Whose Turn Is It Anyway?

Episode 52: Turned to the Dark Side

May 15, 2024 Loaded Dice Gaming Group Episode 52
Episode 52: Turned to the Dark Side
Whose Turn Is It Anyway?
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Whose Turn Is It Anyway?
Episode 52: Turned to the Dark Side
May 15, 2024 Episode 52
Loaded Dice Gaming Group

It's your turn...to click here to send us your comments on the show

The team are back and sounding fresh with their new podcast recording equipment thanks to our amazing listeners who regularly support the show.  Adrian dons his Sith like cloak and tries to turn the players to the Dark Side by taking a board gaming journey in which fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering and suffering leads to the Dark Side...wish us luck...


In this episode you'll learn:

- that thanks to our Ko-Fi supporters we've now levelled up our recording equipment...hurray
- Rob jumps back into the heavy by learning Anachrony along with Fractures of Time by Mindclash Games
- JP revisits a game he's not properly played for 18 months in Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods by Cranio Creations
- Chris takes an arrow to the knee in Skyrim The Adventure Game by Modiphius Entertainment
- Adrian makes bus routes sound like fun in Get On Board by IELLO
- that Adrian is trying to corrupt the rest of the players by discussed games they fear, makes them angry, ones they hate and ones that make them suffer.


0:00 - TURN 1 - Player Count
2:42 - TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
3:17 - Rob - Anachrony: Fractures of Time
7:57 - JP - Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods
17:29 - Chris P - Skyrim The Adventure Game
25:12 - Adrian - Get On Board
30:47 - TURN 3 - Main Event: Turned to the Dark Side
32:30 - FEAR leads to...
42:53 - ANGER leads to...
55:09 - HATE leads to...
1:07:52 - SUFFERING leads to the Dark Side
1:21:26 - TURN 4 - Would you rather...With our two finalists from our board game battleground, would you rather force everyone to play one of the finalists every year or banish one from being played
1:28:46 - TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
1:38:44 - TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

It's your turn...to click here to send us your comments on the show

The team are back and sounding fresh with their new podcast recording equipment thanks to our amazing listeners who regularly support the show.  Adrian dons his Sith like cloak and tries to turn the players to the Dark Side by taking a board gaming journey in which fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering and suffering leads to the Dark Side...wish us luck...


In this episode you'll learn:

- that thanks to our Ko-Fi supporters we've now levelled up our recording equipment...hurray
- Rob jumps back into the heavy by learning Anachrony along with Fractures of Time by Mindclash Games
- JP revisits a game he's not properly played for 18 months in Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods by Cranio Creations
- Chris takes an arrow to the knee in Skyrim The Adventure Game by Modiphius Entertainment
- Adrian makes bus routes sound like fun in Get On Board by IELLO
- that Adrian is trying to corrupt the rest of the players by discussed games they fear, makes them angry, ones they hate and ones that make them suffer.


0:00 - TURN 1 - Player Count
2:42 - TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
3:17 - Rob - Anachrony: Fractures of Time
7:57 - JP - Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods
17:29 - Chris P - Skyrim The Adventure Game
25:12 - Adrian - Get On Board
30:47 - TURN 3 - Main Event: Turned to the Dark Side
32:30 - FEAR leads to...
42:53 - ANGER leads to...
55:09 - HATE leads to...
1:07:52 - SUFFERING leads to the Dark Side
1:21:26 - TURN 4 - Would you rather...With our two finalists from our board game battleground, would you rather force everyone to play one of the finalists every year or banish one from being played
1:28:46 - TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
1:38:44 - TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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TURN 1 - Player Count
the whose's turn is it Anyway podcast is live this year at the UK games Expo you can check us out on Friday the 31st of
May at half 1 to halfast 2 in the dice room which is in pza 4 if you want to
get involved in the live episode then please come along we can't wait to see you there
hello and welcome to whose turn is anyway a podcast all about our board gaming group and the board games that we play I am your first player Adrian and
today with me I have Padawan Chris hello there Jedi Knight Rob hi and episode
three youngling JP no hello today we are talking about well I'm trying to lead
everyone to the dark side and if you're thinking well didn't we just have a Star Wars Episode recently don't worry we're
not talking too much about Star Wars I'm just using quotes from a very wise person to uh to lead everyone onto the
dark side like I am myself nice hopefully this sounds a little bit different to usual as we have new
recording equipment so please give us any feedback and let us know how we sound hopefully we sound better cuz
we've spent a bit of money so thank you very much for those who support us through coffee because that has enabled
us to do this yeah you're all awesome we really really appreciate every bit of help we get on this uh podcast cuz it's
just amazing really it still blows my mind that we' actually got this new equipment we actually kind of look professional it does look quite sexy I'm
not going to lie yeah and it's quite weird cuz we all have to kind of do things in a slightly different way but
it's a good way and uh but yeah thank you massive thanks we we couldn't do it without you yeah massive thank you yeah
between that and picking up the audio equipment for Expo to sort of be able to do sort of interviews a bit better in a
busy environment it's been quite an exciting time for us yeah can't wait so on that note how's everyone doing how's
everyone been really good really really good cannot complain had a really fun weekend which I'm sure we'll get into in
a bit um but no really good yeah likewise it's my kind of birthday coming up and managed to celebrate my birthday
by having a games weekend so that was awesome had lots of people around played lots of games and uh yeah and it didn't
feel too cramped which I thought it might do considering we had three gaming tables it was uh it was awesome we had
four at one point oh jeez yeah someone went outside and then it started raining uh it's always always dangerous an
outside game it's all good though but no generally good good yeah yeah I'm all good thank you I was just listening to
everyone else enjoying their time mine was just like y it's the day it happened move
TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
on so it's at this part of the episode where we talk about you and me and talk about all the good things and the bad
things that have been as we talk about hex Rob's loving it Rob's loving it he's
loving the return of the uh the what do we call it the the intro the intro yeah Adrian's intro he's the only one who
intros that segment he's the only one brave enough to do it yeah yeah bravery is definitely
the word I respect that yeah it just works yeah well as you respect it do you want to tell us what you've been up to
Rob - Anachrony: Fractures of Time
recently uh as we alluded to us uh JP's Bard gaming weekend uh played some new
games and uh on my typical leveling up period at the moment uh we played an
acony which is a big boy game bit of a light one yeah and I absolutely loved it I
thought it fantastic we played with the fates of time expansion and it was brilliant
absolutely amazing I cannot rate that game highly enough I thoroughly enjoyed it what's it about Rob it's about I
don't know I didn't really go into the theme of it did I not at all you go
through time and you do things I said there's a heavy worker placement game and you just do time travel sh all we
heard was time travel Shenanigans and um we were like we're in um but yeah so it's about the Earth is about to uh
expire expire I believe yeah and it's been Ming to death and it's dying and
it's about to die so it's about um kind of getting everybody off world getting
resources in preparation for everyone to leave and and about turn four the comet
hits so it's kind of time to sort wrap up um and move on and it was great and
there was some time manipulation so you can get things now but you have to pay you can borrow stuff from yourself from
the future but if you don't pay it back there's a Time Paradox and you get
punished for it and it's um yeah it was thorough really enjoyable I absolutely loved it went on a little bit longer
than we realized but for a teach game um it went really well so yeah I
absolutely love that I'd happily play that game again and the minis are just awesome yeah I mean that's completely
unnecessary oh yeah yeah you do not need them at all you don't need them but you kind of do yeah absolutely just I don't
know I like putting the workers in BO go they're cool yeah um but no I mean
you're right on the theme the theme is kind of like sci-fi futuristic uh kind of apocalyptic kind
of vibe going on and I think thematically the the asteroid or meterorite that's basically hurtling
towards Earth was the same one that actually destroyed it many many years ago involving involving some time travel
anig I vaguely remember you mentioning that but let's face it the theme doesn't matter oh God no CU it's just great fun
it was great fun and thoroughly enjoyed it and as soon as I heard mine Clash I started panicking and breaking out
sweats a little bit but I loved it I didn't give you the uh the easiest start
because I throw in fractures of time expansion in your typical you're Board of playing the Bas game so you introduce
it to other people with all the expansions Vibe yeah but it's my birthday and you'll cry if you want to
yeah absolutely and fractures just adds um a blinking mechanic which allows you to teleport around the board uh spending
this resource called flux and doing that just means um it opens the game up in my
opinion you have less rounds which the rounds do take longer but because the the spaces kind of open up as you play
it just yeah it just flows the game better in my opinion I need to play an acony I keep saying I'm going to play it and then never quite get round to it or
it fills up really quickly on our gaming evenings like it's really popular so and I have promised to just do bass with you
yeah so we need to do that I will do I wouldn't I put frch as a time in I really would it added like it made sense
the G the game's not overly complex and I my my tiny little brain managed to no
no from you can see where the paths go you may not be able to go down them all the way but you can see where the start
is and you can see where the end is like my tiny little brain managed to kind of
cope with it like you know I could kind of see where the roots were not to say
that it's not a complex game um but I coped with it really well and that's
with the expansion and like you said the expansion added a nice little bit to it where you didn't need to power up a nut
all of your workers but you could get double the use out of them if you had the certain material so it made it kind
of you know a little bit broader but a little bit more straightforward at the same time maybe I'll give fractures a go
