Living The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 15: Love or Fear - The Choice Is Yours

Jason Amoroso Season 15 Episode 317

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Lesson 15: Love or Fear - The Choice Is Yours
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Can you imagine living a life free from fear and full of love, regardless of your past or present circumstances? In this enlightening episode of "Living the Way of Mastery," we promise to unlock the transformative power of choosing love over fear. We delve deep into the empowering notion that we alone hold the key to our emotional responses, and that every event and person in our lives is inherently neutral until we assign meaning through our thoughts. Drawing inspiration from Neil Donald Walsch's children's book "The Little Soul in the Sun," we explore how even the most challenging experiences are opportunities for spiritual growth and learning. Our discussion will leave you with a profound understanding that you are not a victim of circumstance but an active participant in shaping your life.

What if your physical reality was merely a dream, a chosen adventure by your eternal spirit? Join us as we reflect on this profound idea, guided by insights from spiritual figures like Bashar and Jeshua. We explore the concept of our human experience as a playground for our souls, emphasizing our sovereignty in choosing our perceptions and responses. This episode takes you on a journey toward awakening to your true self and divine potential. We aim to guide your heart closer to your soul and your spirit toward full awakening, reminding you that every moment is an opportunity to choose love over fear and embrace your divine potential.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to Living the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend and fellow student, and today we begin Lesson 15. Let's go, lesson 15. Love or fear the choice is yours. And that pretty much sums it up. Love or fear? Pretty simple. The choice and it is a choice is yours. It's not God's, it's not Jeshua's, it's not your past's, it's not what's happening in the world, it's not your parents, it's not your partner, it's not your kid's choice. Just saying, making the point you are the one who chooses what you will experience. This is the most empowering teaching. The choice is yours. Love or fear, where will you reside? What will you be committed to?

Speaker 1:

When we're operating unconsciously and we're allowing the conditioning of the world, of our past, of the ego, to run our life and run our experience? It doesn't seem like a choice, it seems very automatic, but we need to be reminded and our ego doesn't like this. Let's just acknowledge that so we can move past it. All events are neutral. All things, all people, all events are, but no thought is neutral. Let that be our mantra. That's why we need to repeat it over and over and over again All things are neutral, all happenings are neutral. But no thought is neutral and it is what we choose to think about something, what we choose to perceive something as that creates our experience. Again, reverse engineer it. If you are upset inside, it is not because of the thing you're saying is upsetting you. It is our, your choice in what you are, the meaning that you are giving it, that creates your experience, the perspective that you're holding, that creates your internal experience. And this is so challenging for the ego. But we don't see from a higher consciousness that things are playing out according to these web of relationships, according to each spirit, each soul, each individual's curriculum, the lessons that they need to learn. So someone abusing someone else at a higher level, at a spiritual level, the abuser is playing a role for the abused and then, perhaps in a different lifetime, the abused was the abuser for that same person in a different lifetime, not as punishment and retribution, but as lessons and learnings and serving the other person.

Speaker 1:

The Little Soul in the Sun is a book, a children's book, I think. It's a human book, an adult book, by Neil Donald Walsh. It's an illustrated book, the Little Soul in the Sun, and it gives a different perspective in which to hold what's happening in the world where the little light says I want to experience my light, I want to experience more of and deepen in my understanding of forgiveness. And the little soul is in perfection, it's in heaven, it knows who it is, it knows it's the light, but it wants to experience it even more. And so it goes into earth as a human being, as a small little child, and wants to experience more forgiveness. So it needs something to forgive, it needs something quote unquote bad to happen to it so that I can practice forgiveness. And so another soul who knows it is the light, who knows it is perfection, who knows it is a child of the source of creator, says I'll play that role for you. I love you so much that I want to help you experience more of what forgiveness is, more of what love and compassion is. So I'll be the one who's going to do something bad to you so that you can practice forgiveness, practice being the light. But in order to do that I can't do that, knowing who I am I got to dim my light. I have to forget who I am to do this thing to you. But I love you so much I'm willing to forget who I am to dim my light. I have to forget who I am to do this thing to you. But I love you so much I'm willing to forget who I am to play this role for you.

