Wealth In Overdrive Podcast

4 Secret Rules Of All Financial Institutions

March 09, 2022 Hari Luker Episode 4
4 Secret Rules Of All Financial Institutions
Wealth In Overdrive Podcast
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Wealth In Overdrive Podcast
4 Secret Rules Of All Financial Institutions
Mar 09, 2022 Episode 4
Hari Luker

In episode #4 Hari and Phil reveal the 4 secret rules of all financial institutions. Every day we use banks to store, save, grow and protect our money. But have you ever stopped to really look and see how they control our money? And how do the banks themselves use your money to make their money?

Listen in and discover why it's important to do as the banks DO... Not as they say!

As elementary as some of this may seem. You'll be surprised you've never looked at it this way.

Go To https://www.philbodine.com/401K to learn more about the concepts mentioned in today's episode.

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This material is for informational purposes only. Statements of future expectations, estimates, projections, and other forward-looking statements are based on available information and Sowell Management’s view as of the time of these statements. Accordingly, such statements are inherently speculative as they are based on assumptions that may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation.

Show Notes Transcript

In episode #4 Hari and Phil reveal the 4 secret rules of all financial institutions. Every day we use banks to store, save, grow and protect our money. But have you ever stopped to really look and see how they control our money? And how do the banks themselves use your money to make their money?

Listen in and discover why it's important to do as the banks DO... Not as they say!

As elementary as some of this may seem. You'll be surprised you've never looked at it this way.

Go To https://www.philbodine.com/401K to learn more about the concepts mentioned in today's episode.

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  • Did you enjoy this episode, If so, please leave us a short review.

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This material is for informational purposes only. Statements of future expectations, estimates, projections, and other forward-looking statements are based on available information and Sowell Management’s view as of the time of these statements. Accordingly, such statements are inherently speculative as they are based on assumptions that may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation.


hey guys and welcome to the wolf and overdrive podcast this is your host harry


hey guys and welcome to the welcome overd podcaster this is your host harry luca


luca n phil bodine phil how are you doing today


and phil go dean we'll have you doing today we're doing just great off to a good start


though she's just joining us it's been a bit of a technical


just joining us it's been a bit of a technical um joly here this morning for the podcast itself but we are so happy to be here and


journey here this morning for the podcast itself but we are so happy to be here and today what we're going to be showing you guys is going over what we class as


today what we're going to be showing you guys is going over what we call the four


the four rules of the financial institutions the most powerful thing that you'll


rules of the of the financial institutions the most powerful thing that you'll be


be getting from this podcast today is kind of just more how basic these core


getting from this podcast today is kind of just more how basic these core concepts


concepts are and how powerful they can be in the future we're going to be breaking


are and how powerful they can be in the future we're breaking down really how


down really how banks are set up to work


banks are set up to work how we as individuals kind of look at banks it just ways how we've always done


how we as individuals kind of look at banks as just ways how we've always done things how our parents have shown us what the schools have taught us but primarily


things how our parents have shown us what the schools have taught us but primarily when you look at wealth the larger business owners you want to feed the bank and


when you look at the wealthy larger business owners you want to be the bank and not just simply use the bank wouldn't you agree phil


not to simply use the bank wouldn't you agree absolutely i think that's one of the biggest misconceptions in the arena that i work in every day is that people just understood this one simple




concept just what you said harry instead of using the bank be the bank and more importantly owning your own bank or your own access to capital is extremely important so the slides that we're going to cover today you can pretty much make all your financial decisions based on these two slides and we're going to give several examples today as to how that works


excellent yeah and i think some of us will think this is a very basic concept well you know


yeah and i think some of us who think this is a very basic concept well you know


guys this is we're just going to talk about how a bank works and for many that


guys this is we're just going to talk about how a bank works and for it for many that means we put a check in it we borrow it back whenever we need it but if you


means we put a check in it we borrow it back whenever we need it but if you truly


truly understand what the bank does with your money then this is me very


understand what the bank does with your money then this is gonna be very insightful on that note phil i'll hand it over to you


insightful on that note i'll my hand over to you thank you harry as i said before uh let's just envision yourself as the owner of a financial institution um or let's back up what is a financial institution financial institution can be a bank it can be an insurance company it could be a mutual fund it could be wall street there's many different types of financial institutions but let's more importantly let's understand how they work and i think one of the best exercises to go through is to just switch roles with the audience and allowed them to be the owner of the bank so let's just assume