not last time you played it with all the expansions I think was it or was it no I've never played it before all I don't
think I'd recommend all of them actually you can't cuz it'll just break itself all right okay so you typically pick a
major expansion to throw in and there's some modules you can kind of add in on oh okay maybe that was it then I just
remember it having like a long list of things after the word anacron there's there's a lot you can you can play
refractures and Futures in perfect I think but I don't if I would it's too much much nonsense I want to give it a g
highly recommend it it was great fun so I'm going to talk about anunaki dawn of the Gods so anunaki is a game uh I
JP - Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods
played on gaming rules about 18 plus months ago in Prototype form and I quite
enjoyed it actually um when when I played on the stream and then when we went to Essen we managed to get a game
to be honest we were so tired sit down we just used it as a sit down we're like we're so tired where can we sit and
where can we demo oh an unaki that would do and we did and we kind of played through a uh um well not even half a
game was it it was kind of 25% of a game and then we kind of said we're we're rested now let's move on um so yeah an
anaki is uh by cradio creations and it's all about I'm going
to call it space Gods so it's kind of like you've got the ancient gods of like Zeus and Odin and raah and all the
different kind of um I don't know ancient areas of of the world but instead of them being kind of mythical
they are for alien from different planets so they kind of hail from these different planets and in the middle of
the uh the board you've got Gaia and you got Atlantis that kind of sits right in the heart of it and essentially it's a
it's a 4X game it's you know your typical you know explore expand explore
exterminate uh kind of vibe and you're you're building out your troops you're kind of exploring the your own planet
and ultimately going into the the the main planet of planet Earth and you'll fight each other and you'll you know
smack each other around a little bit and do all those kind of cool things um but the Crux of it for me what I really
enjoy about the game is the action selection mechanism is the like a pentagram star with a circle that runs
all the way around it and there action tiles that kind of sit there I think there's 10 um that kind of sit across it
and you can kind of pick any action that you want to do on your turn but the benefit is that if you go to the one
that's adjacent to where you were well we said you can peel out a cube um on the line
um and the idea is that if you get all your cubes surrounding these triangles you can unlock your minor gods and they
can give you certain abilities or powers or end the game benefits and then you've
got your like main god um that sits in the middle so if you go around that pentagram then you get Zeus or Odin or
anyone else that is kind of cool and has some awesome abilities and and they've all got different like strengths that
they can Harvest or attack with and and then yeah you you know it's very terrified you going up tracks moving
lots of Cubes um but actually what surprised me and even playing it we did a free player right rob me and curly um
surprising me how quick it was for a 4X game you can nail that in two hours even
even with the teaching Esson it felt quick yeah yeah it was once once you kind of knew what you were doing it was you flew around the board it was really
really good yeah it's like move a move your action pwn take an action done you'll go oh okay you'll go next next so
kind of fly the rounds fly um obviously you can get AP like any other game but I
just felt like if you know what you're doing with it it's going to sing that game it's going to fly right around and you're not waiting a long time and yeah
it's pretty straightforward good it's good fun it was great my main memory of vesson was looking at that board and
having sort of almost like flashbacks of revive because it's quite a busy looking board and I was really worried and I
didn't get on with revive partially because of how busy that board was your like own player board um and I found
myself sort of being a bit worried when we first sat down that this looks like it's just going to be a busy board that I don't like the look like that I don't
get on with but it was really good I really enjoyed that part of it the action selection and I specifically I
remember saying we can't leave until I've unlocked a thing ad you want to God
right it's the only thing I was you guys were actually doing proper things I was like I just want to unlock a God so until I've been around this this thing
here like the the hexagon or whatever is in the middle um yeah I'm not moving anywhere and it was just fun to do that
part even if you don't sort of really go after the 4X but you don't take it too seriously there's fun in just trying to
manipulate that sort of as you say that like overlapping crisscross hexagony circly pentagram thing because the
beauty of it you can move to any point right at any time but you also want the
bonuses cuz when you put the cubes in there are certain spaces to get gems and those gems allow you to do a secondary
action so you're like I want the gem but I also need resources so I need to actually jump which means I don't get
the Gem but I need the um to do and and it was that it was that part that was like it was a a proper in-depth puzzle
within a 4X game which I'm not a lover of 4X games um I enjoy them I don't love
them like I'll play them if somebody needs a seat filling but that is about it but this was really good I really
really enjoyed it like you said it was really quick um and it wasn't overly
complex you know it was again it was quite clear oh I want that I need to go here cool so yeah I I thoroughly enjoyed
it yeah I'm looking forward to playing it again actually kind of hopefully not not too long um now we kind of we got a
few rules wrong didn't we wait I did um one was quite a gamebreaking rule but
still managed to take Atlantis very easily cuz it didn't have the extra strength on there which he should have done and how did you get in there I
portal which you're not allowed not allowed to portal into Atlantis you have to walk in like any good citizen um but
you know what it was kind of a learning game and curly had literally just popped it that evening and he said go on JP you
do the rules You' played it one and a half times over and to be fair you did a great job just a few things moment of
the game though was when you cheekily landed on Curly's Planet oh he nearly had a meltdown didn't he I honestly
thought he was going to flip the table he said the words I think does anyone want to buy this game I was like yep
I'll have it did he actually say those words that's brilliant yeah cuz I literally pul in uh one of only one of
my troops which is a strength one it's not really a military might portal in cuz my ability is Zeus um is that if he
unlocks these tokens which are called culture tokens and they sit kind of in the Triad of of hexagons and if you
surround them at the end of the turn you get these culture uh benefits I will get the culture benefits regardless of uh
where that person is just having a presence of control in the territory I get it so that the reason why I sent it in there and he did not like he was like
oh right I never played this game before you're going to pick on me
got that's from kick it off and he's I'm going to make it my mission to destroy you yeah and I don't think he kind of
understood what the game he did he did take you out and then he was like oh
like he got it then it's not a war game it's not it's not Sav New Dawn where you you know you you you put your players
near somebody it's about to kick off this isn't that and um once he realized
that and then we had a lot of fun with it figuring it out and come the end of it I was like can I buy this off you
then he was like absolutely not yeah you shut up and sit down yeah he had a good
time with it I think in the end it's just uh yeah in his head he thought it was just tactical war game yeah it's not
no no not at all you know actually benefited him attacking me he got like five VPS out of it it's a bit like
Scythe in that respect of I think it's a bit of disguised as to what it looks like again I've only played scyth couple
of times well one and a half times and the first time it was sold to me as big Stompy robots it looks like big Stompy
robots but it's clearly not you could tell from one player and it's exactly the same with that isn't it it looks it looks like dudes on a map and that's all
it is but it's not really and I think that's I think some people will get not confused but some
people will get misled by the look of it yeah it's got some similarities to side
in the fact that when you take Atlantis middle of the map yeah you get these special I don't know what the artifacts
and it's kind of like the factory when you go in and you get a particular card and you can pick through uh the stack
that's there or stack there's three um and that's going to give you an ability either fuel you end game or you know
give you something that's going to be awesome throughout the rest of the game um so it's kind of got that similar um
incentive should we say to get to the middle as well as obviously having a fight against the neutral uh ancient
civilizations and stuff like that and that's quite nice you don't have to fight each other you can fight the ancient cevs and not worry I don't think
I thought thought either of you guys no thought the ancient civilizations but also as somebody who gets overwhelmed by
quite complex games quite easily considering this game's got five player boards um and very and look like you
said looks incredibly busy once you actually sit down and analyze it it's like oh it's surprisingly not simple but
straightforward um which I really enjoyed that I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't massively complex you know it
wasn't uh like a perseverance for example where you've got you know 40 different spaces you can go to so um I
loved it I to the point where I looked at buying it there and then but um it's not actually out yet so and it's not
cheap no it's the reality of the game it's what 80 90 quid I think I saw it for
120 but again it's not officially been released you can pre-order it on a lot of the sites for about 80 but no it's a
good game recommend it play it again do go then Chris tell us what you've been up to recently right so I'm going to go
Chris P - Skyrim The Adventure Game
back to JP's uh gaming weekend that we had um me and Rob managed to unlock the secret table which no one else had
access to because it was covered in Pizza uh was the the kitchen island and we sat down we played scym the adventure
game um I really enjoyed it I thought it was fantastic it works and in my opinion
runs very similar to the actual video game itself it's it's the same same sort
of there's loads of stuff to do you don't there's no particular order that you need to do it there is a main quest
there's a bit of a timeline sometimes but there's nothing really stopping you from just going around doing whatever the hell you want um which was great fun
one of the mechanics in the game I found that I haven't really seen in other games actually is the ability for everyone to move exactly the same time I
haven't seen that in other games really it's just like okay now it's a new round everyone moves to a location where you
