The State of Education with Melvin Adams

Ep. 67 "Defending Our Kids From Indoctrination" - Guest Alvin Lui (Part 2 of 2)

May 24, 2023 Melvin Adams Episode 67

As a father himself, Alvin Lui has a personal stake in the fight against childrens’ indoctrination. That’s why he created Courage Is A Habit, which has a goal to expose the dangers of SEL, or Social Emotional Learning. In today’s episode, he talks about some of the resources his foundation offers to parents, school board members, teachers, and anyone who desires to take a stand. Do parents have the option to opt out of SEL? How does the school system really sneak Critical Race Theory and gender ideology into the classroom? Alvin answers all these questions and more.

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Noah Webster Educational Foundation collaborates with individuals and organizations to tell the story of America’s education and culture; discover foundational principles that improve it; and advance practice and policy to change it.

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ADAMS: Jump in a little bit more and talk about the surveys and these kinds of things. You talked about throw[ing] a wrench in it. Well, how? What does that mean?

LUI: What you just described there in those last several minutes is culturally responsive teaching. That’s what you just described. The teachers go through the training, they come out of academia being trained to push this Marxist ideology. This “diversity, equity, inclusion” which we call “DIE,” D-I-E.

But how it’s being done is called culturally responsive teaching. For every parent listening out there, go to your school website and type in “culturally responsive teaching” or “culturally responsive competency ” and you will find it. Because nearly 100% of K-12 has Social Emotional Learning. 

What you described there—everything you just said is culturally responsive teaching. Okay? So let me give everyone an example of why you can’t necessarily put your hands on it. This example comes from the country’s leading expert on Social Emotional Learning—her name is Jennifer McWilliams. This is an example that she uses because this is what their teaching teacher. She was a teacher who got fired in Indiana for speaking out against Social Emotional Learning when no one knew what it was. She is the country’s foremost leading expert.

I’m going to give you an example from a second grade math class and then I’ll get into the surveys, what throws a wrench, then we can wrap up about how parents—what they can do. Again, it’s all about action.

ADAMS: Yeah.

LUI: Second grade math problem: Little Johnny is riding in his car with his mom and dad and they’re going to the amusement park. The amusement park is fifty miles away from their house. They’ve already driven thirty miles. How many more miles will they need to drive before arriving at the amusement park?

Okay, some kids answer…whatever. They answer the right answer, wrong answer. And the teacher goes, “Okay, we’ll get to the answer in a minute. Let’s talk about Little Johnny sitting in a car with his mom…the amusement park. How many people have been to an amusement park?” Some kids raise their hands, some kids don’t.

They go, “Why do some kids go to the amusement park and some kids don’t?” Some kids go, “Oh, I’m afraid of rides.” Remember they’re second graders! They’re innocent. Eventually someone’s going to go, “I’ve neer been because my parents can’t afford it.” Now you have a talk about equity. About the haves and the have-nots. They’ll press and you’ll talk about that. “Well, why can people afford it? Is that fair?”

Then some kids: “No, it’s not fair! Amusement parks should be free. Why is it not free?” Mom and Dad: does everybody have a mom and dad? Now you just generated a discussion about families and…“Well, my neighbor has two moms…” “Oh, okay, so families look different, right?” Now you have a discussion on that.

Cars: does everybody drive cars? Then you have a discussion on environmentalism. Some people can’t afford cars…that’s called “culturally responsive teaching.” There is no topic they can’t generate into a political or sexual discussion. What you described there is exactly that, alright?

So, the surveys. The reason it throws a wrench in things is because the school pays a ton of money—your tax dollars, they spend a ton of your tax dollars, hiring these companies to do these surveys on your children. So that is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The more they survey your children, the more they can manipulate the data, and every year they come back: school is oppressive, school is racist, homophobic, transphobic, kids don’t feel belonging, kids don’t feel included…more Social Emotional Learning.

They put more in and lower the academics, lower the behavior, screw the kids up and then go, “Kids mental health is worse than ever.” Self-fulfilling prophecy. If you take your children out of the data, that screws them up because now they don’t have enough children to survey. Because now you have 30%, 40% of the school’s not taking it. That’s hundreds, if not thousands, of students, depending on how big your school district is.

