Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: Begin To Shift Your Identification

April 22, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 290
Lesson 13: Begin To Shift Your Identification
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: Begin To Shift Your Identification
Apr 22, 2024 Season 13 Episode 290
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraphs: 5-9

Have you ever felt constricted by the identity you've crafted for yourself or the one that's been shaped by your circumstances? This episode is your invitation to break free and explore the vastness of your true potential. 

As we venture through the chapters of this episode, we're not just discussing concepts; we're living them. Together, we confront the challenge of staying true to ourselves amidst the desire to please others, and I share how this struggle has manifested in my own life. Each listener is called upon to express their unique form of Christ's love, reshaping not only their self-identity but their relationships as well. It's about fully owning every facet of our being and loving unconditionally, even when faced with the pull to conform. 

 This episode isn't simply a call to action; it's a celebration of the shared joy and camaraderie we experience as we all navigate our paths to growth. I extend an open heart to each one of you, inviting you to join me on this path of transformation.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraphs: 5-9

Have you ever felt constricted by the identity you've crafted for yourself or the one that's been shaped by your circumstances? This episode is your invitation to break free and explore the vastness of your true potential. 

As we venture through the chapters of this episode, we're not just discussing concepts; we're living them. Together, we confront the challenge of staying true to ourselves amidst the desire to please others, and I share how this struggle has manifested in my own life. Each listener is called upon to express their unique form of Christ's love, reshaping not only their self-identity but their relationships as well. It's about fully owning every facet of our being and loving unconditionally, even when faced with the pull to conform. 

 This episode isn't simply a call to action; it's a celebration of the shared joy and camaraderie we experience as we all navigate our paths to growth. I extend an open heart to each one of you, inviting you to join me on this path of transformation.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, and today we continue with Lesson 13,. You Are Unlimited Spirit. This lesson is all about identity, who and what you see yourself to be, expanding your awareness of really what you are and who you are. And so, just as a reminder, earlier in this lesson we were given a meditation by Jeshua to do to support us in having this experience right. It's all about putting this stuff into practice, beyond just the intellectual understanding of it, and this was on the second page of lesson 13.

Speaker 1:

So if you haven't been doing this regularly for at least a couple weeks, 14 days in a row, I really encourage you to recommit yourself, to go back, find it's's section two, an exercise to expand your awareness, and do it for at least 14 days in a row. What does it take? A couple minutes, five minutes maybe. Jeshua says here's a simple exercise. Take just a moment and, within your consciousness, drop this simple pebble. I am not what I have perceived myself to be. I am unlimited, pure spirit perceived myself to be. I am unlimited, pure spirit, and nothing is unavailable to me. Nothing is unavailable to me. Therefore, in this moment, I choose to open access to other dimensions of experience, so that I might call this moment to me in a different way, and then just notice what happens in your body, in your consciousness. This is all about really having an experience of ourselves beyond the very common, nor typical, programmed, limited way that we identify ourselves as a body and a brain. Jeshua calls it the body-mind, I call it the body-mind-body-brain either way. So this is what we are being invited into that you are unlimited spirit and we are continuing. Section five bringing awareness to the limiting definitions of yourself that you have been holding. No one else has been. Somebody could suggest something to you or say something about you, but without your allowing or your permission, or you're receiving it in. It has no effect on you. So this is bringing awareness. So meaning the limiting definitions of ourselves are unconscious or subconscious. So when we bring awareness to them, we really see them. We see that they're there and that we are the ones creating them.

Speaker 1:

Yeshua says what if you were to decide to create a self that sees itself as perfectly unlimited, instead of saying quote well, I have to go see my sister. I know she used to beat me, but that's the way it is. It's just who I am end quote. You simply sit back and say I am a perfectly unlimited being and I think I will create a self who is an expression of the unlimited love of Christ. I am going to go see this human being and then, in parentheses, you might use their name, but do not call them your sister end parentheses. And I am going to utilize time for beaming as much love to them as I can, for no other reason than it will feel rather grand to do so. I am the embodiment of Christ, and this one may not know it, but that does not matter, I can enjoy it anyway.