want to go and then you go in a turn order around so like there's an event happens player one's going to go and go
in a dungeon player two is going to go to a town and do an event after that point but you will move first to to
where you want to go so you can all meet at one spot if you all need to particularly do a type of quest or something um that you all need to go to
a certain location to do something um so it's nice that that sort of that works in um but no that was absolutely
fantastic we I love that game and I've played it twice solo since and it works really well solo as well no yeah was
great yeah loved it I I bought it a little while ago just before I got The Witcher um and I set it up on the table
and I left it there for about 2 weeks and I did the the sort of tutorial campaign I did the because it's broken
up into six chapters yes it is yeah so you've got chapters 1 2 and three which
are basically the first half of the game and then four five and six it really kind of ramps up um at the end of it so
I've only I've done chapter one about four times now I think cuz every time I go and do it I think do you know what
I'm just going to kind of stay away from the main quest and just go around and do stuff um and again like you said it's
very thematic to the game it's it's kind of got everything in there that you want from you know like a Skyrim game um and
yeah really really enjoyable um to the point where I might be looking at getting the Dawn Guard expansion for my
birthday so um yeah thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it and if you're a fan of Skyrim and sort of Adventure
Gaming in general it's definitely worth a look yeah I'm intrigued by it um I had
the chance to kind of play it it's one of the on the list I think but I know do you think I'd enjoy it I think you kind
of would I played it with Curley Curley really enjoyed it and he could kind of because the first chapter that we did
it's kind of like a it's just kind of an experience of the world and the game mechanics and the and everything that
can and should happen um but I think the the depth is there um both crafting enchanting like
all the stuff that you'd get in the game is in this board game um all the things you love about it so I I think you'd
enjoy it I think it's you know it's not quite as heavy as something like Gloom Haven I think it's there's a kind of
sweet spot where it's it's not casual but it's not the the depth is there um
it's just not quite as heavy as like a Gloom Haven it's a little bit more take your time and kind of enjoy it and like
the end of the first chapter you can kind of end when you're ready so if you want to spend a little bit
more time doing some side quests and getting some gear and leveling up because at the end of the first chapter you've got save boxes so you put all
your stuff in a save box like all the items that you get your money your your materials your armor your weapons all
goes into a save box and then when you come to play Chapter 2 literally just pull it out and you're ready to go nice
so um I think you'd enjoy it yeah I mean for me I'm not like the biggest lover of Skyrim how dare you I know I mean I
enjoyed it when I played it but you know I never finished it whereas El SKS full Oblivion and I I finished that I don't
know why I got hooked on that more than Skyrim so again it's just an IP that I'm
not super bothered about so I just wondered if whether it mattered not not
especially I mean there's some there's some lovely little nods to the game and there's some lovely little nods to Elder
Scrolls in general yeah um but you don't need to you don't specifically need to
know that to do it it's it's a basic quest game it's go here do this go Ste that go there beat them up it's you know
a fantasy sword sword magic dungeon cooler esque of Adventure game yeah I I
think it kind of captures the Jour like go off and have an adventure like this is the general goal and and you do have
to do it within a certain not time frame but the the certain amount of rounds
yeah there's a certain amount of events and obviously you pull out one every single turn so once you run out of events that's kind of the game but you
can refill the event deck as you're doing doing other things so other sidequests can repopulate the event desk
event a little bit and there are markers that you can put down so like if you if you take too long it creates civil
unrest because that so like certain towns can be shut off to you or the markets can be closed at certain towns
so you're kind of playing this I want to go and do that but I've only got one you know I've only got space for one round
so I better go and do it now because otherwise it's going to cause problems in the future now realistically you can't do everything so you are going to
have to you know a town is going to have to have the occasional Riot for you to
go off and explore all these Dungeons and stuff but um but yeah I mean it's
it's kind of casual and kind because it's it's semi Coop as well so you'll be on your journey as well as somebody else
is on theirs you're not you never fight each other but you don't necessarily have to help each other either which is
is quite nice I have to give it a go quite like the fact that it's a bit more casual than than a Gloom Haven you know
I think for me I know you love Gloom Haven I'm not I'm not going to diss it at all Chris cuz I've had my fun with it
it's fine I've I've only just completed it you know what twice yeah you know completely it's only taking me like four
years you're the only one in the world who has I know yeah so well done thank you yeah Personal Achievement a lot yeah
so for me that that is probably too much for for a kind of what I want from an
adventure kind of game so it would it would almost be like a pizza and beer kind of Adventure rather than a come in
full you know full ble armor to play the ball game because you're so into it it's so you know you're so there in the
moment yeah it's more of a not a casual but it's like I say it's just a lot lighter which which has got a really
sweet spot for me and there plac in the gaming hobby for that isn't there absolutely nice and just as a side note
I didn't leave that Island for the rest of the evening oh did you not so we unlocked it and then you kept it I was
there I was there for the rest of the time it was great he come there he said I actually quite enjoyed gaming it was really nice it was nice it's close to
the food and drink yeah well there is that as well which is a plus I was worried about your backs cuz you're all on like high stalls but cuz I'm quite
short it's not like I'm hunched over aent I think you'd struggle after about 2 hours possibly because you're a lot
taller than me you'll probably be a little bit more hunched over but I really enjoyed sitting up there it was nice I've I've gamed at a breakfast bar
before for a couple of hours and I thought it was perfectly good so I'm sure like you sort of said it's it's
always usable yeah like you don't need to have a fancy gaming table to game secretly think you bought the house
purely for the size of the island and the kitchen it was a deciding factor but it wasn't for gaming on you liar
everything is for gaming on I just wanted an island in the you know in a kitchen in the Stream and and now nice
I'm glad you made that joke cuz I thought of it and I just thought I'm not going to do it glad you did you piped Down Kenny anyway Adrian what have you
Adrian - Get On Board
been playing mate again I've played a few games and I'm going to talk about a flip and right but it seems to be all I've spoken about recently because but
it's just because we've talked about a lot of the games I've played before or they're quite similar to other games I thought just bring something different
so so I'm going to talk about get on board which a lot of people might originally know as uh let's make a bus
route which is a Sai game that I nearly imported cuz you can only get it in Japan um so yeah stop laughing at me I'm
a nerd all right I'll get over it I'm not laughing mate I'm so proud of you because the the the pure joy on your
face right now if somebody could see just how much she's smiling it's fun but I love this hobby it's so stupid like
it's a game about making a bus route and look at how happy you are it's like um
what's it called biking seesaw the number of people I've seen who are like oh we've got a group order together when
we're we're importing it and all that kind of stuff and I'm so happy for people to do it because it's such a hard game to get in this country and so I
bought it at Essen knowing that I wanted it and it was going to be there and it's the same with this with um let's make a bus route I nearly imported it so many
times and then when uh I think it's EO um for for us here in the UK when they
announced that they were bringing on a version called get on board which was slight tweak but very similar I was like
I'm going to have to buy that you know cuz comes out and it's it's not a lot of money I think I only I think it's only about 2025 that I paid for it um and
yeah just I've been so excited to play it for a little while then it sat there for quite a while cuz a lot of people I
know aren't that fussed by flip and rights and so normally they solo experiences for me and the first version
of it so there's been two versions the first version didn't have solo rules which is the version I bought really glad that I managed to get it to the
table I've played it a couple of times so for those who've not seen it before there's kind of that ticket to ride sort
of Route construction but what happens is is you've got your own little sheet and there are 12 different tickets and
you turn it over and each ticket's got a number on it and my number one ticket might just say put down a single route
so you've got the Big Grid with lots of little symbols in between all of the grids and I'll talk about that in a second but the number one ticket might
for me might say put down one and Chris's might say you get one straight
and then one either left or right so that's the root you're going to make uh and JPS might say three straight ahead
and that kind of thing and then so you're only going to get 12 rounds each round you're going to flip over a different ticket and you're going to
look at the board and then it's a central board so you are competing a little bit and if you want to change the
route you can but it'll cost you minus points at the end CU you're going to tick off a little box that says instead of going two straight ahead I want to go
one straight ahead and then turn right and also if you get through a busy area
so if you get stuck in traffic which the middle of the board is all traffic but if another player has been the route you
want to go counts as traffic jams you have to tick off the traffic jam boxes and the more you tick off minus points
again what you chuckling at it's just it just sounds so like common place just just general life and you're just like
this is the best I loveed this in traffic minus points yeah exactly and
then I just take it off in the Box yes I'm being stuck in traffic today rather I'm stuck in traffic swear many swear
words here yes so the point of what you're trying to do is a bit like Ticket to Ride you're trying to get from point A to point point B you've got a route
that you particularly want to do to score points and there's a central sort of there's two Central objectives one
might be visit loads of landmarks and the first person to get to five landmarks will get 10 points and then