here for a moment that you are the owner of wells fargo bank and as an owner of wells fork fargo bank or the owner of that business what is the most important thing when it comes to business well we all know in order to stay in business first of all we have to generate a profit right so without profits uh businesses fail so the first and foremost thing that we need to have the mindset of profit so if you own the bank let's go through the four most important rules of owning that bank and the four rules of financial institutions so if i'm waltzing into your bank on any given day what is the one thing you want from me as the owner of that bank what do you want from me well the one thing first and foremost what you would want for me you'd want all my money so how how would i give you my money well you would offer convenience you would help me with free checking uh you'd open up a savings account for me and a place for me to position my money and your bank but the first thing you would want from me you'd want all my money second thing what is the best way for me to give you my money and this takes a little bit of a thought process what's the best way for me to deposit my money into your bank well i i have clients at intel i've got clients at hewlett packard multiple corporations today we we don't even receive a check anymore the our checks are just automatically deposited in the bank and why is that important for the bank well first number one rule of being a business owner profit is number one number two is cash flow well if you know intel's payroll is coming through your bank on a consistent basis you can pred determine when that cash flow is going to hit based on payroll so the second rule of the financial institutions is first of all you you want all my money second of all you'd want me to give you my money on a regular and or systematic basis through direct deposit um and or systematic savings so number one let's go through these again number one you want all my money number two you want my money on a regular or ongoing basis ideally for you the owner of the bank how long would you want to hold on to my money if you own the bank well the perfect answer would be forever if you could but you essentially you want to hold on to my money as long as possible what the heck was that did you see that now sorry you'll edit that out right jeez there there was all kinds of warning signs coming up on my screen


from this or from something else


it must have been another screen that was open it must have been the zoom meeting or something we had open it it was showing a time delay or something anyway on on so you'd wanna hold on to my money as long as possible what does the advertisement look like what if you own the bank what would you be teaching me as a consumer in order for me to for you to hold on to my money as long as possible what would you want me to deposit my money into uh think think for yourself what what would that be uh thirty year mortgage you you would teach me uh or you'd penalize me for early withdrawal you teach me in a very young age the miracle of compound interest uh i i actually can prove to you that the miracle of compound interest really is an miracle it could be more of a nightmare because there are so many things that are not calculated with the compounding of the interest dividends and capital gains reinvest which is basically the sister to compound interest but holding on to my money as long as possible what about cds i remember when i came into the business in nineteen eighty nine i was coming across individuals that had ten year cds that they took out in the early eighty seconds paying fourteen sixteen percent uh however you know that was just at least a ten year duration of time let's put our thinking caps on and think a little bit longer term than just ten years what about your iras what about four hundred one thousands and and essentially those monies in those accounts the money's in your i r s and four o one ks the question needs to be asked is that truly your money essentially that doesn't become your money until you pay the taxes and the penalties to get it so iras four hundred one ks you teach me the miracle of compound interest why




do all banks have trust departments easy they not only want to control your money while you're alive they want to control your money at death so let's repeat the four rules of financial institutions number one you want all my money number two you want to know systematic and ongoing basis number three you want to hold on to my money as long as possible the fourth rule of financial institutions for the money that i give you do you want to give me as much money as possible or as little money as possible when it comes to exchanging my money for yours well obviously you'd wanna give me or loan me uh back as little as possible and so in other words if i were to exchange money with the bank i give the bank money in return would you give me as much as possible as little as possible well little is possible obviously savings accounts today are paying essentially one eighth of a percent of interest or next to nothing and the insult to injury on that is you get a ten ninety nine at the end of the year so you get to pay tax on the little bit of money that they give you however if i go into the bank and i want to borrow your money you're going to charge me at least four to five percent on a home mortgage or as high as twenty one to twenty eight percent on a credit card do you see a




problem with that so let's first and foremost understand one of the most profitable ways that bank money that banks make money ah we need to edit that out so let's go through a few examples of this one particular slide again the rules of the financial institutions are this they want all our money they want a systematic basis they want to hold on to it as long as possible give us nothing back in return let's




look at other financial institutions and apply this principle so if i own the bank and harry i need you to play along with me


i got you


let's switch roles and now i own the bank and you're the consumer what type of a mortgage if i own the bank what type of a mortgage would i want you to have on your home given g these four rules




would i want you to have a thirty year mortgage or would i want you to have a fifteen year mortgage


i'm gonna send this one i'm gonna send this one


i'm gonna send this one




why fifteen


because they want my money as quick as possible


they the money as quick as possible yeah you would want to loan me i would wanna loan you the money if if we're changing roles i now own the bank i would want to loan you the money and i want to get it back as quick as possible which is contrary to what most people tell me well no phil all the banks want us to get uh a thirty year mortgage at that's that's the contrary to popular belief no the banks want to loan you the money and they wanna get it back as quick as they possibly can so they loan it out to the next person creating multiple rates of return on that money in fact harry if uh a bank has money sitting in their vault is that considered an asset


