Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep17 Unlocking the Power of Self-Parenting for Healing - Meditation

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 17

Hey, beauty,

For a lot, but not all, Self-Worth starts at home.  Many clients I see typically have issues around self-worth from how their parents or siblings treated them.

In today's episode, we go back to the start, back to your beginning in this mediation, and it's from there that you take control and care for your needs and wants because, let's face it, no one knows what you need more than you.

We start by diving into a unique meditation wherein you witness your birth and express gratitude to your birth mother. Experience what it feels like to cradle your newborn self in your arms, whispering the words you’ve yearned to hear.

 As we navigate the essential elements of self-care, you’ll discover how to nourish your body, mind, and spirit, meeting your needs with respect and kindness. 

 End your journey feeling ready to be the loving parent for yourself that you've always desired. 

This episode is a powerful guide to self-healing, empowerment, and creating a life that aligns with your deepest desires. Let's redefine what it means to parent ourselves. Tune in!

With Love,
Em xx

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Speaker 1:

This is Em, and this one is going to start a little bit differently, just because we're going to go into a meditation, and this meditation is designed to help you to step into the role of your parent, start start yourself the way that you want it to be. And when we're younger, sometimes we don't get what we need or what we deserve or what we love because of different reasons, but I want to empower you now to step into the role of being your own parent and actually giving yourself and providing the worth and the value and the importance to you that you deserve. And so I'd like you to start, if you can, just by closing your eyes down. And if you're obviously if you're driving, if you're operating any machinery this is not a good idea to do this right now, so just come back to it. But if you are ready, just making sure you're sitting down or you're laying down and just gently close your eyes down and when you, just to focus now on filling up your lungs so that your ribs expand outwards as you inhale and then they contract as you exhale, and so really bring your attention. You're imagining you're inhaling and pushing your ribs out sideways and as you exhale, your ribs come back down, so you're really filling up that cavity around your ribs. As you breathe, nice and steady, nice and easy in and out, just letting that breath move through your lungs. And as you continue to breathe like this, now just allow it just to become a little bit more calmer, just allow yourself to feel calmer, moving this oxygen in and out of you. I want you now just to allow your body to relax. Just command your body say I am relaxed, I am calm, I am at ease, and just notice your body start to respond to these commands that you give it as you start to just drift a little bit deeper now.

Speaker 1:

I want to invite you now to go on to a journey. You're gonna go all the way back in time, all the way through every year, every day, every minute, all the way back until you arrive at your own birth. And wherever that was, whatever space you're in, you were there standing. There is the adult version of you and you're witnessing your own birth, and so add in any details that you know already, add in anything that you know that can help to build this image, this environment, and as you witness your own birth, I want you to first of all, acknowledge your mother, or the woman that brought you into this world, and I want you to show her the respect and understanding that you now have after witnessing your own birth and seeing yourself come into the world and what she went through, what this woman, your biological mother, went through, and as you witness the baby being wrapped up and your mother may be holding the baby, I want to invite you now just to go over your own, sit down on the bed next to her and when she offers you the baby, you're gonna take the baby into your arms. You're taking yourself into your arms. I want you to look into the eyes of your mum and I want you just to say to her you can rest. Now I've got I've got them. Now they're with me and I know exactly what they need, I know exactly what they want, and just watch the relief, watch the happiness just wash over as you release your mum or the woman that bore you into this world, as you release them from the pressure of trying to know what you need it, and as you look down at this beautiful baby.

Speaker 1:

I want you to know that this baby is you and you know exactly what this baby needs. You know exactly how to care for it, because this baby is you. I want you to whisper all the words in this baby's ear that it's needed to hear, that you've needed to hear your whole life. You're now parenting yourself. You are now being the loving parent to yourself. I want you to tell this baby how precious they are, how smart they are, how loved they are, how worthy this baby is, how perfect this baby is. I want you to rock it gently in your arms and tell this baby you're always going to take good care of it. You know exactly what it needs and as you witness this baby, I want you to witness the change in yourself as well knowing what you need, knowing how to take care of yourself, and a lot of the time it's just instinct. It's just learning and acting and following your instinct.

Speaker 1:

But now you know what a baby needs, and the baby needs really good food. A baby needs to be hydrated. A baby needs really good sleep. Baby needs its body to be held and cuddled and touched. A baby needs to be moved around. A baby needs to be told that it's special, and then it's loved, and then it's enough and then it's a gift.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to look at the way, now, that you take care of yourself. Are you giving yourself enough time to rest? You praising yourself through your life, whether it's your work or the way that you take care of yourself or others? Do you say nice things to yourself? Do you nourish your body with really amazing, healthy food? Do you hydrate yourself? Do you move your body? Do you allow yourself to be touched and to touch others? And these are the basics of taking care of yourself. These are the very basics that you deserve, and so, again, as you look at this baby, I want you to understand that, as you take care of this baby, you also need to take care of yourself.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

You know exactly what you need. You know exactly what you need to hear. All those words you didn't hear when you were younger, you can say them now. You're in charge of the parenting. You know which way this has to go now. You know your dreams, you know your creativity, you know the work that you want to do, you know the path that you want to follow. You know what your passions are, and so take care of yourself, parent yourself the way that you always wish you were parented and allow yourself to come into full alignment as you take care of your incredible body On this planet.

Speaker 1:

And so just allowing yourself just to drift down deeper and deeper now, just letting go of anything to do with this scene, with this baby, just allowing it to drift away, just with gratitude for the fact that your life is such a gift and you are here, honoring the fact that you are a miracle, that your body came into this world and that you're here right now. And start to think and feel into the ways that you can start taking care of yourself right now, how you can take care of yourself in the present. What kind of things can you bring into your life? What kind of friendships do you want? What kind of love do you want to be surrounded with? What kind of conversations do you want to be around that are going to nourish your soul? What kind of movements do you love that can help you to take care of your body? What kind of foods do you want to bring in? What kind of time do you want to allocate towards preparing really healthy, nutritious foods?

Speaker 1:

Start planning your life the way it would be as the parent that you are to yourself, and every single day, I want you to think about that baby, think about how much love you have for that baby, how you know what it needs. And so every day, you say the words I am enough, I am loved, I am worthy, I am important, I am a miracle, I am a gift. I am in high vibration. I radiate love, I radiate light all around me. All those who come into contact with me talk about my energy, talk about my life. I am part of source energy. I am here, I am in this moment and I am choosing to live my life the way that I want to. I take care of myself every single day. I nurture myself with food and movement and rest and hydration, and I know the things that light me up and I choose to do them for myself. I am being the most loving parent to myself I could ever imagine. I know exactly what I need, I know exactly what I want and I allow myself to receive that.

Speaker 1:

Just bringing your attention now back to your breath. And if you are listening to this just before falling asleep, that's okay. Just allow yourself to drift off. But if you are ready to start coming back, just coming back with a full self worth of somebody who is receiving everything they need, everything they want, allowing yourself to fill up with worthiness, knowing that you deserve to receive all the good things in life, allowing yourself to feel whole, allowing yourself to feel held, allowing yourself to feel cared for and loved. Just gently opening up your eyes and welcome back.