anyone after that will get six points and there's two of those out there and then at the same time so in between each
of the roads there's like these little symbols and each little symbol means something different so some of them will allow you to put down another route so
you get like a free bonus little route to go through some of them will then kind of feed into like a Ganson clever
style you know I want multiples of these so I want to visit multiple sites and then in between each site I want to
visit a landmark because I'll then score points for every site I've seen up to that point or you know I need to get um
I think there's I think I think they're Granny's but they're just general passengers so I want to get as many of them all the Granny's because as many as
many of the Granny's as you get on your buses possible like starts to multiply the points up so you get more and more for the more of them you visited so
you're just trying to find the most efficient route from A to B around all the traffic so you're not getting any minus points but also visit kind of what
you need to get to get the most points out of it so it's a very simple puzzle but it's so much fun I've I've really
enjoyed my two playthroughs and more importantly people who I know that I don't like flip and wrs because they're such a solo experience sort of said the
central board means that I'm competing for something yeah and that's kind of gets around a lot of problem that I
people think people have with flip and rights so yeah if you enjoy flip and rights or if you enjoy that kind of basic Ticket to Ride sort of Route
building I think it's a bit more there's a bit more to it than Ticket to Ride which is just set collection really
there's not a lot more to it than sex collection um which is great and I enjoy Ticket to Ride for what it is but this
is like that next step up of of root building had had loads of fun with it nice that sounds interesting yeah know
it sounds really good yeah actually sounds like quite fun your your ability to sell any game as well it's just
outstanding you've made a game about a bus route sound so incredible but it's
mechanically good right no but that that's the point is that like the sheer Joy when you were explaining this game
is a thing of beauty and enjoy it mate wait until I start explaining the games that I hate in second and then we'll
we'll see how it goes
TURN 3 - Main Event: Turned to the Dark Side
then so in our main section attempts to drag the other players over to the dark
side and how I'm going to do this is well one of the best characters in Star
Wars showed me the path of how to drag you all to the dark side where he said fear is the path to the dark side
because fear leads to anger anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering apologies anyone who's expecting me to
do a Kermit Yoda accent there but that was not going to happen I'm a little bit sad
yeah Miss Piggy [Laughter] so that's what we're going to do we're
going to talk about games that people feared made people angry that people hated and caused suffering and then by
the end of it you are all going to hate board games just like me I was going to say what what is your why here Adrian is
it literally cuz you just want us to be like you yeah cuz you tell me that I do nothing but hate board games true and I
thought that well if I'm going to get this I might as well tie you all with the same brush and take you down the the
path of hating board games I like fair enough yeah it's true by the end of this guarantee you will never love another board game again that'll be the end of
the podcast yeah he's killed the podcast had a wonderful every couple of weeks we just talk about games we hate I played
this and it was rubbish hate it it's going to be like the most negative gaming podcast in history I did I did
all the small things last episode because it was all about Joy because I knew I was going to do this episode where it was then all about fear and hat
I meant from here on out played this it was [ __ ] well if I didn't if if the notable
thing I did was destroy the podcast at least I something notable that's it that's true that's it well done thanks
FEAR leads to...
so let's talk about fear fear so a game that you feared for one reason or
another go on then Chris tell us about the game that you feared the game that I feared is a game I actually played
recently is Frost Punk just to its sheer in my eyes
complexity there is so much going on with it that it's just it took me 2
hours out of a five hour game to figure out what the hell was going on and I was just like right okay everyone's dying
now um brilliant uh let's try and fix that shall we um but yeah it was it's it
was a scary game going in but after about yeah after about two or 3 hours or so it was a long game anyway it was um
you kind of got the grips of it and it was okay but going into it I was like oh God this is a lot to deal with Jesus
right okay uh let's go woo and then yeah there we go cuz you you won this right you won a copy yeah I did win want a
copy of it from the from the raffle yeah which is awesome right cuz it's you know it's not a cheap Bard game it's one of
the expensive ones yeah yeah so I've un shrink wrapped it I've unpopped it and I've ready to play it at some point on
my own just to try and learn how to do it and we'll go go again from there but yeah yeah and that's kind of why cuz I
know you obviously won it and I said look I've got a copy anyway I'll teach you it so we kind of set up at night and
here it is you might like it you might hate it but it's you know yeah and then you can decide what you want to do with
it right so I show chose it as my fear option cuz it was scary yeah I get that
it's like spinning plates it's knowing that you're going to drop three to keep
four it's known that the the computer game it's based on is well known like has a legacy for being just brutal and
making you make just horrible choices it's like it's like the war of Mind sort this war of Mind sort of thing isn't it where no choice you make is going to be
a great choice you might make okay choices but none of them are going to be great so yeah and it's like whatever
choice you make we'll have a consequence and whether that consequence is happening next round or in three rounds time you don't quite know but you know
it's there you know it's lingering it's going to get you it's just a matter of when it's going to get you and are you prepared for it yes and yeah yeah but it
was great you enjoyed it right I really enjoyed it yeah it was good I'm glad cuz it's it's quite an investment of time
and it's not going to be for everyone that game but yeah I get I get the fear angle completely it's like JP yeah what
game did you fear I think earlier on in my Bard gaming hobby Space
the game that I feared probably traron the reason why I feared it is because I
was listening to podcasts and hearing about people's uh experiences trying to
teach it and I knew that would fall to me to to deal with so I kind of feared it because it's one of these games it's
quite intricate and there's a there's a key kind of life cycle with the tricks and how they all work and you know if you
[ __ ] that up the game it's just awful to play because you just it's punishing um so yeah I was kind of
like oh you know the pressure of trying to get that right in the teach and knowing that we've got certain members
of the group that like to min max every turn even on their first ever play as one opposite me and another one called
Curly uh he also does that so we want to make sure that the teach is as good as it can be so that people can kind of
enjoy their first play cuz a lot of time people you know they they might bounce off a game because because of that and I
can tell with traron that you could absolutely have a a crap game and go nope not for me so yeah I I kind of
feared it but you know just kind of put in the prep and I did a few solo games with that one actually to to make sure I
got I got it right but uh yeah hopefully it didn't go too bad so we're still playing it today so yeah I think that's
the first instance I felt it felt the fear if that makes sense good good Rob
so for me it was a game that we saw Essen quite a lot um and there was a lot of hype around the game and you guys
went off and played it I looked at the board and was like nope not for me um but managed to play it at the um gaming
rules weekend and we sat down and we played it and I think this kind of began my
confidence of being able to play a lot more complicated games games that I ne didn't necessarily think that I could
play and understand um and it's nuclear mhm I loved it I absolutely loved I
didn't do particularly well at it but I understood all the concepts I understood the rules you beat me again I didn't do
particularly well at it but it's a great point it's a good point I'm [ __ ] of that
game but I really enjoyed it and I could see why people and even though I wasn't that great at it the fact that I could
do it gave me such a confidence boost in playing a lot more complex games than I had previously like to the point where
you know we we then played brass Birmingham a few months later and it sat down and it was like I know I'm going to
enjoy this there was no apprehension about sitting down and potentially taking the space of somebody who's going to love that game for me just to try it
I thought right I'm going to enjoy this I know what it is even though they're different games but obviously they have
their similarities so for me it was a game that I really feared to sit down and play and I think I was very close to
backing out of it and when you kind of set the game up and you're like nope come on let's do this and it was like okay see I don't understand that like
you you said that and some other people in the group have said is I I I worry that I take the place of someone that
really wants to play it or like is more capable to play it yeah that be better at it and you're like but that doesn't
matter doesn't matter like I don't know why you feel like that or others may feel like that cuz I know it's quite a
common feeling you're not the only one it's more that if cuz we play a lot of
games we don't play a lot of game we don't play the same game very often yeah unless it's a massive fan favorite so
you know if you've had to wait to week say you've waited two months or six weeks to play this game and I've sat
down and gone yeah it's not for me that that although it's not a problem it
feels like it's taken away from the experience of the game but it's also you know somebody else could have that could
have been a night you know that could have been one of the you know the whole reason we we play them is for the
experiences around the table a lot of the times and that's why they're fun and if you've dampened somebody else's
experience of that night it it's a shame it's a shame for for everyone I haven't enjoyed it and I've made the night worse
so that that's where my head was at so the fact that you can sit down and you know what like I didn't do particularly
like I didn't feel like I did particularly well at it I feel I could see where I went wrong but I thoroughly
enjoyed the experience and I didn't hinder anybody else's experience and that that's kind of what gave me the
confidence to then go and play because you know a lot of problems are in your head it's not until you kind of sit down
and experience oh it isn't that way that you don't realize and yeah that doing that gave me so much confidence in going
