Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: Stop Fighting It and Birth Christ

May 07, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 299
Lesson 13: Stop Fighting It and Birth Christ
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: Stop Fighting It and Birth Christ
May 07, 2024 Season 13 Episode 299
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 6: Creating a Transformation Journal
Paragraphs: 10-15

Today's episode unveils the mystical teachings of Jeshua from The Way of Mastery, urging us to peel back the layers of our earthly existence and to tap into the enchantment of life. With every heartbeat, we're offered a chance to rewrite our stories and reshape our reality—using deliberate awareness and the potent, transformative power of choice. The discourse whispers of a world where time is but an illusion and every moment is ripe with the potential for profound change.

Venture deeper, and you'll find a treasure trove of empowerment, the realization that we are the master architects of our lives. In the tender dance with our inner narratives, we learn to confront our resistance, embracing our inherent freedom and power while drawing strength from the invisible threads of support that connect us all. This episode is a balm for the soul, a promise of peace found in the stillness, where the whispers of the universe guide us towards self-realization. It's a journey—a call to awaken to the fullest expression of who we truly are.

In the sacred space of the everyday, we discover that Christ's love is not reserved for altars or hymns but is alive in the simple acts we perform. This episode ponders the profound queries posed by Jeshua—how do we wield our time, what realities do we choose to perceive, and how can we infuse our actions with the essence of the divine?

The invitation stands, to harmonize our beliefs with our actions, to join in a joyous symphony of love and co-creation. Today, we not only share wisdom but also spark a flame that invites you to illuminate the path for yourself and others, crafting a world aglow with light and love. 

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 6: Creating a Transformation Journal
Paragraphs: 10-15

Today's episode unveils the mystical teachings of Jeshua from The Way of Mastery, urging us to peel back the layers of our earthly existence and to tap into the enchantment of life. With every heartbeat, we're offered a chance to rewrite our stories and reshape our reality—using deliberate awareness and the potent, transformative power of choice. The discourse whispers of a world where time is but an illusion and every moment is ripe with the potential for profound change.

Venture deeper, and you'll find a treasure trove of empowerment, the realization that we are the master architects of our lives. In the tender dance with our inner narratives, we learn to confront our resistance, embracing our inherent freedom and power while drawing strength from the invisible threads of support that connect us all. This episode is a balm for the soul, a promise of peace found in the stillness, where the whispers of the universe guide us towards self-realization. It's a journey—a call to awaken to the fullest expression of who we truly are.

In the sacred space of the everyday, we discover that Christ's love is not reserved for altars or hymns but is alive in the simple acts we perform. This episode ponders the profound queries posed by Jeshua—how do we wield our time, what realities do we choose to perceive, and how can we infuse our actions with the essence of the divine?

The invitation stands, to harmonize our beliefs with our actions, to join in a joyous symphony of love and co-creation. Today, we not only share wisdom but also spark a flame that invites you to illuminate the path for yourself and others, crafting a world aglow with light and love. 

