you are the painting. That's who you are, because that's how I experience you. You're a squiggly line. That's what I'm telling you. I see you as a squiggly line, so we just believe it.

Speaker 1:

Your psychologist would call these little squiggly lines personalities or masks, and we can have many personalities would call these little squiggly lines personalities or masks, and we can have many personalities. We can wear many masks, depending on the environment, depending on what we think will keep us safe. Maybe I act one way amongst my friends, but act a different way at the office. I act a different way in front of my in-laws and I act a different way in front of my kids. And when I'm alone by myself, where no one can see me, I act a different way and I behave a certain way. They're just masks. They're not the authentic self, they're just creations.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua says come to be aware of the little selves that you have created. That's important. That word's in italics the little selves. It's not the true self, the soul self of that's who and what you really are, this magnificent child wave of the ocean of love. You've literally been loved into expression, not as a body, as a personality. Your very existence of consciousness is an extension of the grand cosmic consciousness and you are that unique, individualized in in form, not in a body form, as a, as an individual consciousness, yet still part of the ocean connected to it all, the ocean of love, of life, of all things in existence. But we create these tiny little selves that we believe are so, so us. So the way to raise awareness is, jesher says just begin to ask yourself. You don't have to necessarily buy into it, but just begin, just start somewhere.

Speaker 1:

What am I defending? What am I defending? Ask yourself this question what am I defending? Another way to think about this is like what am I fighting for? If I think I need to fight for something, then in some way attack is just another form of defense. I'm defending against something inside, so I don't want to wait for the defense. So I got to attack you before. It's like preemptive, but it's still the two sides of the same coin. I think I'm vulnerable, so either I have to armor up and protect and defend, or I got to attack you so that you can't attack me, so I don't even need that much defense.

Speaker 1:

What are you fighting for With a lot of effort and energy and you're so convinced that it's the right thing to do, but you have to fight for it. What are you defending about yourself? Maybe you're trying to prove yourself to your parents. You're trying to prove yourself to your father, your mother. You're trying to prove yourself to the person you love. You're trying to prove yourself to yourself. I got to prove it Because if I'm wrong, then look, look what that says about me.

Speaker 1:

If I fail, look what it says about me. Then I am no good, then I am not enough. They were right or I was right. I've been calling myself not enough forever. If I can't succeed at this deep down, I'm right. I'm not enough right. That's what we fear. That's what we try and protect.

Speaker 1:

So what am I defending? Where do you need to be right? What am I continuing on a daily basis that no longer fulfills me? Scan your life. What are you doing every day that doesn't fulfill your soul? What are you doing every day that doesn't fulfill your soul?

Speaker 1:

When I, when I went in in this morning, the answer to me was social media. Now I don't spend a ton of time on social media, but I spend more time than I'd like just kind of scrolling through because it's it's new, it's different. It's like oh, what's what's new, what different? Like quick, little cheap dopamine hits Video swipe, video, swipe, video, swipe. It's not. It's entertaining, but it's like eating fast food. It has no nutritional value. Some of it does, maybe, like the Bashar videos and things like that. But then I get into like dumb stuff, like I like sports, but sometimes it's a distraction. Sometimes I like watch watching people gamble in Vegas. I like people winning. Sometimes I watch like sometimes stuff just pops up on my feed. That's like political stuff, or like random, like car act, not car accidents, but just like weird, like the dumb stuff, and it's so. Or comedians Excuse me, I like comedy, so that can be entertaining. But after a while it's like what the hell did I just do for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, it's like such a waste of time, especially like at night. So that was for me what I continue on a daily basis. That does not fulfill me.

Speaker 1:

What is yours? Ask yourself these questions so you can become aware. After all, I've been there, I've done that. How might I look upon these little selves and again, it's not little self. These things Jeshua was saying is plural. We have many personalities, we wear many masks, it's not just one. So how might I look upon these little selves, these little drops of foam, on this temporary wave that I have, the holy and the beautiful to creation, as an act of worship and love and gratitude? Then what am I doing? How am I to use these little creations I've made differently? And Jeshua says I wonder if I could create a brand new one. And Jeshua says I wonder if I could create a brand new one. Maybe I have a story, a little self of this little weak, helpless victim. I'm not enough. Maybe that served me at some point, I don't know, but I've created it, this personality of the. Oh, I'm not good enough. Woe is me. Life's hard. I wonder if I could create a brand new story that the whole.