to play other games that now I don't particularly worry about whether I'm going to enjoy it or not it's just like yeah cool let's P leave us and like an
acony it was like cool let's just do this and see what happens I would never have predicted you even playing an acony
like even a year ago just the thought of you going you know what I'll give her a go I'll be like no you'll never do it
you'll never do it yeah I I really enjoyed it there you go nice it's almost like you've gone to the light side I'm
I'm holding on I'm holding on never
what about you Adrian I've talked about mine before so I'm not on the podcast so I'm not going to talk about too much if you want you can go back feels like
probably 20 episodes at this point but they'll be able to hear it in Crystal Clear quality with the mop that is true
and um mine is quite similar as JPS which is the Great Wall so pick this up
game that I really like the look of changed a lot and you know when you're preparing like
you set the table up have a look at it get all the bits and pieces out and then you watch a video and I watched three
videos and not one of them I thought did a great job of explaining how to play this game and you're like well if these
professionals which most of them are or you know they've been doing it a while so they know how to set these things up
if they can't produce a great teaching video for this board game how the hell
is little old me no chance going to manage to to get across all of these
overlapping things and there's kind of Four Seasons but you need to know what's happening all of them and I just I got
in my head and that's what fear is ultimately to to the most extent is I just got in my head and was like I'm not
going to do a great job of teaching this I really want to play I really want to see what it's all about but I just don't feel like I'm going to do AJ Justice for
teach and to be fair I don't think I did a bad job of teaching it I kind of got across most of the points that I needed
to but it sat with me for way too long what
just on a shelf where I went I don't know how I'm going to show this to anyone and do it Justice everyone's
going to just hate the game because I've mistaught it sort of thing and it just yeah built up in my head and then
eventually I taught it twice in the end very close together and the game wasn't
for me but the teach was not as bad as I expected it to be again it's not an easy
game to teach I don't think along with like the Mind clashes of the world it's not it's not an easy game to teach there's too many interlocking parts to
you got to start somewhere and it's not easy to like differentiate where's the best place to start and where do you
change from this rule set to that rule set sort of thing no so I think in the end I did a
pretty good job um but yeah definitely a game that I feared and it all of our games here we've talked about
complexity and I think that is a natural fear of a lot of board gamers um you
hear it all the time is oh maybe that complexity is not for me and and it genuinely might not be you you might have found your wheelhouse of where your
complexity is but I think complexity does breed fear of of either the teach
or the gaming or you know as you kind of say maybe I'll maybe I won't get it as quickly and I'll slow the game down or
anything like that I think that's what breeds it and I I did kind of expect when we talked about when I was setting this up to hear a lot of games about
complexity because I think people naturally Fe it in board games excellent excellent so excellent so um I went miss
the burns then you did don't know why
ANGER leads to...
SM so as we all know fear leads to anger so JP what game has made you angry see
if You' asked me this six months ago I would have said I can't think of
one until I play barrage yeah I do it and I I don't generally tilt him board
games i' generally quite levelheaded I play them you know from suck at them which is quite a lot I I kind of get on
with it and enjoy the experience of just being at the table but that one play I
Was raging and I just thought [ __ ] this I don't want to
play this anymore the look on your face cuz we were sat next to you playing I think it was June wasn't it or something like that yeah I think so gridon and
looking across at your face I don't think I've ever seen you like that before no and I didn't like it uh
because I don't like losing my call at anything you will but I think and I've played barrage
a few times I think I said on the podcast previously but you know I played it what three or four times even before
this game so I kind of know what it is it wasn't like I was going into this game completely blind um I went
accepting the fact it is a bit of a mean git and I just fell foul of it I made some mistakes and I was basically
punished for the whole entire game and I don't know it just it could have been my mood on the day don't know what it is
and I just completely F yeah this is [ __ ] and I just didn't know what to do and I got to a game where I just didn't
know what to do to the point where I was like what's the point you know and yeah
it made me angry it made me angry but you know I kind of carried on I know Marcus was sat next to me and he was
like it'll be all right JP it'll be okay it was so funny and he was trying to like you know coach me back into the
game bless him and I was uh yeah that was like probably a red ra ball just like shut up I know what I'm doing it's
fine and I got got to a point where I figured my way out the puzzle I mean I didn't win but I figured a way out so I could keep playing and I think that's
what it was I just hit a wall I just thought I don't know what to do I feel completely lost see your point Rob where you you slowing the game down I mean
yeah I was more frustrated and not that any one person just at the
experience and and yeah to the point now where I got so angry with it I don't know if I want to play it again and
that's you know it's weird because you think well it's only one time but if a game invokes that
feeling sour it for you just no completely yeah completely soured the
game and I enjoyed it before I've had a I've had good times playing it but yeah
the dark side has gotten me and I'm not sure I like it so yeah you will so no barrage bloody
barrage go on then Rob what about you well it's I mean it's a story we've talked about on the podcast um we going
to hear it yeah the one time I just proper lost my [ __ ] was was um Captain
Sona Captain I was going to say was Captain sonar and it was a beautiful
moment not for me but for the gaming group I think that was the first
time like I lost my [ __ ] everyone laughed at me and I didn't feel embarrassed at all it was like these
these are some really good people that I really enjoy hanging out with it for me that was the moment where I was like
okay cool like there's no real dicks here there's no judgment here everyone's
laughing at me because I lost my [ __ ] but nobody kind of held it against me nobody said anything and I think it was
because as well everyone understood why I lost my [ __ ] so to explain it to the listeners well we're all in the same
boat so Captain so Captain sonar is a um uh a
game where eight of you can play the game which we were playing a fate player where basically you are a submarine crew
uh one's the captain one's the engineer one's the Navigator and the radio operator and one's the radio operator
first M so the only person that's really meant to speak is the captain saying
which way the submarine is heading north south east
west but the curly Chris and I think it was Ian were having a conversation about
which way they were going so Chris said North Curley said we can't go north and
then Ian was something like no we have to go east and Chris was like so we can't go north bear in mind so at this
point they haven't moved but they've given me four different directions and I'm the radio operator on team on the
other team so I'm trying to track their movement and I just and this happened for about 2 minutes and they still
hadn't moved but by this point I've got 10 different directions and I don't know what the hell is going on so I I just proper lost
my [ __ ] and there was a quiet pause after I shouted at everyone and then
everyone just burst out laughing but in that moment I could have quite happily just like thrown a chair against the
wall um I think thematically you basically stopped the submarine you got out of the submarine shouted at the
other sub for being not clear and said this is [ __ ] like if you're going to go north just say you're going north
don't go north north south north or east west north like what are you doing because I've drawn your line off the
acetate sheet of paper and it's that's you can't be there and the I can still the look on Curly's face cuz obviously
up until that point we'd all been quite nice you know there had been no real
like you know taking the mick or anything like that it it was all quite new and you didn't want to insult anyone
without not stepping on eggshells sort of thing you know yeah but and I think for me that was the moment where I was like okay like this this is this is
going to be fun even though it wasn't my finest moment uh it it was obviously a moment that will go forever live in for
me who's next on the anger train it will be me so a game that made me angry and I
played it a few times even after the first time it made me angry and it still made me angry again and again and again so obviously a glutton for punishment
but it's Rising Sun okay so game I don't know if this group is played played blood rage it's
uh well prequel should say but not played Rising Sun now so Rising Sun has
a couple of mechanics that I don't doesn't quite sit right with me so there's one is the pairing so you've
each got like a half a ying yang symbol and you can pair them up and the first
time I played it I thought well this this game must be broken at player counts because if you have an odd number you have someone who's not paired up and
therefore they can't gain the benefits and I think there's supposed to be like a bit of back and forth and oh I'll off
you this I'll off you that but when I played it everyone just stuck in the same pairs the whole game which was just
like that doesn't sit right with me and there's certain benefits but also there's certain things of if you're
paired up and you both go into the same area you don't unpair it's just whoever put the most troops in there gets it so
you can pair up for bad reasons as well but the bit that got me really angry and I I did apologize to the person who told
it originally because I thought they were just doing a very bad job of teaching a g was the combat so with the
combat you've got like a hidden board that you've got these coins and you put
a certain amount of coins into each area and one of the area just kill all your own Troop and I could not understand for
the life of me while they were teaching it why you would kill all you'd put all your troops into combat and then
deliberately choose to murderize them murderize them and the point is supposed
to be that you get victory points if you also win so like you kind of go through it stage one stage two stage three and I think stage one is are you going to bid
to kill all of your troops and if you have the most points in that you get to kill all your own troops but a later
point is if you then win the Poetry section if if I remember it correctly you write that's not what I thought he
was going to war fighting poetry you write the history of that war so you
