Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 14: Love Requires No Effort

May 14, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 14 Episode 301
Lesson 14: Love Requires No Effort
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 14: Love Requires No Effort
May 14, 2024 Season 14 Episode 301
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Paragraphs: 4-9

In today's episode, we confront the illusions that cloud our perception and learn to distinguish the fear that doesn't truly exist from the love that's ever-present and real.

Feel the barriers to self-love crumble as we uncover the subtle art of allowing love to flow with just a hint of willingness.

By reinterpreting our stories with love at the forefront, we can transcend suffering and step into unity.

So join in, share your thoughts, and let's cultivate a space for connection, guided by the universal power of love.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Paragraphs: 4-9

In today's episode, we confront the illusions that cloud our perception and learn to distinguish the fear that doesn't truly exist from the love that's ever-present and real.

Feel the barriers to self-love crumble as we uncover the subtle art of allowing love to flow with just a hint of willingness.

By reinterpreting our stories with love at the forefront, we can transcend suffering and step into unity.

So join in, share your thoughts, and let's cultivate a space for connection, guided by the universal power of love.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend and fellow student, and today we continue in Lesson 14, the Wise Use of Time. In yesterday's episode, episode 300, by the way, which was a nice little milestone for the podcast we Jesuit and the lineage really invite us to come to this lesson with the consciousness of who we are, which is the Christ, the Christ consciousness, the awareness that you, that all, is a child, an emanation of the divine, of source, of the one which is love. And if you've forgotten that, if you're coming to this lesson thinking yourself less than, and you're just coming to listen to Christ, you're being invited to reside back in the five-minute exercise of simply being the presence of Christ, simple, and then coming to this lesson as Christ listening to a Christ. So Jeshua continues in paragraph four, at the end of the five minutes. Simply remind yourself that what is true always is always true, that only love is real, and love with a capital L. Only love is real, and what is real cannot be threatened by what does not truly exist. In each moment in which your perceptions are less than flowing from the remembrance of who you are, you have been in unreality. When you notice this, take the time. In italics, take the time and use it constructively by returning to the truth. Pause in your reading if you must. We will be going nowhere and return in five minutes. So the last paragraph, the lineage, kind of calls us out. Hey, for well, do we perceive that many of you have already forgotten that the exercise exists? So go back and do it. And then, in this paragraph, just in case you still haven't gotten back and do it, we'll wait. We'll wait as long as it takes Five minutes to remember who you are, to return to the truth, to reside in the presence of you as a being of love, an emanation of capital.

Speaker 1:

L love, a unique, individuated expression. You are not. You are so much more than a body. You're not the body. You are an extension, a unique individuation of love expressed in form, not the physical form, in a form. Remind yourself of what is true is always true, that only love is real. What do we all want? At the end of our lives? That's when it becomes really clear Love, it's the relationships, it's the love that we've shared, the love that we've expressed, the love that we've received. That really matters when it gets down to it, that's all we want. All we need is love. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. That is really it. When it gets down to it.

Speaker 1:

All the other bullshit on top of it is an attempt to remember who we are right. When we're identified with the ego, this tiny mad idea of separation, it feels like we're lacking something Love source life force. Like we're lacking something Love source life force. So we try and get it in the thing in the money, in the job, in the status, in the recognition, in the relationship, in the body, whatever form. There's an infinite number of forms it can take, but we're searching for that thing to love ourselves, to return to love.

Speaker 1:

Only love is real. And what is? This is a line, this is a reference to A Course in Miracles, the opening line of A Course in Miracles what is real cannot be threatened and what is unreal does not exist. Therein lies the peace of God. If you meditated on that every day, it would change your life. And Jeshua here says and what is real cannot be threatened by what does not truly exist, fear does not truly exist. Fear does not truly exist. So many of the illusions that we buy into do not exist. They're illusions. They seem very real. We experience the effects of what we are creating for ourselves, what we are creating for ourselves, but what is unlike, love does not exist, and that's what we are being invited to come back to, to reside in, simply for the joy of it.

