Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep8 - Changing your Core Beliefs

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 8

Hello you x

Welcome to another episode of the Becoming Your Warrior podcast, where we focus on reconnecting with our self-worth and stepping into the best versions of ourselves. Join us as we challenge and change the language we speak to ourselves. We'll learn how our speech can impact our self-esteem and self-love, and I'll share how to create a new belief system from which you can learn and grow. We also explore how taking action increases self-esteem and why getting it out of our heads and into our bodies is essential.

Our second segment is all about building self-worth and confidence in relationships. We talk about taking ownership of our self-worth and how our thoughts shape our self-perception. Listen in as we examine how our mindset and inner dialogue influence our confidence and how we present ourselves to the world. We learn that by shifting our perspective to recognize our worth, we can radiate love and attract people who recognize our value. Lastly, we tap into the power of affirmations and how they can help us build self-confidence. You won't want to miss this uplifting episode that will leave you feeling more connected to your worth than ever.

Always with Love,
Em xx

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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Welcome to the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, welcome to this episode of the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is M. This is season two, and this entire season is dedicated to helping you really really reconnect with your self-worth and live a life that is worthy and live a life that is full of you just experiencing self-esteem and self-love and self-worth and knowing your value. 

So what I'd love to do in this episode because we're kind of like quite a few episodes in now, I really just want to bring it back to the start, which was about the fact that in episode one, we talk about the fact that there's a fog that sometimes can be created around us that blocks us from tapping into our self-worth, so I want to be really clear going forward. I don't want anyone saying I've got low self-worth or I'm experiencing low self-worth. We're going to change that language up big time, because when you tell yourself these things over and over when you say to yourself, I've got really low self-worth or I'm a people pleaser, what you're doing is you're giving yourself a label. It's giving yourself a label. So I use this a lot with my clients who have been diagnosed with ADHD. I'm like you've been given a label and so now you start to think that everything is about ADHD. But it's not. You're so much more than ADHD, so it's the same with worth, and just be really, really mindful now going forward. If you are somebody who in the past, has experienced or lived through low self-worth, now is the time that we're going to start changing that. So I want you from now on, to start saying to yourself I am a high-value person and I have high self-worth, I have high self-esteem, and I practice self-love. And start just saying these things to yourself. 

And I know it's going to sound weird at first. I know it's going to feel foreign, it might not feel connected, but the way that your mind works and the language that your mind works is when a thought is thought. Once it's thought over and over and over and over and over again, it becomes a belief. So if you have a limiting self-belief that you need to put other people first, that your emotions aren't important, that you need to make sure that people are happy around you so that you feel loved and validated these are all limiting self-beliefs and they're not true. They're things that you learned when you were a kid, or maybe in your teens, or maybe recently. They're things that you learned and you repeated to yourself over and over and over and they became a belief. But because you learned these things, you can unlearn them, and the way to unlearn them is to think the opposite. And it is going to be a little bit foreign at first. But just like how, way back when you were like told, or you witnessed the fact that, oh, I can't speak up in this situation because if I do, I'll be shouted at or I can't share my opinion because it gets shut down and I get told that I'm silly or stupid. And so it's led to me being a quiet person. That felt foreign once upon a time. That situation, when that happened, felt foreign. So this is probably going to feel a little bit foreign, but this is all part of learning. 

You know, when you're a baby, you get up and you fall down a hundred million times before you actually take that first step. But imagine if you just gave up because it felt a little bit weird, and you were like, well, I don't really know what to do with this leg. No, you get up and you keep on going, and that is progress. And that's what we're doing. We are getting that folk cleared out of the way. We're getting you stepping into progress and getting you stepping into self-worth. So from now on, I want you to really focus on instead of focus on Comparing yourself to anyone else, instead of focusing on the upbringing that somebody else has had, which was so much better than yours, instead of focusing on someone else's financial situation or how confident somebody else is or how much more attention somebody else gets. 

What I want you to do now is I want you to go inwards, and self-worth is not a, it's not something you can do. You can't create self-worth by looking to others. You have to go inwards. It's an inward journey because you have to learn your value, you have to learn and connect to your worth and so understanding that self-worth, self-esteem, and self-love are all very, very closely connected. I want you just to understand with self-esteem. 