Now they can’t say, “Oh, all students want this,” or, “80% of parents want this.” No, you’re not surveying the whole school. You’re not supporting everyone. Now you’ve got parents who are going to push back and go, “30% of us, 20% of us are not taking the survey. So these policies are not supporting everybody.”

Also, they’re not getting the data. They’re expecting a certain amount of data, especially these companies. You’re paying for it so they’re expecting a certain amount of data. At the very least, that’s kind of the high level—how you can throw a wrench in it. 

But on the personal level, you do not want your children’s data stored in these data bases. These longitudinal data bases follow your child forever. I’m going to extend this further—I’m going to go a little further now than what’s happening today. They’re going with it, they’re going to be setting up your children for a credit-scoring system. Meaning that, let’s say at eighteen, nineteen, twenty, your child goes, “Hey, I want to exercise my Second Amendment [rights].”

They’re going to say: “You know, in school we had these surveys…he doesn’t meet the mental health criteria. He doesn’t meet this—” again, mental health: through whose lens? Through whose lens? Not mental health as we know it. It’s a: “You know, they don’t have the right thought process.” So they’re deemed not the right score, not the right mental health…they should own firearms.

“You know what? They don’t have the right scores. We’re not going to open a bank account. Because they’re hateful.” “What do you mean, they’re hateful? They’re [unintelligible 05:48] for violence?” “They don’t believe a man can get pregnant. That’s very hateful.” You see? Through whose lens is it?

That’s why it’s so important to understand language contamination. They use your vocabulary, not your dictionary. You have to get your kids out of the data mining. If you go to—and Melvin, I will send you the link so you can put it in your shownotes. When you upload it you can put it in the show notes. 

ADAMS: We’ll put it there.

LUI: Just as a verbal…you can go to and click on “SEL Surveys.” If you click on SEL Surveys, we describe in these tools—there’s a set of tools that goes into a lot more detail than what I could’ve gone through here—but it covers everything that I said, plus it gives you more detail.

It talks about what surveys are, how it’s being used as a self-fulfilling prophecy, what they do with the answers. We have something in there called “Survey Says” which explains exactly what I just explained. In fact, the question about do you feel confident in completing your assignment? Comes from that.

At the end of each of those documents, there’s an opt-out form that our attorneys wrote for the parents to use to turn in. Use the opt-out form. We also tell you what happens if they lie to you and say you can’t opt out. We give you a tip on that too. We tell you who to send it to, how to send it. We walk you through that. Just download the survey. And that’s a tool for the parents.

ADAMS: Excellent. We will definitely put that there. Thank you for sharing that.

Let me ask this question: it’s my understanding—and I think I have this right—most of this is actually driven through the Federal Department of Education. 

LUI: Correct.

ADAMS: It’s pushed down as part of the agenda—okay, you do these things. It’s kind of top down focused into the states. We’ll fund certain things if you get us—and they don’t make it about data, but that’s what it’s all about. The Federal Department of Education is almost entirely about collecting data.

LUI: There’s that, right. Then there’s the teacher’s unions.

ADAMS: Right.
LUI: Then there’s the companies that they partner with like CASEL, which is the main—C-A-S-E-L—all Social Emotional Learning comes from that organization. They have vendors that take their Social Emotional Learning and schools pay them a lot of money to put it in. It all comes from CASEL, all the pushing comes from the Department of Education. You’re correct.

ADAMS: Here’s where I’m coming—and I realize every state’s a little different. The state actually sets the policy for education and they’re statutes and through their structure and so forth. 

Many states have a state board of education that gives minimum standards of learning. Then there are the local school boards that implement and they actually set the policies and do the hiring and firing and carry the real weight of making that school district function and operate well.

Isn’t it also true that local school boards have authority over whether or not they allow these kinds of things to function and take place in their schools? We talk about the parents, you know, and you can opt your kid out. Well, can’t communities go to the school boards and say, “We don’t want to have any part of this.”

LUI: Absolutely. Oh, absolutely.

ADAMS: That ought to be cut off at the knees by the local school boards.