excuse me


or a liability


well to them it's a liability but


to them it's a liability


many would think it's an accident


absolutely correct that money doesn't become an asset to the bank until it's loaned out to someone else or it goes it's lent out into the street creating another rate of return so unfortunately when we go into banks and we go to sign up for a mortgage what do they want you to focus on they want you to focus on interest rate which has a higher interest rate a thirty year mortgage or a fifteen year mortgage




thirty year um thus you could essentially con me into believing and focusing on that lower interest rate with the fifteen year mortgage and by the way harry look at all the interest that you would save over the period of that loan in the fifteen years




however that's not always the most efficient thing to be looking at is the however that's not always the most efficient thing to be looking at is the interest rate interest rate it it's not the interest rate it's the type of loan that's most efficient for the consumer so we would want to look at this in the form of the investor the consumer which it actually comes down to cash flow another way let's look at another institu let's look at the insurance institution and let's plug in our four rules remember let's repeat again the four rules of all financial institutions they want all our money they want on a regular systematic basis they want to hold on to it as long as possible give us nothing back in return if i own an insurance company and let's say let's talk about car insurance and the deductible on your car insurance if if i own the insurance company do i want you to have a high deductible or low deductible on your car insurance policy


low deductible


why why would i want you to have a low deductible if i own the insurance company




they would


they would rather have a higher premium


premium exactly what's the higher premium well you have to determine for yourself in an order theory and application or two different things the application of this would be okay i'm gonna call my insurance agent i'm going to calculate the difference between that two hundred fifty dollar deductible and a thousand dollar deductible obviously the consumer would be taking seven hundred fifty dollars more in risk versus a two hundred fifty dollar deductible but what is the cost for that seven hundred and fifty dollar risk additional risk it could be an upwards of one hundred fifty to two hundred dollars in savings if i were to move my deductible to a thousand dollar deductible in essence i'm paying a hundred and twenty five dollars a year to to two hundred dollars a year for only seven hundred and fifty dollars of protection the difference between a two hundred and fifty dollar deductible and a thousand dollar deductible makes cent




yeah so we want to use banks but we want to use them for their money not just our money so not many people have seen one of the most profitable ways the banks make money i've actually harry this slide's out of order


i know


unbelievable let me fix that you can edit this rate




why didn't the next slide come into play it's just one of those days i guess it's just one of those days i guess


it's just one of those days


jeez no what can you see my slide harry i can still see the old one profit for financial


i can still see the old one profit for financial


or institutions or institutions


for institutions for rules of all for rules of all


all rules of all hak i can sing him mouse


i can see a mouse


yeah he we go


there we go


so one of the most profitable ways that bank banks make money let me start over one of the most profitable ways that banks make money and this is in theory i actually learned this theory in economics at the indiana school of business have you ever heard of the economic theory velocity of money multiplier many people have not but essentially the banks have mastered this theory i learned about it in college but i was never taught how to apply it so let me ask you this question if i could show you a way to make multiple rates of return on your money if i could show you ways to create multiple benefits would you want that


well of course


that's the secret uh the banks aren't always out there they're telling us what to do not how to do it in this particular slide we want to show you how to do it how to incorporate it into your everyday living lives so essentially how they do this is the bank will take your money they'll loan it to you in the form of a car loan and harry let's just assume you have a card loan i'm going to charge you interest on that loan when you make your car payment who do you make the car payment to


the bank


back to the bank so after i've charged you interest on that loan that six percent interest that same dollar goes back to the bank well the banks will take that same dollar out again they'll loan it to you or someone else in the form of a credit card loan you make your credit card payment payment after the banks charge you interest let's say that's eighteen percentage interest make your credit card payment that same dollar goes back they take the same dollar out again they loan it out to you or someone else in the form of home mortgage you make your house payment that same dollar goes back they take the same dollar again they loan it out to you or someone else in the form of a boat loan they charge you nine percent let's say on that boat loan same dollar goes back my question is to you haring the audience what's the rate of return that the bank is getting on that same dollar well if if we add all four loans up that's approximately thirty eight percent rate of return on the same dollar well how do they do that that's just trading or exchanging the same dollar multiple times over while we as consumers we just let our money sit in the bank only getting one rated return so velocity money multipliers is a very very powerful economic strategy that's employed by banks and they've mastered the game of velocity and money multiplier now let's apply the previous slide the four rules of the financial institutions and this second slide velocity money multiplier let's apply that to our own everyday living money strategies now harry understanding these two powerful slides now i own the bank you're coming in to see me




