Becoming Your Warrior

S2 Ep18 - Visualizing Success and a life of Self-Worth

Emma Ritchie Season 2 Episode 18

Hey, beauty,

It's time to start visualizing your life filled with Self-Worth.

This isn't just a conversation; it's an interactive experience! This episode explains how high achievers and athletes use visualization to boost their performances. You'll learn to visualize your responses to challenging situations and how to establish healthy boundaries. We will connect the dots between your self-worth and the choices you make. So, get comfortable and prepare to unlock a world of limitless possibilities as we journey into the depth of your mind and redefine its boundaries.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is the place where you get to feel inspired and empowered to step into your very best life. Hey, hey, and welcome to this episode of the Becoming your Warrior podcast. This is Em, and I have got a very special episode for you today because it's about one of my favorite subjects, which is visualization is awesome. It's one of my favorite things to talk about because it is so freaking powerful and it's so underestimated and not talked about, and I just love it so much. So I'm going to do a little technique with you first of all, and this technique is going to blow your mind. Every time I teach people this, people, at the end of it, are just like what the you know inserts where word like people are blown away by this and the. Basically, what this technique does is it's going to show you first hand how powerful your mind is, how powerful of a visualizer visualizer you actually are, and also about the insane, almost split second connection between your mind and your body. So whatever thoughts you're putting into your mind, your body will follow and you are in control of it. So just play with me on this one.

Speaker 1:

If you are driving, as always, this is not for you. This is for a later date. But if you are at home or if you just have some private space, then this is definitely a good time to do it. So what I'd love you to do is to stand up and you're just going to raise your right arm in front of you and point your index finger. So point your first finger and you can just like make a fist with the rest, but your index finger is pointing straight ahead of you, on your index, on your right hand. So what I want you to do now is keep your feet firmly where they are, but I'd like you now to start taking your finger and your arm your right arm towards the right, so moving all the way around towards the right of where you are, and you're going to allow that finger and that arm to move around and twist as far as it is safely for you to go. Okay, obviously, if you're pregnant or if you've got any back injuries, just don't do that. But when you reach that point where it's as far as you can go, I want you to look beyond your index finger and I want you to really make a really good note of where your index finger has landed, so where it's pointing at. Okay, so come all the way back and just bring your hand down by your side. And so now I'm going to ask you just to humor me and just play along with me here. So I'm going to ask you to keep both your hands down by your sides now. But now I'm going to ask you to close your eyes.

Speaker 1:

And now we're going to do a visualization technique. So right now I want you to imagine that your entire spine is just one huge, long piece of elastic. It's just like an elastic band and it's all rubbery and it's all. There's no bones in there, there's nothing hard in there, it's just completely wobbly and relaxed and just like an elastic band. And so I'd like you to imagine now, just keep your hands where they are physically, but in your mind.

Speaker 1:

I want you to imagine that you're going to do exactly the same thing and you're going to raise your right hand up in front of you, you're going to point your index finger and you're going to now start turning your index finger towards the right. So your, your arm and your body is going to start moving all the way around to the right and you're going to keep on going until you reach that point. But now you realize because your spine is just this elastic band you just realise that your body can actually keep going. Your spine now is almost just twisting, it's almost like a corkscrew, and this arm and this finger is just continuing to go all the way around till it's back to the front. But now you realise that your body and your arm, in everything, is just continuing to twist so as your finger follow, follow your finger around and follow it as it moves past that original point again, all the way around. It's coming all the way around again, 360, again, and your spine is just twisting around like an elastic band and follow that finger as it moves all the way. Again it's going past that original point. It's twisting all the way, all the way, all the way around, all the way around, right back down, right to the front. And so I want you now to open your eyes and I want you to physically now raise your hand, point your finger, and I want you to follow your finger and move your finger around to the right and keep going and keep going and keep going. And just let me know Somehow, maybe on Instagram, I bet I guarantee your finger has gone past that original point quite significantly, and this is the power of visualisation. Yeah, I know you're pretty blown away right now.

Speaker 1:

It's a pretty cool technique, but this is the power of visualisation. The only thing that will your body doesn't stop you from doing anything. Of course you know there's bones and things like that. But if you tell so, if you say to any athlete part of their training, part of their training schedule, it's not just going to the gym, it's visualising. It's visualising themselves finishing fast. It's visualising themselves kicking that winning goal. It's visualising themselves winning the FA Cup. I love football, so I've got to bring that in. It's the power of visualisation. If you give your mind a goal, your mind will latch onto that and it will take your body there. Your body has, it just follows the commands of your mind. So this is a really good technique when it comes to self-worth, when it comes to confidence, when it comes to self-esteem.

