Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: I Have Never Enlightened Anyone

April 25, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 292
Lesson 13: I Have Never Enlightened Anyone
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: I Have Never Enlightened Anyone
Apr 25, 2024 Season 13 Episode 292
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraph: 13

Embark on a transformative journey as we shatter the physical illusions that confine our spirit. We unwrap the potent realizations that we are, in essence, boundless beings, not restricted by the tangible. Through the power of affirmations, such as "I am unlimited spirit," we discuss how these words can shift our mindset and influence our core beliefs.

Join us as we take inspiration from pioneers who were once considered outlandish for their radical thoughts and discover how we can adopt a similar boldness to redefine ourselves and embody virtues like the love of Christ in our everyday lives.

The path to true enlightenment is one we must tread ourselves; no one can walk it for us. Reflecting on the teachings of Jeshua, we emphasize the crucial role personal responsibility plays in our spiritual maturation. Through the lens of Jeshua's crucifixion, we discuss facing our limitations, not as barriers, but as stepping stones to realizing our infinite nature. We confront the idea that enlightenment is a personal quest, not a gift granted by any external force, and underscore the significance of choosing to embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Let's delve into the realms of healing, self-trust, and the invaluable support of a community dedicated to living the way of mastery. I share the profound growth observed within our group's dynamic, where daily practice and consistency pave the way for breakthroughs in personal development. We dissect the pitfalls of storytelling and victimhood, explore the true essence of confidence, and highlight the importance of a community bolstered by unconditional love.

For those ready to deepen their commitment to personal evolution, we invite you to join an alliance of like-minded souls on a quest toward enhancing relationships, professional fulfillment, and self-improvement.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 5: Bringing Awareness to the Limiting Definitions of Yourself
Paragraph: 13

Embark on a transformative journey as we shatter the physical illusions that confine our spirit. We unwrap the potent realizations that we are, in essence, boundless beings, not restricted by the tangible. Through the power of affirmations, such as "I am unlimited spirit," we discuss how these words can shift our mindset and influence our core beliefs.

Join us as we take inspiration from pioneers who were once considered outlandish for their radical thoughts and discover how we can adopt a similar boldness to redefine ourselves and embody virtues like the love of Christ in our everyday lives.

The path to true enlightenment is one we must tread ourselves; no one can walk it for us. Reflecting on the teachings of Jeshua, we emphasize the crucial role personal responsibility plays in our spiritual maturation. Through the lens of Jeshua's crucifixion, we discuss facing our limitations, not as barriers, but as stepping stones to realizing our infinite nature. We confront the idea that enlightenment is a personal quest, not a gift granted by any external force, and underscore the significance of choosing to embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Let's delve into the realms of healing, self-trust, and the invaluable support of a community dedicated to living the way of mastery. I share the profound growth observed within our group's dynamic, where daily practice and consistency pave the way for breakthroughs in personal development. We dissect the pitfalls of storytelling and victimhood, explore the true essence of confidence, and highlight the importance of a community bolstered by unconditional love.

For those ready to deepen their commitment to personal evolution, we invite you to join an alliance of like-minded souls on a quest toward enhancing relationships, professional fulfillment, and self-improvement.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the daily study of the way of mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend. I don't have it all figured out. I'm on the journey with you, but I love this stuff and I just want to share it with anyone else who's interested in taking a deeper dive and maybe having another perspective. That's kind of practical and real world and that's what I am committed to doing. I was going to say try, I don't try it, I am committed, I do it, maybe not always the way that I want to, but I'm on the path, like you. It's a path to mastery and we're doing it together and that's a beautiful thing. So let's continue with lesson 13.