turn it into a glorious death oh okay and therefore you get victory points so even though you don't win the region you
get victory points per person you've killed for culture yeah but it's just
such an alien concept and watching someone trying to teach someone and be
going but why on Earth would I put all my truth in to kill them all off not
really understanding like how many victory points are in the game or anything like that or they're quite hard
to get a hold of troops to put in the game as where you don't have the a lot of them just made me really really angry
I'll be honest um and as I say I had to apologize to the person who taught it
because I genuinely thought they were a bad just a bad teacher because the game just didn't make sense and you could see several people around the table going
what what are we doing why are we doing this and when I played it a few times the game still didn't feel right it
still felt like every player count I played was the wrong player count and that the combat was just janky so it
continued to make me angry after that but that first that first game made me really angry CU I was like you need to
explain to me why I'm going to kill off all of my own people and they're like cuz you'll get points but I need to hold
this province so why would I care about killing my own people and there's just there's a whole lot in it that just
didn't make sense at the time to the point I just got really angry and they eventually just went will you just put some coins on this board and we we'll go
through it and it's like yeah but we're halfway through a game like this is my about a third of the way through the
game this is my first combat I want to understand it but they were just like right well just put some point put some
coins down and I'll tell you what you've done you did a thing congrats yeah and that's that's what it turned into but
the you could tell the mood at the table changed quite significantly at that point and we had to kind of steer it back around just cuz I was so
fumin see I can't imagine you getting angry about anything yeah it's really I I yeah I do
more passive aggression yeah he a lot but out anger aggress yeah you're right
actually I don't think I've seen Adrian angry you haven't no you won't like him when he's angry yeah
exactly go on then Chris tell us about your anger well my anger is there's a
variety of this type of game where any game that is a work placement game I'm going to pick out one in particular
because I know I've play it a bunch of times and every time I get really infuriated by it it's not by other
people it is mainly by other people but not solely not solely because
of other people it's mainly my own ineptitude to plan ahead it's lit I go I need to do a thing and then I become so
fixated on that thing that I don't plan three turns ahead oh thanks and you need wood later I've got wood all right
thanks do you need sheep yes yes so I get to the point where I I plan plan the turn and I've become so fixated on that
one turn that what I need to do I then forget what I'm supposed to be doing three turns ahead and then by that point everyone's taken what exactly what I
needed at that time and then I just go well I'll just sit on my ass for a minute then shall I just wait and then
do I'll just think do something else for a little bit of a while um so the game I've chosen is Lords of Water Deep
because I've played that a bunch of times mainly with curle um not going to say that he's the one that caused me anger but I love him he enjoy that but
he did don't give him the satisfaction is Palpatine no I love him very much
dark lord dark lord um but yeah that game infuriates me
to a point where I actually want to I actually annoyingly want to want to have it so I can be better at it oh right it
angers me to a point where I want to be better at it because I don't need to get angry at it being angry at something is pointless no I feel your pain m i I get
that I I am particularly happy that an entire main mechanism of board gaming makes you angry that is yeah it's not
just it's not Lords of War deep it's worker place it's worker placement exactly exactly what I want to hear
thank you it's good that's a good solid 20% of board guge just written off that that's fine by me all right rage Fair
that's interesting you've said that one yeah yeah I agree so after anger anger
HATE leads to...
leads to hate so Rob y tell me about a game that you hate Sye do you want to
pause before you say no no G your no I've put a lot of
thought into this does seem like it I'm not saying that Sye is a bad game I'm
not saying that what I'm saying is that if it never existed I'd sleep better at
night okay that's strong that's a lot of hate that's a lot of hate no and no it's not like I I get why people enjoy it
it's just not for me um we played Fenris is that what the the r fenis rise of
fenus which is the um campaign we played it with seven
people yeah six I think it might have been six but yeah a lot of people we played it with six people and by the end
of the first chapter of the campaign I was like I hate this
game like it's not where you want to be in a campaign game and you've got seven no and other people are relying on you
to play it now and I'm thinking we've got another like six chapters of this I can't do it so I tried to make the game
fun for me which enraged JP like to the point you're just doing stuff for other
people like just comes along like oh rob you don't want this resources do you no not really yeah can I come in and have
them this turn and I went yeah and the double arm flail straight up in the air
came straight up from JP he's like a onean wexican wave like what what the
[ __ ] are you doing and I was like cuz I I'm I'm not enjoying it but I I thought I needed to be there for you guys to
carry on no so he was like he lit was like get out so when when I said look we
were booking the next one and I was like look do you know what this this game's not for me can I back out without
ruining the game he instantly went yep and he turned his back on me and walked
on but again like around the table everyone's chaining two or three things like you
know and when you're waiting that long for your turn and I go I'll have a worker please and then it
goes around like again I just I didn't enjoy any of it my mechs look [ __ ] everyone else everyone else had tract I
tractors everybody else had Ed 209 War units and I had bloody tractors you had a gun on your tractor oh great but like
it and like Tambo took over my faction and he did really well with them and I'm like awesome I'm sure they are but no
it's fair mate I'm not trying to get you to like it no I don't want you to play it ever again no I I think that would
make us both happy I don't want you to play ever again don't it's it's miserable I mean the fact that you
played a game that's competitive and you were co-oping with the best side player
in our gaming group if I can't win I was going to stand on the shoulder of giants mate yeah which is great you just help
the guy who doesn't need any help in that game oh this is [ __ ] so yeah yes it's working my
hatred game is um again I feel like it could start an Encompass an entire genre if I really
wanted it to but do it it it's do it it's the chameleon yeah which is a kind of social
deduction lying gam so what you everyone gets a sheet of paper that has like 20
odd words on it or something along those lines so it'll be like oh here's a load of professions people's professions and
one of you has just got a sheet that has the word chameleon or something like that on it and they roll the dice so everyone knows what what profession
you're going after but you don't know what the numbers are I can't remember what it is but you I
think you've got the professions but you don't know which one out of all of them it is I something I can't remember if
you get them or not but or you just know that the theme is profession yeah I think I think you get to see some of
them like but it's all in a random order or something that you don't get the number so that whereas they get the
number and they get to look and so you're kind of going around the table and it'll be like they could wear a
scarf or they could wear a belt and and it gets to you and they might
have skin on their face it gets to you and you're like okay well I could have lied about that until the person just
next to me just dropped a doozy and now I've got a change in the space of two because everyone else is going around knowing what they're going to
say and it got to me and I each I think we played it twice and then everyone
around the table could absolutely tell that I we were playing like this nice light sort of like games party game s of
do loads of little ones and we got to this game and after I think a second attemp mted it they all went yes we move on cuz my hatred for it was that visible
cuz it each time it like I think I was the comedi I think I was the comedian the first time and every like kept going
around and you could just instantly see that they knew I was lying because the person before me threw a spanner in the
works and you had to make it up within a second and it was like I need to lie I need to figure out a new lie within a
second just imposs like to me individually it was it felt impossible like it's I reckon it's difficult for
most people but for someone who's rightly or wrongly not great at lying and coming up with stuff on the spot I
found it really impossible and I just absolutely hated that game and I can never see a reason why I'd ever want to
play it ever again there's no there's no there's no combination of anything that would make me SC oh yeah chameleon let's
do that again I think it's one of my worst rated games in fact I think it is my worst rated game um on BGG where I've
rated ranked every game I've played what did what did you give it I think I gave it two oh generous because I think there
is I think there is an ability in there for it to be a game I don't think it's fundamentally completely broken I reckon
it's just mostly broken it's fair move on shall it sure why not uh the game I
hate is probably something that everyone knows very well and everyone can
probably understand why I hate it so much and you can probably guess it Rob's already guessed it before we even
started yeah I know it is TL Imperium yeah I thought it was yeah so
for me it's a game that I never seemed to do very well at I seem
to do nothing the entire game and it takes eight hours to play it is incredibly long and I just found that it
I just never got I just never I just don't get it I don't I don't get the best part of it was stopping for having lunch the best part of the game for me
is just going that's it ready right perfect oh if they ever get to quote
anything about that game that has to that I'm more than happy the best thing about this game was stopping and having
lunch by Chris pouncy off who anyway the kickstarter yeah yep you can use it
everywhere and anywhere that is amazing take it from me it's fine yeah I think the first time I ever played it I always
play game twice at least twice to make sure that I I actually enjoy first you didn't enjoy the first eight hours first
well the first game is always a teach and a learn no matter how long the game is it's a teach and a learn game the first one always is so I go right even
though I didn't enjoy it I didn't really get on with it I know kind of what to do now M so next time I'll be better and I
might have again plan and it was just the same thing of me doing nothing for 8 hours and then eating some food uh and