LUI: One hundred percent. That’s why it’s so important to show up, speak up, and reject the transgender cult recruiters, child abusers, that call you labels. They don’t want you to speak up. They don’t want you to hold your school board accountable. This is where courage is a habit. You’ve got to push through that. 

You’re absolutely right. A school board has a lot of power to be able to end some of these contracts. Make it opt-in instead of opt-out or get rid of the surveys altogether. Stop paying these companies to do nonsense like anti-rasicm training and LGBTQ-invisvity training. Those things are all by the school board. The school board can stop all those things.

The teacher development days, bringing speakers in, drag queen hours and having them come in…all of those things. The school board can stop all those contracts. Abostuly, one hundred percent.

Another group that we won’t have enough time on this podcast but I will give you the link. The group that parents often don’t look at are school counselors. The school counselors and social workers—they’re the largest purveyors of the transgender cult. Okay? Not the teachers or the school board—the school counselors.

The teachers have—they’re around your kids and they can influence your kids horribly. Which is why you’ve got to get rid of teachers and expose teachers and you see that online with Libs of TikTok and Inside the Classroom and those folks like that. 

But the school counselors, as a system, come in and identify the kids who actually need help. Who are going through a hard time. And instead of dealing with the underlying issue, they move them towards pronouns, the binding…and, obviously, once you get on that train, going to the surgeries and the drugs—it’s quick.

We’ll give you a link to that because we do a ton of work on school counselors which we won’t have time to get into. But, yeah…you’re right. Back to the school boards: they have a tremendous amount of power, but they need parents to voice and have the parents be louder and bigger than these activists. Usually these activists, they’re not even local. They’re usually coming out from a different area.

ADAMS: Yeah, we see that all the time. Excellent. 

Wow, this is good stuff. Talk to us for just a minute as we wrap up…how would you encourage parents and teachers—and I know there are a lot of counselors out there grappling with this as well because we talk to them and they talk to us.

LUI: Me too. That’s right.

ADAMS: How would you speak to them and school board members? These different layers of influencers. Help them to build habits of courage? Talk to them. What does that mean?

LUI: Everybody feels alone because everybody’s silent. It’s a symbiotic relationship. If the parents speak up and no teachers and counselors speak up, it just looks like they’re speaking out against teachers. That’s what these dishonest activists make it look like. You just hate teachers, you don’t respect teachers. 

If the teachers speak up, they get doxxed really heavy. Because you’re going against your own and you’re betraying—same thing with school counselors. When I talk to parents, I go, “The more you speak up, the more cover you give good teachers and school counselors.” It gives them more cover because now they know: “Hey, if I speak up and I start getting doxxed and bullied by the activists, I’ve got an army of parents that back me up.”

“Nope, Mrs. Williams is great, I love her, she’s amazing, every teacher should be like her, every teacher should focus on academics like her. Not these teachers. Get rid of these teachers.” Right? So I talk to parents: “Well, you’ve got to speak up and give her that cover. Or give him that cover.” 

But when I speak to school counselors I go, “Hey, you guys have to speak up because you have the authority. You have to stand up and go, ‘Hey, those parents that you guys are bullying and saying they’re not inclusive and they’re racist and transphobic…no.” 

Or: “It’s not happening.” You get that a lot. “Oh, that’s not happening, it’s a right-wing conspiracy.” Teachers and school counselors can come out and they can dispel it like that! Because if someone goes, “It’s not happening, show me proof,” which is what they always say because they’re very dishonest and they keep moving the go post. You see that on social media a lot.

If a teacher or school counselor goes, “Nope, it’s happening. I’m a teacher, I’m a school counselor. And this is how: 1, 2, 3,” lay it out exactly like I did. Here it is. 1, 2, 3, this is how it’s happening. “We give the survey, this is what happens, and next year we take the professional development and we’re given these books to read and we have to push this anti-racism, this equity. And we’ve got to ask for pronouns. They make us do this, the parents are right.”

If you, as a teacher or a counselor, come out and do that, guess what? It emboldens the parent. There’s some parents out there going, “Eh, I don’t want to speak up, I don’t know, I don’t know. I’m going to get called.” Then they hear a teacher or a school counselor speak up. Guess what? They’re going to go, “You know what? I’m going to back her up. Yes, that’s what I’ve seen too, but you keep telling me it’s not happen. Now I’ve got Mrs. Williams saying it’s happening. Yes. What are we doing here? Let’s get rid of this.”