Speaker 1:

You are unlimited spirit. Can't hear that enough, because a lot of times the voice we hear inside says you're not enough, you're very limited, you're not a spirit, you're a body. Be afraid, be scared, make sure you survive all these things. So we need to hear it over and over again you are unlimited spirit and you can even say I am unlimited spirit and let that settle into your soul, let that settle through your nervous system, let that echo in your mind all throughout the day. I am unlimited spirit, even if to a part of me it doesn't feel like it, even if to a part of me that sounds crazy, even if to a part of me that goes against everything that the world is convinced of. And I don't want to be the crazy one who's in denial, who's delusional. And I would say to that is you don't think jeshua was crazy. You don't think the world thought gandhi was crazy. You don't think the world thought, uh, nelson mandela was crazy. You don't think the world thought jonah bark was crazy, like any of the people throughout history and there's a lot of different cultures and people that I don't even know about, uh, that also obviously fit into this but the, the world is, the people that inspire us the most are the crazy ones, the delusional ones, but they're speaking truth and we know it at a deeper level and and that's why it moves us, that's why it touches us. Even if the brain doesn't get it, the heart is like yes, I feel this, I want more of this. So be willing to be the crazy one in your world, be willing to be called delusional. Enjoy your delusion of Christ love. All right, here we go.

Speaker 1:

We continue in Section 5, bringing awareness to the limiting definitions of yourself. We're becoming aware of how we have defined ourselves in ways that limit and we've talked about this I am. Whatever you put after I am is some limitation of some kind, even if it's well-intentioned and well-meaning, even if it's well-intentioned and well-meaning I'm a father. I take great pride in being a father, I love being a father, but when I define myself as a father, it limits really what I am. So Jeshua is inviting us to just see that we are so much more than we think we are, and in the previous paragraph that we ended with yesterday, he says if you want the experience of walking on this planet as an enlightened master, first come to understand the foundation upon which the way of transformation is based and second, bring awareness to the definitions of yourself that you have become, that have become unconscious for you You're not aware of them and then deliberately redefine yourself as you enter into the field of your experiences, wherever you are.

Speaker 1:

We talked about this in the last episode. One of mine is I am Christ love. I don't know what that always looks like. It doesn't look one way in every situation, I don't know, but I can ask and say I am Christ's love. What does Christ's love look like, feel like, do see, here, in this situation, when this other person's unhappy, when this thing doesn't go my way, when someone that I love might be sick, I am Christ's love and however that needs and wants for the highest good to be expressed through me, I'm going to get out of the way and allow that. That's my intention.

Speaker 1:

So let's continue with paragraph 13, the next paragraph where Jeshua says here is the nub. No one can make the decision for you. I have never enlightened anyone. I have never even so much as lifted them an inch. I have merely chosen to demonstrate unlimitedness for myself, and part of that experience was taking on the crucifixion, just so that I could learn how to overcome death. That was my choice, and the word my here is all in italics. That was my choice, my pathway, my calling forth of experience. I can tell you that it is so much grander to be in the body while being completely aware of your cosmic self.

Speaker 1:

What a beautiful paragraph, and I've heard the phrase's. Herein lies the rub Right. There's some kind of like conflict or contradiction, but I've never heard here is the nub. So I actually had to look and see if that was a misprint or if maybe I didn't know this word, nub in this context. I always thought nub was like you know, you have a, you're missing it, like a hand, or you've got a nub or something like that. And that might totally not be PC or the wrong term, but that's what I think of when I hear nub, but when I looked it up, it means the most important part. So here's the nub, here's the most important part of everything that Jesh was telling you. And this is this newsflash. Spoiler alert this is nothing new. This is the same thing he's been saying since the beginning.

Speaker 1:

No one can make this decision for you. God can't. The Easter Bunny can't. Your mother can't. Your great-grandfather can't, whatever. The golden son Ra can't. Jesus can't. Jeshua ben Joseph can't. Archangel Michael can't your higher self. That's part of you. That's the only one who can you.

Speaker 1:

No one can make the decision for you, but where are we hoping that someone just does it for us? Just please do it for me, give me permission, do it for me so I don't have to do it us. Just please do it for me, give me permission, do it for me so I don't have to do it because I can't do it. I'm incapable of doing it. I'm not enough, I'm unworthy of doing it Hogwash. This is a message of empowerment. No one can make this decision for you, for you to claim who you already are. I've never enlightened anyone. Oh my God, imagine if you said that to some people Well, jesus never enlightened anyone. They would have a heart attack. They would fight tooth and nail and argue with you what are you kidding me? He's saying it right here. But it's in a good way. I can't do it for you.

