Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 14: Complete helplessness, complete dependency

July 02, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 14 Episode 307
Lesson 14: Complete helplessness, complete dependency
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 14: Complete helplessness, complete dependency
Jul 02, 2024 Season 14 Episode 307
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 14-15

What if the key to true fulfillment lies in surrendering your personal power and trusting entirely in divine guidance? This episode promises to be a spiritual deep-dive into Jeshua's profound teachings on the wise use of time and the journey toward spiritual surrender. We explore how Jeshua's complete dependence on God helped him overcome the illusion of a separate self, leading to a profound unity with God's omnipresence. 

Reflecting on our own experiences, we contrast the fleeting satisfaction of ego-driven accomplishments with the lasting joy that arises from being guided by love and spirit. Jeshua's journey is a powerful lesson in faith beyond the five senses, urging us to trust in a higher power.

We also uncover the transformative power of keeping a journal as a tool for spiritual growth. The discussion touches on the importance of community sharing and the sometimes messy, painful process of healing, all of which are essential for personal growth. Above all, we emphasize that existence itself is an act of love from a higher source, and our ultimate purpose is to extend and express that love and joy in the world. 

Tune in to be inspired to become more of yourself, letting love animate your every action, and transcending mere survival and societal expectations.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

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If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

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Lesson 14: The Wise Use of Time
Section 2: Your Joy Is Found In Extending Your Treasure
Paragraphs: 14-15

What if the key to true fulfillment lies in surrendering your personal power and trusting entirely in divine guidance? This episode promises to be a spiritual deep-dive into Jeshua's profound teachings on the wise use of time and the journey toward spiritual surrender. We explore how Jeshua's complete dependence on God helped him overcome the illusion of a separate self, leading to a profound unity with God's omnipresence. 

Reflecting on our own experiences, we contrast the fleeting satisfaction of ego-driven accomplishments with the lasting joy that arises from being guided by love and spirit. Jeshua's journey is a powerful lesson in faith beyond the five senses, urging us to trust in a higher power.

We also uncover the transformative power of keeping a journal as a tool for spiritual growth. The discussion touches on the importance of community sharing and the sometimes messy, painful process of healing, all of which are essential for personal growth. Above all, we emphasize that existence itself is an act of love from a higher source, and our ultimate purpose is to extend and express that love and joy in the world. 

Tune in to be inspired to become more of yourself, letting love animate your every action, and transcending mere survival and societal expectations.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide, friend and fellow student, and today we dive back into Lesson 14, the Wise Use of Time, section 2, your Joy is Found in Extending your Treasure. We're picking up in Paragraph 14, where Jeshua says I did not say quote. I learned these of my father and now I will be the maker and the doer, end quote. I acknowledged my complete helplessness, my complete dependency. I eradicated any perception that I was a small-s self, separate from God. I stopped giving authority to the tiny little gnat shouting at the vastness of space. Quote my will be done, end quote.

Speaker 1:

And isn't that what we all do when we're identified with the ego, edging God out, with the tiny mad idea that actually thinks it's separate from the rest of all, that is, of God, of life, of source. Somehow I'm outside and so I'm going to do my will, I'm going to try and get what I think I lack. I'm going to believe in specialness so that I can feel special, because I secretly feel less than insecure outside, fearful because of what I think I did, which is do the impossible, separate from God, from spirit and, of course, miracles talks about because the tiny mad idea actually thinks that it's separate. It's afraid Because if you can separate from God, if you think about it, you've invalidated, you've proven that God doesn't exist, because God, by definition, is omnipresent, all that is all powerful, all knowing and all encompassing. So if somehow I'm outside of that, I've disproven God, and so God's going to get me Right. That's such Old Testament stuff Like God's going to punish me then because I did something wrong or bad. I invalidated God.

Speaker 1:

This is more a course in miracles, teaching than it is in the way of mastery, but it goes to the fear that we have. And so Jeshua, as he began to wake up to the truth that, to quote in lesson, in paragraph 11, just two paragraphs, three paragraphs before, he says there's nothing that you see is not pervaded by the perfect radiance of God's holy presence. Nothing, there's nothing outside of God. And as Yeshua, jeshua woke up to this truth and remembered this truth, and remembered that all power resides in God power, not in personal power. In personal power, we have no power. So he didn't take credit. Personal power, we have no power, so he didn't take credit.

Speaker 1:

It makes me think of Lesson 5, the Keys to the Kingdom, where Jeshua has a whole section talking about the importance of humility. The importance of humility, that of myself. I can do nothing that I don't do anything. Think about all the things that you've tried to make happen. Did they last? Were they lasting? I know that all the things that I try and do, they might work out in the short term, but in the long term they never last. But when I am humble enough to be led to be guided, to listen, to surrender, to be an instrument for love, then all these miracles and magic happen. I'm directed and guided to people and places and situations that I could not have predicted.