Speaker 1:

But we don't see that in our life. We see offenders and abusers and people who do things to harm us as the bad ones. We don't see them as Christ light, as the bad ones. We don't see them as Christ light. So this is just a reminder. It's all about perspective, it's all about choice, it's all about our awareness, and Christ consciousness is the awareness of the divine in, as and through all things. And we can't see everything. We can't see how all of from our ego brain, we can't see how all the pieces fit together. We can't see karma, we can't see spiritual curriculum and we're so quick to judge spiritual curriculum and we're so quick to judge.

Speaker 1:

And so this lesson, this title love or fear, the choice is yours is bringing it back into our awareness that it is a choice. If we are in fear on some level, it's a choice. So, being curious, asking questions, opening to this idea that what might I be choosing to experience fear here, but it's still a choice which is empowering. It's not done to you. You're not at the victim of it, you're not at the mercy of these things. It's not just happening to you. You experience what you have chosen to invest in and value and believe. So if you choose to value love above all else, you will see and experience everything through the filters of love, even someone trying to harm you. You will only have an experience and a response of love. Now that seems hard for us because, again, we've been so conditioned. But as we practice consciously making that choice over and over and see and look at the areas that we're sleeping and we can be oh, I've been asleep here.

Speaker 1:

I want to choose love. It's very painful to my ego. I want to be in judgment, I want to be right, but a bigger part of me wants I have a little willingness to be in love here. So what does that look like? I don't know, my brain can't comprehend it, my ego doesn't know. But I'm going to ask and I'm going to open and I have more than a little willingness to want to be the presence of love here. It may not be logical, it may not make sense what I'm being compelled to do, but my heart is compelling me, love is compelling me, and I'm going to take the risk and do it anyway, even though my brain doesn't understand, even though my brain says this might risk me opening up to being harmed or hurt. I'm going to do it anyway because I'm so committed to love. So let's begin here. Jeshua says and again, just a beautiful opening. It's always a we, because of course this is not just a teaching of Jeshua, it is the lineage, it is a whole host of beings coming to support your awakening. It's very beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And for those who choose to release all illusions we just talked about choice it is a choice to release all illusions and journey to the heart of God. There can only be in that choice, there can only be oneness, brotherhood, sisterhood, eternally, because that's all there is. There only is God, expressing itself in an infinite number of forms, but it's still the ocean. You can have an infinite number of waves, expressions, but it's all the same thing If you do not choose to release all illusion, if you choose to hold on to illusion. There isn't only brotherhood and sisterhood and oneness, there is duality, there is conflict, there is other, there is the illusion of separation and there is pain and suffering.

Speaker 1:

Of course, I know that when I feel separate. I live in lack. There's always something missing. There's always something out there. I need to get to feel better. So I'm constantly searching out there in the next experience, in the next material thing, the next dollar in the bank account, the next piece of praise from somebody. Whatever I'm looking for out there, to feel something different inside, which means something inside I don't have. And that is the definition of lack.

Speaker 1:

You know, people talk about abundance and they just talk. Most people say, oh, I want more abundance. They're just saying I want more money, but they're coming from a lack consciousness. An abundant person doesn't say I want more abundance. They know that they are abundance, they know abundance is all around them, they know there only is abundance and overflowing, a more than needed. It's just a little willingness and a humility of just saying I don't know. If I knew I would be there, if I could do it on my own, I would have done it already. So I don't know. So, spirit, guide me.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua, the lineage saints, my loved ones on the other side, who have high consciousness, show me the way, direct me. I want to learn. And Jeshua continues. Therefore, indeed, it is with great joy that we come forth to abide with you in this lesson. We would ask you to set aside the roar and din of the world and to simply hold the thought and the mind for just the briefest of moments, that right now, you need not be concerned for anything. The world you have dreamt into being simply to experience it can be placed upon a shelf. That in this now, there is simply this experience, the great joy that we come forth to be with you. In this now, there is simply this experience, the great joy that we come forth to be with you. In this lesson, we ask that you set aside the roar and din of the world, the busyness, the noise of the world. I mean right now in the United States, we're what? 52 days away from the Trump-Harris election. We've got a full moon tomorrow night.