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello, and welcome back to the Daily Study of The Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Emmorosa, your guide and friend. And today, we continue with lesson thirteen, you are unlimited spirit. I am unlimited spirit. You are unlimited spirit. You are not a body brain, you are not your past, you are not the ways that you identify and label yourself you are so much more than you think yourself to be. And we are waking up to this with Joshua's help and these teachings as we continue with section six creating a transformation journal. And I'm going to reread paragraph nine because it's so beautiful. You can't hear it enough. And then we'll continue. So Jeshua says, do you not want to taste it all? Do you not want to wrap yourself around it all? Do you not want to remember that magic is around you? Out of that magic, the moment you are experiencing is being created from within your holy capital s self. It has never been and it will never be again. Mystery of all mysteries, dance of creation, reality of love. There is no higher state in the mind by even to live as one who has been blown away and lives in that state perpetually, then you are free and the world has no hold upon you. When I read this, it makes me feel amazing. And it also makes me imagine what Jesus' Joshua's life was like that he lived from this place how radical that is to the world. He wasn't obsessed with surviving and status and money and material gains and power and control and trying to look good he wasn't concerned with any of that. He was this and is this infinite vast conduit for love to express through that form of that we call Joshua. Not just his body, but his his beingness. And this is available for you. This is the same thing he's been saying. These things and more you shall do because these things are more you are. Out of the magic of each moment your experience is being created from within your holy self capital as your true self is creating each moment, and we are being invited into deliberate awareness of that. And it's important he says, It's never been and it will never be again. Mystery of all mysteries, dance of creation, reality of love. We seem to be living in this linear time. We've seen because it's it's a hologram. It's an illusion. Time is not linear. But it seems like that. So when we wake up in the morning, we're like, oh, I guess I'm on this timeline now and I have all these things to do. But in any given moment, you can create a new experience for yourself. You could. You could blow your life up. I'm not saying do that. But like in any given moment, you could move You could stop paying your taxes. You could quit your job. You could get a new job. You could ask somebody out on a date. You could you know, there's so many choices you can make. Those are really actions, but internal choices you can make as well about how you want to experience life that creates a new moment. There's nothing higher. No higher state in the body mind. Than to live as one who's been blown away and lives in that state perpetually. This the state of surrender. The state of I am here. Use me. I know who I am. I am an instrument of your love. So here I am. Use me. Wherever I am physically wherever the body takes me, wherever I tend I end up being in my body, that's where love needs me. Whoever I'm with, whoever I'm speaking to, whoever I'm interacting with, that's how love wants to speak through me. Whatever ideas pop into my inspiration to create new things that love wanted to create through me. It's just all one thing. We just over complicate it because we've we've so put our attention on something that's not real, which is the body brain. Oh, this is who I am. This is what I am. This is priority. I must survive. I must fit in. I must look good. All these things that we've been told by the world that we've bought into, and we are being invited to free ourselves to be blown away, to surrender to this love and intelligence that created us, that we are one with that we are of the same substance with that wants to use us. Why? Not to fix anything. But to do what it's designed to do, which is express and extend itself to create more of itself. To extend the good the holy and the beautiful through you as only it can be expressed through you. Your unique flavor of extending the good the holy and the beautiful. It's still love expressed, but it's going to be different than Jeshua's expression. Then Nelson Mandela's expression, then Mother Mary's expression, then the Buddha's expression, then it doesn't matter any enlightened being. It's like if you like ice cream, you pretty much like all flavors, but they're all unique. Even there's different flavors of vanilla. So every snowflake is different. So appreciate who you are your flavor of love. And don't judge it and compare it to anyone else's. Well, look, They're holy. They have a big following, so I need to be more like them. I can't curse. That's not holy. And then but then you find other people who are very aware of who they are? Who curse? Oh my gosh. That gives us permit oh, now I'm gonna give myself permission because look, they clearly are authentic and in their heart and their cursing. So maybe my authentic expression is more cursing or whatever. I'm not saying cursing for the sake of cursing. But the idea is, like, accepting your authentic self and expressing that without fear, without judgment. Joshua continues. This lesson's message is a beginning. It's a beginning for anyone who