Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 14: The Use of Time is Pivotal

May 22, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 14 Episode 305
Lesson 14: The Use of Time is Pivotal
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 14: The Use of Time is Pivotal
May 22, 2024 Season 14 Episode 305
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 5-9

Our journey through Lesson 14 reveals the art of truly living—extending the love that forms our essence and discovering the real elation that comes not from external accolades but from the act of simply being love. 

Through an enlightening discussion, we dissect the illusion of a world ruled by fear and spotlight the transformative power of reversing our ego-centric thought patterns. I'll guide you toward embracing a Reality where oneness prevails, and every thought we nurture shapes the personal world we experience.

Imagine a life where every thought is intentional, every action is grounded in self-awareness, and each moment is an opportunity to awaken to a higher state of being. We ponder the profound responsibility of crafting our own reality and the liberation that comes from releasing limiting beliefs. 

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 5-9

Our journey through Lesson 14 reveals the art of truly living—extending the love that forms our essence and discovering the real elation that comes not from external accolades but from the act of simply being love. 

Through an enlightening discussion, we dissect the illusion of a world ruled by fear and spotlight the transformative power of reversing our ego-centric thought patterns. I'll guide you toward embracing a Reality where oneness prevails, and every thought we nurture shapes the personal world we experience.

Imagine a life where every thought is intentional, every action is grounded in self-awareness, and each moment is an opportunity to awaken to a higher state of being. We ponder the profound responsibility of crafting our own reality and the liberation that comes from releasing limiting beliefs. 

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, and today we continue with Lesson 14, the Wise Use of Time. Lesson 2, section 2, rather, your joy is found in extending your treasure. And, as a recap, your treasure is your soul, it is the love that you are. You literally, literally, not metaphorically, not symbolically you literally have been created out of love for the singular soul purpose of extending, expressing, creating more love. That's what's going on, that's what you are, that's why you exist To express and extend love. Love ceaselessly creates and extends itself forever. And what better way to do that, consciously awake to who you are. So your joy, your joy is found in being the love that you are, not in getting the next thing, achieving the next thing, being recognized as worthy by someone else or something else. Your joy is found in extending your treasure, your love. So let's continue with paragraph five treasure your love.

Speaker 1:

So let's continue with paragraph five, where Jeshua says I've often said that the world is merely the reflection of the insane choice to deny love and to be devoted to fear. The world is diametrically opposed to the capital T truth of the kingdom. The world is the opposite of capital R reality. Now, reality, capital R reality is oneness, it is union, it is. There is only one, it's the law of one. That is reality. Small r reality is the infinite number of subjective experiences that beings can create, that you can create for yourself. That's your reality, what you think creates your reality, but it doesn't change reality with a capital R, and that's important to understand. You can feel depressed, you can feel like a victim, you can create things that happen to you that you don't like, but it doesn't change the truth that you are loved and that you are loved and loving and lovable forever. That's reality with a capital R, and you can live in your small realities as much as you want, and or you can wake up to what's really going on and create from that place the world.

Speaker 1:

When Jeshua is talking about the world, here again he's really talking about the way we experience the world. He's not talking about planet Earth. He's talking about this matrix that, collectively and individually, that we've created, the veil of forgetfulness that we go through and then we think that we are separate. We are investing in and believing in this tiny, mad idea from A Course in Miracles. It's a tiny, mad, insane idea that somehow you could be separate from all of life. There's life and then there's me, and inherent in that feeling of separation is lack. Well, if I'm separate, then I'm missing something inside of me. And the body is a symbol of separation, as A Course in Miracles talks about and Jeshua talks about. The body lacks inherently. It needs air, it needs water, it needs certain temperatures to survive. So we get obsessed with survival mode. We forget and think that we are the body and our body's survival is our survival.

