CCI Grand River Condo Podcast
CCI Grand River Condo Podcast
Intro to CCI’s Committees and How They Benefit You! (Part 3)
We introduce you to three more CCI committees in this episode as we wrap up our 3-part series. Tune in to learn about how these committees all work together to benefit you, what you can expect from CCI in the coming months, and why we think you’re nuts if you don’t have a CCI membership!
Joining us in this episode is:
Shalon Seebach of the Communications Committee
Randy Rego of the Education Committee
Jeff Johns of the Membership Committee
Thank you to RLB LLP for the use of their recording studio!
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- CCI-GRC Website (info, blogs and events found here!)
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Presenters, the Canadian Condominium Institute and its representatives will not be held liable in any respect whatsoever for any statement or advice presented herein. These presentations should not be relied upon as a professional opinion or as an authoritative or comprehensive answer in any case. Professional advice should be obtained after discussing all particulars applicable in the specific circumstances to obtain an opinion or report capable of absolving condominium directors from liability [under s. 37 (3) (b) of the Condominium Act, 1998]. Presenters' views expressed are not necessarily those of the Canadian Condominium Institute.