Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 14: Waiting for Love to Show Up

May 15, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 14 Episode 302
Lesson 14: Waiting for Love to Show Up
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 14: Waiting for Love to Show Up
May 15, 2024 Season 14 Episode 302
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Paragraphs: 9-13

This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how our attitudes, rather than our circumstances, truly shape our existence. Through a blend of personal insights and spiritual wisdom, we uncover the liberating truth that internal change is the catalyst for life's most profound transformations.

When it comes to the narratives we weave about our lives, it's time to grab the pen and start authoring a story that resonates with empowerment and growth.

In this conversation, Jeshua guides you through the realization that we are not bound by the events of our past. We scrutinize the idea that we are simply at the mercy of our childhood scripts, and I offer encouragement to consciously choose a path of healing and self-discovery. By embracing the soul lessons presented by our relationships, we learn to foster forgiveness and cultivate a deep sense of self-compassion.

Concluding this episode, we challenge the notion of conditional love and highlight the sheer power of choosing love in every moment. You are invited to reflect on the moments where you may be postponing love until circumstances seem 'just right', and instead, step into the freedom that comes with loving now, fully and without restraint. It's a message of encouragement and connection, and as your guide and friend on this spiritual journey, you are reminded that you're not alone.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Paragraphs: 9-13

This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how our attitudes, rather than our circumstances, truly shape our existence. Through a blend of personal insights and spiritual wisdom, we uncover the liberating truth that internal change is the catalyst for life's most profound transformations.

When it comes to the narratives we weave about our lives, it's time to grab the pen and start authoring a story that resonates with empowerment and growth.

In this conversation, Jeshua guides you through the realization that we are not bound by the events of our past. We scrutinize the idea that we are simply at the mercy of our childhood scripts, and I offer encouragement to consciously choose a path of healing and self-discovery. By embracing the soul lessons presented by our relationships, we learn to foster forgiveness and cultivate a deep sense of self-compassion.

Concluding this episode, we challenge the notion of conditional love and highlight the sheer power of choosing love in every moment. You are invited to reflect on the moments where you may be postponing love until circumstances seem 'just right', and instead, step into the freedom that comes with loving now, fully and without restraint. It's a message of encouragement and connection, and as your guide and friend on this spiritual journey, you are reminded that you're not alone.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the daily study of the way of mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, fellow student, and I'm fired up today after reading what we're about to talk about. Today we are diving into lesson 14, the wise use of time and, just in case you don't finish all the episodes, I want to talk about right now, just for 30 seconds, the living the way of mastery year-long intensive study group. It is a group that is committed to showing up if you want to apply this, these teachings. We go from understanding the theory to applying it in your life, in your daily life, in your daily life, in your relationships with yourself, in your work relationship with your body, every single part of your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, the great, whatever your hopes and your dreams, your judgments, your shames, whatever we apply these teachings in your life and transformation happens. And that's how. That's the path, the way of mastery. We make mistakes, we have fun, we do all kinds of exercises, there's daily journaling. It's a group that is committed to living this way in their own life. So, if you want, if you're ready to make, it's a big commitment. It's a year and we're in month 11 right now we do a lesson a month and we dive deep and a lot can happen in people's lives in a year. And how does this spiritual teaching apply when the shit hits the fan of your life, when things don't go the way that you want, when surprises or shocks or things happen? So if you are ready to commit to that level of mastery in your life, check it out, go to revelationbreathworkcom and then find the menu option for the Way of Mastery. It's also in the show notes here and if you want to have a conversation, let's jump on Zoom and talk. All right, let's dive into the text. Thanks for listening. And here we go. I'm so excited for this.

Speaker 1:

Paragraph 9 of the opening session, jeshua continues. Therefore, the way of transformation does not require you to change your circumstances. It merely requires that you change your attitude toward them by recognizing that they are harmless, by recognizing that you have called all things to yourself. Empowering message. The ego hates this, the part of us that feels powerless and helpless and like a victim and that what are you talking about? I am at the mercy of the world and things that happened to me. I didn't choose my childhood, I didn't choose this situation From the ego level, does not want to take any kind of ownership, because then it gets to play the victim. Playing the victim is the easiest thing in the world. Look, it's not my fault, it's not my responsibility. This happened to me. Why would I ever choose this? That's insane. You're just shaming the victim From that level of consciousness yeah, that's 100% accurate for that level of consciousness.