Speaker 1:

So, with all of this awareness and power that Jeshua has, he's saying I didn't say now I'm going to be the maker and the doer of my life. He didn't say now I'm going to be the maker and the doer of my life. No, he acknowledged his complete dependency, his complete helplessness, and that's like the opposite of what the world is and what we're taught to do. Don't be helpless. That's, you know, from one perspective, like that's being a victim. If you're helpless, don't be dependent. Make sure you're independent. Make sure you don't need anybody else. Don't ask for help, don't need anybody else. Make sure you can stand on your own two feet and in some sense like that's of the world and that makes sense, like I want my kids to be independent and to be able to handle themselves and survive in the world on their own. But my kingdom is not of this world. That is one way to engage in the world. No one wants to be helpless, but Jeshua is talking from a spiritual perspective.

Speaker 1:

I acknowledge my complete helplessness, that of myself. I can do nothing. That is the ultimate faith, faith in a power and a love that you can't see with your five senses, that you can't taste or smell. It's not available, but we all know it's there, we all have felt it. That's why you're studying the way of mastery, it's why you're listening to a podcast about it and probably many other teachings and books and speakers and things like this. Because the heart knows, the heart feels something beyond the five senses, where it's like God, spirit, love, use me, guide me, direct me, inform me. We can get to a place. I think it's one of the steps, I think in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other of the 12 Step programs. It's like complete, complete reliance and dependency on God, not myself.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua says I eradicated and I wanted to make sure I looked that up Like that's an interesting word. Right and eradicated in Webster's dictionary says to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots, to pull up by the roots, and I thought that was perfect because that's the analogy he's been using, this idea of pulling up the roots of fear. So I eradicated, I pulled up the roots of fear from my perception that I was a small self, separate from God. When we wake up and we're in survival mode, we're identifying with the ego, this tiny, mad idea of separation, that I have to be the maker and the doer, that I have to make sure that I survive and my family and my loved ones survive and that everybody's happy. And then we get into this crazy control mode where what if we surrendered fully? And that seems really stupid to the ego. Why the heck would I surrender? That's just setting myself up for death, that's just setting myself up to be hurt.

Speaker 1:

To surrender like that, the world will trample right over me, other people will take advantage of me, I'll starve, I'll be poor, I won't have any friends if I surrender everything. That's what the ego thinks and our heart is yearning for that level of like, then I don't have to remember really anything. I don't have to, like carry the burden, I don't have to be the maker and the doer, I don't have to be in this go, go, go mode all the time, trying to effort and force things to fit into the way I think they should be. My limited intelligence, my limited perception on life oh my God, I don't have a hundred thousand foot view of the world in my life, I'm in the trenches. But spirit, holy Spirit, my higher self, god sees the whole thing. Why wouldn't I trust that this divine intelligence? You don't know how your heart beats, you don't know how grass grows and I'm not talking about photosynthesis. What makes it work? There is it's a mind-boggling, literally mind-boggling divine design that that works and yet we're trying to be the maker and the doer. It's like the height of arrogance. So jeshua is all about complete surrender to the mystery and by definition, the mystery is unknowable. You don't know it. Once you know it, it's not a mystery. So if jeshua is still saying it's a mystery and a mystery and a mystery, and I just keep surrendering and allowing and being this vessel for this mystery of love, this force, this power, this presence to move through me, to direct me, to do miracles through me, through this thing, to direct me, to do miracles through me through this thing I call me. You can do that too. You can do that. You can take the risk.

Speaker 1:

Most of us say we want to surrender, but then we surrender like 99%, but we try and hide and save that last little 1% for us, just in case surrender doesn't work out. Then I'll take the reins back and I'll take control. See, god, you really weren't helping and supporting me when I surrendered. All this bad shit happened and all this painful stuff happened. So clearly I can't trust you. I like the idea of it, but I can't trust you. So I got to be the maker and the doer and take the reins back and take control. But what we don't see is when we save that 1%, we're actually you might as well surrender no percent. There's no such thing as 99% surrendering to God, saving one. If you save even 1% or save anything, you're not surrendered and you're still trying to be the maker and the doer.

