Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep12 Comparison will drain your energy

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 12

Hey You,

This episode equips you with the tools to overcome the detrimental effects of comparison. We'll talk about why we often fall into the trap of comparison, how it can rob us of our energy, and ways to embrace our individuality. 

 We also offer tips for shifting your focus back to your own life, including my personal experience of how removing Instagram from my phone improved my outlook. Tune in for an empowering episode that will motivate you to reclaim your energy, focus on your journey, and become your warrior.

With Love,
Em xx

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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Welcome to the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, welcome to this episode of the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is M. This entire season is dedicated to helping you step into your full worth, your full self-esteem, your full self-love and just going after the life that you want. 

Today's episode is called Comparison is the biggest waste of energy, and this is so, so true. So each of us are born and we're born completely unique, completely special, completely I don't know, just just so unique, and we're like unicorns and we just don't realize it, and each of us has a very different skill set. Each of us has very different skills that we can offer the world, but we are here for a reason. When you compare yourself to somebody, essentially what this means is that you are not living the life that you not anybody else that you feel deep down within that little warrior of you know that you should be living, and what that means is, when you compare yourself, you feel like you are not enough. So let's say, for example, let's say your ex starts dating somebody and you find out and you were totally cool about your ex being your ex, you were very happy about that situation, but then you find out that they're dating somebody and maybe that person is really successful or what you could deem as more traditionally successful as you. So maybe they're more financially better off, maybe they are what you think is more attractive, maybe they are somebody who has a lifestyle that maybe on Instagram looks incredible, and you're just kind of like, oh gosh, I'm not as good as this person, because, essentially, that's what comparison is. Comparison is you looking at another person's life, comparing your life to it, and you thinking you are not as good as that person because of XYZ. 

Let me tell you something after nearly four years of doing therapy and coaching with people the people that you look up to and that you look at on Instagram that you look at that from a success point of view, from a looks point of view, from a financial point of view, from a career point of view, I can promise you this Some of the most successful people that I have worked with have crippling low self-worth, and they're doing it because they're trying to prove themselves. They're trying to prove themselves to their mom, their dad, they're trying to make out that they are better than their brother or their sister, who they were compared to when they were younger. So when you compare yourself to somebody, what you are essentially doing is you are handing your life energy, your sole purpose. You're handing that over like out of your body. You're giving that away and you're looking at somebody else's life and saying that's what I want, but that's not why you're here. You're a unicorn. You are completely unique. You have a completely incredible skill set and maybe, just maybe, this comparison that you're feeling to somebody else is the kickstart you need to start living your life, to start doing the things that you love. And, just like I mentioned in the previous episode, when you are magnetic, when people are drawn to you, it's because you are letting life flow through you. You are following your dreams, you are doing all the things, you are looking after your health, you're prioritizing yourself and you're thinking not in a selfish or narcissistic way, but you're thinking into what is best for you. What do I want to do today, how do I want to live my life? What kind of career would I love to have? And you're taking those steps towards that. 

So, when you compare yourself to somebody, the biggest limiting belief that this reflects is I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not as good looking as them. I'm not as successful as them. I don't have my crap together as much as them. Other people look at them and admire them. Nobody admires me. Essentially, the root of all this stuff comes down to I'm not good enough. 

And the way that you can change that limiting belief of I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy, all these big, big, big, heavy limiting beliefs is start doing the things that you want to do. Start comparing yourself to you. Start saying to yourself Okay, who am I gonna be in a year's time, in 12 months time? What is the version of me that I wanna be and how do I get to that now? That's the comparison I want. That's the comparison. If I wanna be healthier, let's visualize myself, let's look at myself and let's really start to plan and write down and create a plan so I can compare myself to that person in 12 months time and I can be like I'm gonna. It's not even gonna be 12 months time, it's gonna be three months time, because now I can see I have this vision of who I wanna be. It's my vision, it's following my truth, it's you know, it's I'm getting up in the morning and doing the things that I love that make me happy. I'm following my path and as I follow my path, I am building up my self-esteem. These baby little steps that I'm doing are building up my self-esteem. As I look after myself, as I take care of myself and show myself self-love, as I say no to things and prioritize my rest and prioritize my sleep and prioritize looking after myself, I'm building up my self-esteem. I'm creating this version of me that I wanna be. I am living that version of me. 

And when you do this, when you take your attention away from other people and what other people think and what you think about other people, and you bring your attention and your focus to your life, your life will massively, massively improve. You'll find yourself just having so much more energy. You'll find yourself having so much more life about you. People will start to kind of ask you like what have you done? What's different about you? Like you just seem so much more lit up and alive and excited about your life and it's just like, yeah, I am. 

I stopped looking to other people. I can still draw inspiration from other people, but it's not like I'm comparing my life to this because my life's great. I'm creating the life that I've dreamed about by taking these baby steps every single day. I'm creating this by setting boundaries, by not being available for everybody all the time, by really honoring myself, honoring this life and the fact that tomorrow I get another day to be here. What am I gonna do with that? How am I gonna fill up that day? What are the things that excite me, that I love? Yeah, maybe I've gotta go to work and maybe my job isn't exactly what I wanna be doing right now, but that's okay. What are the baby steps I can put in place over the next two weeks so that I can maybe look for other kinds of work, so I can start building up a business, so I can just be? Basically, you don't even have to do anything. You just have to be better in yourself and just feel better about yourself. But taking aligned action really, really, really helps you to step into that person that you wanna be. Then maybe there's just small changes that you need. 

In the next episode, I am gonna talk to you a lot about breaking the pattern of negative thinking, and this really relates especially to comparison, but also just if you'll find yourself kind of like in a bit of an anxiety kind of loop. 

This is one of the best tips I've ever heard in my life, the best bits of information I've ever heard about breaking the pattern of thought. So I'm gonna be showing that in the next episode, but until then, just remember the way that you can build up your life force, your life energy and your excitement for your life is bringing the attention and the focus back to your life. It's not about other people, it's not about what other people are doing and, if it helps, just delete Instagram off your phone. I know it sounds hard. I've done it. It's easy, it's very easy to do and I can tell you your life just improves so much by just not looking at what other people are doing and actually just living life for yourself. Sene so much love as you step into your self-worth, as you are becoming your warrior. Thanks so much for listening. If you don't wanna miss out on feeling inspired, then just remember to subscribe or follow the Becoming your Warrior podcast and turn your notifications on so they get delivered directly to you. 

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