Speaker 1:

So this is building on this example that Jeshua gave us in the previous episode, in just the previous paragraph, about, um, these stories that we tell ourselves. Well, I'm, he says, I'm mary jane, I'm a vice president at bank, I was born in this city, my parents names are, you know, whatever jack and jill, and I'd really like to be different, except my sister used to beat me when I was young. So he's playing off of that example, of these stories that we tell ourselves that we allow to define us and, by defining us, limit us. So what if you were to decide to create a self that sees itself as perfectly unlimited. So this is something that I really really got on a deep level through witnessing and being in the presence of my coach, steve Hardison. He embodies the Christ love as much, if not more, than anyone I've ever been around. His presence, his energy, he lives the way of mastery. He's a big student of the way of mastery. Like he embodies it it's incredible, and so seeing that feeling that being invited into that really helped me shift and see that it is a creation. So this is what Jeshua is sharing with us. It's a creation.

Speaker 1:

The self, and this is small s self, the small self, is a creation. So, instead of creating a small self that sees itself as perfectly unlimited, why not create a self that is perfectly limitless, that is perfectly limitless, where you sit back and you say and you feel and you own? I am a perfectly unlimited being and I think I will create a self who is an expression of the unlimited love of Christ Instead of I think I will create an expression, or I think I will create a self who's a victim of what my sister did to me when she abused me when I was younger, or I think I will create a self who is lacking, who lacks in everything in money and love and opportunity and self-respect. I'm just lacking, lacking. I think I'll create a self who is a victim, or I think I'll create a self who's powerless. That's what we do. We don't realize we're doing it, but this is why we're bringing awareness to how powerful we are to create our experience, and we are unlimited in doing so. We just don't realize it. We're using our power to create limitation, but we can just as easily and simply use our power to create expansion and limitless. And then Jesher was giving us an example.

Speaker 1:

Instead of going and repeating the same story, when you go see your family at Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever holiday, you celebrate today's Passover happy Passover to anyone celebrating Passover, or Ramadan or Holi or whatever you know gathering you get together with your family and fitting into that same small identity because that's how they know me. You know it's like what if Jesus Jeshua was? You know, back in the day was like ah, they just see me as a carpenter, as a carpenter's son, as a carpenter's apprentice. So I got to play that role for them, because that's how they know me at home. But when I travel around. They know me as Jesus of Nazareth and they know me as a healer and a miracle maker, and you know this enlightened, powerful, loving being. But at home I gotta be the carpenter's son. I gotta play that role because that's how they know me.

Speaker 1:

How limited is that? How placating is that? Um, in a way, is it self. I was gonna say how selfish is that. It's like fitting into a box, dimming your light just to placate somebody's expectation of you or their story of you. Well, my aunt has known me her whole life and she knows me as this. So that's why she doesn't give me any respect, or that's why she doesn't appreciate who I am. Whatever stories we tell, we are being invited to create a new story.

Speaker 1:

So look at your life. Look at where you limit yourself, especially to please someone else or to match what their expectation of you is. Look at that Get, just ask. Well, because on the surface you might be like I don't do that, but just just be curious, if I did do that in a part of my life, what part of my life would could? Could that be? I don't know if it is, but where could it be? And that might open something up for you and just see, oh, maybe I am doing that here, maybe I am just like so stuck in the story that I'm a divorcee. I can't get past that I tell everybody about my ex or that I'm divorced. It's a part of my identity and I kind of wear it like a badge, especially when I go out dating. It's a big part of my past and my story.

Speaker 1:

But what if you were to create a new identity? I am a perfectly unlimited being and because I'm perfectly unlimited, I will create a self who's an expression of the unlimited love of christ, because that's what my heart desires to be an expression of the unlimited love of christ. And I don't have to analyze every single word I say or making sure that people like me, because if they don't like me, I must not do be doing something right. It must not be the unlimited love of Christ if they don't like me. Give up this idea of being liked by anybody, of being acceptable to anyone one, because the world is insane, the tiny, mad idea. The world is asleep, so if you're not liked by people who are sleeping, who gives a crap? Your responsibility to yourself is to be yourself, capital S self, which is the Christ.

