Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 14: It is only because Love IS that you ARE

May 28, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 14 Episode 306
Lesson 14: It is only because Love IS that you ARE
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 14: It is only because Love IS that you ARE
May 28, 2024 Season 14 Episode 306
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 10-13

How does love transform our experiences and reality? In this thought-provoking episode of the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery, we embark on a journey to uncover the profound connections between consciousness, love, and healing. By exploring Jeshua's teachings and principles from quantum physics, we reveal how our world, and even our bodies, are composed of divine energy. We delve into the concept that true joy is found in extending love and being the presence of love in every situation, as well as the profound impact of where we direct our attention.

Through heartfelt stories and personal reflections, we illustrate the mind-body connection and its significance in healing. Drawing from Louise Hay's groundbreaking work, we discuss the emotional and psychological roots of physical ailments, offering affirmations and insights into how our inner consciousness shapes our physical health. From childhood bedwetting to the battle with pancreatic cancer, these stories highlight the importance of understanding the messages behind our physical symptoms and encourage listeners to embark on their own healing journeys.

Lastly, we explore the transformative power of divine presence and love as taught by Jeshua, emphasizing the unity and non-duality of existence. By recognizing that even fear and anger are expressions of God's holy presence, we foster a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. This episode underscores the importance of personal experience and consistent practice in achieving mastery, celebrating the magic of life that unfolds when we act from a place of love and surrender. Join us in this enlightening conversation and become part of our journey by subscribing, sharing, and connecting with us.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 10-13

How does love transform our experiences and reality? In this thought-provoking episode of the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery, we embark on a journey to uncover the profound connections between consciousness, love, and healing. By exploring Jeshua's teachings and principles from quantum physics, we reveal how our world, and even our bodies, are composed of divine energy. We delve into the concept that true joy is found in extending love and being the presence of love in every situation, as well as the profound impact of where we direct our attention.

Through heartfelt stories and personal reflections, we illustrate the mind-body connection and its significance in healing. Drawing from Louise Hay's groundbreaking work, we discuss the emotional and psychological roots of physical ailments, offering affirmations and insights into how our inner consciousness shapes our physical health. From childhood bedwetting to the battle with pancreatic cancer, these stories highlight the importance of understanding the messages behind our physical symptoms and encourage listeners to embark on their own healing journeys.

Lastly, we explore the transformative power of divine presence and love as taught by Jeshua, emphasizing the unity and non-duality of existence. By recognizing that even fear and anger are expressions of God's holy presence, we foster a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. This episode underscores the importance of personal experience and consistent practice in achieving mastery, celebrating the magic of life that unfolds when we act from a place of love and surrender. Join us in this enlightening conversation and become part of our journey by subscribing, sharing, and connecting with us.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend and fellow student. Today we continue with Lesson 14, the Wise Use of Time, section 2,. Your Joy is Found in Extending your Treasure. Think about that. Today you want to feel joy. It is found in extending love and being the presence of love. If you're not sure what that looks like in a situation, ask, ask the Holy Spirit, ask your soul, your higher self, your heart. What does love look like here? If you're on social media or you're watching the news and you're really getting upset, or you notice you're moving into fear or contraction, notice that and ask yourself what is being the presence of love look like in this situation? Maybe it's taking a slow, deep breath and feeling the tight parts of your body soften. Maybe it's ex feeling and imagining the light of the divine flowing from your heart to the people that you're seeing on the news or in whatever might be upsetting or triggering you, or the people that you're judging, seeing them as yourself, putting yourself in their shoes, feeling what they're feeling. Whatever it might be, however, the Holy Spirit is going to guide and direct you. Your joy is found in extending your treasure, and your treasure is the light that you are, the love that is your very reality.

Speaker 1:

So we continue and we're diving back in in paragraph 10, where Jeshua says that is the reality that is present in the very material that makes up the chair in which you are sitting. That reality literally pervades the body that you think is so dense and hard, or perhaps, if you have not been exercising, it is also a little soft. Sizing it is also a little soft. The point is there is nothing in italics, nothing that you see, that is not pervaded by the perfect radiance of God's holy presence. Nothing, a stone, a leaf, a piece of paper blown by the wind, even the shouting of fear and anger from anyone. Beautiful two paragraphs here.

