Thrive Solo
Let’s be real — being single and child-free? It’s pretty damn awesome. Don’t believe me? Stick around. I promise you, by listening to this podcast, you’re going to start seeing your solo life in a whole new light — one that feels empowering, exciting, and full of possibility.
I’m Lucy Meggeson, and I’m here to help you stop seeing singlehood as a consolation prize and start embracing it as the incredible opportunity that it is. Because the truth? Being single isn’t second best. It’s not a waiting room. And it sure as hell isn’t a life of lack. In fact, when you lean into it, it can be just as fulfilling—if not more so—than being coupled up with kids.
And besides, no matter what our relationship status, what we all really want is to feel good in the here and now. So instead of focusing on what’s ‘missing,’ let’s focus on what’s possible. The freedom. The adventure. The extra time and headspace to create a life that’s truly our own.
Because here’s the thing: you are so much more powerful than you realise. Your thoughts shape your reality. And when you shift your mindset, you shift your life. My mission isn’t just to help you feel better about being single—it’s to help you recognise your own agency. To help you see that you are the creator of your own experience. And that you, and you alone, get to decide what your life looks like.
So join me here every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and let’s build lives that feel joyful, meaningful, and wildly fulfilling — on our own terms.
Let’s Thrive Solo…together.
E-mail me at lucy@lucymeggeson.com
Thrive Solo
The One Where I Talk To Author & Founder of Gateway Women, Jody Day
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In this week's episode of Spinsterhood Reimagined, I talk to the founder of Gateway Women, Jody Day. Gateway Women is an amazing global friendship, support and advocacy network for childless women which was founded in the UK in 2011 and is now headquartered in Ireland.
Jody is also the author of what many professionals consider to be the ‘go-to’ book on the topic of childlessness, ‘Living The Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Life Without Children’.
In this honest and heartfelt conversation, Jody talks about: her difficult childhood and how her early experiences resulted in her initially not wanting to have children; her abortion when she was twenty; and her marriage in her early twenties which ultimately ended due to reasons including the strain of her infertility, as well as her ex-husband’s problems with addiction.
We also talk about how Jody’s continued desperation to have a baby following the breakdown of her marriage found her in an abusive relationship; the period in her mid-forties when she hit rock bottom as the realisation that she would not have children became apparent; and the profound grief and despair she went through as she struggled to come to terms with the loss of the baby she never had, and the life she thought she would be living.
The conversation includes Jody’s thoughts on the concept of ‘disenfranchised grief’ and the sometimes dismissive reactions of those around her; how her own grief manifested in her withdrawal from the world, and her total loss of joy in all the things she used to love, including reading; and how she felt like ‘social plankton’ as a single, childless woman in her forties.
Jody also touches on the point at which she realised there would be an end to her pain as she started to understand that grief was a process which she would eventually come through to the other side of; the concept of social infertility, a term coined by the World Health Organisation, and being 'childless by circumstance’; and how, actually, childless women are a potential threat to a patriarchal society.
And finally, Jody shares how she has ultimately found peace with not having children, and how much she can now appreciate the freedom and possibility of being childless.
I sincerely hope that you all enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.
Jody can be found on Instagram: @gatewaywomen.
She can also be found on Twitter: @gatewaywomen.
Gateway Women Website: https://gateway-women.com/
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- Email me: lucy@lucymeggeson.com
And thank you so much for listening!!!