Federal Employee Benefit Coordinators LLC

Insurance insider speaks out about the coming Postal Health Reform Act - Part Two

Elizabeth Inman

What are the coming changes for Postal employees and retirees health benefits and premiums? We find out in this second portion of an interview with Federal Insurance expert, Kerin Barngrover.
There are landmark changes coming with the new Postal Health Reform Act. Elizabeth Inman is leading a nationwide campaign to help you, the Federal and Postal employee get educated and manage the changes that are coming soon to one of the nation’s largest health programs. You need to be informed so as these changes take place, you can make the best decisions for you and your family. FEBC has the information you need.

To listen to part one of this interview, click here:

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The Postal Reform Act raises these concerns for Postal & Federal Retirees:
1. Am I going to have enough income in retirement?
2. What if something significant happens to my health?

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