The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
Welcome home, Modern Mystic- to the place where your soul-seeking journey will never feel lonely again. Welcome to the place where wonder and awe are an everyday occurrence; where inner transformation is the name of the game; and where you always leave more empowered and expanded than you were when you came. I'm Hayley Winter, and I invite you to meet me here- at the bridge where Science, Psychology, and Spirituality merge- and together we'll explore the magic and mystery of this human experience. This is your guide to the Universe. Let's get metaphysical!
The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe
Episode 28- Soul & Spirit Sunday- Podcast Changes & BTS of my "Big Magic" Creative Process
Hayley Winter
Episode 28
Happy Soul & Spirit Sunday, my love!
Today I'm sharing a bit of the behind the scenes of how I create the podcast.
Not in a techy way or a strategic way, but in an energetic way. I'm shedding light on what it's like to really co-create the show in a way that honors her as an energetic being in her own right.
On top of that, I'm sharing 3 pretty major changes that'll be happening on the podcast starting this week! I'm so stoked for this next evolution of the Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe, and I know you will be too ✨
Drop me a line on Insta @alchemyandarchetype to share your thoughts or ideas, or to get in on a Tarot Coaching Episode with yours truly!
Have a hygge AF day, sunushine 💛