Speaker 1:

Listen to this. Whatever your story is, it's a story and you're the author authenticity, authorship of your life. You are the one making it up. It's not solid, it's not set in stone. It up, it's not solid, it's not set in stone. No matter what anyone else confirms or believes about it or about you. You have the power to change yourself in any given moment. Behold, I make all things new. You're not at the mercy of what you've created in the past. Jeshua says that you're not the mercy of karma, you're not the mercy of your creations, for in any moment you can drop new pebbles. You can make a new declaration, a new creation, a new little self.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of the story of I'm not enough and I'm at the mercy of things and life is hard, how about? I am a child of God. I am imbued, inherently made in the image and likeness of my creator. I'm a powerful creator and where attention goes, energy flows. I'm going to put my attention on being an owner of my life, of really embracing what Jeshua was saying, of taking radical responsibility, of being really selective of what thoughts I entertain and invest in. What do I want to invest in? I'm not enough or I'm more than enough? I'm more than capable. I can learn, I can grow. I have lots of gifts to give. I want to make a difference. I want to see the abundance in life. I am unlimited spirit. Ooh, that's using your creative power to create a brand new little self.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua says why is this important? It's because of the squiggles you have drawn, for instance. Perhaps you would say to yourself well, I'm Mary Jane, I'm a vice president at a bank, I was born in such and such a city, my parents so-and-so and so-and-so, and I'd really be different, except my sister used to beat me when I was young. The second you define yourself. You constrain yourself within the parameters that you have chosen to value. Instantly, you create exactly the experience of the vibrations that are the effects of the squiggles. Think of those squiggles, the parameters of a little self, as the effect of certain pebbles that have been dropped into the pond of your consciousness. Once you draw the lines, certain effects flow from it.

Speaker 1:

So what is Jeshua saying here? Why is it important? What you say to yourself is everything. What you believe, what you choose to focus on and invest in, is everything. It creates your experience, and we often think we're at the mercy of that, we're at the effect of that, but we are the creator of it. You are so much more powerful than you realize and it's the squiggles that you have drawn.

Speaker 1:

This is important. No one else has drawn the squiggles in your life. Your mother can't, your father can't, your culture can't, the world can't, your body can't. You are drawing the squiggles. Every single thing that you've ever experienced has come from you, from your soul. Maybe not you consciously, why would I ever ask for all these bad things? Let's just appreciate that. But from a higher part of you, a greater part of you that maybe you can't see right now, but we're being invited to open up to and connect to and really see that that's our true self. But we're so busy in our brain we can't even connect to our true self. We can't even connect to our soul self because we're so busy living the dream. Not living the dream in a good way, but being in the dream, being in the matrix, thinking this is so real.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm Mary Jane. I'm a vice president at a bank. I was born in this city. My parents are so-and-so and I'd really like a different. I'd like to be different, but my sister used to beat me when I'm young, so this is how I am.

Speaker 1:

How many of us feel like that or have felt like that or right now are feeling like that? How do you we talked about this in a previous episode how do you define yourself when you define? What you define in a way creates a limitation. What you label creates a limitation. Oh, I'm this, I'm this, I'm this, I'm this and you are. Then you will experience however that label, whatever that label means to you. So if you say I'm a vice president at a bank, you might think that's a great thing, you might think that's important, you might feel that status, you might feel that makes you better than other people, you might feel like that makes you accomplish because you did something most people don't do, and then you feel better about yourself.

Speaker 1:

It's a different sense of. It's not humility. You're using it for specialness. Or I'm born in this city, and that means X, or my parents are this, and that it's not stating facts. It's like the meaning that you attach to it. You just keep limiting yourself when you are unlimited spirit.

