Becoming Your Warrior

Ep48 - Your inner environment is everything

Emma Ritchie

If you want to change and improve your life you need to start by changing your environment both in and out.

This episode can show you how to dramatically improve your life from the inside out.

With love,
Em xx

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Unknown Speaker  0:01  Welcome to the becoming your warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. 

Hey, hey warriors, welcome to this episode, this is Em super, super super pumped to do this episode, which is all about changing your environment. 

Now, there are two environments that you can change in your life. Number one is the very obvious one, which is the external world. So it might be changing your environment could be you're really unhappy in your job when you need to change your job, it might be that there need to be changed in your relationship, it might be that there needs to be changes in a few of your relationships. It might be that you want to change your car or change your house and change where you live. And all of these changes, there's always an element of kind of like a fine line between excitement and nervousness, and maybe a little bit of fear that comes up when you're changing your external environment. 

But the most important environment you can change is the one inside of you. And when you change that environment inside of you. What I mean by that is changing the way you feel about yourself, changing what you believe about yourself, treating yourself with respect and love and high value and worthiness and understanding that you know, the more that you back yourself, the easier it is for other people to back you but also for like the universe to really tap in and be like, okay, they believe in themselves now, and like because they're telling me all these commands and what they want, we're going to go for it. 

And when you start changing your environment inside of you inside of your, your body inside of your mind inside of your Spirit, by telling yourself, these things that you that you want. And by feeling them, like really feeling what it would feel like to have these things in your life, like as if it is now in this present moment, then there's all sorts of things that will start to shift, but what will happen is that internal world of yours that's changed on the inside, and the feelings and the belief that you have for yourself, will then flow out to the outside. 

And so those things you want to change outside of you like the job the relationship, the you know, the place where you live, the kind of abundance that you're generating into your world, it will be easier and easier for the external world to change. 

So my recommendation is, let's, let's use the example that you're really unhappy in your job. And you know, you really need to change your job. And, or maybe it's that you've always want to set up a business, but there's just been all this fear about going out there and going out alone. Now, I'm not saying quit your job today and go screw it, you know, the kids will take care of themselves. And you know, who cares about paying a mortgage, I'm not, I'm not saying that. But what I'm saying is, if there is something that you have always wanted to do, imagine now how good you're gonna feel, when you actually start doing that. Imagine that as if it's now so let's say if it was a business, or if it's a job that you really want, imagine yourself doing that job or that business right now, and going to work or whether it's working from home and creating that balance in your life, that time for yourself and also generating, you know, that income and that abundance and just imagine all the good stuff that would come from you doing that right now. 

And add into that absolute belief, absolute belief that this is going to happen, this is what you are setting yourself up for. And really envisioning that goal like really understanding it's not just a job you're creating, or a business you're creating, it's actually a lifestyle that you're creating for yourself, it's actually space and time, and more fun because you're going to be doing something that you really are passionate about and that you really want to do. And so just imagining now that that's happening and how that trickles out into your relationships. And just seeing the benefits that this would have for your relationships and maybe even having a look at your bank account and your bank balance and actually seeing how much more beneficial this is going to be because you're doing something that you love and that you're passionate about. And just feel that now. 

And just understanding that as you're feeling this as you're allowing yourself to feel the confidence and the the joy and the fun that you're going to be having in this new job. You're actually changing your environment inside and the more that you do this on repetition, the more that you tell yourself the positive parts of doing this over and over and over and over again. It kind of gets ingrained into your body it kind of gets ingrained into your mind. And it also gets sent up to source into energetically around you and into your kind of like your vortex your you know everything that you want is available to you. It just gets it gets programmed in there. 

And the next thing you know, you'll be looking at maybe doing a part time job three days a week, you'll find something because you always will. And you're gonna focus on setting up this business. And so the bills are still getting paid. You know, everyone's okay, everyone's being fed, it might be that you just have to, like, cut back on a few things. But can you see now that by doing this, and by practising changing that environment and how you feel, the key word in this is feeling it as if it's now it's really feeling it. And when you have that vision for how good this is going to be for you, for people around you, for you know, your future, for your health, maybe maybe it's time to, to pull back a little bit and, you know, take the break, you know, slow down in terms of the level and the pace that you've been working at. 