chooses to wrap his or her unlimited hands around it. But alas, we cannot shape the use of it for you. And if you do not like where you are, look no further than yourself. So this message, the way of mastery, the way of transformation, It's just the beginning for anyone who wants to take hold of it and apply it and and be inspired by it and use it. But alas, we can't shape the use of it for you. We can't do it for you. This has been the message since the beginning and this is the good news. If Joshua was saying, hey, if Jesus, the Christ is saying, hey, I can't do it for you. But here's the good news. I can't because you are more than powerful enough to do it for yourself. There's so many movies, right, where, like, the hero doubts him or herself They don't think they're powerful, but their mentor knows and believes and who they are and sees it even if the protagonist can't see it for themselves. They don't own their power. But then in the hero's journey, ultimately, they they face the the dragon or the bad guy or their fear. Whatever it is, they face it upfront and they and they their doubts come right to the surface and they believe in themselves enough and they move through it enough to triumph. And to me, it's Those are those moments where I get so moved because it's like the strength of spirit, the belief in themselves. Where they just kept showing up even if they were afraid and they overcame it or they defeated the quote unquote bad guy. And I say quote unquote bad guy because the bad guys is simply a vehicle for them. It's the bad guy, the bad the bad force is just an opportunity. It's it's actually serving them. It's a role. It's playing for the hero to awaken into its power. So no one can do it for you. This is the good news and you are more than capable. Otherwise, you wouldn't be alive. You wouldn't exist. And two, you wouldn't be studying and reading this and hearing this message. So you gotta do it, but you're not alone and you're being shown exercises and tools and practices and given a different way of seeing things that's going to help you believe more and more of who you really are. And if you do not like where you are, look no further than yourself. Don't judge yourself though. Don't be like, I'm I'm an f up. What's wrong with me? I'm doing it wrong. Clearly, if I was worthy, I would be thriving in my life, but I'm struggling. That's that's not what the message is ever. Look with innocence, look with wonder, look with curiosity, look what I've created for myself. What must I be believing to have created this? What thoughts must I be? What stories must I be telling myself? That have created this experience I'm having of life's hard, life's a struggle. No one loves me. I'm unworthy. Who am I to be bright and grand? Who am I to be a Christ? Right? Look at just can I look with innocence and wonder instead of judgment? And as we start to do that and we take responsibility meaning, okay, let's let's just assume, let's play a game. If what Jes was saying is true, because my ego wants to argue the hell out of all this stuff. But if what Jes was saying is true and I am the creator, then how am I creating this? What beliefs? What stories are creating the way that my life is right now? And and seeing this as the good news because if I created it, I can uncreated isn't really the right word. I can create something else. I can use my powers. The power that I am. I can use my consciousness. I can tell a different story with deliberate awareness and create a new experience for myself. Now, yeah, in our experience, the brain resists that. We're gonna fight it well. That's unrealistic. Who are you to create a new story? Look at all the evidence of all the all the this is the way it is. This is why you're telling a story. Look at all the evidence. Right? That's what our brain does. We want to keep us safe, wants keep us small, once it keep us controlled. Once you see that's what it's trying to do, you are free. You see its game and you don't have to buy into it anymore. You don't have to play that game anymore. There's nothing stopping any of us from expanding and waking up and making a different choice. There's nothing. There's no power over us. There's no demon entities that are stopping us that we have to fight. The spiritual battle between good and evil is not a battle once you stop fighting. Stop fighting. Stop seeing the evil or the darkness as powerful and then it's not powerful as no power over you. And you say, well, then it can do whatever it wants to do. No, it can't. Look what Look look at Joshua. Just look at Jesus' life. I mean, if you wanna argue, if you you can argue all day long, that, oh, look what the evil did. It killed him. He didn't seem to mind, did he? Because he did he wasn't killed. Because he wasn't attached to and identifying as the physical body as the body brain, as the ego separate self. Forgive them, Lord, but they know not what they do. They don't know who I am. They don't know who they are. And they think they're actually doing something. They think they're actually killing me. And he didn't say, oh god, why did you forsaken me? Why did you leave me hung out to dry? The arameic translation of what he actually said was for this was I born. For this for this demonstration was I born to show the world to make an undeniable demonstration for anyone who looked that there's so much more than meets the eye that I am. We are. You are. Life is so much more than this physical form. This is the good news. Jeshua continues. We await you. We