what type of a mortgage would i want you to have on your home if i own the bank and you're the consumer a thirty year mortgage or a fifteen year mortgage now that you know the four rules of the financial institutions and velocity of money multiplier what type of a mortgage would i want to try to sell you as the owner of the bank thirty year or fifteen year mortgage


well you'd want me to have a fifteen well you'd want me to have a fifteen


well you'd want me to have a fifteen yeah but contrary to what most people would say well phil i would want to have a thirty year mortgage well why would you want to have a thirty year mortgage well the bank's going to show you look at all the interest you would pay over that thirty year mortgage when in essence statistics show that americans on average live in their home seven point seven years which means you're not even going to stay into that home for a full thirty years right




so i'm going to get you to focus on so i'm going to get you to focus on the interest rate and which has a lower interest rate a fifteen year mortgage or a thirty year mortgage




fifteen every time fifteen year mortgage is a lower interest rate and if i can get you to focus on that lower interest rate is that a good thing or a bad thing for you the consumer


for me it's bad


me it's bad for you it would be bad if you knew the four rules of the financial institutions and velocity money multiplier because we know it all comes down to cash flow


is this


and which would have a higher obligation to pay because what what is the greek word meaning from the original language what is the greek word mortgage mean it it means pay till death so i know that sounds kind of morbid but that's actually what the word mortgage means in the original language however what's more important for me uh and my clients is to understand cash flow we want to take




advantage of cash flow thus we want a thirty year mortgage versus a fifteen year mortgage because it would be a less obligation to pay it'd be lower cash out of my pocket less obligation of a monthly house payment and i could create more liquidity safety rate to return and possibly tax benefits




by incorporating a thirty year mortgage versus a fifteen year mortgage now let's switch this to the insurance




industry harry now knowing what you know about financial institutions let's look at your car and your homeowner's insurance would you want if if i own the bank what would i want you to have a low deductible or a high




deductible and before you answer that question think to yourself you know what's what's in it for the insurance company versus what's in it for you so how would you answer that question but what's in it for a is a is a premium but what's in it for a is a is a premium


well what's in it for them is is a premium and so they would want me to have a lower deductible so i would have a higher


and so they would want me to have a lower deductible so i would have a higher premium to pay them correct


premium to pay them


so in essence the insurance company wants you to have a lower deductible instead of a higher deductible on your car and homeowner's insurance and all you really need to analyze there is the difference between you know your current five hundred dollar deductible versus a thousand dollar deductible what's that added expense to take on an additional five hundred dollars of additional risk while that could be anywhere from fifty dollars a year to a hundred and fifty dollars a year for only five hundred dollars of additional risk but the insurance company wants me to have a two hundred fifty dollar deductible because my insurance premiums would be higher i'm looking at it as efficiency and wanting to have the lowest cost for insurance with the maximum amount of protection which is the objective of all of our clients when they come in to see us we want you to have maximum protection least amount of cost and in order to hide the most efficient coverage uh i would on the dollar i'd wanna have a higher deductible with lower obligation to pay for that coverage does that make sense




so those are two really good examples of how the financial institutions operate and how they work and and again keep this in mind they're not out teaching us how to do this they're teaching us what to think not how to think hopefully these strategies and this podcast can help you make better decisions going forward and essentially all you need to do is just understand these two slides they're very powerful slides and every decision that you make you just take the role of the financial institutions think it through the way that they do and incorporate it for yourself hopefully this this is bringing a lot of value and benefit to our audience today harry


absolutely and i think it's one of those things you can look at this and think on absolutely and i think it's one of those things you can look at this and think on


absolutely is one of those things you can look at this and think on a very basic


a very basic standpoint we're not saying any of these tools or vehicles that the a very basic standpoint we're not saying any of these tools or vehicles that the


standpoint we're not saying any of these tools or vehicles that the banks employ


banks employ are bad you just need to know the rules of the game so you can play banks employ are bad you just need to know the rules of the game so you can play


are bad you seem to know the rules to the game so you can play it it our way and


it our way and not the way the banks want us to play is that pretty much how you it our way and not the way the banks want us to play is that pretty much how you