Speaker 1:

Now again, no modality ever brought about healing, but it can open someone's mind for them to receive healing. It's kind of like the placebo effect in a lot of ways. It's like when we think we're getting the magic pill. All of a sudden, lo and behold, we receive healing. Why? Because we believe that we're getting it. We've given ourselves permission to receive healing. Because why? Because we believe that we're getting it. We've given ourselves permission to receive healing because we want it, we're ready for it. Even if, in a way, we've put it outside, it's still we've opened our mind to receive it.

Speaker 1:

So gesture saying hey, I've never enlightened anyone. I can't, I can't, I can't make someone else enlightened. That's an inside job, baby. I can't make someone else enlightened. That's an inside job, baby. I've never even so much as lifted them an inch. This is some amazing stuff Jeshua is dropping on us right now, and this is the good news. I can't do it.

Speaker 1:

So if you've experienced something that you're giving me credit for, no, no, it's not me. I didn't do anything. I just loved no-transcript, love the hell out of you, literally. But you got to make that choice and hallelujah for that. Otherwise, you're not free, you're not sovereign. So this whole message is take responsibility for yourself, because it's your power. Use your power. Use the power that you are. That God is. God expressed itself uniquely, individuately. If that's even a word, as you Use it, own it. Remember who you are. Remember you already know. Remember, be bold, claim who you are Again. Be delusional to the world who gives a crap?

Speaker 1:

Jeshur says I can't enlighten anyone. I can't move them an inch, but what I did was I shone. I shined a light on who they are by me being who I really am. I merely chose, that's all. It's not a big deal. You can choose. It's not like a complicated thing. I merely chose to demonstrate unlimitedness for myself.

Speaker 1:

Remember back in I don't know what lesson was, I think lesson nine, where he says like I just oh, it was the lesson on desire, lesson four. I think I just desired so much of my heart to make a demonstration that if anyone turned their focus on it, basically, if anyone saw what this demonstration I was making, they could not deny that there was something more, that they are not just the body, that they are spirit. That's what I wanted to awaken inside of people and I wanted to demonstrate that by me doing it. And when they saw it, they could not deny it. Their brain would probably argue the heck out of it, but their heart and even maybe their brain, couldn't even argue it anymore. But I chose to demonstrate unlimitedness for myself. So are you willing to jump on the path? No one's expecting you to be perfect, no one's expecting you to perform miracles. All you got to do is be on the path. Do the exercises with an open heart, with commitment. That's it. Jesher says.

Speaker 1:

Part of that experience not all of it, but part of my experience of demonstrating unlimited for myself was taking on the crucifixion. He wasn't afraid of it. He was like holy smokes, let's go. This is my path right now. This is my path. That's in front of me that I called to myself, that I created for myself. Maybe I didn't know it was going to be the exact form of crucifixion, but I knew that it was going to test me Again.

Speaker 1:

We get so caught up on the form. We get so caught up on the form. Well, it doesn't look the way I think it should, or I want it to. The form doesn't matter, it's the content underneath it, it's the substance, the essence of what is true. So abundance can show up in a million. There's no limit to the form abundance can show up in and there's also no limit to the form that lack can show up in and scarcity can show up in. But we get so caught up on the window dressing. You know the frame, as A Course in Miracles talks about it. It's a big theme. As A Course in Miracles talks about it. It's a big theme in A Course in Miracles form versus content.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, just you're saying a part of my experience was taking on the crucifixion, hallelujah. Here it is. I get to demonstrate that not just I, that all of us are infinite, unlimited spirit, more than a body. Do what you will to the body, that is not me. I am anchored in that, I am living, that I am embodying that, that I am love and you can't take that away from me, no matter what you try and do to my body. And I think about obi-wan kenobi. When he's you know, having that first battle in A New Hope and the Death Star with Darth Vader, he says if you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine, because now I'm not limited to the body. Of course Vader doesn't understand that. Pretty cool. And he says I created this. I chose to demonstrate unlimitedness for myself, and part of that experience was taking on the crucifixion, just so that I could learn how to overcome death. He's the way shower.