Speaker 1:

In each moment in which your perceptions are less than flowing from the remembrance of who you are, you've been living in unreality. A lot of us, a lot of the time, are living in unreality, myself included. It's part of the human experience. We chose it as a vehicle for waking up. When you notice this, when you notice that you're focused on the wrong not the wrong things, but you're focused on unreality, take the time and use it by returning to the truth. That's what these five minutes are for every day, and five minutes, a third of 1% of your 24 hours to return to the truth that only love is real, that you are Christ.

Speaker 1:

Christ is not some special thing. Oh my God, I'm not worthy of being Christ. No, start making it an ordinary term, like it's self-evident that you exist, I exist, that's self-evident. To say that it's just obvious, it's an obvious truth. So is saying I am am a christ, I am the christ. I'm an extension of love and form. I'm an expression of life. Again, I mentioned this yesterday. This is why we love nature. We go out in nature and it's like it's just life expressed. That's what you are. You are nature. We've we've lost sight of that in this distracting, noisy technological world.

Speaker 1:

Pause in your reading, if you must. We're not going anywhere. Come back in five minutes. Pause this recording and come back in five minutes. Go back to lesson nine, if you must. Five minutes a day, residing as a Christ, taking full responsibility that you are an infinite creator, experiencing exactly what you're experiencing in your emotional field. What do I want to create and experience right now? Jeshua continues in paragraph five.

Speaker 1:

The way of transformation is simple, for the way of efforting one's way into the kingdom cannot flow from the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for where there is effort, there is a separate will called the ego that believes itself to be and would love to convince you of this small powerless and knows that it is pervaded by fear. Love requires no effort, only the little willingness necessary to allow it to flow from the depth of your being, through you, that it might be extended throughout creation. I mean, come on, this is that's just insanely beautiful. The way of transformation is simple. I love simple, that's why I love Revelation Breathwork. It's so simple. You lay on the floor and you breathe. You can play music, you don't have to, but you breathe and you get out of your freaking, busy monkey mind, brain, nonstop thinking, thing, thing and you return into your the still small voice inside of you, a presence, a feeling and energy. And sometimes we need to move through layers to get there. All the resistance, all like, it's like being in the storm clouds and then we drop in and there's just stillness. It it's so simple.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshur says for the way of efforting one's way into the kingdom cannot flow from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I can relate to this. Can you this feeling of trying to effort your way into heaven, god, the kingdom, christ, consciousness, whatever, nirvana, whatever word you want to use, efforting to get there, that cannot flow from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You can't effort to get there. And we effort in so many ways to get the results that we want in life, to get the love that we think we lack, or the money or the validation, or the approval or the acceptance that we think we lack from society or our parents or some sky daddy that's going to approve of us some Santa Claus, if we're good, we get what we want. If we're bad, we get punished. So we effort and we toil. There's all whole religions and belief systems. The more you effort and toil and suffer, the more worthy you are.

Speaker 1:

By the way, effort has nothing to do with taking action and doing things. It's a quality of trying to get somewhere where you already are. Effort is great. Effort at the gym, effort in your work, like putting in effort, is amazing. I love effort. We grow from effort, but the way Jesh was talking about it from here is like this idea that we can, that our efforting will get us there, and he's like no, you're already here. You can't effort here because the more you effort meaning from the ego, you can't hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because you're trying to effort, you think it's your effort that will get you there. Just saying it's never your effort. One because there is no you in the small sense that you think. Is you this personal self? Because there is no you in the small sense that you think, is you this personal self, no matter how much your little personal self thinks it can effort, it's never going to get you anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Joshua says, for where there is effort, there is a separate will called the ego. What is it? Lesson 10, the way is easy and without effort. So many people are tired and exhausted because they've been efforting so hard to get all the things that they think that they lack, or rather, that they feel that they lack. You might not think you lack anything, but if there's a feeling of lack that's going to drive you to do all kinds of things to try and fill that feeling, to make it go away, to make it feel better, you can't effort your way. Where there's effort, there's a separate will called the ego, that believes itself to be powerless, small and pervaded by fear. Can you relate to those feelings? I know I can those moments where I feel like I need to be the maker and the doer and the more I effort, in truth, really I don't get anywhere. I feel small, powerless and afraid. The more I surrender, the more I allow, the more I listen and then be inspired to take action from that place, because it's not really me who's doing it, I'm just showing up and taking the next step, but I'm being guided and led. That's when big things move.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua says love requires no effort. That's going to be the title of our, of our podcast today Love requires no effort. If it feels like it, then you're blocking the flow of love through you through a need to be right, through a judgment of someone else which is really a self-judgment of yourself, through identifying as the ego, feeling small and powerless and afraid and insecure and lacking, needing defenses. Love requires no effort. Again, this phrase little willingness, only the little willingness. That's how loved you are, that's how supported you are, that's how easy it can be if you want it to be. Our egos don't want it to be easy. It wants it to be complex. Because egos don't want it to be easy. They want it to be complex because then we'll never find it. And that keeps the ego in the front of our awareness.

Speaker 1:

Identifying chasing. It's like the little carrot on the stick. We're always chasing it, but we never quite get there. We might have a little nibble of the carrot, but we never quite get the carrot. It's just the little nibble the ego like throws ourselves a bone, so we keep going. If we never got it, we would be totally self-defeated, right. But if we get a little bit a little taste of it and then we don't get it for a while, then we get a little taste of it and we don't get it for a while. We get a little taste of it that keeps us going. Ego does to us yeah, I'll throw you a few wins here and there to kind of keep you going, show you that things are nice, but you're never going to get there. It's impossible from the consciousness of the ego.

Speaker 1:

When you give up that silly game, when you let it go and you have a little willingness, that's necessary to allow love to flow from the depth of your being, through you, allowing love to flow from the depth of your being through you, that it might be extended throughout creation. But we got to slow down, we got to be still, we got to listen, we got to have humility, the keys to the kingdom. The busier we are in our brain, the less we can hear. And I speak from experience. I can be the most mental, try-and-figure-it-out person and when I'm in that mode I hate slowing down. I don't want to slow down, I don't want to feel, I just want to figure it out, and it can be very frustrating, and then something inevitably happens to slow me down where I see it and like oh, this is what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

Beloved friends, the way of transformation requires only that you extend to yourself the willingness necessary to put into practice using time differently. No, it does not mean that you have to quit your job and go live in a little hut on top of a mountain somewhere. You would not necessarily use time differently by doing so. It does require that you begin with the simple recognition that there can be no set of perceived circumstances that truly have the power to separate you from your God. No set of circumstances, no set of relationships, not the weather, not the amount of money that you are allowing yourself to receive for the expenditure of your time. There is nothing in the world that has the power to separate you from your God. Powerful, powerful. The way of transformation requires only that you extend to yourself. It's about you and you. This is all about loving yourself, capital S self, for when you love yourself, you are loving God, you are in harmony and alignment with reality, with a capital R.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking at this message in my office, a quote that I wrote down next to a picture of Jesus. It says, self-love is essential to return to the kingdom, for self-love is the love of the creator. You cannot love the creator while rejecting the creator's creation, while rejecting the creator's creation. This is about you loving yourself. Regardless of your circumstances, what you're struggling with in your life, can you just love yourself through it all?

Speaker 1:

There's this great, great, great podcast I listened to yesterday while I was working out. It was from the podcast Ram Dass here and Now. So if you search Ram Dass here and Now, that podcast, the episode was Resting in the I Am and it was so powerful and true and inspiring and beautiful and he's talking about all the same stuff that Jeshua is teaching in the way of mastery. It's the Christ consciousness. It doesn't matter what religion. It's the same message, it's the same stuff and I highly encourage you to seek it out and listen to it.

