Becoming Your Warrior

Ep4 - Your thoughts are so powerful

February 15, 2022 Emma Ritchie Season 1 Episode 4
Ep4 - Your thoughts are so powerful
Becoming Your Warrior
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Becoming Your Warrior
Ep4 - Your thoughts are so powerful
Feb 15, 2022 Season 1 Episode 4
Emma Ritchie

There is one thing that directs the course of your life.

Your health
Your wealth
Your relationships
Your career
Your happiness

It's free !

It's being in control of your thoughts

This is where the magic starts to happen

You are strong
Your are worthy
You are enough

Follow us on Instagram at @becomingyourwarrior

Contact Emma on instagram at @emmaritchietherapy

You can follow Emma at:

Show Notes Transcript

There is one thing that directs the course of your life.

Your health
Your wealth
Your relationships
Your career
Your happiness

It's free !

It's being in control of your thoughts

This is where the magic starts to happen

You are strong
Your are worthy
You are enough

Follow us on Instagram at @becomingyourwarrior

Contact Emma on instagram at @emmaritchietherapy

You can follow Emma at:


Welcome to the Becoming your warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best


life. Hey, hey, it's Em and this is episode four. And today we are going into a deep dive into how powerful your thoughts actually are. 

And once you get your head around this fact, how your thoughts direct the direction of your life, they create the events that happen in your life. And you understand that you can be in control of your life, just through your thoughts alone, you actually realise how incredibly powerful you are, you actually realise how good life can be, your thoughts can either be negative and bad. 

And that is going to create your reality that is going to lead you to feeling bad about people that's going to lead you to distrusting people, maybe feeling jealous or anxious around other people, or your thoughts can be really good, your thoughts can be really positive, your thoughts can be saying today is going to be a great day. You know, things might not have been great up until this point. 

But from today, I'm going to look at the world differently. I'm going to see the sun shining down on me. This sounds all very idealistic, I know. But basically, you have two choices in life, you can choose to think really bad things about yourself and about others. And that is going to take you one direction. Or you can choose to change your thoughts and think good things about yourself and about others and understand that life events that are negative come into your life so that you can grow. 

So that you can change the way that you feel so that you can expand and you can go further and further in your life. So I want to show you just how powerful your thoughts are. So this is a really cool example you may have done before. But it involves a lemon. 

So just again, now as long as you're not driving, or doing anything that you need to keep your eyes open for just close down your eyes. And imagine for me, you're holding a bright yellow lemon in your hand. And you're going to bring that lemon up towards your face. And as you do, you can smell it, you can smell that really waxy skin, that bitter kind of smell, that sour smell coming off the lemon. 

And I want you now to imagine for me, you're going to bite into that lemon, you're going to bite through the skin through the pulp, you're going to taste that juice in your mouth that sour, bitter lemon taste is now filling up your mouth as you're breaking it down, breaking down the the hope breaking down the skin, everything's mashing up, and it's really sour. 

And then take another big bite into that lemon. This time, even more sour juice is coming into your mouth. It's like sour taste, and you're breaking it down again in your mouth. And so imagine for me, I'm swallowing. So that tells you something. Imagine for me now you can dissolve that lemon from your mouth, just imagine that it's gone. And look and feel inside go inside your mouth. And notice that your mouth actually has now extra saliva in there. 

Now you and I know that that lemon was completely imaginary. It was just a thought it was just a thought I was giving you through my voice. And I was just describing a sour, bitter taste, which was again, just a thought. But your body responded because your mind kind of went, oh my goodness, I'm eating a lemon. Because I'm getting all the thoughts. 

You know, Emma's telling me that I'm eating a lemon. So these are the thoughts that I'm having about how it tastes and all the sourness and all that. And now my body is responding to that. So this is a really simple example of showing you how powerful your thoughts are imagined for me. If you were thinking really dark things about the world, imagine if you were thinking everyone's out to get me. I can't trust anybody. Men or women or people who I love always leave me. I'm not good enough, people always reject me. 

So I'm waiting for the rejection. I'm not attractive enough. I'm not good enough to go for that job. I don't deserve money. Imagine over and over and over. If you've got these thoughts going through your head, like when I look at myself in the mirror I'm discussing, you know, these are the things that we don't admit. But we do say to ourselves on a daily basis, and how damaging are those thoughts in repetition? 