Speaker 1:

There's so much happening in the world with Ukraine and Russia and China and the United States and just all these things happening in the world that we can get so consumed in. And then we have social media and the news 24-7 news cycle cycle that we're constantly being bombarded by stimulation, by messaging that we don't even realize we are. That's why they call TV programming. We're being programmed, but we're allowing ourselves to be programmed by constantly obsessing about the next thing. That stimulates the dopamine centers of our brain. So we want more like a drug. We become addicted to news or information or video games or scrolling. That's why you know again, we talked about this in our last episode it's all by design to keep us distracted, to keep us focused out there.

Speaker 1:

So we're being asked, while we participate in this training the way of mastery is a training to just as much as we can set aside the roar and din of the world, like see if you can, when you read the way of mastery, to treat it as a study, to not have a lot of distractions, not have your phone, your notifications, the TV on, but to treat it as a holy and sacred act for you, for you to get the most out of it. Simply hold the thought in mind, for the briefest of moments, that right now you need not be concerned for anything. Imagine that. Imagine if, for the briefest of moment, you were not concerned for anything for your health, for your kids, for your bank account, for your job, for the state of the world, for anything. No concern. Imagine that. How would you feel? And I would actually encourage you to take a moment, if you can, pause the recording, stop your reading, sit in silence, still your breathing, slow your breathing down and imagine. Use your imagination. What do I think it would feel like If I could imagine what it would feel like where I had no concern for anything?

Speaker 1:

What do I think that would feel like in my body, in my nervous system? And just see what happens in your body. Does your chest soften? Do your shoulders soften? Does your breathing expand? What happens in your hips and your pelvis, your brow, your jaw? Just notice in your nervous system.

Speaker 1:

You have no concern for anything. You're not in fight or flight mode. You're not in survival mode. You're not in striving to get mode. You're not trying to fix or solve. You're not trying to be helpful to anyone. You're not trying to save anyone or save the world. You're not trying to get anything for yourself or anyone else. You have no concern for anything. Can you even allow the body to relax into that? Can you allow the mind to relax and just imagine what that might feel like for a moment. It might be challenging. For others it might be a huge relief. Like I didn't even realize how much I was holding and carrying and thinking and strategizing and feeling like I needed to do until I slowed down and I just pretended and imagined what would it be like if I had no concern for anything, not even myself.

Speaker 1:

And gesture says the world you've dreamt into being. He said this in the beginning that this is the dream, this physical like. We have dreams at night, right Like, and then we wake up from the dream. This is the dream, this human experience is a dream in spirit. I just watched a video from Bashar. I love Bashar. Everything that Bashar channels I mean Bashar is the being channeling through Daryl Anka. He's a lot on Instagram and social media, on YouTube, on Gaia TV network, but everything that I've ever heard so far has been aligned with this, with this teaching of the way of mastery, of the teachings of all the kind of what I would say are like just resonate as truth and spiritual and spiritual teachings, regardless of the form. And he says that right now you are in physical reality is a dream that your spirit is having. Literally, you're dreaming. You've never left spirit. You are spirit.

Speaker 2:

Understand that physical reality is literally just a dream that your spirit is having. Literally, you have never left spirit. None of you have. That's your natural state. You're there right now. You are in spirit. Right now, you are dreaming that you're not. That's what physical reality is. So the entity that you call Jesus simply understood that and therefore expanded the consciousness beyond the physical parameters to a certain point To allow a fuller expression of his total being and the being of all that is to come through, as all of you can do. That's actually what he was teaching, not about the idea of creating Christianity per se, but that you are all Christ's and therefore what he exhibited you can exhibit. In fact, that's actually still in your Bible, as a quote from him Greater things than I have done will you do? How could that be if you are not also capable of becoming a Christ?

Speaker 1:

And Jesher says you're dreaming this experience, simply to have it. It's like you go to Baskin Robbins ice cream shop 31 flavors. I want to try this flavor. I want to try this flavor. I want to try all 31 flavors. Why not? What the heck, who cares? It's a little spoonful. I want to try all 31 flavors. Why not? What the heck, who cares? It's a little spoonful. I want to try all of it. Why not? Ice cream is cool. Different flavors, let's try it, just to have the experience.