Speaker 1:

I just posted it on my Instagram stories today. I'll try and post it in the buy me a cup of coffee little community that we have, and I really want to create more of a community around this for our listeners. I know we have the living the way mastery group, which is a kind of a much. You know. It's a small, intimate group of people really applying the teachers, but it would be nice to also have some forum where the broader community can come together and connect as well. Maybe I will just create a Facebook group. I really don't like Facebook, but maybe I'll create a Facebook group because that seems to be where a lot of people are. And if you want to give me your feedback, please reply to this, send me an email and let me know what you think about that, this idea of a community, and where it should be. Anyways, back to the text.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua is saying the way of transformation requires only that you extend to yourself the willingness necessary. It's necessary to put into practice using time differently, instead of using time to be busy to get your needs met and all this crap to survive. This lesson is about the wise use of time. It doesn't mean you have to quit your job and go live in a hut somewhere, because that also wouldn't necessarily mean that you're using time differently. That's great. That's very often an idea of what we think. Oh, to be spiritual means I need to disconnect from reality, when Jeshua's never said that he goes back to.

Speaker 1:

Your daily life is your ashram your daily life, all the challenges, all the struggles, all the relationship conflicts, every trigger, every time you get upset or annoyed or frustrated or angry or sad or anything, anytime your peace is disturbed. This is the Holy Spirit, this is your soul, bringing up into your awareness your blocks to love, so you can heal them through forgiveness, through love and compassion towards yourself. This is a good thing. The challenges in your life are the way, they're not in the way. This is the wise use of time, cheshire says.

Speaker 1:

It does require that you begin with the simple recognition that there can be no set of perceived in italics, perceived circumstances that truly have the power to separate you from God. It's a perception, it's not reality. This is what we've been invited to see from the very beginning that I'm the creator, the literal creator, of my experience. It's my perception that creates my small r reality experience. It's my perception that creates my small r reality. It's another way of saying it, the way it's easier for me to access when I say the story that I'm telling myself creates my experience. When I tell a story of life's not fair, life is hard, life's a struggle, this person doesn't really like me, or this person is being difficult, or this person is selfish. Whatever the judgment, whatever story I'm telling, it's immediate, reflected back in my experience. So if I change the story, I change my experience of it. Life is for me, life is loving me, life is kind. This person is my teacher. This person is reflecting back to me something that I'm not seeing inside of myself. This person is the same as me, my brother, my sister in Christ.

Speaker 1:

When I tell that story, that's a totally different experience that I have. Or when I tell the story of oh, this symptom in my body, this pain is bad, I need to get rid of it. I don't like it. It's an indication something's wrong that creates the experience of fear, anger, frustration and more fear and mental. I got to figure something out. When I have to tell the story of okay, there's a, something happening in my body and it's here to teach me, it's here to inform me, it's inviting me deeper into myself, let me listen, let me get curious. When I tell that story, my experience of my symptoms, whatever's happening in my body, is totally different and that requires me slowing down, which my brain does not want to do. My brain wants to figure it out, get the answers, google it. I don't know, ask somebody, get, you know not. But not slow down, not go into it. I want to get out of it.

Speaker 1:

What are you talking about? There are no set of circumstances, perceived, circumstances that truly they might seem like it, it might feel like it, you might be so convinced, but nothing has the power to separate you from God. Nothing, nothing, no circumstance, no relationship, not the weather. I love this, not the amount of money that you are allowing yourself to receive. That's a challenging statement to the part of us that feels less than, or unworthy or lacking. Wait a second. You're saying here that the amount of money that I have is me allowing myself to receive it. No, no, I'm only being offered this. This is only my salary, this is only the money that I'm getting. What do you mean? That's not me allowing they tell me how much I'm worth.

Speaker 1:

From that point of view, yes, that's your experience, but Jeshua is speaking to us from a higher point of view, from a quantum field point of view. The amount of money that you are allowing yourself to receive for the expenditure of your time, you're allowing it. There's nothing in the world that has the power to separate you from your God, not your money or lack of money, not your ideal body, look and type and size or whatever you think is not ideal, not your relationships, not how many years you live. None of it has the power to separate you from your God has the power to separate you from your God, jeshua says you in italics you are the one who holds dominion over all things.