Speaker 1:

You have to start practising every single day, saying these things to your mind, saying to yourself I am a person with really high self-worth and I really value myself. And play out situations in your mind and how you'd respond. So, let's say, in the past there's maybe a tricky character at work, but because you now have self-worth, how are you going to behave? How are you going to react when that person, if that person makes any comments? Do you let them affect you? Absolutely not. Because you realise your worth is an inside job. You realise you've got such high value about yourself. Why would you let this other person's comments affect you? And, in actual fact, you're going to start making choices like a worthy person.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying you need to do this, but like, for example, do you need to even stay there as a worthy person? Is your self-worth so low that you have to stay there and be verbally spoken to like that by somebody? Or do you realise that you're worth so much more and you can go and speak to HR? Or you can go and change jobs because you realise that your life is worth much, much more than tolerating and putting up with somebody who's going to speak to you poorly? So I want you to think about yourself now.

Speaker 1:

Think about yourself in relationships, think about yourself in friendships. What kind of things are you going to tolerate and what kind of things do you know that you're worth? You know you have more worth of? It might be that maybe you've got like a parent who's really critical to you, or maybe a mum-in-law or a dad-in-law who is narcissistic, like. I deal with this all the time with people who come and see me one on one. It's you know, there's certain family members that you just cannot get out of your life but they are really hard to deal with, then never going to change, but you are. You can visualize yourself in that situation and you can put like protective bubbles around you, protective energy, and in that bubble is all the safety, all the worthiness that you, that you need, and outside that bubble they can say what they want, because you just don't let it in. So visualize yourself. What does a person with high confidence, what does a person with high self-worth look like when they meet new people? You know they laugh, they have a laugh, they're easy to get along with, they take things lightly, they're not worrying about what the other person's thinking about them, they're just like I'm here, I'm having a great time and this is a great company and I'm enjoying everything and I know what to say. So visualize yourself being that person.

Speaker 1:

The power of visualization is one of the most underused and underrated and underspoken about skills and tools that you can have in your life, and I can guarantee you this. Every single successful person and when I'm talking about success and talking, like you know, traditional success, so everyone that you look up to like an athlete, people who have won awards or people who have, you know, won Oscars or humanitarian works, or you know, doctors they've all visualized something. I can guarantee this. They've had a vision and a dream and a goal and they have seen themselves there and this.

Speaker 1:

When people cut, you know go through, because I know manifestations really really big at the moment, but really what manifestation is? It's imagining yourself there, it's visualizing yourself there and it's bringing that feeling of it into your life every day. And so you start to behave and you start to feel like a person who has what that future self has, and this is the same as what it is with self worth. It's a practice. You have to start thinking and behaving like that person. Like that person you want to be the person who's public speaking on stage, the person who's leading their team, the person who's really confident in what they're doing, the person who starts a business, the person who is a great mom or a great dad and leads their kids.

Speaker 1:

You have the power within you to start visualizing that, and every single time you repeat this. Every single time you repeat that visualization and you feel it as if it is now. That is the key. You kind of like you know. If it's a health goal for you, okay.

Speaker 1:

So let's say you know you really want to get healthier or fitter. You see yourself, you see yourself wearing the clothes that you want to wear. You see yourself running around or crossing a finish line or whatever it is your goal is. You see yourself, but you bring that feeling of confidence, of achievement, of pride into your life right now and you feel it as if it is now. And that is what manifestation is, because your body has no choice but to act and behave as the way that you are telling it that you are. And so this is how how it works. This is how athletes win. This is how people create things. This is how people become better mums or, you know, better dads or better parents, because they visualise the way that they want to be, not the way that they are or not the way that they don't want to be. They don't beat themselves up for that. They focus on how they want to be.

Speaker 1:

How does it feel when I am stepping into the person that has this thing, or the person who acts this way, or the person that behaves this way, or the person that is brave, or the person that has self worth how does it feel? And feel it as if it is now. I am going to leave that one with you. Have fun with your visualising. It is honestly incredible. Once you start and once you repeat and repeat and repeat you just watch the changes. Your body has no choice but to do whatever it is that you are telling your mind that you want. Good luck with your visualisation and I will talk to you soon as you keep stepping into your beautiful warrior. Thanks so much for listening. If you don't want to miss out on feeling inspired, then just remember to subscribe or follow the Becoming your Warrior podcast and turn your notifications on so they get delivered directly to you.