it was and that's just the way it works for me like a perfect day for me do nothing for eight hours and eat food
thinking about doing nothing not doing nothing in general but thinking about do trying to do something not doing it and then then then just eating that means
you're in on the next TI then you're in I told you I'll happily play as long as I can bring like my Xbox or a switch or
something doesn't know how it works you play the game of TI then I'm good thanks
yeah I think you're the only one around this table that actually likes that game where yeah I like it I like it I I get
why people like it it's it's it's a Space Opera right it's like it's like June the movie in ball game format it's
the fact that it's for me it's an event game so I if I would not want to play every week if I played it every week it
would get on my nerves and I don't know how fit it in and you'd probably be divorced and I probably would be divorced but I like it you know the fact
that it comes around maybe twice a year and I do look forward to it and that yeah you guys make it make a proper day
of it a day it it so yeah not many that's the reason why I came the second time was for the roast dinner yeah right
just I don't remember doing I might have done a shepherd's pie once might have been Yes actually in the early days of
our gaming group I used to kind of like oh going to make a real effort and people coming around I'm going to actually cook something now I'm not I
can't be now you're luy if you put just like you even dressed go on then JP what game did you hate I think this is this
was the trickiest for me because I don't tend to hate games um you do you just
don't like to admit it he want you want to come all across across all nice and lovely no one can hate games the one
game when I sat and thought about said what game do I hate I don't really want to play it and I wish it never existed
and Chris has already mentioned it is Lords of Water Deep that's fine I don't like it I've got to a point where even
looking at it just it has a place yeah in the
bin um it's boring it's thematically
crap um quote quote you I mean don't get me wrong like you know I I love I love
uh many Euro like the next person but I don't know there just something about it it's just it's too basic for me um the
mandatory quests are just [ __ ] they are [ __ ] we taking them out but then
then there's no catch up mechanic yeah what's the point of the game I just think I mean with the expansion I'll
give it hat I'll give with the expansion it makes it okay but without
it and the point I see it in the gaming group and the events go up we'll just play Lords of water deep and I just go I
you just go not going yeah I immedately go not going and I don't know I don't I
just don't like it it's in a moose Bo it's a it's not too long to
be it's a nice way to start a gaming event sometimes sometimes it's a nice
way and it keeps getting willed out time and time again it's like watching friends friends is fun there you go
that's just my opinion I know I'm to the opinion this evening I'm completely in
the minority and Becky's probably listening to this going one of her favorite games she's raging right now um
probably but you know there are things that she doesn't like that we love and that's the beauty of this that's the beauty of board games beauty of the hate
section but yeah I try to think I struggle to really hate something but that's the one I don't know it just
pisses me off as a game it pisses me off not because when you play it it pisses me off just the thought of it the idea
of it I think go away your time is like you should belong in the archives now
that's what I think I don't know I feel like if it wasn't the IP it was where it was owned by Wizards it would have had a
second edition by now and they would have taken out a lot of the wrinkles of the reason why I personally don't like play that game because it feels like
it's now aged enough that quite often people would have taken a swing at the second edition and it's a game that I
feel like needs a second addition is June Imperium like the kind of second addition to what Lords of Water Deep
could be you take that out of your mouth right now I think there are Replacements if
that's what you're saying I'm not talking about like you know the sand and everything else but you know if just the
sand just the the Giant and the and the space travel and everything else but it's a worker
placement game if that's what you're asking like let's go back to worker placement games you know that Chris will never play as we' just found out I never
knew this I never I never thought you actually raged about worker placement ironically I think you'd like lot ruin
so you know but out of all of the worker placement games that exist mhm and
people still want to play Lords of water de blows my mind my tiny little mind that's why what it does it blows my mind
because there are so many better versions of what that game is trying to do but but they're a lot heavier not no
not really not a lot heavier I struggle with J you play Stone Age stone age is a much better game and that's
simpler loads fair enough I'm not saying you're wrong but you're wrong and s's
better just saying I'll I'll take the genre the genre work placement right and
SUFFERING leads to the Dark Side
so as we all know hate leads to suffering so this was one of my harder ones I'll be honest as to work out which
game made me suffer or makes me suffer so the one I've gone with is survive
escape from Atlantis so for those who don't know you start with a load of um mles in the
center section and slowly that central island is going to get smaller and smaller so what you're trying to do is
get your meeples onto boats or just get them to swim to your Island where the
suffering comes from is the fact that those mles have a number underneath that you're supposed to remember and you
count up the number that you get not the number of people the mles but the actual
number that's hidden on the bottom that you're never allowed to look at again so my and I think it is dyslexic ADHD kind
of memory is terrible so I immediately look at okay this is the six number and
this is the one number and I must remember those at the very least everything in between is what it is but I need to get that six number off and
people will try and work out which one's mine and then try and feed those mles to
the Sharks and the the squids or whatever it is that's in the sea so I put those mles down and instantly forget
which is the six which is the five which is the four Etc or if I remember I'm
so intently trying to remember that people can absolutely see and it's the first thing that they'll drown cuz your
eyes are burning holes and the desperately trying to remember what that
which was the rough which was that number and it causes me I've played this game it's a favorite of of someone from
one of the other groups I play in so I've played it eight nine times and I
feel like I suffer through every single one of them genuinely like it's not a game I hate or I think is mechanically
bad or anything like that I personally just suffer all the way through it because I you kind of start kicking
yourself why does my brain not remember what the number is I've got six meeples
and six numbers to remember okay the move around the board a bit but for the most part you only really need to focus
on two or three of them and my brain can't even handle that from a memory point of view in in kind of the Heat of
the Moment of board games so yeah it's just a game that is fine it's not particularly great game because it you
know I don't think anyone who said they would suffer through has to suffer through a game would say that game's great but I don't hate it don't like it
just every single time I suffer all the way through it the fact you've played it nine times oh I hate it like from a from a point of
view of I wish that someone didn't have it as one of their favorite games
because and again this is like down the dark side right is I wish that person didn't like that game as much because
every time they turn up we don't see them very often but every time they turn up and I look in their bag I know that
it's going to be in there and I'm like oh we're going to have to play that cuz that you know you go around and say should we each pick a game and I know
that they're going to pick that game and I know I'm just going to have to suffer Atlantis yeah
it's just yeah fine okay if I have to it's my game I just suffer through semi
silently so there is good in you that's what we're trying to say because you are willing to put your differences aside
play a game that you don't necessarily like nine times don't twist my words against me there is good in him I know
it I can sense it right moving
on there you go that's my game anyway yeah Fair who's next Chris so the game
that I suffer suffer the most at um I've played it probably three or four times
and every time I get absolutely blown out of the water by someone else playing the game uh it's Game of
Thrones I love that game and I love it for that reason I know and I hate everyone about it I hate people telling
me that I should watch it to start with anyway oh you should watch I've never watched it I was saying earlier honestly
on I want to feel the hatred I want to feel it you never watched it no watch like a couple of the First episodes just
to you should the to be fairing hatred come on no he's heard
it first half is great and the second half is not great it's it will totally be my thing but I'm not going to watch
it just to make everyone hate me it's great that's good I'm I'm loving it it's my choice I don't care but no the going
back to the game it was Lally every time I I get given a faction okay right they play kind of like this or there's a
certain aspect of them the way that they work and I go okay I'll try and play by that and then someone El comes along in
disc and sweep and that's your game gone I'm like thanks brilliant and I'll just sit here for the waiting for everyone us to play finish the game love you all see
you later that is Game of Thrones yes so how long ago was it since you played probably about a year or so probably
okay if I have to put put a date on it it's probably about that long okay so if I played it again I might I would still
have the same opinion no be the same I'm just crap at it so for
me no surprises on this one it's Fu chain magnet it had to come in you love
that game well this is the thing I had to think I knew this would feature in this
episode I just didn't know where I was like do I hate it do I fear it does it
make me angry or does it make me suffer and I was like I think it's the latter I think it's the suffering and because at
the time I was playing it you know and trying to do what I was doing and it was
what it was and then afterwards I thought oh may you know maybe give it
another go and and I think I I think the thing with that game is I thought I might have liked it yep and then had an
event planned I don't know three four weeks later and I was just dreading it like in
mind I was going through this turmoil of like weeks going I really want to play it but then I was like but I don't want
to play it but I really want to now I don't know if I want to play it and I'm just going for this real back and for
mentally and it was just like beating me up so it's kind of suffering um it was beating you up before you were even
playing it just yeah the the thinking about it I probably gave it too much um
yeah brain power on whether I liked it or whether I didn't like it trying to figure it out in my own mind so it was