Speaker 1:

What does this idea of dominion mean? It means that you are the one who is the source of the power that can choose how you will see what is around you, how you will perceive it and what you will believe most about it. This is the same message stress cry of a child, the barking of a dog or the coming of the male with the bills. This is the same message, said in a different way you are the literal creator of your experience. You are the one who holds dominion over all things, not controls all things and dictates all outcomes. That's not what he's saying. Ever. That's what we try and do. That's what the ego tries and do Controls everything, control other people, control every outcome, control every situation, control our own emotions Ineffectively. That's what the ego does. Control, control, control. Because then, if I can control everything, I'm the puppet master, then I'm safe, then nothing can get me, because I'm getting it. Dominion is a different quality. You are the one who holds dominion over all things. What does this idea of dominion mean? It means that you are the one who is the source of the power that can choose how you will see what is around you, how you will perceive it and what you will believe about it. It's the same thing I just said. You create the story, you create what something means and then that's what you experience.

Speaker 1:

Most of us do it unconsciously. We're being invited to do it consciously. We're being invited to see where we've been doing it unconsciously and really see the effects of it, how much we suffer because of it. Because when we feel and we see how much suffering that we've done to ourselves, then it's like I don't want to do that anymore. I want to make a different choice. There must be a different way. Ah, and that's where Jesuit comes in. This is the way You're the source of where Jesuit comes in. This is the way You're the source of the power that can choose how you will see something. You are the storyteller, you are the painting. You get to give meaning to anything and guess what? There's no objective meaning other than love. So in our subjective experience. In reality, you can tell a story about something, have an experience and in the same circumstance, I could tell a different story and have a different experience when it's the same neutral event that is happening. Hello, that's the world. Everybody's living in their own subjectively created experience of the world, every single person. That's what we do.

Speaker 1:

So start looking, start asking yourself what stories am I telling about life? What stories am I telling about myself? What stories am I telling about my relationships? What stories am I telling about the things I love? What stories am I telling about the things that I don't love and I'm avoiding or I'm fighting, or I'm resisting or I'm wanting to change? What stories am I telling avoiding, or I'm fighting, or I'm resisting or I'm wanting to change? What stories am I telling? And then you'll see oh, based on that story. That's why I'm experiencing what I'm experiencing. That makes sense.

Speaker 1:

What if I told a different story? Then I would probably. What would that feel like? And just get curious. What would it feel like to tell a different story about whatever you're going through? Try it on, write it down.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes that can help us, but we're so wedded to our emotions. We're so wedded to our need to be right. I got to pick a side. We're all picking a side. It's being reinforced in the world. Pick a side Pro-abortion pro-life Republican Democrat, pro-israel, pro-palestine. Pick a side Pro-abortion, pro-life Republican Democrat, pro-israel, pro-palestine. Pick a side. Which side are you on? You want to be on the side of the good. You want to be on the side of the righteous. Meanwhile, both people on both sides are thinking that they're the right ones, that they're the righteous ones, that they're the good ones.

Speaker 1:

Do we not see this? Let's see this out beyond ideas of right making and wrong making, there is a field. I will meet you there, says Rumi. This is what the I am presence is. This is what that podcast from Ram Dass was about. Oh my gosh, please do yourself a favor and listen to it.

Speaker 1:

You are the one with the power. Not, not, not God. God created you as a sovereign, free emanation of itself to extend itself. Jesus doesn't have the power over you. No one has the power over you your boss, your mommy and your daddy, your ancestors, your body, the body. Nothing has the power over you. You are the one with the power to penetrate the illusory veil of the world, to see through the surface nonsense, the surface, noise to the heart, the essence, the truth.