Speaker 1:

And we are being invited to experience life with a capital L, as it really is. We're being given the opportunity to wake up to truth that you are so much more than a body, that you are an emanation, an extension, a child of life, the universe, god's source. You're a wave in the ocean of love and you are made in the image and likeness. If the ocean makes a wave, it's got to be of the same substance of the ocean. So you are in truth, not you, the small, you, the one that you identify with, with your name and your address and your birthday and all that. You, the consciousness of you, the part of you that knows that it's self-evident, that I am, that I exist, that you are pure consciousness. That part of you is infinite and eternal and abundant and expansive. And I don't even want to say the word safe, because nothing can threaten you like A Course in Miracles. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Therein lies the peace of God. That's what we talked about in our last episode. That's what we're being invited to wake up to. That's our true identity and you can have that awareness. There's nothing grander, as Jeshua says in the last lesson, in lesson 13, there's nothing grander than having the awareness of who and what you are while you're still in a body. You don't have to wait to die. You don't have to be crucified. You don't have to be punished. You don't have to be dead in a ghost form. No, you can have it now and we're being given the way. The way of transformation doesn't require you to change your circumstances.

Speaker 1:

One of my first coaches and mentors, steve Chandler I don't know where he got it from, but he always made this joke that when you just change the circumstances of your life without changing your consciousness, it's just like rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic as it's going down. It doesn't make a difference. You think it does, but it really doesn't make a difference Because circumstances are effects. Hear that again. Your life are effects, effects of the choices that you've made, of the pebbles that you've dropped, of the perceptions that you've held in consciousness, the values and beliefs that you've invested in. A lot of these again are happening below our conscious thinking mind, but we're being invited to take ownership of them.

Speaker 1:

You can change your circle. You can change your job. I've done it. Ownership of them. You can change your circle. You can change your job. I've done it. You change your, I've changed my job, thinking my boss was the problem. And then, lo and behold, the new boss is kind of the same way as the old boss.

Speaker 1:

People change their relationships. Oh, I don't want to date this person. I would be married to this person. They're whatever. They're a narcissist, it's that person that's the problem. And without making a shift in consciousness, you just change your circumstance. Let me jump into a different relationship. Wait a second. It's great at first, because the honeymoon phase is always great. Now this person's a narcissist too. What the heck? Why are all these narcissists out there? Maybe it's time to start looking in the mirror and taking ownership that it's not in a shameful judging way, but you are the source of your experience.

Speaker 1:

What you hold, what you value, what you invest in in your stories, in your consciousness, in your beliefs. Everything is at the level of thought, of energy, of vibration. It ripples out. Those are the pebbles you drop. It ripples out and then it comes back to you as experience. But we think those things are all independent of us. We think, oh, that's something separate from me out there, that's coming into my experience and I have to react and try and respond to it in a way that feels good to me or whatever keeps me safe.

Speaker 1:

When we don't realize that the only thing that's allowing that person, that situation, that circumstance into your field of awareness is you. We're blind to it. We don't see what we're doing. Now. We're being shown and this isn't the only teaching that teaches that Watch the Secret. I'm not a huge fan of the Secret, but the idea of what you put out, what you are holding, it comes back to you.

Speaker 1:

Now again, I can't say this enough where we get kind of tied up and all kind of messed up is we judge the form we're like. Well, it can't show up in that form. Let me change the form. When we don't realize it's the content, that is the constant, it's the thought, it's the belief. It can show up in a million different forms, an infinite number of forms. For example, if I'm holding the belief of lack, scarcity, not enoughness, I'm unworthy. It can show up in lots of different forms. It doesn't just show up in a small bank account. You can have a humongous bank account, but the lack that you hold in your consciousness not enough, lack, scarcity could show up in love, in a relationship. It doesn't have to show up in money. We all think lack and money go the same. No, that's just one vehicle, one form. So again, the way of transformation doesn't require you to change your circumstances.