Speaker 1:

And often too, when we do surrender and our life quote unquote falls apart or, quote unquote bad things happen. That's actually a good thing because it's all. The things that we've created in fear are crumbling and falling apart so they can be rebuilt up into and back from a foundation of love. But we just see the crumbling and the pain and the chaos and think it's bad. But we don't have the higher perspective, we can't see it that way from the ego. So we freak out and try and take the reins back and take control back of our life, when if we just completely surrendered and allowed the crumbling to happen, we would one experience this presence of love amidst the chaos and the crumbling that we were so busy controlling everything we never felt. So, as things were crumbling, we'd be like, oh, they're crumbling around me. If I have this level of perspective and I can step back from my life and see like, okay, I'm still alive, like I still exist, I'm still here, I'm still okay, even though things are falling apart around me.

Speaker 1:

And this happens in meditation, this happens in moments when we're not in our thinking brain, in our prefrontal cortex, we're more centered in our body, but our heart's like this. Crumbling is necessary, it's needed, it's important and there's something beautiful on the other side. My ego hates it. My ego is kicking and screaming, but my heart senses this, it knows it. This is what's available to us when we eradicate and this is the whole way of the heart, the whole way of mastery is about eradicating, pulling up from the roots the fear of any perception. It's just a perception that I was a self separate from God. Right, it's a perception, it's a way of seeing things, and you experience your perception and you choose your perception. This is why this is the most empowering teaching, the most. You're never a victim to anything. You are literally the creator of everything you experience, and you experience it through choosing which perception you will hold.

Speaker 1:

And Jeshua is saying I eradicated the perception that I was this small self apart from God, and I embraced the perception that I and my father are one, that I am a wave, an extension of the wave and the ocean of love here to just extend my only purpose. It's so simple. It's so simple. The most true things are the simple things. My only purpose is to extend the good, the holy and the beautiful through me, by being a vessel, by being a channel, by sharing my light, by being in love, by forgiveness, by compassion, by generosity, by knowing who I am when I know who I am and I know that I am whole and complete of myself, maybe not of the world, but of myself and my soul and my spirit. Why wouldn't I be generous? I can give and give and give and I know that the more that I give of myself, of my heart, of my love, of my being, the more that I actually receive. And the more I receive, the more I want to give.

Speaker 1:

But when I'm so focused and then my perception is on lack and limitation and smallness and not enough and specialness and less than in comparison, I don't want to give anything because if I give something away I lose it. So I'm trying to hoard, I'm trying to get, I try to get in my relationships and try to get ahead of other people. I compare myself and either feel less than or better than I'm on this comparison track that the ego and jeshua says I stopped giving authority, the ego, to this tiny little gnat, the tiny mad idea shouting right, that's what the ego does, it shouts. You know, you know when people are like out of their minds and they know they've lost, like an argument, let's just say like, the louder they get, the more that they realize that their, their position like doesn't make any sense and sense and they're wrong in terms of the world and right and wrong. They just get louder, they just start shouting and yelling. That's the tiny man idea. It's so afraid it just has to shout loud when the voice of God is a whisper. The voice of God is this steady, powerful whisper, this presence. It doesn't need to shout. That's the ego, the fear. Fear shouts and gets loud, this tiny little net shouting at the vastness of space into nothing. Right, my will be done. I want my needs to be met. I want what I want, and that's coming from a place of lack. What I want, and that's coming from a place of lack. Jeshua continues as you sit in your chair in this moment, hopefully with your transformation journal in your lap and the pen that you have purchased for only this purpose. Remember this you are wholly dependent in italics, wholly dependent W-H-O-L-L-Y, wholly dependent at all times on the pervasive reality of love which has given you your existence, out of its desire to extend its treasure, joy. So Jeshua is reminding us hey, did you get that transformation journal yet? It's going to serve you, it's going to be a way for you to study that, not just read this text but deepen in the ideas, and I've shared this story before.

Speaker 1:

Once I heard this, I got a transformation journal. I got a little journal and I literally went back to lesson one and would sit down every morning, go to Starbucks like 530 in the morning. I'd sit down and I'd, word for word, like re-scribe right down the lines. That stood out to me, which is almost like every line, so like I literally have like rewritten almost this entire book word for word, at least a couple times. But it helped me to to write things down pen and paper with you, like the kinetic physicality versus typing on a screen in a computer or on a phone, at least for me. There's something different about taking a journal, a pen and writing something down and writing these words down. This stood out to me and I've done the hey, I highlight things that are important, I underline things that are important. But there's something different for me than writing things down and, when there's questions, writing those questions down in my transformation journal and then taking the time to sit and answer them and reflect on them and write my answers down.