Speaker 1:

You don't think that's going to ruffle some feathers? You don't think Jeshua ruffled some feathers? I mean, people wanted him dead. He was rocking the boat, he was teaching stuff that was so radical, that couldn't be heard by so many people and by so many beings that were ready to wake up. They heard it, they felt it, they chose it. Beings that were ready to wake up. They heard it, they felt it, they chose it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I just saw a video on Instagram of this coach guy. I think his Instagram is Julian himself. He's polarizing, his outfits are funky. I think his past you know he's done some things in his past that he was not proud of and he's kind of forgiven himself for and and his messaging is like in this video I saw that just came up in my reels was like you have to be yourself.

Speaker 1:

But being yourself is magnetic, and magnetic attracts but it also repels. So you will attract and find your people that get you, that see you, that appreciate your authenticity, and other people. It's going to trigger the hell out of them. They're not going to like you. They're going to probably find reasons to fight against you, right, probably because that's a projection the more we become free, the more you know the people that are like the deemed. The dangerous people are the free people. Jesus was dangerous man. Jesus was dangerous man To the establishment. He was dangerous. He was waking people up. I mean, look at what's happened in the world over the last four years. The people who are speaking truth, who are not afraid to stand out, who are not afraid to speak the truth, who are not afraid to speak the truth, who are not afraid to speak what they see and how it's in conflict with what they're being told, all these things that are out of alignment in the world, those people are. They're threats, they're seen as threats and they're very polarizing. But if you're in the middle of the road, you just want to be liked Yuck. And we've all been there. Right, we've all been there.

Speaker 1:

I'm not I'm not judging that. I have a part of that. I've got people, that people pleasing part inside of me. Maybe you know it was a result of when my parents got divorced when I was little and I wanted to be the people pleaser, make both mom and dad happy when they're really upset. And I want to be the people pleaser, make both mom and dad happy when they're really upset. So I have that ability to kind of get along with anyone and be a not social chameleon because that sounds so fake, but just like I can get along with a lot of different types of people. That doesn't mean I'm being fake or phony, but I have that ability to kind of read people's emotions and fit in. But I also have the ability to rock the fucking boat and and trigger people, not because I'm trying to, but just in my way of being. And in the past I would dim my light and modify my way of being so as to make sure someone wasn't triggered by me and then. But then I'm the one who suffers because I'm the one who's modifying me. So this is an operative.

Speaker 1:

All of this is just to go back to. You have the power. You are the power to create who you are being in any moment. So you might as well be the infinite, unlimited love of Christ, because that's the whole reason you're being called to, that You're wanting to be that in whatever way it looks like. So don't judge the way that it looks like through you. How the unlimited love of Christ expresses itself through you might be totally different than it expresses itself through someone else, but if we have this idea that it all has to look the same, we're just setting ourselves up for suffering. Oh Jesus, was this? But I'm not like that, I'm like this. So how do I need to change myself to be more like Jeshua? No, that's not. Jeshua's never saying be like me. He's saying be like me in that, be the love of Christ, be this light in the world. Awaken yourself so you can support others, but you don't have to. Everyone has a different kind of personality, a different style, a different human design. So be who you are, accept and own and love all parts of you. Love embraces all things.

Speaker 1:

And he says in this example I'm going to see this human being. You might use their name, but do not call them your sister. Why does he say that? Because the second you call them your sister. In this example, sister is a definition, so it's limiting your experience of her to what you know, of what you've experienced with her as your sister. My sister abused me. So when you say I'm going to see this, I'm going to see my sister immediately, you're going to be colored by that experience and that definition. But when you just call them another human being, there's kind of a level of neutrality to that that doesn't have the story that you've been holding of her and it creates a separation so you can have more kind of neutrality and objectivity to this is another human being.

Speaker 1:

But when I say my sister, that comes with a whole bunch of definitions and limitations and he says and I'm going to utilize time while I'm with this human being for beaming as much love to them as I can, for no other reason and this is important for no other reason than it will feel rather grand to do so because that's what I am. I am love beaming, I am the love of Christ. But why is that important? Because you're not beaming love to this human being, in this case the sister, to try and fix her or heal her or forgive her. No, you're beaming love because that's what you are. You're beaming love.

Speaker 1:

If you get into the fixing and this whole story of I'm gonna heal my sister in the pain that made her abuse me, I'm going to change her soul, all of a sudden you're still playing in the story of your sister that did something to you, so you're still stuck there and he's inviting us outside of that paradigm, outside of the story. Let go of the stories and the labels and the limiting definitions that you've held onto. It's limiting you. I'm just going to beam love because that's what feels great, because that's who I really am. I'm the embodiment of Christ, and this one they may not know it, but why does that matter?