Speaker 1:

The world is an effect, it's not cause. Cause is consciousness, consciousness, awareness. That's cause what you focus on. All events are neutral, every single event, thing, person, place is neutral, but no thought is neutral. So your thoughts about something create your small our reality about it, your experience inside of yourself, and you get to choose. No one can choose for you. They can try and influence, they can try and plant a seed in you, but no one can actually choose. That is your sovereign power.

Speaker 1:

The world is merely a reflection, it's an effect of the insane choice to deny love and to be devoted to fear. Look at the world is all about fear. Survival, fear is the first one, but all the fears? Look at the news, look at what everyone's obsessed with, focused on Fear, fear, fear. Fear of not getting love, fear of not being worthy, fear of survival. That's not all of it. Obviously there are expressions of love and calls for love, but the way the world has been set up and created by us, again, individually and collectively, it's a reflection of the ego Gotta get If I win. Someone else loses. Better than less than specialness, as A Course in Miracles talks about. The world is diametrically opposed to the truth of the kingdom oneness. If it wasn't, there would be no violence, there would be no war, there would be no greed. So the world is a reflection of the insane choice to deny love. The world is the opposite of reality. And he continues.

Speaker 1:

The way of transformation rests on the complete reversal of the thought system you have learned in the world. But that thought system is not merely the practice of new ideas repeated ad nauseum in the mind. That reversal of thought must permeate, in italics, permeate the entire field of the body-mind, which is nothing more than the field of your consciousness, so that you know in italics, you know that change has occurred. You don't think change has occurred, you don't wonder if change has occurred. You know it in your bones, in the depth of your being, like you don't know the sky is blue, you just know it. I mean you don't think that it is, you know it, you've experienced it. You don't know you're alive, you don't believe or think you're alive, you know you're alive. You don't believe or think you're alive, you know you're alive. So the way of transformation rests on the complete reversal of the thought systems of the world. That you've learned in the world Again, lack separation, not enough got to prove your worth, all the things, the greatest hits of the ego, the insecurity, the comparison, the specialness, the less than greater than the whole deal that's the world. And transformation rests on the complete reversal of that thought system.

Speaker 1:

But Jeshua says it's not just intellectual. You can't just think new thoughts at an intellectual level ad nauseum in your brain and expect results, because we've all again, the easiest one that I can relate is like we've all you know probably anyone listening to this has done some kind of like manifestation or abundance training or read a book or practiced it like, ok, I'm a millionaire, I'm abundant, I'm abundant. And you're saying the words, but deep down you don't feel abundant. Or you're saying I'm abundant. I'm a millionaire, I'm abundant, but you're saying it from a deep down place of lack. And so what does that just create? More lack. We've all said the right words but not feel it. And it doesn't change anything.

Speaker 1:

Because the quantum field responds to being. It responds to your frequency. Your vibration, not just the intellect is not a strong vibration, it's your energy, it's your embodiment. That's why practices like Revelation, breathwork are so powerful. It gets you out of your intellect frequency and drops you into your soul frequency, the reversal of thought. These new thoughts have to be more than just thinking level. They must permeate the field of your whole energy system, all of your chakras, all of the different layers to you. You are not just a physical body. Study the study and not Buddhism, study yoga, study Ayurveda. There are different layers to your body. There's the physical form, which is the densest form, that's more of the effect than anything else. And then there are lighter and lighter forms of you that are more permeable, that are more open to consciousness.

Speaker 1:

This is the work that, if you're into Dr Joe Dispenza and his meditations, he's trying to get you to move into a different state of being. That's the work of Tony Robbins. Move into a different state of being. That's the law of attraction. You can't just think and say something, expect it to come right into your life, because most people do that, and then, when they don't see the evidence, they're like, see, this stuff doesn't work and they go back into lack. And then, when they don't see the evidence, they're like, see this stuff doesn't work and they go back into lack. You experience and look for the evidence. You've already decided deep down inside so Jeshua says so when you are in any set of circumstances that once seem to elicit judgment or fear or anger or hurt or sadness, you recognize my goodness.