Speaker 1:

So Jeshua is saying that the reality of everything, especially in this material world, or what seems like a physical, solid world, it's all energy. It all comes from the same essence the quantum field. Think about a canvas that you paint on the quantum field is the blank canvas, which holds infinite possibilities. What can go on the blank canvas? Literally anything. There's no limitation. An infinite blank canvas with no edges. So this is what life is made of energy that is directed by consciousness. So the consciousness is the creative power. Where attention goes, energy flows. These are not well for some. These may be new concepts For a lot of us.

Speaker 1:

Listening, we've probably heard this Quantum physics, different spirituality, teachers, manifestation teachers In the Bible and other teachings. As a man thinketh, so he shall experience, it will be so for him. So this reality, this loving energy, is present in everything, in the material that makes up the chair that you're sitting in, this phone that I'm holding. It pervades the body that you think is so dense and hard. Again, I've said this several times on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Our minds should be blown every time we wake up in the morning thinking about what Einstein said Matter is energy and it can neither be created nor destroyed. It just changes form, it just is always eternally. When you look closely at something you think is so solid with the microscopes, there's nothing there Like how mind-blowing is that? And quantum physics and some of these things are now proving. I'm putting that in quotes because it already exists. We don't need it to be, it doesn't need to be proved, it's self-evident. But it's helping people feel like they understand the universe that when something is observed, it comes into form. When something is not observed. It exists in a wave. When something is observed, that wave comes in as a particle. This is mind-blowing stuff, stuff. This means you are literally creating your experience, your reality, through your consciousness, and it's all connected. They've done so many tests where they've had and I'm gonna butcher this, but the idea I'm not which is they take like one cell and they divide it and they put one of the divided cell in one part of the world and then, thousands and thousands of miles away, they have the other half of the cell and they do something to the one cell and then, thousands and thousands of miles away, the other cell reacts in the same way.

Speaker 1:

When I was a I don't know if anyone listening is going to get this reference, but I grew up in the 80s and I was a big GI Joe kid and there were these two the bad guys were like the Cobras and there were these two twins Like I can't remember their names, but if you punched one twin they were the bad guys. If the GI Joe punched one twin, the other twin would act like he got punched as well. It's all connected. It's all one energy just manifesting itself in an infinite number of forms. But it's all connected and Jeshua is kind of poking fun in a playful way. This reality, you think, is so dense and hard. This reality you think is so dense and hard, the body you think is so dense and hard, or perhaps, if you've not been exercising, it's also a little soft, with a little smile. I drew a little smiley face because Jeshua has got a sense of humor and this goes to a lot of the I don't know what to call them modalities, traditions. Well, they're not traditions, they're more kind of new thought, but they're probably ancient thought, which is that because it's all energy.

Speaker 1:

You know Louise Hay, louise Hay's amazing work. If you don't know who Louise Hay is, check her out. She's passed but she founded Hay House, which is a publisher of most of the best spiritual books and teachings around now. But her book you Can Heal your Life, where she talks about mind and body, are one. She talks about how she healed her ovarian cancer.

Speaker 1:

I had a sports hernia in my early 20s that medical Western science says can only be healed through surgery. It's the only way. You have to have surgery and I healed it without surgery and it was inner work, meaning I had to go into the into like with my mind, with my consciousness, into the hernia and get curious how is this hernia? A manifestation of something unhealed within my consciousness? And it was all of my anger towards my father, towards the masculine, this feeling of powerlessness, feeling like a victim. And as I started to heal that and heal myself through forgiveness, through love, through feeling all the pain, all the grief, all the anger, that's the big key. You've got to feel it to heal it. And I complemented that with physical exercises that strengthened my core, the hernia healed itself. It healed itself. I healed it. It healed itself because I did the work.

Speaker 1:

The body is a reflection of what's happening inside of your consciousness. Now, this is not to shame. This is not the shame of the victim. Oh, I got cancer. What did I do wrong? It's my fault? No, that's not this at all. It's not to be used for judgment. What did I do wrong? I didn't deserve this. What is this karma for? From a higher perspective, physical ailments are our higher self getting our attention. We pay attention when we have physical ailments and there is a relationship between the body and different parts of the body and different issues of consciousness.

Speaker 1:

There's a whole list in Louise Hayes and the back of her book. You Can Heal your Life. I wish I could just pull it up right now and read. Maybe I will Hold on a second. Let me pause this and grab the book on my shelf. I see it right here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so some common ones. Let's say back problems, lower back, and it gives like an issue and then it gives an affirmation to begin the healing process. And now this is a very oversimplified version of this, but I just want to share it here. Lower back problems the issue fear of money, lack of financial support. The healing affirmation is I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe. Middle back problems, guilt stuck in, all that stuff back there, get off my back. The healing affirmation I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.