Speaker 1:

If someone, if you, beam love at this human being we're talking about the sister why does it matter how she reacts? Well, she's not reacting the way that I wanted to. I'm being loving and she's still being a bitch. Well, see, you're conditionally beaming love If she receives it. If I'm beaming love but you don't receive it and I get triggered at you, then I've got expectations on you that you're supposed to receive my love a certain way and that's not really unconditional.

Speaker 1:

Loving without conditions, that's very conditional love. Well, I'm going to love you, but you need to receive it, be grateful for it. See what I'm doing and appreciate my holier-than-thou attitude, that I'm rising above you need to give me all that respect. No, that's conditional and that's not even real love, because it's conditional. So it doesn't matter if they, if Jeshua, went back to his hometown and they're like oh, here comes Joe's son, carpenter's son. He's saying he's the son of God. Look at this guy again, it doesn't matter and he's just going to love on them.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter how they receive it, because if it matters how someone else responds, you're giving the power to someone or something outside of you. You've given your power away, even though you really haven't, because you always have the power, always have the power, always have the power. You can't give your power away, but you can use your power to create the experience that you've given your power away, but you always have the power to choose whether you're a victim or you are a sovereign being. I am the creator of everything I experience. So look at your life right now. Here's the tough love application part. Look at your life and look at where, in a relationship in your life, you may be upset with someone because they're not reciprocating or responding or acting in a way that you think they should, especially when you're beaming love at them.

Speaker 1:

We deal with this in our facilitator, in our revelation breathwork facilitator training. It's really a healer training and breathwork just happens to be the modality, because we know, as jeshua says, no modality brings about healing, only love. Heal it, heal. So our revelation breathwork facilitator training is really a training about love and we see this all the time in the healing arts with other practitioners that they have an expectation that their client is supposed to act or receive a certain way. If they don't act healed or they didn't think they got healing, then I did something wrong, it was my fault as the practitioner and that takes all the responsibility off of the client.

Speaker 1:

You can't heal anyone. You can't. You can love them, you can beam love and be the love of Christ for them, but if they're not ready and wanting to give up the story and heal, they won't. You can't override that, nor should you want to, and Jeshua says that consistently through the way of mastery Like I'm not overriding your free will, I'm going to love you, I'm going to show you the way. I'm going to be here for you until the ends of time, which in eternity there is no end of time. But I'm here, we're all here, the whole lineage is here.

Speaker 1:

But ultimately you got to make the choice. It's your choice. You got to say, hey, thanks for carrying me all those times where I couldn't carry myself or I couldn't do it myself, but I got this now. Thank you, you led me, let me lead the way, the rest.

Speaker 1:

So it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or how they receive your love. Notice where else thinks or how they receive your love. Notice where you're putting expectations on something or someone. We just had this in our family. I can't share right now. It's too fresh, too clean. I don't even think my family listens to my podcast. But someone was having major expectations on someone else that wasn't receiving their love in the way that they wanted them to receive it and acknowledge it, and so they're suffering. But Jeshua is showing us another way where we don't have to suffer. I can enjoy being the love of Christ just for the fact that I want to be the love of Christ, and it feels so good. And he continues.

Speaker 1:

Do you see how that could begin to move you to show up this way? Do you see how that could begin to move you to show up this way? Do you see how that could begin to move you beyond an identification of a certain definition of yourself that has actually locked you into a narrow set of parameters which can only have a certain kinds of effects? You're the one doing this to yourself, but you don't realize it. And this is what this section is called bringing awareness to the fact that you're doing this to the limiting definitions of yourself.

Speaker 1:

Which is your story? What is your story? That you tell yourself your story and people get so attached to their story and if you challenge them on that, they can get really triggered and really defensive because they feel like they're being attacked, because they've invested all of their identity in their story. And if my story is not what I think it is or say it is, then you're robbing me of my identity and they really are clinging to this identity, this story. Look, this happened to me when I was younger. It happened to me, it influenced my entire life and I can't get over this and this is why I'm not happy, or this is why I'm not successful, or this is why I am the way I am because of this. That happened to me when I was little and they just they are stuck on the story. That's not to acknowledge something. Didn't that that something happened?