will reach out for you in a million different ways across space and time into the space between your thoughts. Not just through the mechanism of this course, but every time there is a little space open in your consciousness, we will indeed come and whisper beloved friend, come and play at a faster level. It is all within you. Come and play. Come and play with god's children. You are free in this moment. You are as free as you will ever be right now. Beautiful. It's not just Joshua. We, the lineage, the light bears. The legion. We are legion. You think you're alone, impossible. You have a whole teen with you. Always, you can't see them with your physical eyes, but you can feel them. And you can begin to commune, negate with them. We await you. We're waiting patiently and lovingly. And we'll reach out for you in a million different ways across space and time because we love you. We're so excited for you. To remember, to wake up, to remember who you already are, not evolve into something, you're already this. And we're gonna reach out between across space and time, between your thoughts. Your your your the the static of your brain that's just nonstop, narrating, thinking, analyzing, worrying, just chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, like, shut the f up. Like, it just it just goes and goes and goes and goes and we buy into it and we actually think we're it. Oh, this is me. This is my dialogue. This is my narrative. These are my thoughts. But when we have moments of stillness and we turn our attention away from that busyness of the brain, and we're very much aware. Oh, I am. Without those thoughts, I am. That's who you are. And that's when you can receive, you can hear, you can receive it and hear it because you're still the whispers, the callings, that your heart is like, oh, yes. Let's go. Not just through the mechanism of this course, this course is one vehicle amongst an infinite number of vehicles that you can use to support yourself and waking up. Every time there's a little space open in your conscious, there's just a tiny bit will come and whisper. It's a whisper. Right? The ego, this is from a course of miracles, the loud, ruckus, shrieks of the ego. The ego is so loud. They go so noisy, so fearful. It could also be very, very subtle and insidious and wispry too. But it has a quality to it. The quality is is fear. It can show up as disgust or hate or resentment, but ultimately all of that is fear. Fear, and a sense of separation. The whispers of love, those are the ones where you feel safe, where you feel at home. Where you feel loved, where you feel they feel familiar. Beloved friend, come and play. It's all about play. The game of awakening above all got things playfully, how serious we are, how serious we take life. When it's play, What if we treated it as such? What if we treated our finances as playful, not life or death what if we treat our relationship more playfully? What if we treated our work? Doesn't mean we don't, like, do a quality job and be goofball, but I'm just saying like, oh, this is a game I'm playing. What have we treated our health with more playfulness? Let me go have What's more fun for my body? Like, get out in nature, get some fresh air, get some movement. How can we bring more play to our lives at a vast level we're being invited into? Come play at a vast level. It's all within you. It's not out there in the job, in the money, in the validation, in the security of a r four zero one k It's not out there in the nice car, the nice house, the health insurance, the good college name, the PHDs. It's not out there in anything. It's all within you. Because we know there's people who have all those things I've just mentioned and they're miserable. They thought those things would make them whole or be happy and they brought a fleeting moment of happiness that was really just the ego not feeling so bad about itself. And then we also know people who have nothing who are completely enjoy and grateful for life. It's not about what you have. About what's inside and we all have the same thing inside. The kingdom. Come and play. Come and play with God's creations. You're free. In this moment, you're free as you ever will be right now. Don't use this message as judging yourself. Don't think well. I'm so far off. I don't understand this. This just seems nice words. My life is a fucking living hell right now. Your living hell is your gateway. It's your portal. It's It's your curriculum for right now. It's your curriculum that's in front of you to use use it wisely. Go into it. Go into the feelings. Feeling is the gateway. Go into them with curiosity, with innocence. It's when we resist, when we deny, when we fight, when we judge, when we make wrong, when we try, when we when we say to ourselves, I shouldn't be here right now. That's when we suffer. Last episode, we talked about complete presence. The way that you get to them is by bringing full awareness to what you are choosing to experience in each and every moment. What story am I telling here? If I feel awful, it's some story, some thought that's creating the emotion and the feeling. Start telling new stories. I am safe. I'm safe in the unknown. I'm safe in the unknown. And and instead of saying, I'm not I'm not a body. I'm not just a body that can invoke fear and rejection. I mean, it's not how about I'm unlimited spirit. I'm more than the body. I am a soul. I'm safe. I'm expansive. I'm powerful. I am, the two most powerful words for whatever you put after them, creates