Speaker 1:

Oh, here's another one bedwetting. I was a bedwetter much later than I wanted to be and it was a source of much shame and guilt for me. When I looked back at that as I got older and became more aware and I look back I noticed, oh, that was during the time when my parents were getting divorced and I also had an appendectomy. My appendix blew up at my bed. That was in like sixth grade. My bedwetting was much earlier, but it was still most likely a product of my parents' discord and me not being able to process it emotionally as a child, so bedwetting.

Speaker 1:

Here in the book the issue is fear of parent, usually the father. The affirmation is this child is seen with love, with compassion, with understanding. All is well. And now, consciously, I had no fear of my father. My father didn't abuse me mentally, physically, verbally. He was a provider, he was very loving. But do we all have issues with our parents when we're kids? Can we understand why they make the decisions that they do? Not really. And so that was an unconscious way that my body was responding to these fears and these beliefs that I was holding.

Speaker 1:

I'll read one or two more because I think it's fascinating and again, this isn't prescriptive, like oh, it's definitely this, this. I use it as like a guideline. Let me get curious. Does this feel accurate to me that this body issue that I'm having relates to this issue that the book is suggesting the the? The best way, I would say, because it can help? We're looking for answers. Sometimes I would say the best way is for myself, yourself, to go within and get still and feel into that part of your body. Maybe it's your stomach, maybe you're having stomach issues, maybe you're having. You have a rash on a part of your body. Who knows what it is. It's not an indication that you're doing anything wrong. It's an invitation to get curious and say what might this, what lesson, what message might this have for me? All right, so I'm just flipping through.

Speaker 1:

We're at the H. It's an alphabetical order, so heart, and it has attack, heart attack, myocardial infarction, coronary thrombosis. The issue is squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc. And the affirmation is I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all. Amazing, let's turn. Let's do a couple more, just to kind of give you an idea. All right, psoriasis, skin problems, the fear of being hurt, deadening the senses of the self, refusing to accept the responsibility for our own feelings. The affirmation I am alive to the joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and approve of myself. Beautiful, all right. Last one, let's go with wrist. Wrist issues represents movement and ease. The affirmation is I handle all my experiences with wisdom, with love and with ease.

Speaker 1:

So the body is not some rant like in Western medicine. We're taught that the body is just. We have random aches and pains and you get sick because of some dis-ease or some virus. But in other thought systems there is 100% correlation between the body and the consciousness 100% correlation between the body and the consciousness that you don't get sick or ill or hurt unless there's something in the consciousness that is trying to get your attention. And this is again not conscious, it's below the conscious and it also can be what I would call soul plan. So if you get into a car accident and you hurt your neck, it's not because of a random thing. There's something in that experience for you. And why the neck? Why not the leg? So like getting curious about these things, this is not logical stuff to the brain, especially in Western kind of thinking. German New Medicine Check out German New Medicine. That again, uh and I'm going to totally butcher this I have a very um, surface level understanding of it.

Speaker 1:

So my brother passed from pancreatic cancer at the age of 45 and so what was happening in his world at that time was big thing for him was he had invested most of his money into a senior living business with someone who he thought he could trust and that person basically reneged on the agreement and my brother was kind of left holding the bag for this really expensive property that he purchased as part of his agreement to be in this partnership. That was his buy in and then the partner pulled out and he was left with this big financial burden and then he tried to turn this home that he bought into a senior living and he had no experience and he was flying back and forth from San Diego to northern California like several times a month and he was just so much stress for over a year. And he was healthy, he was in shape, he was shredded six pack, he ate healthy, he worked out, so like physically he should be fine. But it was the mental and the emotional toll and all the issues underneath that, all the negative self-talk we have, all the judgments you know I'm making this stuff up but like, why do you do that? You are so, so foolish. You're wasting your money. Now all your money's gonna be gone. You can't retire. You've spent your whole life on this, you know, building this nest egg and now you blew it and you can't trust people. And how dare they? They're supposed to be spiritual. I bet all those thoughts went through his head and so it manifested in his body as dis-ease, pancreatic cancer.

Speaker 1:

And actually let's take a look, I'm just curious and I'm doing this live on the podcast, probably won't edit this out, but let's look at pancreas in Louise Hay's book and see what comes up. Hold on, here we go, Pancreas, here we go, the pancreas. Pancreas represents the sweetness of life and the affirmation is my life is sweet. Pancreatitis rejection, anger and frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness. I love and approve of myself and I alone create sweetness and joy in my life.