Speaker 1:

And I've seen and I've experienced this when I was coaching. I coach people, yes, I coach them on these principles, on their mindset, on their embodiment, on all of it. And I was working with a professional man who didn't like his job and he was blaming his boss and his coworkers and the environment. And then we started doing some inner, deeper work with him and showing him. He started to see how the story he was telling himself about his boss and the work and his job was really a reflection of the story he was telling about himself. And as he started to take responsibility for that and see that, oh my gosh, it's not their fault, it's not even my fault, but it's cause and effect. It's what I've programmed myself to, that I can't enjoy my work and people are out to get me and people only care about money. And all of these things were all happening inside of him. And as he started to heal those misunderstandings and create new stories and beliefs and value new things for himself, lo and behold, he started enjoying work more and he's still at the same job that he was 10 years ago when we were working on this. So he didn't have to change his circumstance. He changed within and his experience of his circumstance changed. Sometimes it also happens that the circumstance change because you make different choices. You leave the job or there's just not an energetic alignment anymore. Maybe the boss ends up leaving, who knows? But in this case he stayed at his job same boss, same coworkers but his experience of it was totally different because he shifted inside of himself.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to change your circumstances. All that is required in the way of transformation is that you change your attitude toward them by recognizing that they are harmless. The circumstances are harmless. Now most people, especially in kind of pop psychology. Change your attitude means think positive thoughts, only want to feel good feelings. Don't feel the bad feelings. Stop thinking negative. Think, have a good attitude, when what Jeshua is talking about is not in the duality of bad attitude, good attitude. It's rising above all of it. It's all harmless, it all means nothing. It's all harmless, it all means nothing. It's all neutral. All events are neutral, all circumstances are neutral, but no thought is neutral. Every thought carries a frequency, an energy, a vibration, and you experience the effect of that energy and vibration. So when you shift your attitude towards something by saying, oh, this is harmless, this doesn't impact me, my soul, myself at all. It is completely harmless and neutral. And I get to choose how I will experience it and what it means for me.

Speaker 1:

And a big part of this is that last line. You recognize that you have called all things to yourself. You've allowed, you've called, you've attracted whatever word you want to, all things to yourself through your beliefs and your thoughts and the stories that you tell and hold. That is to the ego, to the part of us that wants to be a victim. That is your victim. Shaming to the true self. That is the most empowering message that you could ever think of.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're in a situation where you're like well, I don't know why. I would call this to myself. Let's keep going. Jeshua says. There are many that would teach that you must sit around and ponder why you did this and why you did that. I say unto you all that is required to begin is the willingness to accept that, in the great mystery of consciousness, you are the power and the source for all that you think, all that you see, all that you feel and all that you would be and do. You abide in that freedom constantly.

Speaker 1:

That's the end of the paragraph. That's the very essence of what you are. You are the blank canvas. You are the painter. You have the infinite palette of paints. You get to create whatever masterpiece painting that you want. It could look like a piece of garbage, whatever that's a judgment piece of garbage. But you can create whatever you want Suffering, elation, joy, sadness, abundance, lack. One is not better than the other. It's just a choice. It's just an experience. You get to create it because that's what you are. You are a ceaseless creator. Every moment you are creating, jeshua even says even if you just turn your head slightly and look at something slightly from a turned head, you're creating a different experience. That's how subtle and how powerful creation is. That's how subtle and how powerful creation is.

Speaker 1:

So some people say, hey, you got to understand all your issues, you got to have some place to blame. Well, it was my mother, it was my father. There's all these theories and techniques and all these great psychological measures and tests, and there's a big one that I'm hearing about now. I'm not poo-pooing any of these things because, if they help you again, no modality ever brought about healing. Only love brings healing. So no modality ever brought about healing. But one thing I hear about all the time is parts work, internal family systems. That's a big one that's popular right now.

Speaker 1:

There's all these different theories and strategies and just for saying, you don't have to sit around and ponder why it happened and Jesse was saying, you don't have to sit around and ponder why it happened, why you did what you did, all that's required is you just the willingness to accept. Okay, I'm willing. I don't like it, I'm not sure yet, but I'm willing to accept that in the great mystery of consciousness, you, I, am the power and source for my whole experience. Nothing else Doesn't matter. What's happened to me, does not matter my genetics, does not matter what my mother said to me when I was four or five. What my father did or didn't do for me or to me Doesn't matter what environment you grew up in wealthy, poor, middle class. It doesn't matter what race you were born into, none of it matters.

Speaker 1:

You are the power and source of all that you think. No one can make you think something, no one can make you see something. No one can make you feel anything. No one can make you be or do anything. The buck stops here with you. This is the good news. Are you willing to accept that?