your experience. So start start creating new IMs for yourself. So, Joshua, these are we'll end I guess, we'll just finish it off, but the end is just private reading just to get through it. But this this section's important. Questions from Joshua? How then will you use time? What will you construct out of your infinite field of awareness? What world will you look upon? What thoughts will you think? What feelings will you evoke within the cells? Where will you direct the body to be placed on a daily basis? How will you observe or how will you enter into relationship with each moment? Whether touching a dial or touching a body, it really makes no difference. What will you bring to that experience? Is it Christ touching the shoulder of another? Or is it just some limited needy self? Now, as I always say from the very beginning, this is why the podcast exists. This is why the living the way, mastery group exists. This is why we go from theory to practice to mastery. So we talk about the theory. But the practice is where it gets applied, where it gets embodied, where you really learn it, just like reading about writing a basic you can watch all the YouTube videos and read all about it and know how to do it. But until you actually get on the bike, you're not really gonna know. So when Joshua asks us these questions, it's so I know for me, it's so easy, like, to read through them. Oh, he's asking questions, but to not really answer them. Just to read, oh, I'm reading. I'm doing my spiritual reading. These are good questions, but do we slow down and actually do them? So I'm going to encourage you before you move on to the next lesson. Take five minutes, ten minutes, and write each question out in your journal. And and you don't have to meditate on it, but just like be still and allow a risk your response to come forward. How then will you use time? Write that question out. And then see what answers come from within you. For me, it was awakened to truth, be Christ love. Not just talk about it, not just read about it, not just podcast about it, but be Christ love in my day to day. Now am I that twenty four seven? Absolutely not. If somebody, you know, is a driving is my Ashram. I probably get triggered driving more than any other place. So that's my Ashram when someone's driving too slow, when someone's driving recklessly, when someone doesn't use a turn signal, and someone's driving like a bonehead. Right? That's a judgment, of course. But, like, I I can use that. How can I beat Christ's love while I'm driving with other with other drivers, with other human beings? Doing the best they can. Great. That's my classroom. But how will I use time? I wanna use time to be Christ's love to awaken to truth. What will you construct out of your infinite field of awareness? What came forward from me was a paradise of peace, unlimitedness, a universe, a one verse of love, that the one note of life is love. That's what came forward when I got still and asked myself these questions. What world will you look upon? When I'm on social media, I look upon a certain world. I don't I don't like it. Obviously, I'm creating that experience. Creates a feeling of separation, a feeling of hopelessness, a feeling of anger, and maybe it's what I'm looking at on social media. But what but when I get still and I ask what world will I look upon? What came forward was expressions of love. You know, is that lying in a course of miracles that if, like, there's only calls for love and expressions of love. That's it. That's it. If you only saw the world that way, you'd see how people are calling for love. They're just wanting love. They're wanting to be loved. To know that they are worthy of love, that they are loved, that they are love itself, and they just wanna share and express like the Beatles say. We don't I forget the line crap. I wish I could recall it's there. It's something about you know, the greatest gift you'll ever know is to be loved and to love and return or something like that. Yes. And then all you need is love. What thoughts will you think? I wrote thoughts of strength, thoughts of truth, thoughts of love, thoughts of creation. What feelings will you evoke within the cells? Don't you see that? You evoke the feelings. They're not evoked for you. You're not a victim of the world, you see. Your feelings are a reflection. Your feelings are an effect. They're not the cause. Your feelings are an effect of the pebbles you drop, of the stories you tell, of what you choose to focus on in your consciousness. That's the cause. Caus is consciousness. I wrote gratitude I wanna evoke within myself's feelings of gratitude, of abundance of overflowing, gratitude, and abundance for life I wanna evoke joy and the power of love because love is powerful and it has no opposite to fight against. Where will you direct the body to be placed on a daily basis? And I said wherever I am, God is. That's what came forward when I answered that, when I listened and allowed that question to be answered wherever I am. Sitting at my desk, writing an email, that's where God wants me to be, sending love, putting love and blessing in that email to that person. Talking about a program I'm doing, that's what we're doing. Being with my picking up my kids at school, that's where love needs and wants me to be because I'm there. In the grocery store, in the checkout line, wherever it is, thinking, of sitting in my meditation chair and somebody pops into my awareness, sending them love. How will you observe or how will you enter