Speaker 1:

If I can do it, you can do it. Most humble, all humble people, not most. If you are humble, you know, hey, there's nothing special about me. If I can do something, you can do it too. You probably say that to your kids all the time. If I can do it, you can do it. There's nothing different or special about me. You have the same abilities, the same power. Yeah, maybe some people are starting out at a lower point in some skill, but if I can do something, you can do something.

Speaker 1:

That's what Jeshua is showing us. This is even about skill. It's about the very nature of who we are as divine, spiritual beings. So a lot of this right now is contextual to give us a context so that we can see ourselves in the world differently. And then we start to show up in the world differently, we start to see our quote-unquote problems or challenges differently because we see ourselves differently. We see, this whole lesson is inviting us to see where we are limiting ourselves, where we are placing limits on ourselves. The world isn't God, isn't your parents, aren't. We do it.

Speaker 1:

And he says talking about to demonstrate the crucifixion. He says that was my choice, my pathway, my calling forth of experience. That was mine, that was for me. So what's yours and what he's been saying since the beginning is it's your daily life, is your ashram. My pathway was this. But no one's saying get crucified like me. You don't have to be a martyr like me. No one's saying that you have your own pathway, it's uniquely yours. Your soul lined it up, your soul chose it and now you're living it out. Embrace it instead of fighting.

Speaker 1:

We so often fight our circumstance. We fight our life things. It doesn't look the way that we thought it would, or that some part of us when we watched a disney movie when we were younger oh, this is what true love looks like. You find your prince charming. But as an adult now our life does not look like that. We're not finding our Prince Charming that way and happily ever after.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we have to mourn or grieve those things that we thought the way life should look. Oh look, I watched the sitcom and the parents are happy and family is good and that's what my family should look like. But no, my family is a shit show with tons of dysfunction. Maybe I've never grieved that grieved the family that a part of me wanted, but I didn't get. But you don't get what you want necessarily. You get what you need. You get what your soul wants. What you get is what your soul wants and your soul knows what you need. Oh, you need you know this is what we want. We want to create a condition of lack so we can burst through into abundance. We want to create a lot of limitation so we can burst through in empowerment and believing in ourselves and having confidence and trusting ourselves and knowing that we're resilient, knowing we're not limited to circumstance, knowing that the more limitation is in our life, the more. That inspires us to think of creative solutions outside the box, to realize our power of creativity.

Speaker 1:

You experience the story you tell yourself about life and about yourself. You don't like. Your experience of life or your life Change the story, but we get so attached to it. We so want to be right. We are so attached to this story and it gives us a payoff in some way.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes our story, the payoff is we get to still be the victim. It's not our fault, we don't have to take responsibility. That's the payoff to a part of us. So let me keep telling this story. That disempowers me, because then I get to be the victim. Then it's not my fault that my life doesn't look the way that I wanted. It's my genetics fault. It's my ancestors fault. It's uh, my family's fault, my parents fault. It's their fault that my life's not the way that I want it, not my fault.

Speaker 1:

That's the payoff to telling the same story over and, over and over again and some, until we're ready to see that and to feel that a lot of us we don't want to feel that pain. It feels too much for us to feel. But feeling is the gateway to the kingdom and it's okay to feel, feel it all. That's why having safe spaces and communities where this is like just a part of life, and having someone who loves you unconditionally, can hold a space without feeling sorry for you or wanting to fix you, because one you don't need fixing, but can just say, hey, feel it all, right here, you're safe here. Give yourself permission, feel it all and then, as we begin to have the courage because it takes courage to feel it all that energy can move through us. That sadness, that grief, that anger, that rage, that hopelessness, that feeling like a victim, that feeling of weakness or powerlessness. As we feel it, it moves through. As we feel it, it moves through and, at least in my experience, every time I've allowed that storm to pass instead of holding it inside, I let the storm fully rage inside of me and I feel it all. And it's really tough. There's gold, there's just gold underneath. There's light there and I'm like, oh, that light's been there the entire time. I didn't, and it's just overwhelming love and gratitude for that loving presence that's been there the entire time I was holding that storm inside. I was resisting, fighting, denying, afraid. I mean honestly, that's that.