It’s a symbiotic relationship. This is why having courage is so important, because once you have it, you go on offense and you stop apologizing. Stop apologizing when people go, “Oh, you’re just a racist.” This is the one thing I tell parents: when they go, “You’re a racist or a homophobe or transphobe,” your immediate response shouldn’t be no, I’m not because—and give your reason. Your immediate response should be, “I don’t care.”

Because they’re dishonest and they’re trying to harm your children. If you make courage a habit, and you speak out—even if you’re the only one—ironically, you will not be the only one. But if you don’t speak up and you make fear a habit, you will always feel alone and everybody around you will always feel alone because nobody’s speaking up. And these eight activists that are the loudest in your community will be able to bully everybody to look like they’ve got a bigger army than they do. But they don’t. They’re just bullying everyone to use their pronouns.

ADAMS: Paid to be there by the union. I was at a meeting last week where I saw that in action.

LUI: Yes. That’s it. They wear the t-shirts, they trot these kids that they’ve already screwed up. They talk about how “you’re killing me and you’re erasing me,” and they’re using all this emotional blackmail language. Look past it. None of it’s true. They’re not killing themselves. 

If they’re killing themselves, it’s because these transgender ideologies—the recruiters are confusing them, telling them they’re not a boy or a girl and if someone doesn’t call you by the right name, they’re erasing you. They’re the ones that are causing that. Not because a sane, loving parent goes, “Honey, you’re going through this, you’re not a boy. I love you too much to get you on these body-destroying hormone blockers and these surgeries that will make you a life-long medical patient.”

So this is what we train parents for. When we go into training—we do, obviously, speaking engagements and training—we go into different states, communities, and school districts and we teach the Courage Is A Habit model. We take tools, we break down their schools and go, “Okay, your schools do it this way.”

Largely, all schools do it mostly the same way, but obviously when you get down to the nitty-gritty, there’s going to be, like, “Okay, your school does it specifically like this.” All schools are doing it. I want everyone to understand: this isn’t a red or blue state thing. Every single K-12 is doing it. We have yet to see a school district that doesn’t have Social Emotional Learning. 

And there’s no such thing as good Social Emotional Learning. Social Emotional Learning is meant to be like this. Schools may have it in varying intensity but they’re all working toward the same goal, which is to indoctrinate your children to the idea that America is oppressive, confuse them sexually, sexualize them early, and ultimately separate the children form their parents by saying, “We’re keeping these secrets from parents because parents are unsafe.”

That’s what the school counselors do. And again, if you go to and click under “school counselor” you will see our tools and our exposés on them. Which, I’ll send you the link.

ADAMS: Alvin, thank you so much for sharing with us today—

LUI: You’re welcome. 

ADAMS: It’s been very informative, very straightforward and transparent. I appreciate it so much. 

For our listeners, we will include all these relevant links to Courage Is A Habit, their website and so forth, on the show notes for this episode. Please go there and use those. Dig in, do your research, get informed. That’s the most important thing you can do, is equip yourself with knowledge so you can stand up for and protect your children, your grandchildren, your students, your communities. 

Also, let me encourage you to follow NWEF, Noah Webster Educational Foundation, on your social media so you don’t miss any important updates or resources that we’re bringing to you. 

And most of all, thank you for listening.

LUI: Thank you so much, Melvin, for having me. This was a great conversation, I hope I get to come back. Everybody, if you want to follow us on our socials, it’s @couragehabit. That’s @couragehabit. It’s all our socials: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. And then, of course, You’ll see the links.

And we are nonprofit. Every dollar that we get goes right back into the work and the tools. We try to keep a very small professional staff, which is why the things we put out look the way they do and sound the way they do. It’s because we have very, very good, hard working people working on it. We definitely want to continue to grow our team so we can keep giving you guys the tools to stand up for your children.

If you go to, you can click on the little heart and support us in that way. Every dollar goes right back to our work.

ADAMS: Thank you, Alvin.