Tobacco Endgame Matters
Tobacco Endgame Matters
Lessons Learned from the City of Petaluma
In this episode, Terese Voge, Health Program Manager for the County of Sonoma, and Carley Moore, Coalition Coordinator, talk about tobacco policy in Sonoma County. During this interview, they dive into the City of Petaluma's tobacco retail ordinance that was passed in December 2021 and went into effect in January 2022. You'll also hear Carley and Terese discuss their supporting roles to the local coalition and the strategic process that led to this big win!
Learn more about the ordinance here.
About ASH
ASH has been fighting tobacco since 1967. Our longevity is not necessarily something to celebrate – “mission accomplished” would mean going out of business, joyfully. Like most tobacco control organizations, ASH’s vision is a world free from tobacco-caused death and disease. But also like most tobacco control organizations, our campaigns sought to mitigate the epidemic, not end it. For ASH, that changed about five years ago.
The catalyst for the change at ASH was the adoption of a human rights-based approach to the tobacco epidemic. Analyzing the commercialization of tobacco products through that lens leads to an obvious conclusion: this stuff must be removed from the market.
The idea got a huge boost when the State of California decided to put its weight behind a true tobacco endgame campaign. This represents a paradigm shift in public health. California and its allies are no longer interested in just “controlling” tobacco. They’re in it to end it.
Learn more about ASH CA at endtobaccoca.ash.org
The music in this episode is provided by Free Sound FX.
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