Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep16 - Stop Cuddling Snakes: Maintaining Your Self-Worth

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 16

Hey beauty,

Have you ever wondered why you get drawn into relationships that drain your energy? Perhaps you've been magnetized to those who charm, manipulate, and eventually deplete your self-worth. In this week's episode, I guide you through the analogy of avoiding cuddling snakes - a metaphor for the lower vibrational energies embodying deceptive traits we sometimes attract in our lives. Inspired by a week spent in a snake-inhabited property, the episode takes a deep dive into understanding how we sometimes, especially those with lower self-worth, get ensnared by these slippery creatures 

 No matter the snakes crossing your path, the key takeaway is the power of maintaining your energy and staying true to your journey. So, let's gear up, and learn to prioritize ourselves before getting entangled with the metaphorical snakes in our lives.

With love,
Em xx

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, this is Em and welcome to this episode of the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This episode is entitled Stop Cuddling Snakes and I'm going to explain it. It's kind of a three parter. So I guess the first part and this all connects to self-worth, by the way, there's like a nice story that's going to come around in a ring.

Speaker 1:

But the first part is when you think about a snake generally, unless you absolutely are obsessed with snakes, generally you would think of snakes as a little bit sly, maybe a little bit charming. When you think about like snakes in, say, for example, jungle Book you know that trust in me song they can be a little bit manipulative, maybe a little bit smooth and slick. And I've mentioned charming. So just hold on to that in your mind, hold on to those thoughts that we have around snakes, and I'm going to talk a little bit about energy and about vibrational energy as well. So when you think about those kind of characteristics as of a snake and you apply it to, like a human, somebody who is, say, a little bit charming, a little bit maybe deceptive, a little bit manipulative in it for their own game, trying to get you to trust them. You're kind of getting a sense of where I'm going here. So there are people in the world that are on a similar vibrational energy to that of a snake, and this is why people sometimes refer to people and go, oh, like they're a snake, or he's a snake or she's a snake, it's. It's quite a derogatory term, but what it actually relates to when you go into deeper and deeper and deeper into it is it's actually the characteristics of a snake are displayed in that person or persons, and we're always going to come up against these people. We are always going to come up against people who are in a lower vibration than us.

Speaker 1:

So what I'd like to do is just explain this and where this whole thing came from, because a few weeks ago I was down on my friend's property and she's down south in New South Wales, on this beautiful, beautiful property, but there's bushland there, and when I was there it was a really hot week and she actually said hey, just to let you know, there's going to be some like snakes around this week. So you know they're fine, just don't go near them and don't cuddle them. And I was like, oh my God, is if I'm going to cuddle a snake. But what I actually did as the week went on, I was really scared for the first few days to walk around like barefoot, so I always had my shoes on and then I was like, oh, that's so hot, I'm going to take my shoes off. And I was stomping around and I was trying to like frighten these snakes away.

Speaker 1:

And as the week went on, I just came to this realization and I was like snakes are always going to be there, like these lower vibrational beings are always going to be there. They're always going to be around and we might not always see them, but we don't ever need to stop and cuddle them. And for the reason that I'm saying this is for somebody who has a lower self worth. Basically, one of the traits of somebody with lower self-worth is always trying to like scoop people up and always trying to like take care of people and always trying to like make everybody else okay and make everybody better. And this kind of relates to one of my earlier episodes in this series, which is like people will take whatever you give. And so if you're, if you're cuddling snakes, if you're cuddling, cuddling these lower vibrational beings and kind of giving your energy away, it's very, very likely they're going to keep on taking and keep on taking that. And so what the message behind this podcast is, this episode is and it's probably going to be a little bit shorter than most Is it's not your job to go around looking for snakes to cuddle them.

Speaker 1:

Snakes you don't want to cuddle snakes unless you are a snake enthusiast, like there's no need for you to go looking for snakes and scooping snakes up and cuddling them, because ultimately, as we all know, snakes can be very dangerous and very deadly and pretty selfish as well. And so if you apply this to maybe there's a person in your life or maybe persons in your life I definitely know that this applies to, like some toxic relationships in my background, like with narcissistic partners. It's just that sense of like going in there and trying to fix people and like trying to cuddle these lower vibrational beings that will just take and take and take and take. So apply this however you want to, but just know snakes are there to be seen. You know you can admire them from a distance and you can see them for all their charm. You can see them for all their manipulation. You can see them for you know all their tricks and all their sleekness and their smoothness and their charisma.

Speaker 1:

But it's not your job to cuddle them.

Speaker 1:

It is not your job to cuddle them. It is your job to stay on your vibrational like, on your self worth journey. And just to know that you know these kind of energies, they have a very manipulative way of being able to pull you down with them and pull you down to snake level, and you don't want to do that. You're worth so much more and your life is your own and you're in control of your life and so just control where you walk. Control where you walk and make some big bangs if you need to when you're walking around, just to frighten them away, because you are worthy.

Speaker 1:

You are worthy of so much love. You are worthy of being hugged and cuddled by the most loveliest high vibrational people and you are so worthy of the life that you want to create. And so don't let anyone else, including a snake, take that dream away or take you off course. And sending you so much love. I hope this resonates. I hope this connects. Keep tuning in, keep doing all the work that you're doing, because your soul is just soaring for it, sending you so, so, so much love. We will chat soon. Thanks for listening today, and if this episode helped or inspired you, just remember to share it to friends or family who could also use some inspiration. Today we are all about sharing the love.