Self-esteem grows when you take action. So if you Say, for example, want to go for a new job, and you in the past because we're not talking that way now Would say things like I've just got low self-esteem, I don't think I'm good enough for that job, I don't think I could go for it. What I'm going to encourage you to do now is to understand that self-esteem grows by taking action. Get out of your head, stop overthinking and it using that scenario as going for the job. Send your CV off, contact whoever you need to contact on LinkedIn, and Put yourself in that position of going for that interview or going to the recruitment company or doing whatever it needs to do. Your self-esteem, whether you get the job or not, will grow from taking action, and so this is what I'm talking about, like getting out of your head and getting into your body. Your body requires action, your body exhibits behavior, and so what we're going to start doing in this episode is start using some language To give your body the directions that it needs to start taking those actions. 

So let's start with your health in this area. So this is the way that your mind works. Your mind Literally listens to everything that you say. So with you, let's say with your body, let's say your body isn't exactly in the health that you want it to be right now. It isn't as fit as you want it to be right now, and so every morning, you go to the mirror and you just like. You're gross, you're ugly. I hate this part of you. You know you're a weird shape, whatever it is that you say to yourself. What I want you to do now is I want you to completely reframe that and I want you instead to look at your body and feel into your body and actually understand that your body is an extension of your soul and your soul is talking to you like this. 

I think you are absolutely Amazing and I love what you do with your body every single day. I love how you choose to move your body every single day and I love how carefully you choose to really nourish your body and Put in all these beautiful Plants, all these beautiful vegetables and fruits into your body. I love how you nourish your body with protein and how you choose really carefully the carbohydrates that you put into your body. And I think I think your body is amazing the fact that you can do so many things before even leaving the house in the morning and then you walk out and you move your body and your head out into your day, and so this body is incredible. This body is beautiful, this body is talented and this body, every single day, is getting healthier and fitter and more toned and stronger. I can see this body is getting stronger, and I love that you're choosing to do this. 

So can you see what we did there? We just took some really negative programming and some negative thinking that you may or may not do in the mirror every single day, and we just flipped it. And here's the beautiful thing about these kinds of affirmations and saying these kinds of things to ourselves our mind is a sponge and it is listening to everything. So what you tell your mind, your body has to follow. Your mind and your body are like it's literally. Your body is waiting for the commands, and they come from your mind. 

So if you are programming your mind now to stop thinking negatively and actually being really positive and really having an appreciation for your body, having gratitude for your body, then what is going to start happening is your body is going to start responding. You're going to start moving. You're going to start to want to move. You're going to start wanting to maybe lift weights or maybe go for that extra kilometer, you know, walk around the block, whatever it is. Your body is going to start listening. If you are constantly saying to your body you're disgusting, you're fat, you know, you just abuse yourself with food, like you know. If you're talking to yourself like that, then what do you think your body is going to do? It's going to sit there, and it's going to want to stay inside, and it's not going to want to show itself. That's what's going to happen. So we've got to start really, really checking in with our worthiness and our value and the way that we talk to a self and as we start to appreciate ourselves, this is just one example with health as you start to appreciate yourself and you focus, like on what you want, which is a healthy body, rather than what you don't want, which is you abusing yourself in a mirror. Once you start focusing on these more positive ways of thinking, your body is going to follow, your self-esteem is going to follow, and your self-love is going to follow. You're going to start treating yourself so much better. 

So again, let's just use another example. Let's just use this in relationships and in intimate relationships. So let's just say you know, every day you wake up, you've been single for a little while and you're just like I'm so lonely, I'm so alone, nobody loves me, everybody leaves me, I'm never going to meet somebody. I'm destined to be on my own, there's something wrong with me. I mean, even as I'm saying that can you feel how low the vibe is? And if that is what you're waking up with, these repetitive thoughts in the morning, every single day, then guess what's going to happen? That's going to be the vibe that you're projecting out there. 

And if you're saying to yourself nobody finds me attractive, I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough. If I do meet somebody, they'll just leave, I'm going to get you. Basically, you're putting yourself in this fear of rejection. And when you're in the fear of rejection and the fear of, like, you know, just not being enough, basically it's like, even if somebody did find you attractive, you've got so much armor up, you've got this guard up around you, and so instead flip that and say I've got some really great qualities that somebody would be lucky to be with me. Like, people love so many parts of me, and I love these parts of me, and I'm learning that the greatest relationship I'm ever going to be in is the one with myself. And so from now on, from today onwards, I am just choosing to radiate love. I'm choosing just to allow love just to pour in from the crown of my head and just all this light just to pour into my body, and I'm just going to go out into the world, and I'm just going to give it my best. I'm just going to do my absolute best today. I can't do any more than that. And that is good enough. That is good enough for me because at least I know I've given my absolute best today. 