Speaker 1:

If you are, sit with this, contemplate it, assume it's true. My brain likes to argue with everything. So when I reside in my brain it's one big argument and never get anywhere. But if I assume that what Jeshua is saying is true, even if I understand, a part of me doesn't like it. My brain doesn't like it. My brain wants to argue.

Speaker 1:

If I assume it's true, then what am I creating for myself? It's a totally different conversation and you abide in that freedom constantly. It's never been taken away from you. You don't have to understand all your issues. You don't have to have a reason or a cause or someone to blame for all your issues.

Speaker 1:

Just see that if you're having issues which we all do because we're having the human experience that you're the source of it and then get curious what thought, what thought that I'm valuing and holding, what pebble that I'm dropping, what story that I'm telling is creating this experience that I'm having this emotion, this feeling? Huh, do I want to hang on to it and I don't judge myself. Look at that. It's this thought that I'm having this emotion, this feeling. Huh, do I want to hang on to it and I don't judge myself? Look at that. It's this thought that I'm not enough, I'm not worthy, and that's creating this experience with my work, this conflict with my boss, whatever. Do I like this feeling? Do I like this experience of not feeling worthy? No, let me drop a different pebble. Let me tell a different story.

Speaker 1:

You know what's a funny story about? Well, it's not funny, but when I was going through the USM, the University of Santa Monica, getting my master's degree in spiritual psychology, part of the work at some point was just looking at how the circumstances and this is like popular how the world works. You know, bruce lipton says from when, when you're from zero to seven, your brain isn't fully developed, and I always get the terms mixed up. But you're in some brainwave state alpha, gamma, theta, beta, whatever. You're in some brainwave state where you're like open, you're a sponge, and you just take in all this information of your environment, not intellectually, more subconsciously. And then, somewhere around seven years old, the brain shifts and you are then just running on the program From zero to seven. The program is being written into your subconscious and then, starting at seven years old on, you just run the program subconsciously, you don't realize you're doing it.

Speaker 1:

So the events of our childhood, from being in the womb I would say even before zero, but being in the womb to seven years old, are highly influential in who we are after that. And then usually, as we become self-aware and we grow into adulthood, we realize this and we start to deprogram ourselves and create new programs for ourselves by choice. And I remember, you know, not blaming but being oh that the reason I have this issue is because of, you know, my mother when I was young, or this issue. I have this issue now as an adult because of my father when I was young and this happened. And so as I started to take more responsibility for that, for what was happening inside of me, not what they did I couldn't control that but what was happening inside of me. Not what they did, I couldn't control that, but what was happening inside of me, the stories I told around, what happened, and my own responsibility, my own emotional state.

Speaker 1:

As a 25, 27 year old adult, I started to see that, oh, a couple of things. One, these issues, what happened to me, or what my parents did when they, when, when I was younger and and it impacted me, that's actually for my soul growth, that those were things that my soul wanted and needed to grow. So I stopped blaming my parents for for my issues. One, because I saw that my issues were actually my healing, they were what I wanted and needed. My soul brought them to me. So that's the first part taking that level of responsibility, letting my parents off the hook, letting my childhood off the hook. And then the second element was then I was a parent and a young parent.

Speaker 1:

I realized, huh, I'm trying to do the best I can as a parent, I'm trying to make the best choices that I think are in the best interest of my child, and that's my responsibility as a parent. I know I'm not going to be perfect. I know I'm going to make mistakes, but I'm doing my best and I thought I was doing a pretty good job. And then it dawned on me oh my gosh, it's the nature, from a spiritual perspective, parent-child, the soul contracts that parent and children have. It's the nature of that agreement, of that relationship, that my kids are going to have issues with me. Anyway, I could be quote the best parent, but their soul will find a way to use the relationship for their own growth. Soul will find a way to use the relationship for their own growth. They're going to have issues with me because that's the nature of parent child and that's the nature of soul growth.