Speaker 1:

Things are happening all the time, but again, the story we create around it creates our experience of that. Some people let those things go and they have healing and they forgive themselves, they forgive the other person and they decide to create a new story and not let that narrative, that one experience influence their whole life in a very limiting, painful way. Other people really cling to it the definitions, the stories. They lock you into the effect of the story. So if you feel like you're trapped in your life, if you feel like reverse engineer this stuff, look and see where you're feeling like. Look at how you tell your story to others, to yourself oh well, my whole fan and and again, we hide behind genetics as well. Oh well, my whole family's been a bunch of alcoholics, so that's just my. The cards. I was dealt well. One, your soul chose that to learn through. And two, as amazing people like bruce lipton and other scientists are showing, proving what the mystics have already told us from the beginning, what Jeshua was telling us You're not at the mercy of your genes because there's certain things that turn genes on and off, like stress. So you're not just a product of your genes, even though you might be telling yourself that story and other things, for example, other things.

Speaker 1:

There's so much not the evidence doesn't prove it, but there's so much research coming out in alternative medicine that allopathic Western medicine can't even comprehend. It's just not in the model that the body is. The symptoms of the body are effects of some underlying emotional subconscious experience and thoughts and emotions and traumas and stress. But traumas and stress aren't a thing. They again, every emotion comes from some belief, some thought that is invested and believed in. So the thought stress is a bad thing creates harmful effects in the body. There's also a lot of new kind of a movement that stress is a good thing. There's post-traumatic stress growth I think that's what it's called Like you grow from those things instead of post-traumatic stress disorder and it cripples you and you're a victim to it. There's a whole other body of research showing if you use the traumatic situation to grow from, it's an incredible gift in your life.

Speaker 1:

So the stories that you tell and you are telling stories nonstop, even if you were born into a story. Well, my culture is this way and this is, this is who we are as a people, so that's why I am the way I am. You can buy into that story and you will experience the effect of that story, or you can create a new story. Yes, it might be true that I was born into this culture and this is how the culture thinks and I'm creating a new experience for myself because it brings my heart joy or because it's more liberating, it's more authentic to me. I can honor where I came from and also carve my own path and be my own being. But to break away from those groups can be challenging to the ego, to the fear, to the sense of safety.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua continues. So, anyways, these exercises that he's giving us, if he says, these definitions that you hold of yourself, they lock you into a narrow set of experiencing life. Jeshua is giving you the key to unlock. Take yourself out of this cage you've locked yourself into. Create a new story, a new identity, but you've got to be aware of it. That's the whole point of this. Bring awareness that you're doing this.

Speaker 1:

And he says what if you were to sit down with those you call your parents and deliberately chose to look at them as beings that you had called to your field of awareness? What if you chose to see that they are infinite and free beings in perfect equality with you? They simply chose to receive your cosmic telegram and took on a certain role in space and time to help you play out what you wanted to learn? Would that begin to shift your identification with them as merely parents? For if you look upon them and say those are my parents. You have defined yourself as only their child. Do you begin to see the significance? This is huge and I just yeah, I just imagine the pushback on all these things and that's fine, but let's go with what Jeshua is talking to us about.

Speaker 1:

Can you see what you call your parents, not as your quote, unquote parents, but as, not as older than you? That's another thing. What if they're beings that are also having a human experience? They're spiritual beings that are having a human experience, and you have agreements with each other, and you have agreements with each other. You've called them into your field of awareness to learn from the experience you create. And they called you in. What if you saw them as infinite and free beings in perfect equality with you? They chose to receive your cosmic telegram. Hey, I need parents who are going to teach me this lesson, or create this environment so I can learn this lesson. And they took on a role to help you play out what you wanted to learn. Huh, you're not at the victim. You're not a victim to them. No matter what they did, you knew their environment and you created the experience.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not oh, I'm a victim of a divorce. My parents got divorced and that defines who I am? No, how about? My soul chose my mother and my father, knowing who they were, knowing what lessons that they chose to learn, that they would get together, that they would learn those lessons, and part of that experience was a divorce experience and the lessons that I wanted to learn was perfectly going to be given my own lessons through the divorce experience. Ask yourself that question. You have to have a level of like innocence and curiosity. Curiosity, well, well, let's say, my parents are I. I chose them and they allowed and they chose me. I'm not a victim to them.

