The Boardgame Specialists
Boardgames!! What we played, what we liked and lots of Top 9.
The Boardgame Specialists
FallCon37 Recap
Carla & Melanie
Season 1
Episode 101
The Boardgame Specialist Podcast Episode 101:
FallCon37 Recap
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[15:34] Escape Mail
[19:07] Cascadia Rolling Hills
[22:52] Pixies
[25:44] Lowlands
[32:07] Diceborn Heroes
[35:05] Caverna
[39:13] Sky Team
[43:11] Viticulture
[47:00] Battle Bake
[51:29] Cities
[56:10] Dice Hockey Challenge
[1:01:55] Undergrove
[1:06:13] Unscrewed
[1:09:00] Harvest
[1:13:00] Res Arcana
[1:17:05] Arborea
[1:23:00] Comic Hunters
[1:29:28] Windmill Valley