Speaker 1:

That's one of the spaces, this is one of the intentions behind revelation breathwork, this online spiritual community of people who are here to do the work, to heal, to feel and then, as we heal, it's not just all about healing. You could be on your healing journey all day long, at least for me. As I've healed, there's more of me that then wants to be expressed and to create and extend my treasure, not just inside of myself, but also in the world. Why? For the joy of it. It's fun to create things. That's what our community is about. So if you don't have that community in your life, come join us. It's pretty fucking awesome.

Speaker 1:

We are just started a new series in Revelation Breathwork. If you don't like breathwork, fine, you can still benefit from all the things that we do. But we just I just started a series on confidence, and in this first class, we looked at well, what is confidence? Really? Everyone talks about it. Well, it comes from the Latin word confidere, which means intense self-trust, and so we looked at what are things that create trust and what are things that erode trust, and how are we doing those for ourselves? Are we developing trust within ourself or are we eroding trust within ourself? So we spent a lot of time looking at. That's so valuable? Because, again, you can't change something you don't see. So let's raise awareness around that.

Speaker 1:

Well, if what cultivates trust is integrity doing somebody, if somebody does what they say they're going to do, I that develops trust within me. And if they don't do what they say they're going to do, that erodes trust, at least that I have with them. But the same goes for me. If I do what I say I'm going to do, I trust myself. I have more confidence in myself. I know if I say something, I'm going to do it. But if I don't, if I don't do what I say I'm going to do, I don't trust myself deep down, right. So integrity is one of the factors for me that creates trust.

Speaker 1:

Another one is, I guess, honesty. If somebody's honest with you, you're going to trust them more. If you know that they're dishonest and lying, you're not going to trust them. Same with ourselves. Where do we tell ourselves the truth, and where are we honest with ourselves? And where are we not honest with ourselves? If we're honest, where are we not honest with ourselves? And so how are we're not honest with ourselves? And so how are we developing trust? This is what we do in our communities in this community.

Speaker 1:

Another thing with confidence is not just intense self-trust, but the self. We so often skip the self part. There's the small self S small S self, the ego, which is filled with fear, feelings of separation, feelings of not enough, lack, insecurity. When I'm identified with my small self s elf, oh my god, I can't even say it's small s self, I don't trust, like why should I intensely trust that, intensely trust something that's afraid and and and and and feeling like it lacks, so it has to go out and get at the expense of somebody else and is insecure and lashes out? No, I'm not trusting that. I don't trust myself.

Speaker 1:

When I'm identified with the ego, this little personal me, when I'm anchored in and connected with my capital S self, my true self, my Christ self, it's like I don't even need to trust that. I just know that it's good. There's no, isn't that amazing? So I can intensely trust myself for sure, my capital S self, my true self. So what do I need to do? What are the practices that I need to do to anchor and ground and be rooted in my true self and hold that identity? That's what this chapter is about. Hold that identity of the Christ self, then confidence is easy, it's just a way of being, it's just who you are.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that's what we do in revelation breathwork and that's just one of our many classes, and that's every wednesday night. I teach two classes for the different time zones, at 7 pm and 10 pm, and so we, we explore, we dive into these things and then we do revelation breathwork. Oh my gosh, it's amazing. Anyways, moving on. Oh my gosh, it's amazing, anyways, moving on. Jesher says I can tell you that it is so much grand.