Speaker 1:

My whole body feels different. I just feel like being loving, I feel totally safe. What's the big deal here? Oh, I remember when these kinds of circumstances would have elicited sadness or hurt or fear or anger. And now I just think it's a beautiful place to be because here I can extend the love of Christ. Wow, what a joy, what a treasure. Thank God, I have this moment in which I can be the blessing that blesses the world.

Speaker 1:

This is when you know you're shifting, when something that used to trigger you not only doesn't trigger you anymore, but you have gratitude for the place that you're in and maybe even gratitude for not them triggering you, because they're not triggering you anymore, but the role that they've played for you to help you heal, to help you remember, to help you wake up. This is transformation. When, in any set of circumstances that used to elicit judgment or fear, anger, hurt or sadness, someone says something to you, someone cuts you off in traffic, that's one. You have the family member that triggers the crap out of you. Come for the holidays and they just don't trigger you anymore because you've been doing the inner work, you're making a different choice and you recognize man. I just want to be loved. Right now, I feel safe. I used to get triggered by this, but I just don't anymore. I used to get triggered by this, but I just don't anymore.

Speaker 1:

I can extend the love of Christ here, which, in truth, you can extend the love of Christ anywhere, at any time, always. What a joy, what a treasure. Thank God, I have this moment in which I can be the blessing that blesses this world. This is embodiment. When you feel it, practice it. That's why this is a practice. It's a way of mastery. It's not each moment of relationship in which you find yourself and everything is relationship, everything in this world your relationship with time, your relationship with the person who's in front of you, your relationship with your car if you're driving, your relationship with money, your relationship with your work, your relationship with your body Everything is relationship. Money, your relationship with your work, your relationship with your body Everything is relationship. But you get to choose what that relationship is and is for. That's freedom, don't you see that?

Speaker 1:

You know, I was in a. I was in a men's group last night. I'm in a men's group and we had a meeting last night and I shared that the, the. The topic of the meeting was soul, and so I shared that. You know, I was talking about soul and how my brother passed away, like literally the.

Speaker 1:

I was there when he passed away. When he left his body, like the body was totally like just a shell. He was not there. You could just tell it was just this thing. And he was somewhere else. And I was like but my relationship with him now is closer than it's ever been.

Speaker 1:

And somebody was like well, what do you mean by that? And I just shared well, I still communicate with him, I still feel his presence. We don't have all the baggage and the triggers and the judgments that we had when he was in a body. But I said that relationship exists inside of me, even if it involves another person. My relationship with my wife exists inside of me. How I show up, how I choose to see her, how I choose to see myself, how I choose to create the relationship that we share together, but it exists inside of me Always. Everything exists inside of you. It really is. This whole thing is a game of you and you Outside is just a reflection of what's happening inside of you, of your deeper psychology, belief system, values, pebbles that you're dropping that then get reflected out in the world. It's the ultimate selfishness, in the most holy of ways capital S self.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua continues. He says beloved friends, the use of time is pivotal. The use of time, in italics, determines at all levels what you will experience in your tomorrows. Long after the body ceases to be the teaching and learning device that you are most attached to, long after the body dies, you will indeed be continually stepping into your tomorrows, for you are that sunbeam, sent forth from the sun, from the mind of God, and that light never stops traveling, to use a spatial term. Traveling, to use a spatial term. You will never cease to create. You will never cease to experience. Like this paragraph I think I have almost the whole thing, underlined, an asterisk it is so filled with truth and love.

Speaker 1:

The use of time is pivotal. Why? Because you don't don't, because you don't have to waste time anymore. Use it for a choice for love. Every single moment is a choice for love. When you get a bill in the mail or a past due notice, or you see your credit score and it's not as high as you want, or you've got a little lump on your body somewhere, or your pet is sick, or your kid is sick, or your car breaks down, or your credit card bill is higher than you want it to and growing. Every single moment is a choice for you to choose love, for you to affirm and be who you were created to be.