Speaker 1:

His life was not sweet during that year and change. It was very, for him, very stressful because of all the meanings that he was creating about it. And so that's what the pancreas does it. It processes. I think it processes like glucose and the sweetness and helps you digest. But it makes sense to like that. His body manifested and by the time he got diagnosed it was stage four, and so he battled for nine months and then passed. But it wasn't a punishment, this was part of his soul plan. So obviously because he found the sweetness in life, in his journey through chemotherapy in his journey of healing, beyond the money that he was so attached to and the striving and the status and the security, and now in German New Medicine.

Speaker 1:

Now I know I'm jumping about. German New Medicine is incredible because when I met with an expert on German New Medicine, dr Melissa Sell S-E-L-L. You can look her up on Instagram highly recommend her. She talked about how the pancreas has a couple different things associated with, but one of them was a dispute over property like that specific, a dispute over property and money. That was my brother's exact situation. So this whole, this whole detour, is just showing that the body you're not a victim to your body. It is actually a very kind way to get your attention. Sometimes we get sick when we've been burning the midnight oil, we're staying up late, we're not really eating well, we're stressed because we're working hard or whatever, and then we realize why we got sick. Well, it's, it's our body's way so often of just slowing us down, of forcing us to rest Again. There's so much more we could discuss on this, but check out Louise Hay. You Can Heal your Life. Google German New Medicine.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's so many modalities like this that really connect the mind and the body, the consciousness with the body in certain issues. But let's get back to the text here. The point is there's nothing that you see that is not pervaded by the perfect radiance of God's holy presence. Nothing, not things you think are inanimate, like a stone or a piece of paper, not a leaf, not anything. The chair you're sitting in, your pet, anything.

Speaker 1:

And then, just to cover all the bases, jeshur says even the shouting of fear and anger, even shouting, is not a solid thing, but that expression is still pervaded by God's holy presence because there is nothing outside of God's holy presence. That's why good is not battling evil. In the world of duality, yes, but in truth, in reality, with a capital R, there is only one. There's only one. There's not God and something else, there is just God. Now there are expressions and extensions of God with free will and free consciousness to create their own experience, but even within that there is just God.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua says even the shouting of fear and anger from anyone yet contains within it and this is the key phrase if you would receive it, the perfect love of God. But we don't receive it. We want to judge, we want to contract in fear, we don't want to receive the love of God. And shouting in anger. We think it's a bad thing when someone gets upset or somebody's trying to do harm, we kind of armor up or we judge or we fight against or we resist or we deny. Jeshua did none of those things because he was awake.

Speaker 1:

Awake. We're being invited into that level of consciousness of seeing it all and knowing it all and experiencing it all and being it all as the presence of love. He says for your father, for source, for God does not ever recoil or withdraw from the unlimited and perfect extension of himself. He's not afraid of himself. God is not afraid of itself because it knows it's all God. Why would it be afraid? Why would it recoil? It doesn't reject itself. God doesn't reject itself himself herself. God is love. So love only accepts all, all expressions and God is but love.

Speaker 1:

We are the ones who in fear, in the tiny, insane, mad idea of the ego that thinks it's separate and lacking and needs to protect, that thinks it needs to survive because it thinks it's separate from all this. We are the ones who judge, we are the ones who recoil, we are the ones who reject others and ourselves and God. But that doesn't change reality. We're having that experience within. It's a small little, small little part of the picture that we're painting on the infinite canvas of consciousness. And while we're painting that picture, that's what we're gonna experience. But we can change that picture at any time. We can create a new picture at any time. We can paint over the picture that we've been painting at any time. Behold, I make all things new. That's why you're not a victim to your choices. Some people think, well, this is karma. I got to suffer my choices that I made. That's not what Jeshua says ever. You can always drop new pebbles right here, right now, and create a new experience for yourself. Now. It might seem in time to take time to kind of change, but the instant you're dropping new pebbles, the new vibration, that's what you're experiencing. Joshua continues.