So just imagining and feeling that right now, you're actually changing your internal environment. And as you change your internal environment, ie how you feel about yourself, how you respect yourself, how you prioritise and value and love yourself, you're actually going to start programming and changing the external environment, there's going to come a day, it might not be tomorrow, it might not be today. But there's gonna come a day, if you practice this daily, where you end up going, Yeah, I don't want to do this anymore. And I, this is my passion. And this is my love, and I'm going to figure out a way to do it. And what starts happening is you start getting signs, you start getting messages, you start getting absolute clarity and direction in terms of what you need to be doing. And all of a sudden, you've set that business or you've changed the career path, and you're loving life. And it's it's playing out exactly as you imagined, there's more time for you, you're doing something that you love, so you feel more lit up, you feel more alive, you feel more excited. 

So just using this job analogy is just one way of doing this. But what I'm saying is like when it comes to your body, when it comes to your health, you can do this, you know, like, what tends to happen when people want to get themselves back into a healthier frame of mind as they'll be like, I want to be like this, but there's no way I'll ever be like that, and they talk themselves out of it. And what you need to do is start feeling it, like feeling it every single day, feel it in your body, change your internal environment, feel the confidence that's going to come with it. Feel the clothes and the fashion and the you know, just being able to buy whatever you want feel that feel how great your skin's gonna look and how great your skin's gonna look when you're hydrating yourself every day when you're moving your body every day, feel how easy it's going to be to say yes to things, going on runs, running around with the kids like, it's about imagining and feeling it as if it is now and changing how you feel about yourself on the inside. changing that to love. And changing that to caring about yourself, in turn will play out by the way that you love and care for your body in what you're putting into your body and how you're moving your body. 

So I hope this has been helpful. What is it that you want to change on the outside? And so what can you change on the inside in order for you to get there? 

As you start to change the way that you feel about yourself and allow yourself to actually go I am confident and confidence feels like walking into a room and making eye contact with everyone. Confidence comes from knowing who I am. Confidence comes from not backing down or not allowing people to walk all over me confidence comes from having really healthy boundaries where people actually understand how to respect me and how to behave around me. Confidence comes from just this feeling of being at ease and mastery in every single situation. And so if you want to change how your life looks on the outside, just start that practice of changing how you think about yourself the words that you say to yourself, have a think about how you feel about yourself, what do you say to yourself on repeat, that is completely a waste of time that is moving you away from how you want to feel. 

And I was reading this really great book by Brian Kelly, I'm sorry, Brian Tracy,
a couple of weeks ago, and in it, he explains that the best way of changing the way that you feel about yourself or changing the environment is really to understand that you have to say no to things that are going to take you away from what it is that you want in life. So if you want to feel better about yourself, you have to say no to spending a lot of time with people that are bringing you down or criticizing you. You have to say no to maybe I'm like eating, you know, very sugary things every single day, I'm not giving you a lecture on sugar because I love it.

  •  But you know, if your goal is to be healthy, then you have to start saying no to the things that are going to move you away from that. If your goal is to be wealthier or financially abundant, you have to start saying no to things that like are taking you away from that. If you want to be in a really healthy relationship, you have to say no to certain things that don't align with your values from you know, if it's from a partner or somebody that you're dating, you have to say no to certain kinds of people who you know, aren't the best match for you. And by doing this by really building up that confidence inside of you and understanding who you are a lot more you're going to change how you feel on the inside. And that is going to allow you to change everything around you on the outside. It all starts with you. Keep taking these steps you're doing such an amazing, amazing job.

Unknown Speaker  11:07  
And I'm so proud to be on this path with you as you become your warrior. Thanks for your company today. If you want to feel inspired visually, then head to our Instagram page and follow us at becoming your warrior