Speaker 1:

Again, the analogy that just seems to make so much sense now is the painting versus the painter. You're not seeing that you're the painter. You're identifying with the painting itself when you can. Again, I love this analogy because a painter can make I'm painting this painting. Okay, I'm done with this painting. I'm going to move on and paint another painting. I'm halfway done with this painting. I don't want to finish it. I'm done with this painting, I'm going to move on and paint another painting. I'm halfway done with this painting. I don't want to finish it. I'm going to move on and start something else. I can't stop painting, but I always get to choose what I'm painting. I could paint something really light and light and I could paint something really dark. I could paint something that is both, but I'm the painter.

Speaker 1:

Look at your life like that. The second you define yourself. The second the moment, the instant you define yourself in any way, you constrain yourself within the parameters that you have chosen to value. It doesn't matter what any consensus is about the values You've chosen to value them doesn't matter if 99, the vast majority of the world, thinks that that makes sense, doesn't matter. There's no, there's. It's not right and wrong, it just, it just is. So you experience the moment you define yourself in any way, you're constraining yourself according to what you value.

Speaker 1:

Again, the life's not fair analogy I just used Instantly. Instantly, the second. You have a thought. It has a vibration. You experience the effect of that thought. Instantly, you create exactly the experience of the vibrations that are the effects of the squiggle. Think of those squiggles, the parameters of a little self, as the effect of certain pebbles that have been dropped into the pond of your consciousness by you. You've dropped them in. Once you draw the lines, once you put paint to canvas, you experience the effects of that paint. This is the story of you. You are creating the story of yourself. You can create a story of limitation and you can create a story of limitlessness. That's the best word, limitlessness because you can create whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

I love the quote. I love this quote. I am are the two most powerful words, for whatever you put after them becomes your reality. And think about it. We talked about this where Jeshua I don't remember again if it's Course in Miracles or the Way of Mastery where Jeshua is sharing.

Speaker 1:

When I was with my disciples, we would end conversations with God is. That was it, and we'd walk away. God is, because what else is there to say? Anything after that limits God. God is, it's the same as I am, I am. Anything I put after that is some qualification and some limitation in some way. Even if it's I am, love, it still limits in some way, but I am has no limit. So whenever we say I am, I just saw a video on Instagram of a mindset coach who's great.

Speaker 1:

His name is Peter Krohn and I think he's from Australia and he's telling a story about a man, a young man, who said I am claustrophobic. And he talks about how, when we say that, we don't even realize that we're limiting ourselves. I am claustrophobic, that's what you are. So of course you're going to experience and you're going to invest in that identity. We do that all the time. We invest in it, because that's my experience, it's what makes me me, my past, my history. I am claustrophobic. And then we limit our experience to that and Peter says you know that the, the.

Speaker 1:

The funny thing, in a way, is that that thought itself is claustrophobic. It's so limited and narrow and that's any thought that we have about ourselves. Even if we say I am great and grand, that's beautiful, but it's still limited because it's defined. We have some idea of definition of I am great and grand. So can we rest in the I am and and and see that that is not only enough, but it is, it's the only thing I am.

Speaker 1:

And notice, notice if you have any inclination to put something after that. Well, of course I am a man, I am Jason, I am a lawyer, I am a coach, I am a student of the way of mastery. Now, all of a sudden, that could be something that my ego loves. Well, I'm a spiritual seeker. We can place all these meanings, but anything after I am is some kind of limitation, and that's okay, to just acknowledge that.

Speaker 1:

And then it's like well, we're here to create, so we don't want you know, we don't really just want a blank white canvas, even if it's unlimited. We want to create. We're here to create, so let's create, let's paint, let's make a picture. So what kind of picture do you want to create of you? I'm a loser, I'm a sinner, I'm not enough, I'm lacking, I'm separate, I'm despicable, I'm disgusting, I'm unlovable.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us paint that picture. We don't even realize it. And then on top of it we try and paint oh, I'm great and I'm grand and I'm abundant, but underneath we still have that other painting there that we haven't acknowledged that it's there, we're not aware of it. We've tried to paint over it, but that paint is still on the canvas. So we're doing the inner work, the inner, the looking, the self-awareness work, the feeling, the embodiment, the somatic work to see. Ooh, that's under there, that's the shadow work, it's the stuff we don't want to look at, but we must. We must look at all of what we've created and own. That it's our creation and that's the good news because we can create a new and that's the good news because we can create a new.