into relationship with each moment. Whether touching a dial or touching a body, It really makes no difference. And I put holy That's what came forward. How will I observe that all relationship is holy, that all moments are holy, whether you're touching a dial? Reading a book, making coffee, doing the laundry, it's a holy moment. Why? Because every moment can be holy. Every moment is holy. It's miracle upon miracle upon mystery upon mystery expressing itself. Can we see each moment, especially the mundane moments as miracles. As God right here in this moment. It doesn't seem important, but it doesn't seem important only to the ego because the ego thinks some things are more important than others. Because some some things mean more than others when they don't because it's already whole and vast and complete and perfect It's already all here. What will you bring to that experience? Love. Is it Christ touching the shoulder of another or is it just some limited needy self? I have to admit when I first read that, it, like, it was a gut punch. Yikes. I wanna say that it's Christ when I show up with someone, but sometimes it's my it's the part of me that thinks that I'm a needy limited self I need to feel good about myself. I need to feel validated. I need to feel special. I need to feel important. Really because I'm feeling less than I'm identifying is less than identifying is not enough and that's a shitty feeling. But that's in there. That's in me. So it's good for me to feel that because then it lets me know where I'm focusing my awareness. This this last part is important. I know this is now we're we're kind of at our end, but let's just finish. There's only two more paragraphs. Jester says who will you say that you are to this world. Who will you say that you are to this world? For what you decree is instantly. There's no way out of this responsibility. Stop fighting it in birthed Christ where once you thought something less than has dwelt. This is everything. Who do you say you are to the world? I'm just John Jones. I'm just this. I'm just this job. I'm just this body and just, you know, this taxpayer, and just this person in this country with, you know, I'm just this, you know, parent to these two kids and one day I'm gonna die and they're gonna die too and let's just have a nice life and be comfortable and, you know, let's Let's find some moments. Maybe go on a vacation once every couple of years and, you know, let's just kinda get through it. Let's get through all the tough moments. Get through it until we die. Like who will you say that you are to this world? And a lot of times when people go the opposite direction, it's an insecurity. They're like, oh, I'm special. I'm Right? I'm grand. I'm the best, but they're doing it because deep down, they feel less than. We all know those people. They're posturing. So can we access this space that's beyond the ego, beyond the the less than the insecurity. So we need to feel more. We need to achieve to be worthy of our parents love, look dad, you made a mistake. I am worthy. I am lovable. And can we just know who we are? I am the Christ. I am love made manifest. I mean, from this place and I don't usually use this language like the next line that was in my head, was I am the savior of the world. And to my brain, that's like, that's crazy. That's blasphemous. That's like, people people don't need saving. But I am the savior of the world, meaning like I am the light. I am here to awaken. I'm here to shine so bright that anyone who looks upon me can't deny It's impossible to deny what they're seeing. That's what Joshua said. You don't have to have a big ego to claim to be the Christ. You don't have to be famous. You don't have to be well known at all. And no one has to agree with you. No one has to like it. That's the other thing. No one has to agree with you and no one has to approve or like you for you to just claim what's true. Not everyone like Jesus. Not everyone still likes Jesus and Jeshua when his whole message is about peace and love. Now whether the people who claim to be his followers are doing peace and love, that's a different story. But people didn't like them then, people don't like them now. What does that matter to him? I'm just going to be who I am. And even the ones who don't like me, they just don't know who they are. This is not about religion. This is not about rules. This is not about right and wrong. This is about truth. For what you decree is instantly, what you decree. Now you could say something Is that you decreeing it? When I think about decree and I'm not looking at the definition of the word, there's like there's an energy behind it. There's a conviction behind it. Like, the king decrees this. It's like, oh, this is. The king decrees it. The queen decrees it. The authority decrees it. Well guess what? You're the authority. Can you get that? This is the quote, the Maryann Williams. It's not your it's not your darkness that scares you. It's your light. It's your power that scares you. Yes. You are the Christ And you don't have to go walking around saying, I'm Jason the Christ. I'm the Christ. You don't have to say that. Just be it. That's how you say it. You be it. Through your actions, through your thoughts, through your words, through your gestures. That's how you decree who you are, and you are that instantly. Now if you feel call to say it, don't shy away from saying it. Own who you are. Own what you are. I am the Christ. And guess what? So are you? That's the cool thing. That's what Jeshua