And do you know what People are really, really attracted to certain parts of me that I didn't even realize before? You know, it can be the fact that I'm actually a really kind person, or the fact that I'm actually really funny and the fact that like, yeah, like I'm always really polite to wait for staff, because I actually respect them and I respect how hard their job is. And so, as you start to say these things to yourself, what you're doing is you're actually lifting your vibration of how you see yourself. And as you lift your vibration and, as you like, reaffirm these things and say things like oh my God, I'm so worthy of love, someone would be so lucky to be with me, I am so deserving of love. As you say that in your mind, then you just resonate that, like you just kicking out and radiating this vibe and that's what people pick up on. 

And so this is what I mean again when I talk about being in the best relationship with yourself. Because who knows what's going to happen? You could meet somebody tomorrow, and you might have this beautiful three-month relationship with them, and it might be over. But when it's over, they don't get to take your value. They don't get to take your worth. You own that. You are the CEO of your own company. That is your body, your mind, your soul. You are the CEO, so nobody gets to take that off you. You get to keep it. 

And this is what is so attractive about people in relationships. And when I look at my friends who are in very successful relationships, I look at the value no-transcript they place on themselves, both as a couple and as a team, but really as individuals as well. I know, like some of my friends, that if they ever did break up with their partners, I know it would be hard, but I also know they've got a strong enough sense of self-worth that the devastation wouldn't be so bad. And if you're somebody who, in relationships or in the dating world, constantly feels devastated and constantly feel let down and sad, it's normal to go through a process of heartbreak. It's absolutely normal to do that. 

But if the devastation is going on for too long, it's because you are handing yourself worth away and kind of saying, without this person, I'm nothing. Without this person, I knew that person was going to leave me. It's not true; it's. It's all about your energy. It's all about how you hold yourself, and so, whether you're single or whether you're in a relationship right now, you can work on your self-worth every day, and the more that you build on your self-worth and allow it to flow through, the more value other people place in you. People will stick around with you when they know that you are a high-value person. People will stick around and be with you when they know that they are very lucky to be with you. 

And I'm not saying play the ego game or play games. I'm saying that when people get a sense of your self-worth and how you hold yourself, they want in on that. People love confident people because they're like that person who know who they are, they're standing firm, they're standing true to themselves, and that's something that I want to be part of. And you create your value by the way that you think about yourself. So that's just a couple of little tips today. Like, let's just summarize that because it's quite a big episode. 

But I think the biggest thing is just understanding that your thoughts become things. If you're thinking about yourself in a really negative way, that's going to turn it into a belief, a limiting belief, and that limiting belief will literally tell your body to hold back. You know, just not go for the things, not behave in a way of a confident person or a worthy person. So, every single day, create some affirmations for you that work for you. It might be that you're in a real low place at the moment and in that case, just start off simple. Just be like, I'm just. I'm going to do the best that I can. Today I know deep down I'm a good person. Just start with those. Just start with those you know, those easier ones to like to believe, and then, as you get more and more confident, just be like of course I'm a great person, someone I'd be lucky to be with me. Of course, my body is amazing. My body can do anything. 

Today, I'm going to nourish my body. Today, I'm going to behave like a millionaire, because I'm going to call that in. I'm going to call in abundance. I'm going to call in confidence. I'm calling it all in and as you do that, just notice the changes it's it's so simple, but it's also so challenging. I get it, but you've just got to make time for this if you want to clear that fog out of the way, if you want to, like, just absolutely tap into your self-worth and live this incredible life where you feel good. 

It's not even about anyone else. It's about you feeling good about yourself. It's about you having your eyes open to life. It's about you taking in more information because you're not worrying about other people anymore. You're just going. I'm a great person. I'm going to have a great day today. Today's fun because I'm fun. I'm going to make today fun. When you do that, you own it, and you're owning every single day, and you're owning your life, and you're taking control of your life and living it the way that you want to live it. 

All right, I'm going to sign off because it's a big one, but I'm sending you so much love. Get some affirmations up; write them up. Get them up on a, you know, piece of paper or a card, um, you know, near your mirror and your bathroom. Get a chalk pen right on your mirror in your bathroom. Like, get them up there and say them every single day and feel them in your bones. Like feel them when you're saying, and just watch what happens. All right, sending you so much love, keep stepping into becoming your warrior, keep stepping into that beautiful, unlimited fact of self-worth, because it's there and it's just waiting for you. Lots of love, thanks for listening today, and if this episode helped or inspired you, just remember to share it with friends or family who could also use some inspiration. Today we are all about sharing the love. 

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