Speaker 1:

You choose your parents because you know they're going to be one of your biggest teachers and you choose your children because you know they're going to be one of your biggest teachers. And that was like the light bulb went off and it kind of made me laugh at the whole thing. Let me forgive my parents even more and forgive myself even more and let them off the hook. That's the nature of it. You can do the best you can. Your kids are still gonna find something to blame you for, not because it's your fault, but because that's what they're needing to grow as a soul, to heal, to awaken. So I share that, because maybe that applies to you too.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you've been blaming your parents for something and you're a parent. You're like, huh, I'm doing the best that I can and my kids still are not going to be happy with me. At some point they're still going to blame me for something. But it's not. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything on purpose. It's just the nature of the relationship. So have a little more compassion and patience and grace for yourself if you're a parent being really hard on yourself. This is why, also, when I coach and I'm coaching a parent you can't fuck your kids up, because it's soul agreement, it's soul contracts. You might make a mistake. That is exactly the very thing that your kid, your child, needs, that their soul has asked for, and that's why they chose you, because they knew that you were going to be the one to make the mistake and your soul was willing to be the one to make the mistake or to do the bad thing or whatever. That was the catalyst for their soul growth. So you can't mess your kids up. You're only going to serve them by just being the best that you can be, and then the souls will kind of take care of itself. All right, so let's continue on the next paragraph.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua says the way of transformation then rests simply on that. How will I decide to use my time Finding myself here in this moment? Can I remember that I am free to see things differently? I am free to look lovingly upon the world. I do not need to wait for something outside of myself to create a stimulus that elicits a loving response. It's a loving response.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua is, in a way, calling us up, calling us out and calling us up in how we wait for something to happen to then feel loving and be loving. That's how most of us are, that's how we were kind of raised in this outside-in world of oh, something has to happen for me to feel a certain way. Somebody needs to like me for me to feel loved. Somebody needs to give me validation and words of praise or do something. My parents need to be a certain way for me to feel love as an adult, I need praise or acknowledgement or recognition. People need to like me, whatever it is for me to feel love. And Jeshua's saying that's backwards. You don't have to wait for anything.

Speaker 1:

The only question is how will I decide to use time? Do I want to use time to be an expression of love and not for anyone else's sake, because I want to be loved, loved because it just feels better to be loved and awake and aware and see God and Christ in all things than to not? How do I want to use time Blaming and judging and trying to get and fighting and comparing, or being generous and kind and loving and creative and taking risks and being abundant? How will you decide to use time In this moment? I am free to see things differently. You could even have the news on 24-7, which is like super negative and depressing and all about quote-unquote bad things happening. But if you're in the way of mastery, you can decide to see the news differently. Instead of seeing the news as just being bombarded by negativity and division and all this bullcrap, you could see the news as blessing practice.

Speaker 1:

When I put the news on, it's just an opportunity for me to bless, to bless the people involved in the stories, to bless the news anchors and the news stations, to bless whoever owns the news. You get to create the story. You get to be loved, no matter what's happening Now you may not want to have news on, that's fine, but the whole idea is you get to see things however you want to see them. You're never a victim to the world. You see somebody's giving you the finger and road raging at you. You have the opportunity instead of, maybe, road raging back at them, or you can just send them love. You can just see them as who they are divine being, having a human experience, who's forgotten who he or she is and is expressing themselves in a certain way, and you can choose how you want to receive that or not receive it. I am free to look lovingly upon the world or you can look judgmentally, and however you see the world is how you see yourself. The world is just a reflection for how you see yourself.

Speaker 1:

Is patsy the right word? A patsy is somebody you set up to take the fall. The world is a patsy for the part of us that doesn't want to take responsibility. I do not need to wait for something outside of myself to create some stimulus that elicits a loving response. We all do that to some degree or another at certain times, but we don't have to. There's no judgment around it, but we don't have to, and so the question for you is where are you doing this? Where are you waiting for something to happen or someone to do something, or someone to change, to create a situation that then you can be loving? Oh, when my parent or my partner admits that they're wrong in this argument and I've won, then I'll be loving, then I'll forgive them, then I'll be kind. When I have a certain amount of money in the bank, then I'll forgive them, then I'll be kind. When I have a certain amount of money in the bank, then I'll be generous. When Joe Biden continues to be president or Donald Trump becomes president, or RFK Jr or whoever is involved in the presidential race, when they're in the person that I think should be in, then I can be loving and kind. Notice where you're doing it. When my boss changes, or my coworker that drives me crazy, either leaves or quits or changes or sees the light or finally agrees with me, then I can be loving to them. When this physical diagnosis and health issue that I'm dealing with, that's very physically painful, when that is resolved, then I can be at peace and be loving All the thens. When something happens, then I'll be who I am, then I'll be loving, then I'll be kind, then I'll be generous, then I'll be empowered. When things go my way, then I'll be empowered.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua continues making this point. You do not need to wait for your mate to come and give you the hug that you want so much. You do not need to wait until your mother calls you on the phone and begs for your forgiveness for how cruel she treated you when you were growing up. You do not need to wait until the current president is no longer in the White House. You do not need to wait for the contest that comes in the mail to make you the winner that brings you the millions of dollars. You do not need to wait for that to happen.

