Uncle Sam Abroad

Aaron Friedberg on "Getting China Wrong"

Greg Cresci Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, we speak with Princeton professor Aaron Friedberg about his new book "Getting China Wrong" and hear sharp analysis about rising tensions between China and the U.S.

Among the topics discussed are:  China's leadership feeling threatened by the U.S.... The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) worldview of mistrust, control, and manufactured nationalism.... CCP intentions of dominating Asia and arranging a bloc of authoritarianism worldwide... the tug-of-war over Taiwan... the ascendant relationship between Beijing & Moscow... how the U.S. is positioning itself... etc.

------>  OUR GUEST is Dr. Aaron Friedberg, a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton University and a specialist in US-China relations, great-power competition, and US foreign and defense policy. From 2003 to 2005, Dr. Friedberg served as deputy assistant for national security affairs in the Office of the Vice President of the United States. He's the author of several books and articles, and currently serves on serves on the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission. He earned a PhD and a Bachelor's degree in government from Harvard University.

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The "Uncle Sam Abroad" podcast - through direct interviews - delves into U.S. foreign policy issues and the ways in which the United States Projects its power. 

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