Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep 11 - Be Magnetic

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 11

Hey You, 

Imagine standing at the center of your universe, holding the power to attract the people and events that align with your life's purpose—much like the sun commands the planets. That's right; today, we're discussing the magnetic force within you. We're not just figuratively speaking but also diving deep into the power of living authentically, setting firm boundaries, and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth.

Ligetsget complicated when comparing ourselves to others or worrying about their opinions. But what if the key to being attractive means being genuine, embracing positivity, and taking action driven by your passions? We'll explore this notion, sharing insights about being the best version of you and attracting people who respect and value your unique voice. It's time to let your light shine bright and harness that magnetic energy within you. In the words of Marianne Williamson, "As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." Join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal development.

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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Welcome to the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, this is M. Welcome to this episode of the Becoming Your Warrior podcast. This entire season is dedicated to helping you clear that nasty fog of old, limiting self-beliefs out of the way and step into a life of full self-worth, self-value, self-love and just going after and taking the aligned action towards your dreams and your goals. 

This episode is all about being magnetic, and what I mean by magnetic is imagining the sun. The sun is just this ball of absolute magnetic energy. The reason that we're even here and circulating around the sun is because of its magnetic energy and the sun has an axis. So, if you imagine, straight down the middle of the sun, even though it's kind of changing and firing off all the time, the sun has an axis and it's the axis that holds it there and holds us and the other planets that move around it magnetize. We move in a certain circular motion around the sun and we move on earth with our own axis, but focusing on the sun, because the sun itself is the center of our universe, it's the center of where we are and it holds all the planets so that we move in a motion way, but we're drawn to the sun, we kind of stay in the same place, but we're held by its energy. We're held by its magnetic energy, its magnetic force. 

And what I'd like you to imagine now is that you are the sun. You are the sun and your axis, the thing that holds you in alignment, are the things that you love to do, the life that you're living, the words that you say to yourself, the way that you treat yourself, and that all the planets around you reflect all the life events, all the people, everybody in your life. But I want you just to imagine now that you are this ball of light that you are. You're this ball of energy and because of your magnetism, and because of your magnetic energy, you are able just to hold certain things in your life around you. So imagine you're holding earth and earth is like one of your best friends. So, rather than clinging to earth and pulling it to you which can be translated into a kind of neediness you just hold your axis as the sun. You hold your axis, you live your life, you have fun, you do the things that you love, you say daily affirmations to yourself, you listen to your body, you connect to your body, and you speak up when you need to speak up. You know you're clear with your boundaries and you really, really look after yourself, you really nurture yourself. And that's your axis, that's your integrity, that's running through you. And as you start to develop those things that you love to do, as you start to live a life of purpose and, you know, really check in with what gets you out of bed in the morning, you'll start to attract these people and hold these people with your magnetic energy around you. 

Now, as the sun, you're not trying to be Jupiter, you're not trying to be Earth, you're not trying to change yourself to like mold towards these other things around you. You're the sun. You are the sun, you are the center of our universe and so, as the sun, you hold yourself. If somebody says something and you don't agree with it, you know you can listen and you can try and like understand their perspective, but if you don't agree with it, you can also set some boundaries around that. You can say, hey, I don't quite agree with that, or maybe that's something that you know, you and I can talk about in private, but I don't like you bringing that up in a group environment. Or, you know, maybe it's about hey, you know, I trusted you with that information and you actually shared that, and that's something I'm not comfortable with. Please don't ever do that again. Do you see? Because by holding yourself in that axis, you're holding yourself in the integrity of who you are. And, like I've said before, when you set boundaries, when you kind of hold strong to who you are, it might be that people take a break from your life. It might be that people you need to let people go from your life sometimes, because people don't always like it when you really stand firm in who you are. But you're the sum right? So this is what I'm talking about, about being magnetic, because every single person on the planet has an axis. Well, you know, some people have just forgotten about it because of the fog, because of the beliefs. So, instead of being the sun and holding their axis, what they're doing is they're becoming Jupiter, they're becoming Venus, they're becoming Earth, they're trying to be malleable, they're trying to keep it all, everyone, happy, and trying to become what other people want them to become. That's not what this is about. That's not what self-worth is about. 

Self-worth understands your value. It's understanding the value that you offer on this planet, and that can be that you just love having fun. That can be that you're a traveler. That can be that you love reading. That can be that you love organizing dinner parties and having people over. That can be that you love dancing. That can be that you love hiking, and that's what fills you up, and you're going to attract people around you that recognize that these are the things that you love to do. You're going to attract people around you that respect the fact that, you have an opinion. They're gonna respect the fact that you know you have a voice and you're able to use it. 

And all of this takes practice. I'm not expecting you to listen to this right now and be like, right, that's it. This all takes practice. Every episode we've gone to, gone through, it's all about practicing this like small, small, small, small, small steps. And as you take those smaller steps, your self-esteem grows, your self-worth grows, and your self-love grows. This is how it happens. It's like this ripple effect, and so when I'm talking about being magnetic, I'm talking about being you, and if you don't know who you are, that is okay. That's what this is about. 

But, like I've said before, write down the things that you love and write down next to them what is stopping you from going and doing them. For example, a few months ago, I put on a little bit of, a little bit too much weight and a friend of mine said to me let's go surfing. And I said, no, I'm not going to go surfing because I just didn't feel comfortable in my body. But when I wrote down the things that I love, like I love going surfing and I wrote down why I wasn't going surfing, it wasn't because I put on weight; it was because I was worried what other people would think about my body I was thinking outside of myself. I was thinking, instead of being the sun and being, like I'm magnetic and maybe I've put on a few kilos I was thinking like Venus and go oh, Venus is going to be judging me. Venus is going to be looking at my body and thinking, whoa, you know, she's put on a bit of weight. Can you see how we stop ourselves when we're juggling with self-worth when we don't value ourselves, when we, you know when we're being nasty to ourselves? It doesn't matter if I put on a few kilos, who cares? No one's going to be looking at my body. Everyone's surfing, everyone's focused on what they love doing, and if someone is looking at my body then whatever, I don't really care. 

At the end of the day, what would be more magnetic in that situation is if I just went surfing and I was doing something that I loved, and I was having fun with my friends, and I was, you know, chatting to people out the back and having a great time. Instead, I was at home going, oh, like I should have gone surfing, but I just feel really gross at the moment. I should have been out there. I should have been out there because that would have been me being magnetic, doing what I love to do, spending time with my friends, having fun, getting absolutely doused by nature, you know, just ducking under the waves and just being covered in salt water and actually getting fit and probably burning off some of those kilograms as well. 

So being magnetic is really about being you. It's about forgetting. You know, the biggest waste of time is the comparison that you have to other people. The biggest waste of time is worrying about what other people think of you. People are not thinking about you anywhere near as much as you think they are anywhere near. 

So get out there, write that list of things that you want to do. Be true to yourself, be magnetic, and just imagine yourself as this beautiful, shining light that stays true to yourself. You know that just people are drawn to it. Animals are drawn to like wildlife is drawn to like good opportunities are drawn to because you're in a positive headspace, because you're staying true to who you are and you're showing up as you. So be the sun, be the light, be high value, and go after and take aligned action towards the things that you love doing and just let yourself shine. Thanks so much for listening. If you don't want to miss out on feeling inspired, then just remember to subscribe or follow the Becoming Your Warrior podcast and turn your notifications on so they get delivered directly to you. 

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