Speaker 1:

Right now you are the one that is free. You just don't realize it. What is it, bob Marley? So many people live in mental slavery. You don't realize you're free, no matter what your. Isn't that the most? Isn't that the best thing? No matter what's happening to your body or what your circumstance is. You are free. You could be in prison right now listening to this and you have certain limits that your body can go right now, but you are still free. You could be hung up, crucified on the cross. You could be a slave in some country in the world right now, modern day slavery.

Speaker 1:

You are still free inside to choose your thoughts. What story you're going to tell about yourself, about life, to choose how you want to feel, to choose what you see. You can see your quote, unquote oppressors and bless them. See them as angels helping you learn a lesson of love, of self-love, of self-acceptance, of freedom. Nelson Mandela what was he? In jail for Over 20 years, but inside he was free in his mind. You can't make me think or feel a certain way Again. This is the message of Jesus, of Jeshua, the Christ. You can't make. Do whatever you want to my body. That's not me. You think you're imprisoning me, you think you're torturing me. That's not me. That's the it. He was it, he embodied it.

Speaker 1:

Last paragraph, jesher says you have imprisoned yourself by waiting for love to show up outside of you, to trigger a response within you when you feel it or recognize it, so that finally you feel loving. Those that know aloneness are not limited to extending love and those that know loneliness yet retain the power to make the decision to love. It can never be taken from you. You have imprisoned yourself if you're waiting for something to happen for love to show up in the one. I'm waiting for the one to come into my life. You're waiting for another person, I don't care if you think it's your soulmate or anyone.

Speaker 1:

No one can make you feel love. You are the one that must choose to experience, to receive and to express love. It doesn't matter who it is. Jesus, jeshua cannot make you feel love. Mother Mary cannot make you feel love. Nature cannot make you feel love. Mother Mary cannot make you feel love. Nature cannot make you feel love. A painting cannot make you feel love. You can be open and allow it to move you so that you can receive and choose to feel the love and choose to feel the love.

Speaker 1:

But we've all seen it where someone is showered with love and they just can't receive it. They can't accept it for themselves. Yet I'm not worthy of this. All the love, I mean Jeshua, any enlightened being let's just use. Jeshua could be right in front of you, showering you with love and if you're not ready to receive it, you won't feel it. He doesn't override, and he says that consistently throughout the way of mastery. I'm not going to override you. I'm not going to make you feel something. One, because I can't, because you're sovereign. So just notice where you might be doing this. You might be waiting for something to happen, a circumstance to change, someone to change, for you to then feel love inside of yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you're alone, you can still extend love. You can still be the presence of love. If you're lonely, you can still extend love. You can still be the presence of love. If you're lonely, you can still extend love. Find love in your heart and extend it out. You can bless people silently. You can bless somebody you see through a screen. When you think of someone, you can send them love. Time and space are so limited, but you are not limited. So when you send love to someone in your mind, you're sending love to them. Now, whether or not they receive it, that's up to them. This is the good news. This is so empowering, and this lesson, again, is the wise use of time. This is the wise use of time to take responsibility, to take ownership, to not be sleeping anymore, to not be waiting, to experience what is available always.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening. I'm honored to be on this journey with you. I am just sending you love right where you are, whether or not you can receive it. I'm sending it why? Because that's what I want to be a blesser, a lover, an encourager. So sending it to you right where you are, them while listening, please give us a good review on Apple Podcasts and write a very short comment, if you can. And again, if you're interested in communicating with me about living the way of mastery, or you just want to say hi, that you're a listener I love receiving that from people Send me an email. Hello at RevelationBreathWorkcom. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide, friend and fellow student. Have an amazing day. We'll see you next time.

Living the Way of Mastery
Taking Responsibility and Letting Go
The Power of Choosing Love
Journey of Love and Encouragement