Speaker 1:

It's like this is not a just get through it book. This is a lifelong way of mastery. Mastery cannot be rushed. Why would we rush through it? If you want to read through the book cover to cover once, fine, but make sure you go back then and apply and study and answer the questions and do the exercises. If Jeshua says, take 30 days, what's the rush in your life? Stop what you're doing and take 30 days to do the exercise or maybe read a little bit along, but do the thing for 30 days Again. That's what we're doing in our Living. The Way of Mastery year-long program is we're taking the time to do the exercises and then sharing about it in community and sharing how we're using these exercises in our daily life. Your daily life is your ashram.

Speaker 1:

It's not to be escaped from, it's not to be spiritually bypassed, where you don't feel anything and it's all love and God. No, we're looking at the things that we're triggered by, because those are indications that there's something that's ready for healing. So a lot of times healing is messy, it's painful, because we're feeling the very things we haven't felt. We're acknowledging the very things we have been avoiding or resisting or shoved into the deep, dark closet of our consciousness because it was too painful at the time, and now we're bringing it up with love and we're opening our heart and allowing the feeling to move through. And for some people that's really scary. And if that's really scary, you don't wanna do it, that's totally fine. It just means you're not ready yet and it's okay to not be ready. It's okay to not be ready. You're on your healing journey. It's okay.

Speaker 1:

You're reading the way of mastery, you're listening, you're doing your best and when you're ready it will happen organically. You'll be like I want to feel this, I want to heal this, so get your transformation journal and then the pen that you purchased only for this purpose. I had fun with this, I shared, I got a little pen. It's like a golden pen with a lion's head on the end and that's my way of mastery pen and I love it. It has like the and you can make anything special and sacred through your intention, through deeming it as special and sacred and using it for that purpose. You are, and then Jesuit gets back to it You're wholly dependent, at all times wholly dependent.

Speaker 1:

You literally would not exist if love wasn't loving you into existence and and as jeshua says earlier in this lesson, there would be no memory of you, there would be no trace of you if you cease to exist. So the fact that you exist means you exist forever. Bashar, who is channeled by Daryl Anka, bashar, says that literally, the fact that you exist is existence. Non-existence by definition does not exist. Think about that. Non-existence by definition does not exist. So if you have any kind of consciousness, I am Not, I'm Jason or I am me, just like I am, I exist. You exist, you're loved and that's evidence of your love.

Speaker 1:

On the reality of love, the pervasive it is, all there is which has given you existence. You exist out of God, love source, its desire to extend, to expand is another word, to extend and expand its treasure, joy. So God loved you into existence source capital L life. There's nothing outside of it. Everything that literally exists is an expression of this energy, of this love that we try and call God. We call God, but there are no words. So everything that exists is an expression, like a wave in the ocean of love, and so you've been created. Every wave is created for one purpose to extend, to express more of itself, more of God, and that is joy. That is why you exist to extend your treasure, your joy.

Speaker 1:

It's not to survive, it's not to make your parents happy. It's not to have a certain amount of savings in the bank so you feel safe. It's not to vote for who you think is the right person that's going to save the world and the planet. It's not to raise good kids your sole purpose. It's not to live 95 years and be physically healthy 100% of the time. It's not to look like models or whoever else. It's not to win awards and recognition. It's not to cure cancer your sole purpose.

Speaker 1:

You've literally been loved into existence by God, by life, by love, to express and be and extend that love that you are into the world. So, as you be more and more of yourself, as you ask the Holy Spirit, what does love look like in this moment, and you respond or you listen to that and then you allow that to animate through you. That's your whole purpose. That's it. That's why you exist. That is why my kingdom is not of this world. Think bigger than just this one little lifetime. You are a soul. You've had thousands of lifetimes, maybe millions of lifetimes, because eternity never ends. You are a soul. You've had thousands of lifetimes, maybe millions of lifetimes, because eternity never ends. You are eternal. You don't die. You've never died. You've had what feel like death experiences. But you exist. So, by definition, you cannot not exist. So just think about the vastness of your beingness and get on with just extending the joy, the love that you are. Get out of survival mode, start to see the world differently. From this perspective that Jeshua is sharing, that he started to see the world from, your whole life will change. Your whole life will change.

Speaker 1:

I don't like Facebook, but you know so many people have been asking about a Facebook community to gather with other people to ask questions, share experiences. So please join the Facebook group. If you're on Facebook, you can search groups and I think it's just called Living the Way of Mastery because it's about living. So it's not the way of mastery, it's living the way of mastery. Search that, maybe. Search my name to Jason Amor and it should pop up for you. And if you can't find it, email me at hello, at revelationbreathworkcom, and I'll send you the link. Thanks for listening. I'm so honored and grateful to be a part of this community with you, to be on this journey with you and doing this every day. Love you, guys. So much Thanks for listening and we'll see you next time.

Surrendering to the Mystery of God
Living the Way of Mastery Transformation