Speaker 1:

I opted into this. Why might that be? What's the lesson that it's given me? And I'm not really their child. I am in the sense of the human drama and families and kids and parents. But what if I'm like? That's why I love the children's book the Little Soul and the Son by Neil Donald Walsh. What if we're all equals? But then we opt into this human experience to play roles for each other, so that we can help and learn each other, heal and grow and expand.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm going to be the bad guy for you. This is how much I love you. I'm willing to be the bad guy in this lifetime for you and do this horrible thing to you. One, because I'm going to learn through. Two, I'm going to learn maybe forgiveness. I'm going to learn whatever it is love, but you're also going to learn. I love you so much. I'm willing to kind of dim my light, forget who I am, play this role for you Wow, thank you. You're willing to do that. You're this big, bright light. You're willing to do that, to dim your life and forget who you are. To help me, thank you, and that's it. That's the game, because when we leave this body, we're going to wake up and be like oh my gosh, look at that. I forgot who I was, but that was a fun game. I learned so much. I grew. Let's dive in and do it again. This time I'm going to be your boss. This time you be my mother. I was your mother in this time. This time you be my boss. This time you be my mother. I was your mother, and this time you be my mother. This time let's pick this race or this gender.

Speaker 1:

So everyone in your life that is a part of your experience is playing some role for you, even on a mass level. Hey, I'll play the president, I'll play the king. I'll play the business mogul. I'll play the celebrity. I'll play the business mogul. I'll play the celebrity. I'll play the whatever, the foreman. I'm playing this role for me and for you. The whole thing. There's a design and a harmony to the whole thing that our brain can't comprehend. There's an order to the whole thing. But if we're stuck in this limited story of who and what we are man, we suffer big time.

Speaker 1:

So start to look, see if you can look at your relationships in a new way. Not just your parents, but your quote, unquote boss. When you say boss, it has a definition to it that has a limitation to you. Now, yes, if you're going into your work and you have to show respect and whatever those things like, you can be a regular, functioning human being. But you know there's something. There's a different game that's really being played and you can still beam and be the love of Christ at your work. With someone who's disrespecting you, with someone who hates you, with someone who has it out for you, with someone that dismisses you. You can still be the love of Christ to them in your life. It doesn't mean anything about you what they think, even if the whole world is saying you're trash, that's going to feel probably like a lot of pressure on you. But when you relax into the nature of who you are and say, all right, I'm just going to embrace and beam the love of Christ, with everyone saying I'm trash I'm not saying it's easy, but it is simple and this is what we're being invited into. We're bringing awareness to the limiting definitions that we've created, the limiting stories about our own life, and we're seeing that and then freeing ourselves from that so we can express and be an experience and shine and share the light of love of Christ that we are Amazing.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening. If you get value from the podcast, please like, subscribe, share wherever you're listening. If you thought of someone during this podcast and you think they'd get value from this, please share it with them. Send me an email. If you want to say hello, hello at revelationbreathworkcom, just say hey, jason, I listened to the podcast and I'll write back and say hey, thanks so much for listening, and then I'll give you a shout out in an episode at the end. All right, we're on the journey together.

Speaker 1:

I'm really going to invite you to apply these things, to slow down and look at these questions that Jeshua is asking and to answer them honestly questions that jesh was asking. And to answer them honestly because that's that's how transformation happens by applying things, by moving from the intellect into the embodiment of it and learning and growing and making mistakes. That's how you learn. You learn from mistakes. So if you read all about how to ride a bike but you never actually get on the and pedal and fall down and figure it out, you're never going to ride a bike by just reading about it in a book. So that's what we're doing we're riding the bike and we're going to fall down, scrape our knee, get back on, have encouragement, have a bunch of people also riding bikes at the same time. Way more fun that way. All right. Love you guys. Have a great day. We'll see you next time.

Expanding Identity Beyond Limitations
Embodying the Love of Christ
Reframing Relationships Through Spiritual Perspective
Embracing Transformation Through Action