Speaker 1:

Now, there's many things that say that we created this human experience to simply to have it. What would it? The ego came out of this thought that what would it be like, this tiny, mad idea to actually be outside of the wholeness, to be separate from all that is. And then we got lost in that. We forgot that for a time being. It's temporary. We've created that experience for ourselves. Temporary if we're, eternal, if it lasts a thousand years, a million years. It's still temporary, but we're, but we chose to experience it and we can always make a different choice. That's what this teaching is about. It's about waking us up to who we are, that we are sovereign beings. We get to choose what our experience is and you're only studying the way of mastery. Let's just keep this in mind. We're only studying and listening to a podcast on the way of mastery because a part of you is ready to wake up. But it might be a process. It doesn't, for most of us, doesn't happen overnight, in one instant. It's a little bit at a time to decrease the fear of what happens. If all of a sudden, we knew who we were, it might be shocking to our system and create more fear, as A Course in Miracles says, as the Way of Mastery says, as many other teachings say. So the world you've dreamt into being, it's just a dream, simply to experience. It can be placed upon a shelf for this time that in this now, there is simply this experience of being together, of learning and listening to Jeshua. He says focus on your willingness to prepare a place for us and to hear subtle vibrations translated as thoughts, into the words on the page that can direct the heart toward the soul, that can direct the soul toward the spirit and that can direct the spirit into awakening fully. That phrase is in italics the thought of love in form. For this is what you are made to be and this is what you are. In italics, this is what you are eternally, regardless of the vibrations of thoughts that you allow to make a home in your mind temporarily. So contrasting what is temporary versus what is eternal. You are eternal. Your consciousness, your existence is eternal, but the thoughts that you have are temporary.

Speaker 1:

I just saw this video on Instagram reels of these two people talking, referencing Duncan Trestle, who's kind of a comedian, and he talks about spirituality and he says that your thoughts, you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are a byproduct of your brain and you're not your brain, but you're also not your thoughts. He's like, just like you're not your brain but you're also not your thoughts. He's like, just like you're not your farts. I thought that was interesting. Like your farts are a byproduct of your, I guess, gi tract, but you're not your farts. They're just a byproduct of the body, of the, of the intestinal tract, and your thoughts are just a byproduct of your brain. So you're neither, you're none of it. I don't know if that made sense, but it was funny in the moment. I thought I'd share it. I saw it this morning. I guess there's no mistakes. Spirit and my higher self knew I was going to be doing this podcast today and have to share that, so you're welcome.

Speaker 2:

Duncan put this to me in a great way. He goes your thoughts are just a product of your brain, so you are not your thoughts in the same reason that you are not your farts. That's just a bodily function. That's genius. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's absolutely some Duncan ass shit to say that's some Duncan ass shit to say, yeah, yeah yeah. You aren't your farts.

Speaker 1:

You aren't your farts, so you want your farts. So focus on your willingness to prepare a place for us. Be intentional about it. Focus is not distracted, it's. This is what I'm here for. I'm preparing a place to receive this message, to open my heart that I might awaken even more deeply.

Speaker 1:

The words, the energy, the love can direct the heart toward the soul and the soul toward the spirit, and the spirit into awakening fully as the presence of the thought of love and form, which is what you are. Jeshua said it from the beginning that's literally what you are. The ocean is love and the wave is an expression of that love and it's a thought of love in form. And just as you are made in the image and likeness of your creator, you create by bringing thought into form. And what you, what your quality, the resonance of your thoughts are what come into form. If you have lack thoughts, you're going to create things in the physical reality that are fruits of lack. If you have peaceful thoughts, you're going to create things in the physical reality that are fruits of lack. If you have peaceful thoughts, you are going to create things in this dimension that have that generate peaceful fruit. Right, what you reap you will sow, is that it? I can't remember reap, and so I get those confused. But yeah, whatever you put in, it comes out. So we are being invited to be intentional about what we're putting in, what we're filling our consciousness with. Again, it's like we are like sponges and we don't realize it how much what we consume on the radio, on the Internet, on social media, on streaming all these things on the news and the people we spend time with. We are constantly, in a way, consuming those opinions, those thoughts, those ideas.