Speaker 1:

The use of time determines at all levels, at all levels, what you will experience in your tomorrows by what you choose today. The pebbles you drop today create your tomorrow. So what you're experiencing today, this part of your life right now, is an effect of what you've chosen in the past, but you're not at the mercy of that, as Jeshua says over and over and over again, for you can choose to drop new pebbles, to choose love, to choose kindness and compassion, to choose that you are a divine, ceaseless, powerful creator, right here, right now, in this moment, long after the body ceases to be the teaching and learning device that you are most attached to. Meaning, right now, the body is the teaching and learning device you're most attached to. It's not the. This implies it's not the only teaching and learning device, but it's the one that we have chosen right now for this part of our expansion evolution I don't love the word evolution, but expansion so long after the body ceases to be this teaching and learning device that we've been most attached to, long after the body dies not you don't, you don't die. The body dies. You will indeed be stepping into your tomorrows, because time is. You are eternal, eternal. No beginning, no end, just is. You are the sunbeam sent forth from the sun, from the mind of God. You are an extension of love and you extend forever. You will not die.

Speaker 1:

I just saw a video of Terrence howard is that the actor's name, terrence howard? And I didn't realize what a mystic he was. If you haven't heard him, he was just interviewed, I think, on joe rogan. He's a mystic. He talks about how his first memory was when he dropped into his soul, dropped into the fetus in his mother's womb, with awareness. It's incredible. You are eternal and the light that you are. Your existence never stops extending itself, never stops traveling, to use a spatial term. Jeshua is kind of meeting us where we're at.

Speaker 1:

You will never cease to be.

Speaker 1:

You will never cease to be. You will never cease to create, because you, that's what you are. You will never cease to experience. What experience you have is your creation. That's how loved you are. This doesn't mean you're trying to change conditions in your life. It is all about you and your consciousness and becoming more aware of what thoughts you're choosing in each moment, what thoughts you're choosing about neutral events that are happening in each moment. You get to choose, you get to create. And if other people think you're delusional, that's their experience. That's their experience of you being delusional. Who cares what they think? Be delusional if it's being in love and in capital R reality. That's what you're going to experience. But so many of us don't realize this. We're like stuck in the. We're not stuck, but we've chosen to kind of get lost in the matrix of illusion, of falsehood, but we're being given the way and we're being invited to choose differently and to wake up. Thank God. All right, let's do this Last one, the only choice you ever have.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua says the only choice is this Will I assume responsibility for doing whatever I must do to eradicate every misperception, every obstacle to the presence of love, every limited belief I've ever learned about anyone or anything, especially about myself? When will I choose to assume responsibility for cultivating that perfect remembrance that I and my father are one, so that I can perceive the real world, the reality that shines through everything so beautiful? The only choice you ever have, that's it. The only choice is will I assume responsibility? Are you going to accept responsibility for doing whatever you must do to eradicate every misperception, every illusion you're holding onto, every lie you're telling yourself, every obstacle to the presence of love? Rumi, seek not for love. That's your natural state, that's effortless. Seek for all the obstacles you've built up against love and remove them through forgiveness, through just seeing rightly, whatever I must do to eradicate every limited belief I've ever learned. That's why so much of the healing, awakening process is unlearning. You've been sold a bad bill of goods and that's how most of the world operates Survival mode, feeling separate, feeling less than Trying to get, wanting to be special. Every limited belief I've ever learned about anyone or anything, especially about myself. Will I assume responsibility for that? That's the work.

Speaker 1:

It's not always easy to the ego. It's painful, there's resistance because if I do the work then that's the end of me. The ego thinks. So why would I want to do this work? I'll do a little bit, enough, so that you know the soul doesn't get super like, not restless, but it's like. I'll do a little bit to kind of keep you going. I'll throw you breadcrumbs every once a while, but when you get close now we're going to go back to the ego I'll get scared. When will I choose to assume responsibility for cultivating that perfect remembrance that I and my Father are one, so that I can perceive the real world? I want reality. I want capital R reality. I want the truth, the reality that shines through everything. It shines through the goal that is life. But we're so busy. This is a noisy world. We're on our phones, we're distracted, we distract ourselves. We're so busy, so speeding on to the next thing, so trying to get all the things done. We miss that. It's right in front of us.

