The Toxin Terminator

#166: Transitioning Into Your New Normal with Ashleah Bechtel

Aimee Carlson-Certified Toxicity & Detox Specialist

In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Coach Ashleah Bechtel. She is an entrepreneur, certified health & wellness coach, holds a degree in journalism, a masters in counseling, is an associate professor & course director in Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership, and a 20 year army officer!


She is well versed in human behavior and most passionate about helping people move through loss related transitions and finding new purpose.


In today's episode we are looking at how the current state of the world and our communities are affecting our overall health; physically, mentally and spiritually. We are living in times that are unprecedented and having a significant effect on our mental health. Our mental health numbers, addiction numbers, abuse numbers and suicide numbers are at all time highs. Ashleah shared that in the Army there are 24 service men committing suicide every single day.


So what can we do? How do we take us from the sick place mentally and create a healthy environment for ourselves so we can then make impacts in our families, our communities and the world?


Ashleah walks us through the buckets of where we might be mentally right now and the steps to take to make corrections. Simple questions we can ask ourselves that can lead us into more self awareness as well as the 2 things you must do right now!


And make sure to check out her number one toxin-free lifestyle tip!


Mental Health is very serious and if you are a loved one are spiraling downward please reach out for help! If you are in immediate danger please call the Suicide Prevention number here :800-273-8255


You can get professional help from Ashleah by reaching out here:



Connect with Coach Ashleah: 


Schedule Your Vitality Code Call: 


Sign-up For The Workshop:

Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: 


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