Speaker 1:

So be intentional, be discerning about what you are consuming, just like you would be discerning of the food that you eat, about what you are consuming, just like you would be discerning of the food that you eat. You know that if you eat a bunch of trash, a bunch of junk food, a bunch of processed food, that your body is going to respond to that. And if, ideally, in a in in utopia, we're eating fresh foods straight from the source that are not processed, right? So we know that what we put in, like you, are what you eat. Literally, the body is what it takes in. So so is the mind and the psyche. And we're watching a bunch of trashy reality shows where people are just, you know, backstabbing each other and criticizing each other and creating unnecessary drama and conflict. Like that gets in there on some level. And I'm not saying don't have a guilty pleasure, I'm not, I'm not judging anyone who watches those, but I'm just making the point that be intentional, be discerning about you. We don't even realize we're consuming it. We just think I'm watching something, I'm killing the time, I'm just I'm zoning out.

Speaker 1:

But it has an effect on us. You are not your thoughts, but we don't even question it, we don't even think twice about it. We just hear this narration in our brain and it's nonstop and usually it's negative and it's just constantly making not even observations but judgments and evaluations about every single thing. And we believe it. We believe that it's us. But you're not your thoughts. Thoughts are temporary. You are not temporary, you are eternal.

Speaker 1:

So you can't be the thoughts that you allow to make a home in your mind temporarily, and the key word there is you allow them, we tolerate them. What you tolerate persists in your life. If you have somebody that doesn't honor your boundaries and you allow it and you tolerate it, they're just going to keep violating your boundaries. They're not going to care what you want, because you haven't. Really. You're not standing up for your boundaries. If you have somebody who's like negative and just like talks trash to you all the time but you tolerate it, they're just going to keep doing that behavior until you don't tolerate it anymore and you say no, thank you, that's not OK. And if you continue to do that, you're not going to be in my life anymore, even if you're my family member. I'm not down for that. What you tolerate persists. What you allow to make a home in your mind just grows and says cool, awesome, we're allowed here. You are not a victim of your own mind. You get to choose what makes a home in your consciousness. You are the gatekeeper of your consciousness and we are being invited to wake up.

Speaker 1:

And at first it's uncomfortable. At first it seems like a lot of work because we've just been allowing autopilot ego mode. But as we see the effects of autopilot ego mode, we're like, ah, this doesn't work for me anymore. This doesn't feel good. This doesn't resonate with really what I want to experience, which is more peace, more peace, more acceptance, more compassion, more love, more confidence, more self-trust in myself, more strength. Ego autopilot mode actually creates the opposite of what I want. So I need to start paying attention to what I'm choosing, subconsciously, what program I'm running, and see its effects and see how sucky that is and then make a different choice. That's what this is. It's a deprogramming, reprogramming, training. That's the way of mastery and that's what we're doing. And it takes time and it takes repetition, like anything else, over and over and over and over again, and we fail and we make mistakes and we judge ourselves, but we catch it. That's what we're doing. We're being conscious, aware of what we're doing to the degree that we can.

Speaker 1:

So have compassion, have compassion for yourself, compassion and patience, and just keep showing up, doing the work, having a little willingness. You're doing great. We're doing it together. There's no rush to get there In the end. It's guaranteed. So relax into that. See what it feels like to have no concerns for anything. Maybe practice spending five minutes a day, imagining what that would feel like. Give your system that gift. Give your mind that gift, that relief, that spaciousness. See what happens. And I'm excited to be diving into lesson 15 with you over the next. However many episodes this is, it's a short, short, short, only 10 pages. So I just have so much love for you guys. I just appreciate being on this journey with you, a student with you. If you get value from the podcast, please share it with somebody Like subscribe, give us a good review and write a couple comments on Apple, if you can, apple Podcasts, and yes, send me an email, let me know you're listening. Hello at RevelationBreathworkcom and I'll see you guys next.