Speaker 1:

If you did not abide wholly W-H-O-L-L-Y, wholly in that love, in this moment, you would immediately cease to exist. I do not mean just die, I mean literally cease to exist, in italics. There would be no trace of thought or memory in any mind of you. It is only because love is that you are. I mean, this is so beautiful. This is something you could write down on a post-it note and put it on your mirror and look at every day. Oh my gosh, this is how loved I am. I've literally been loved into existence, and if I wasn't loved anymore, I would cease to exist, not just die in a body. There would be no thought or memory in any mind of you. You know what that means. That means that when you think of someone you love, they still exist. If they didn't exist, there would be no thought or memory of them within you. They still exist, they're still alive, probably with you right now. When you think of them, they may get a little tingle and think of you back, just like when you're like, hey, I wonder how my friend's doing. And then they text you or they call you the next day.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's all connected. It's all one consciousness communicating with itself, extending itself, experiencing itself from different perspectives. It's just God, it's just the ocean, continually creating waves to experience how it feels to be that wave and this wave and how this wave and that wave interact. But it's all the ocean. The ocean is not afraid of a wave. That would be an insane idea. The ocean is not afraid of a tsunami, it's all the ocean. It's not fear, it's not even fear. It's not afraid of a tsunami, it's all the ocean. Fear is not even fear, it's not even in the equation.

Speaker 1:

Because of this, jeshua says this is why I once said of myself I can do nothing, but my Father, through me, does these things. Ultimate humility. There is no separate me from the Father, and he said this in the beginning of A Course in Miracles. He says this in the Way of Mastery. When I try and do something, it never works out. Think about it. I know that that's true for me. When I try and make something happen, it never really works out the way that I want it to. When I take action, I surrender the outcome and I open to the mystery of life, and I do it from a place of love. Oh my gosh. Then then, things I could never have predicted have been created, have come about. That's the magic of life. But we call it random, we call it a coincidence.

Speaker 1:

You know, the logical part of our brain doesn't want to acknowledge that there's something outside of our control, that there's a magic, that there's a mystery, that there's a presence that we can't comprehend. The brain wants to comprehend everything. So there's something outside of comprehend Now that's made up, that doesn't exist or it's not as powerful as my almighty mind, my logic, my reasoning. What I can see, taste, touch, smell and feel Only the five senses are real. Right. That's what the brain does, because it can't comprehend heart, spirit, infinity, eternality, love. It can think about love. It cannot know love. It can think about God. I understand God.

Speaker 1:

I've read all the spiritual books, yet I don't feel loving. I don't feel the promise of what Jeshua is teaching. But everybody's saying that you got to read the Bible, you got to follow the Bible or whatever holy book and do the right thing. But I don't feel the right thing. So this is a bunch of hogwash. But I don't want to say that because I don't be the only one who's saying that that's how so many people live their life, one who's saying that that's how so many people live their life. Jeshua is showing us the way.

Speaker 1:

This is why one said of myself I can do nothing. I'm so limited, the ego is so limited, the body is so limited, my intellect, as smart as I can be, is still limited. Of myself I can do nothing. But my Father, my Source, the I Am, that I Am through me, does these things. I can be the conduit for love to come in and perform miracles. But miracles are commonplace, of course. In miracles, miracles are ordinary. To the brain, miracles don't make sense. Miracles are not ordinary. Yeshua was Jesus, the Christ. Yeshua, whatever Sananda, was just a pure conduit for spirit. So when they say Jesus was God in the flesh, yes, and what they leave out so conveniently is that, and what he was teaching is and so are you, and so are you. You're also God in the flesh. You've just forgotten, you're just pretending that you're not, and that's what we are being invited into.

Speaker 1:

All right, I went off on a lot of tangents, so thanks for bearing with me. I'm trying to, yeah, just apply this stuff. Just give another other perspectives and just my own personal experience around these teachings and how I experience them. I don't. I'm not never saying that I'm right, not saying you should listen to me. I'm just sharing my experience from the heart and, if it serves, amazing.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, jeshua says the same thing. He says don't listen to me, try this, do these things for yourself and let them be the proof that they work. Love you guys, thanks for listening. Just grateful to be on this journey with you, to do this every day, to be in this study, this way of mastery. Mastery means showing up every day and putting in the work. There's no shortcuts. So, uh, and we're doing it together, which is amazing. If you get value from the podcast, please like, subscribe, subscribe, share. If you can give us a good review on Apple Podcasts and leave a short, short comment, that would be amazing. And if you want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. You can email me hello at revelationbreathworkcom and have an amazing day. We'll see you next time.

The Power of Consciousness and Healing
Mind-Body Connection and Healing
Awakening to the Presence of Love
On the Journey of Mastery