Speaker 1:

Wake up into the expansiveness of your consciousness to experience your cosmic self again. That's going to happen. I mean again, I go back to the book Dying to Be Me by Anita Morjani, where, clinically, she's in the hospital and she's dead, but her spirit, her consciousness, is very much alive and aware and experiencing things in other parts of the hospital that she could never hear or know about. While she was in her body, was confined to a bed in one room, listening to conversations her father was having with the doctor in a totally different section, or that her brother was having when he was getting on the airplane thousands of miles away to come visit her before she died, which of course, we know she didn't. She didn't transition, she came back and all of her cancer was healed. But it's like so you could wait to know your unlimitedness, to experience your cosmic self.

Speaker 1:

But jesh were saying, it's so much grander to experience it while you're in the body. Imagine that you seem to be in this, limited by death. The body is so limited, it's so limited. Right, I can't be everywhere at once in a body. I'm right here, I'm sitting in this chair in a little room inside of a house, in one little location that people started calling Asheville, north Carolina. That's just a part of this beautiful planet, but I'm here. I'm not in India, I'm not in Africa, I'm not in Canada, I'm not wherever. The body is, by definition, so limited. So imagine to be, to seem to be, in this physical form and know its limitations and yet be unlimited. That's cool. To be able to communicate and to experience the unlimited nature of consciousness, be connected to all minds across all dimensions of creation.

Speaker 1:

Some people talk about and experience astral travel, where the part of you leaves the body. I mean, what do you think happens when you sleep? You're not limited to the body, you're unlimited spirit. So why not? That seems like a fun game. That seems like it would be a fun thing to create. That seems like a fun game. That seems like it would be a fun thing to create, to create the experience of being having, you know, seeming like you're in a body, but not confined to the body. That's what Jeshua did. That's what he's inviting us into.

Speaker 1:

I'm down, I'm along for the ride. So let's stop there. One paragraph, oh my God, I really went on some tangents today. But what is the freaking rush? What are we trying to rush through? Right, let's enjoy the journey and I love you guys. Thanks for listening. Want to give a shout out? Shout out to Chef Brad for reaching out, sending me an email saying hello, grateful to be on this journey with you, brad, and everybody else out there. Thanks for reaching out.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, if you get value from the podcast, give us a like. Wherever you're listening, give us a subscribe. I'm on YouTube now. I started putting the podcast on YouTube, started from the beginning, so every day I'm putting I think we're episode 14 or 15, just so people can find us there. Uh, as well, and if there's a place to give a good review, like Apple podcasts, I think would be the best If you can go onto Apple podcast even if you don't listen on Apple and find the podcast and give us a nice review and just write something, because reviews with written things are always better than just you know know a bunch of stars without knowing why someone likes something. Uh, that would be great.

Speaker 1:

That's how we grow, and if you're interested in living the way of mastery a year-long commitment to doing this work, to being with a small group of people that are committed to applying these practices and exercises on the daily we're in a group group right now. We're in month 10. It's a crazy amazing and we are active on Voxer every single day with whatever daily exercise we're doing, with what's going on in people's worlds and applying these teachings to the daily. That's what it's all about. So if you're ready for that level of commitment, check out the link in the show notes or just go to revelationbreathworkcom and one of the menu bars will be living the way of mastery. And so I haven't set official date when we're starting, but you could always send me an email if you're interested.

Speaker 1:

I'm happy, happy to jump on a Zoom call with you to discuss how this might be able to support you.

Speaker 1:

What you're looking for in your life, cause what else, what other, better conversations are there than this kind of stuff? Like, oh, I want to apply these teachings in my daily life and my relationship, or in my work, or with myself, and how can I do that more consistently? And with a other group of people that are speaking the same language, applying these things, working through them, cause it's not always easy, right, there's resistance when we start applying this. It's not like the ego's like all right, sure, yeah, do all this stuff so I can be gone, so you can get rid of me. No, the ego is going to put up a fight, your coping mechanisms are going to put up a fight, but that's why you have support, and that's why you have support and that's why you have practices that you show up consistently. So, anyways, love you guys, have an amazing day and can't wait to come back tomorrow and be on this journey with you again. Peace out, homies.

Path to Mastery
Take Responsibility for Your Enlightenment
The Power of Healing and Self-Trust
Living the Way of Mastery Support