not the way the friends want us to play


put it put it


yeah i mean i know this sounds really odd i i actually remember that the uh little neighbor that i grew up with and we we had chalk on the sidewalk and he taught me the game of tick tact well he taught me the game but guess who'd always won he did because he knew the rules of the game better than i did i think the same theory applies to the rules of the financial institution if you understand the game that they're teaching us i think if you understand the the game and the rules better and there's better disclosure um it makes it that much easier to play the game and mass more importantly master the game of money and how it actually works absolutely i think it's like you can look at these things and everyone's got their


absolutely and i think it's like you can look at these things and everyone's got their own point of view you know credit cards you know you've got people that know


own point of view you know credit cards you know you've got people that know how


how to use them leverage them for points and credits and so forth and can have be


to use them leverage them for points and credits and so forth and have they helpless have the self discipline to use it for them and credit cards can be very


have the self discipline to use it for them and credit cards can be very


profitable specifically in businesses but also in personal use when it comes to


profitable specifically in businesses but also in personal use when it comes to


cars when it comes to car loans very close concept to what phil has mentioned with


cars when it comes to car loans very close concept to what phil just mentioned with the insurance companies the deductibles or with a mortgage they want you to


the insurance companies the deductibles or with the mortgage they want you to look


look at things more like the payment versus what actually you're out the door or


at things more like the payment versus white you're out the door or bottom line is


bottom line is the and the interest rate they just want you to focus on the


the term and the interest rate they just want need to focus on the payment that


payment so that other stuff can kind of get lost in the confusion again that


other stuff can kind of get lost in the confusion again that benefits the banks


benefits the banks when over the mortgages of course when it comes to boats you'd


when over the mortgages of course when it comes to boats but the same as cars it's


look at the same as cars it's all about knowing how the game is played so you can


all about knowing how the game is played so you can play it on your side of things


play on your side of things phil have you got any kind of


you know just strategies as i wanted but you give away on you know a concept that


you know just strategies just like one tidbit you could give away on you know a concept that you know someone listening to this today could kind of use the rule


someone listening to this today can kind of use the rule of the bank to them the


of a bank to benefit them that maybe isn't out there in the market


media and yeah and i think it consistently if people will just play this back and their minds on multiple times again think of the rules of the financial institutions and the game they're trying to teach us again those rules it always seems like we have to play by their rules that they want all our money they want it on a systematic basis they want to hold on to it as long as possible give us nothing back in return that summarizes what a four hundred one k is or an ira that summarizes what a mortgage is and if you understand those two just those two things amongst many other things ah again they're trying to teach us how to think what to think and and it the the cards are stacked against you um yeah i think that's so beneficial if people just understood the rules of the game and how to master those rules ah to create more integrity or to get your wealth and overdrive have it


that y


work more efficiently for you and not the financial institutions yeah


yeah i think old people always especially when you look at mortgages it holds so true to those four rules because


when you look at mortgages it holds so true to those core rules because obviously


obviously you're going to give it to them for you know potentially they want


you're going to give it to them but you know potentially they want fifteen but you


fifteen but you know typically it might be a thirty but then people will say well


know typically it might be at thirty but then people will say well how they give


how they give it back to you well if you ever want that money back you've got to


it back to you do you ever want that money back you've got to borrow that money


borrow that money from the bank on their terms so again every component of this no


from the bank on their terms so again every component this no matter what a loan


matter what a loan is the bank controls those four rules and i'd probably say a


is the bank controls those four rules and i'd probably say a very large percentage


very large percentage of people follow those rules unknowingly


of people follow those rules unknowingly


phil i'm gonna have questions for you man the anything else you wanna finish with


well i any other questions for you ma'am great you want to finish with this today


us today


no no life is good life is life is


cause you know it's cause you know the rules right


yeah life is good eternity is better uh prepare for both there's my words of advice for today


well damn has to drop the mic on that one so there we go


oh guys i appreciate you hanging out this on this podcast again if you wanted to


well guys i appreciate you hanging out this on this podcast again if you wanted to


see the slides head over to our youtube channel it is young and it is growing at


see the slides head over to our youtube channel it is young and it is growing at


the time of this recorded in this one so head over on to there to link me down in


the time of this recording on this one so head over on to there the link will be down in the description again if you got some value from this podcast today you


the description again if you got some value from this podcast today you can please


can please share


share like comment below course comments really more than i ever imagined helped drive


like comment below of course comments really more than i ever imagined helped drive this podcast further and put it in front of more people that hopefully this


this podcast further and put it in front of more people that hopefully this can


can provide value to at the same time so on that note from pha myself you have a


provide value to at the same time so on that note from pha myself you have a good


good evening and we'll see you shortly


evening and we'll see you sorry you remember to record that