And basically, thoughts I've mentioned already, but the thoughts that you give yourself over and over and over turn into beliefs that you're completely unaware of. They're just in your subconscious mind, but they create your reality and so by choice changing the way that you think, is the first step, it is so powerful, and it is a daily practice. It's not something that I can, you know, click my fingers and make it go away. But there are definitely tools that I have that can definitely speed things up. But it's a daily practice, it's when you start thinking a negative thought, you have to say to yourself, This is resistance. This is holding me back. This is stopping me from feeling good about my life right now or feeling good about the future. 

And so imagine if every day you got up, and the first thing you thought was, oh my god, I'm so excited for today. I'm so excited to go to work, or I'm so excited to see my kids or I'm so excited to roll over and give my amazing partner the biggest case in the morning. I imagine if you started off just by saying our Thank you. Thank you for letting me wake up. Thank you for letting me be in this body. Thank you for letting me think good thoughts about myself and having that gratitude. And those are the first things that come into your head in the morning, imagine how the next hour is going to go after that doesn't matter what anyone says, It doesn't matter if your partner's in a bad mood, or if the kids are showering or if you're running late, you're still going to feel good, you're still going to feel good. 

And so the power of thought is so so so integral to living a really, really good life. The other thing that is very interesting, it's more than interesting, it's absolutely incredible to know that your thoughts turn into things. So I mean, just to give you an example of this that you can hear and feel now, this podcast, the fact that you're listening to my voice now, this didn't just magically happen. This really this idea, these thoughts around creating this podcast, started off with thoughts about two months ago. And I sat down and I was kind of thinking about it. And I was like I'm doing all this work one on one with people. And it's amazing, and I love it. But I want to get this out. I want to get this word out to as many people as possible. 

And so I was like, Okay, I'll do a podcast anyway. And I'm not going to ramble on about me. Because you know, it's all about you. But what I'm saying is this podcast started off with a thought of, I think I'm gonna do a podcast. And then what happened is I started attatching other thoughts. So I was like, Okay, I've got my amazing friend, Sze Lok , massive shout out to you, who's an amazing designer, I'm going to approach her about doing the artwork. I've got this amazing guy, Steve caught. Thanks, Steve. He is the guy that put together all the outro and the intro for the podcast. So all the music and stuff, he's amazing, good on you. And I started kind of attaching all these thoughts. Who can help me how can I make this happen? Okay, what what direction do I need to do? What do I need to learn? And here we are, this is it. So your thoughts become things, whatever you think about will become a thing. If you're thinking about something really positive, if you're thinking about creating something, if you're thinking about what you want your future to look like, and just referencing back to episode three, where we covered like visualizing for your life, if your thoughts for the future of your life are positive, and you're doing the absolute best that you can to keep that resistance at bay and keep coming back to feeling good. 

Keep coming back to being easy on yourself, keep coming back to being compassionate, then your thoughts become things and how incredible is it to know that any thought you think, you know, don't want to focus on the bad, but any thought you think that's good, is going to take you forward, it's going to make you feel good right now it's and it's going to move you forward in the direction that you want to go. So remembering your thoughts become things they can become imagining lemons in your mouth and imagining that that's producing saliva. That's so simple. You know, your thoughts could be like, I'm going to attract a really healthy, emotionally available person into my life, I'm my next relationship is going to be absolutely amazing. Because I know what I don't want. 

So I know what I want now. And those are the thoughts I'm giving myself, I'm good enough to go for that promotion, I seek out people that can help me prepare for the interview, I am going to really, really pay attention to the way that I speak to my kids because I really want to bring my kids up with great values and great beliefs. And I'm doing it right now. And as you start to think like this, as you start to focus on the areas of your life that you want to improve, and you think in a positive way, they become things. It's that simple. So focusing on that today knowing your thoughts become things. What can you do today to catch yourself in those moments of resistance and instead of Flip your thoughts, bring it back to you bring it back to yourself and say something positive. Say something positive about yourself about another person about an event, or a situation that you've experienced where you did something good, where you laughed out loud, where you had a great time, bring it back to you. And remember that your thoughts become things, sending you so much love. Start to feel yourself getting stronger, start to feel yourself becoming more aware of the changes that you are so capable of making, that you are so worthy of, and just start to imagine this life that you want for yourself and know that you absolutely deserve it. You truly, truly do.


And episode five drops tomorrow. And it's all about the power of desire and belief and making things happen. So tune in. This week, there's going to be an episode every single day. And then from next week, we're going to go down to two episodes that are going to be on a Monday and a Friday but this week is your kick start a week and just absolutely trying to sandwich in as much information without overwhelming you. So I will speak to you tomorrow. Have a great morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are sending lots of love as always