was saying. I'm the son of God. And so are you? You're the daughter of God. You're the child of God. You're the creation of God. I am and you are too. So no one's left out. You might not be aware of that and that's okay. I'm aware of it and I'm just gonna be it because that's what I am. And I don't need to convince you, you'll wake up when you're ready to wake up. Your soul will create ways for you to wake up that might be through hitting rock bottom. Your wake up vehicle might be alcoholism, a car crash, a DUI, killing someone while you're drunk driving and going to prison for thirty years or lifetime. That might be your wake up call that your soul has given you. And that other person who died is not the victim either. That's what their soul chose to wake up to as well. Let your let your let your mind open to that. No one is a victim. Everyone's here by choice. Everyone's choosing their experience for their highest growth and expansion. We just judge and get caught up in the surface of it, of the details of the form when we're missing the content. Who will you say you are to the world? Be it for what you decree. You have to decree it. God's not decreeing it for you. Why? Because God's already decreed it for you by creating you into existence. What you decree is instantly, you don't have to prove yourself for twenty years. You don't have to do your ten thousand hours. What you decree is instantly. There's no way out of this responsibility. Take as much time as you need. Fight it resistant deny it as long as you want it doesn't change the truth of what you are. So you might if you're reading this, you might as well stop fighting it in birth Christ where you once thought something less than is dwelt. Why wait? You're already studying the wavemaster, you're already drawn to this work. So let's do it. Let's get on with it. Let's be it. And this is why I love community. This is why we created the Living Wave Mastery Group, so we can be with other people who are committed to doing this. I'm in, let's fucking go. Let's not waste time. And the let's fucking go is, like, is you wanna fly? Give up the shit the ways down. Where are you in fear? Where are you playing small? Where do you think you're less than than who you really are? Knowledge it. Love that part of you. Feel it. And then make a new declaration, a new decree. So it is in dealing in the shadows. It's not all light you know, light and love is amazing, and it's also in the shadows where we see what we've chosen so we can make a different choice. So it's uncomfortable. The waking up process for most of us is very uncomfortable because we're being faced with the things we don't want to look at. Again, that's why support is so important. It's not blasphemy to say what you are. And to be who you are. You can say, I'm I'm the cry. I mean, look at all the religious people across any religion. Who say one thing and then secretly do another. And that's why so many people are disillusioned with religion and spiritual leaders and, you know, people who promise big things. But then in secret, they act a totally different way. They're out of alignment. And now if you are just if you have discernment, you can sense that. You can feel that. And we come to completion where Jeshua says beloved friends, peace be unto you always, and always I am with you. I come to you not alone, but with many who have delighted in creating a resonance with me, and I with them for no other reason, then that power expands exponentially when minds join in love from a foundation of wholeness. And not neediness. I do not need the one that you call my capital and mother. She does not need me. But oh, how we delight in creating together, that which extends the good, the holy, and the beautiful without end. Will you come and play with us? Peace then be with you always. And as always, amen. So Jeshua was saying what he's always been saying, he's not alone. There's legion of angels and light beings and love who is with you right now and they create this resonance together. They come together to create a resonance for no other reason. They're not trying to save or fix They're just doing it because that's what they are. That's what you are. It's light, it's love expressing, coming together, and it expands x sponentially, that words in italics, exponentially when minds join in love from wholeness, not fear, not lack, not needing this. Where two are more gathered, I am there. And where does this? Where is this in the world? Where people join from a foundation of neediness, of lack of fear. Oh my gosh. That's everywhere. But there are spaces where people join in wholeness, in love, in celebration, in worship, in in just wanting to express and expand and create out of wholeness and love. And you can feel it. You know those spaces. People are drawn to those spaces. And this last piece is so important. I do not need the one you call my mother. She does not need me. Because creation is whole and perfect always. It is not in lack and needing this ever. Nothing is missing. But when we come together and create together out of this desire to express oh man, come play with us. Come play with us. Will you accept the invitation? I'm in. And if you're listening to this, if you're reading and studying the way mastery you're into. Let's have some fun here. Peace be then with you always, and as always, amen. And amen means and so it is.

Embracing Unlimited Spirit for Transformation
Empowerment Through Self-Realization
Christ's Love in Daily Life
Invitation to Play in Love