Speaker 1:

The Christ child in everything. Huh, what does that mean? The Christ child in everything? I, what does that mean? The Christ child in everything? I was told Jesus was the Christ, he's the special son of God. What does this mean? The Christ child in everything? Christ is not a last name. Christ is the emanation of life in form. Christ is the extension of love. It's an awareness, it's the consciousness. That's what you are. You are pure awareness, pure consciousness. The Christ child in everything. Everything is an emanation of life. With a capital L, a blade of grass, that is the Christ child. The cry of a child, anything in existence, anything you hear, see, feel, think, anything that comes into your consciousness is the Christ child, because there's nothing outside of it. It's all God, it's all God, and if it's all God and it's all infinite, it's all eternal. Nothing unreal exists and can threaten what is real. Nothing unreal exists and can threaten what is real.

Speaker 1:

But we put in so much effort to fighting, making things wrong and judging it Because we're in pain, because we are not seeing clearly Right the awakened masters. They don't fight, they don't resist. Look at Gandhi. I'm not fighting you, I'm not going to resist. I'll just be here in my truth. Look at Jeshua. I'm not fighting, I'm not resisting. I'm resisting in a different way, but I'm not violent. I'm resisting by being in the truth. You can do what you want to my reputation. That's okay. I know who I am, I know what it is. You can do what you want to my body Nail me up on a cross, put a crown of thorns on my head, stick a spear in my side, try and make me a martyr. I don't care. That's not who I am. I know who I am.

Speaker 1:

Now, the ego part of it is like holy shit, I don't want that happened to me, right? I don't speak. I don't speak the truth. Look what happens. All the people that speak the truth. Gandhi assassinated. Jesus assassinated, martin luther king assassinated. All the people you know, joan of arc, all the people stand up for truth and freedom. They all get killed. I don't want to be that person. I don't want to get stoned. I don't get crucified. I don't get shot. I don't want to get crucified. I don't want to get shot. I don't want to get hung. I don't want to get stabbed.

Speaker 1:

There's that part inside of us. Let's just acknowledge that. And when we identify with the body, when we identify with the ego, with the small self, we're scared shitless of standing in our light and speaking our truth in the world. Because look what happens. And from the ego it is terrifying. From the personal self, it is death. Do you want to reside in that? You get to have that experience if you want. Or you can reside in a different place inside of yourself, or you can reside in a different place inside of yourself. You can reside in a vaster, infinite.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say higher. It's not like hierarchy Higher and lower is better and worse, but just a more expansive, more true. How about just true? Not even more true. A true, the truth of who you are Eternal, fearless, loving. Not a body that can be killed or die, not a reputation that can be tarnished, just pure love in form, a child of Christ sorry, a Christ child in everything, like the grass, like the barking of a dog or the mail or anything.

Speaker 1:

This is a radical way of living in the world and I'll just be the first one to say to my brain a lot of this stuff, my brain argues with it. It doesn't make sense. My brain doesn't like this stuff. When I read this from my brain, it's a bunch of nonsense, it's unrealistic. Thank God I'm not my brain, thank God I'm not the thinking thoughts that I have and thank God that my heart has called this to myself, this teaching at this time, with you, let's wake up together, use time differently to remember who you are and to live from that place.

Speaker 1:

Your ego's going to want to drag you back into the busyness of life, into the fear of life, into survival mode every single time, but you have dominion over yourself. You're not at the mercy of your fear, of your insecurity, of your trauma, of your ego, of your pain. You're not at the mercy of any of it. You're not at the mercy of the government, of the weather, of your money, of your parents, of your genetics. You're not at the mercy of any of it. Say yes, say yes and show up five minutes a day as a Christ, using everything in your life to awaken yourself. Love you guys. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1:

If you get value from the podcast, please share it with someone you care about, like. Subscribe, give us a good review if you can on apple. Write a few words if you can. If you want to be in a community. Let me know hello at revelation, breathworkcom. And let me know the the type of community whatsapp, facebook, group, voxer I don't. I like voxer for like small groups, but for a bigger thing I don't think. So I don't know. Let me know. If there's demand, we'll create it. If I don't hear from anybody, probably not going to create anything. So let's do it together. Have a great day. Thanks for your patience, thanks for being on the journey with me, and we'll see you next time.

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