Speaker 1:

This is the most empowering thing and it's got to be at a feeling level, right, like I remember growing up. They had an SNL Saturday Night Live skit with Al Franken and it was this skit where he's looking in a mirror and he's like I'm good enough, I love myself, and gosh darn it, I'm good enough. And he's, you know, whatever it was, it was like making fun of people who do affirmations. But if underneath that, you're feeling is I lack, I'm not enough, I'll never be wealthy. Who am I to be rich? Who am I to have money? Who am I to? Money is the root of all evil.

Speaker 1:

No-transcript acknowledgement. There's power in admitting yeah, there is a part of me, there's a part of me. It's not who I am. There's a part of the painting that I made that says I'm worthless, that says I'll never be wealthy, that says that wealthy people are better and I'm clearly not wealthy, so I'm clearly not better.

Speaker 1:

Whatever stories that we're telling about money, money is the root of all evil. Money doesn't grow in trees money. There's a lack of money. I don't deserve money, I don't deserve wealth, I don't deserve good things. I need to suffer, I need to struggle. Life is hard. Who am I to have an easy, graceful life when other people are struggling? All those things? We don't just acknowledge that they're there. We resist them. We don't want to feel them, we don't want to look at them, we're slaves to them. They run our lives literally. We don't even realize it. There's a power in just acknowledging. And then, do I like this painting? No, I want to create a new painting, one that is in line with my divine inheritance. I am pure creative consciousness. I'm pure energy. I'm a powerful creator.

Speaker 1:

There, over and over and over again, you keep dropping those pebbles. Versus the pebbles of well, look, there's no evidence that I'm worthy, that I'm abundant, so let's go back to this pebble dropping that of lack and limitation. No, there's a level of like, consistency and discipline and love and faith in creating a new story, and it seems to take time and time, and that's okay. That's where support comes in, that's where groups and coaches and sometimes good friends and people who love us and really support us. Come in because we all forget who we are. We all do support us. Come in because we all forget who we are. We all do.

Speaker 1:

So having someone to remind you, to see you the way you don't see yourself, to see you, truly is a gift, and I mean honestly. That's what one of the inspirations behind the living the way mastery year-long program is about living in this material for a year with a group of other people committed to this, and we forget. Having a group of other people reminding us and encouraging us. That's powerful. What would you be capable of creating in your life, in your relationship with yourself? How would it shift if you applied and lived this stuff in your daily life for a whole year, with all the things that happen over the course of a year? But you're anchored and rooted in this teaching, in the challenging work of applying it, in the hard parts of our life that reveal the pictures we've been painting, and having a group of people on that same journey with you. Most people don't have a person like that in their life. They're searching, seeking for that. It's right here in front of you, both in the podcast and in this group.

Speaker 1:

So if you want more information, check it out in the show notes or send me an email. Hello at revelationbreathworkcom. It's a big investment of time, of energy, of finances for some people and I know that if you, if, if you feel called to this and you commit, it will change your life 100, and I love hanging with people in spaces like this. The commitment is so inspiring. I love you guys. I hope you got value from this episode today. It's such a joy to be on this journey with you. If you get value from this, if you thought of someone during this episode, share this episode with them. You don't have to know why you thought of them or what they might think. If you share it with them, just say hey, you popped into my awareness while I was listening to this, so I awareness while I was listening to this, so I just want to share this with you and then just let it be. Who knows if they'll ever listen. All right, love you guys, have an amazing day and we'll see you next time.

Unlimited Self
Creating a Brand New Self
Creating a New Story of Limitlessness