Speaker 1:

The wise use of time is to use time, not to waste it. So the question for you is I mean, I guess the question for you is what's your answer to these questions? Are you willing to assume responsibility, to do whatever you can to eradicate the misperceptions, the obstacles, to love every limiting belief? You've ever learned about anyone and anything, especially yourself? If the answer is yes, are you doing this work every single day? Are you cultivating this awareness within you?

Speaker 1:

Where energy goes, where attention goes, energy flows. It's not going to happen by accident. You actually have to show up and do the work. Put in the time. That's how you use time. You put in the time. Don't be afraid of hard work.

Speaker 1:

In this way, of consistently showing up Again, you're going to face resistance. There's going to be days where you don't feel like it. There's going to be days where you get distracted by all the fires that need to be put out. But it's waiting for you, patiently, lovingly. Everything you ever want the peace, the joy, the love, the relaxation, the abundance, the safety, the empowerment, everything you want is right there, waiting for you patiently.

Speaker 1:

So this is why I show up every day for me. I show up for me, and the more I show up for me, the more I wake up, the more I feel one, I feel connected, I feel I remember who I am, less fear, less doubt, less self-loathing. And then when I show up in my light and in my power, as I am, I just naturally am of greater service to my wife, to my family, to my kids, to my clients, to you guys. I'm not weighed down and shrouded by all the bull crap, the lies, the limiting beliefs, and it's a process. Be patient with yourself and commit to yourself. Show up for yourself, get into a community that's going to challenge you to be more consistent, to be more disciplined why? Not to shame you, but because it's ultimately what you want.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't be listening to this or reading the way of mastery if you didn't want this, and sometimes we need to be pushed out of our comfort zone. It's been amazing, I don't know. I mean my son, my 13-year-old son. We have four sons. My 13-year-old is our third son and he is of. We've done like human design with him and a couple other, not like personality profiles, but just different things to kind of get to know him, and one of the things he has innately is is like a drive drive to do things like he, his, his personality type is like he could put in the work. Where for other people it's harder to put in the work, he can put in the work. So the other day he's like I want to get up at 6 am, I want to be at the ymca at 6 am and lift weights. He's 13. That's, that's commitment, that's dedication and that's so inspiring, showing up for himself.

Speaker 1:

Let's put in the work in the way of mastery. Let's use every interaction, every experience throughout the day. That's what we do in the living, the way of mastery group. It's like what happened in your day. Where'd you get triggered? How is that a blessing for you? How is that revealing to you your fear, your limiting beliefs, the projections you're putting on someone else and blaming them for something? Let's use it every single day. That's what time is for. It's not to get your needs met, or the car, the body, or the sex, or the money, or the safety, or the security. It's not any of that. The time is for awakening, for healing, for remembering who you are and as you do, that time ceases to exist. It's all just one thing. It's just all eternal now. So the choice is yours. Love you guys. I'm here to provoke, I'm here to provoke, I'm here to challenge, I'm here to encourage, I'm here to love and support you guys and myself. So have an amazing day.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening. If you get value from the podcast, please share it with somebody. Please give us a good review. Thank you so much to Samantha, who went on to Apple Podcasts and left a little comment and a good review. I appreciate and love you so much and it's been an honor to know you and witness your evolution and growth over the past several years, that we've known each other and that you've done the work. Badass, you show up even when it's not convenient or comfortable. That's awesome. If you want more information on Living the Way of mastery 12 month program, diving in. You're interested. You want to talk? Send me an email hello at revelationbreathworkcom, or go into our website, revelation Breathwork and check it out. So see you next time. So glad to be on this journey with you. Peace out.

The Wise Use of Time
Awakening to Love and Reality