torturing me well it was a game that was not readily available yeah you managed to get a copy with the ketchup expansion
and all that kind of stuff in and I remember which wasn't cheap no and it wasn't cheap and I remember you kind of being like look I think this is going to
be a game I like and then I remember you talking to me and Davey cuz we played it the three of us the first time around I
remember you talking about it and sort of just getting that I think he should give it another
go and I still think you should have given it another go but it was clearly causing you that much genuine suffering
leading up to it that I understood why you canceled it um and I think it's a game naturally that makes you suffer
anyway because you make a mistake early doors and there's no recovering from it it's kind of the design of spotters is
once you make a mistake that mistake is made and you're not recovering from it so it's just it's that two hours of
watching yeah if you make a mistake further further and further behind and I so I think it's naturally I think
splotter games are and especially food chain magnet being the one I've played and not just watched other people play
that I think it does actually lead itself to that feeling anyway like in game but yeah you could definitely see
on you that it was causing you sort of yeah doubts and fears and all that kind
of stuff and it's just the game that I think to get good at I would have had to
invested like at least 10 plays in and it was just like this ain't going to happen it it's made me suffer not
because it made me angry I don't think it has ever made me angry or or the fact that I hate it it's
just yeah I've give it too much brain power I think and I just wanted it out of my life because it was just easier
I'm happier without it you're suffering now no I'm not because it's gone and I'm
quite happy to talk about Mani mate is still out there somewhere yeah what about you rob um for
me it it's kind of a suffering of my own making really which is even worse
somehow so I can see Adrian smiling at me he's created his own hell I love and
you talked about it briefly M it was it was a [ __ ] up that I made when I suggested a
game oh yeah and it was like oh that game looks nice and chill and fun and not too long I know let's play the
galleris thinking it was Art society which are two very different games
extremely different games so I I didn't hate the game I I didn't hate it and I
thought weirdly I thought it was a very pretty game considering there's not a
lot of art on the board do you know what I mean I I I got it simplistic style I
got and I kind of like the Elegance of it it's a very clean looking game yeah and and I got the little easels like you
know that you put the paintings on and all that I thought that was very cute but it was my first
Lera I love the fact your first Lera was a you didn't even know you were going to play your so so so Adrian Adrian's eyes
went wide when I said should we play the gallerist he was like absolutely I was like awesome I love the artwork it's a
lot like the old broken sword game and he looked at me like I was speaking another language all of a sudden but he
kind of nodded his head and was like okay he was like sure well you guys go and get a drink I'll set it up awesome
Adrian thank you very much so I come back to the table holding a Coke and go what the [ __ ] is
this he's like this is the gallerist so we sat down and I I get why you love it
I get why people love it for me it was just unnecessarily comp licated and in
these sort of games I am a man in a canoe with one ore that forgets he can
change sides I just go round and round and round and all you people are making these amazing moves and making all this
amazing stuff happen and I'm just I've got no idea what's going on so for me I
had to go through it because I requested the game so I couldn't really back out of it not that I would have backed out
of it but um but yeah that was a kind of and you you know when you want somebody
else to enjoy something that you enjoy and if they're not enjoying it it can
make the experience suck and I'm trying to be positive about this game and trying at least you tried cuz JP
didn't I was trying to be like and I get why you enjoy it and like I said the
board's elegant it's very pretty there's just a lot of choices in
there and I get you know I I panic and it was just yeah so for me it was a
suffering of my own making I think it's quite similar to what sort of you said about barrage JP earlier is it it can be
hard to work out where to get on to the cycle um and there are some I think I
think unlike barrage there are some more obvious choices but I think again it's one of those where if you can't quite
see the puzzle to start with you're going to suffer and unlike barrage it's a again it's a suffering of your own
making because it's just you haven't chosen there's the blocking is not the
strongest it's it's a bit like is ITB or whatever where really what's happening is you're giving people more chances by
making the wrong choice you're not really ever blocking yourself off from making choices yeah and so I think it is
one of those games where I think it's one of I think it's um the said the simplest game but I think which is
terrifying yeah but I think it's one of those games where if you don't see and JP I know you experienced this as well a
little bit which is if you can't quite see where to get on to the to the process to the map or you know it maybe
you make the wrong choice early doors and you can see everyone else getting a little bit further ahead of you yeah um
it can cause that sort of all what what have I done how have I done it how am I not getting this just
yet um but I think it's personally I think it's the easiest but again this personal opinion I think it's the
easiest one to make that first decision on um because I think weather machine does it I think cban does it I think
vinhos does it I think they all do that thing where you need to work out where to get on to the to to start making
progress I think it got to about the last fifth of the game and I was like ah
I knew I should have done at the start two hours ago but I'm not playing it again i' I'd give it a go would you yeah
I think I would now I but I wouldn't expect to be playing a lighthearted
puzzle placement game and then the gallerist like they're two very different games I love about when did we
put the artwork on the wall and start uh you know organizing it next to when do we do that we don't do that no I was
like oh what but you have played art Society now and I bloody loved it it was great it's
very good game so very different though incredibly different so yeah it was a suffering of my own making because of my
own assumption that I knew what I was doing well there we go so you may not
quite have realized it yet but I've definitely started you down the path to the dark side it's only a matter of time before your eyes turn red and as do your
lightsabers it's fine cuz what we're actually doing is bringing balance to the force
TURN 4 - Would you rather...With our two finalists from our board game battleground, would you rather force everyone to play one of the finalists every year or banish one from being played
mhm so with that talking about bringing balance to the force it's kind of what I'm trying
to bring through with the theme of the would you rather so for those who may not have
listened to it we did our um our board game Battleground for 2020 4 where we
worked out what was our Collective favorite game of the year and the last
two in the in the final round was terraforming Mars and Twilight Imperium
Chris's favorite so I think we've we may have already started to discuss this a little bit but not knowing where we were
going with with the would you rather you have two options you have the light side
which is that one of those two games everyone who wants to play board
games must play that game every year because you're going to bring the joy of
that board game the dark side is that the other one is going to be banished for all eternity no one can ever play
that game ever again now you might see the light side in the dark side a different way around you might see
yourself as saving someone from Ever playing that game again but which ones are we picking as if you are to play
board games you must play either terraforming Mars or Twilight Imperium at least once a year and which one are
you picking to banish to delete that game out of everyone no one can have it as a collection no one's ever allowed to
Play It Again terraforming mils or Twilight Imperium should we let Chris go first know this is just get the easy one
out the way first shall we I've be honest I've never played terraform Mars have you not no so I'm more than happy
to play that once a year to see how it goes burn in hell Twilight Imperium
you're never play played ever again that's my that's mine that's me so do we have to pick
what we do for each game or is it literally no one is one and one is the other which do are you picking the light
side where somebody has to play your game one of those games so one of those
games is being played every year by every board gamer and one of them is to be banished for all eternity so nobody
can play so no one can ever play it well I'm going good I'm going to redeem
myself because everyone should play at least one of those games once a year
which one is it oh Twilight Imperium baby now I think if I was going to be honest I'm going to be sick terraforming
Mars I think it's probably the one that to be kind I've heard nothing but good things about it I've just never had the
chance to play it I know you guys all love it I think to be kinder to people that would be easier on their time
kinder to people no yeah but you know to to say everyone has to play TI once a
year means they' got they've got to find that time they don't have to play eight player TI they can play like four player
TI and it takes 4 hours three and a bit hours whatever it is still takes longer uh but yeah no I'll go I'll go terraform
in Mars because I think the majority would like it over ti so I'm going Jedi
baby Dark Side baby so you're getting rid of I'm getting rid of and the reason
being right I've heard so many stories about this game I've only ever seen it being played
once and that was at this year's full board gaming week
mhm where they played it for 12 hours then they had lunch in the middle
but they played it for 12 hours yeah I went over to that table five six times
they all look miserable as [ __ ] every single one of those players look [ __ ]
miserable and afterwards Do You Remember Jay came over and he just sat down and
he was like I'm broken you played a ball game like no
burn it TI burn it but that means you're making everyone play terraforming Mars that's cool that's cool with me I I like
T I like TI I don't love it I like it and it it's a great game there's other
games I'd rather play and to be honest I've only ever played it against people that have played it possibly hundreds of
times yeah which is the hard bit like you know it's hard to go into that entry level you know people don't know every
single card in in the game like you know so still rather everybody play TM at
least once a year yeah than and and then just so you can banish TI that's kind of
and ironically I've never played it I've got nothing against the game I really like the artwork but on the box cuz
that's as close as I've come to it but judging from thank you your reactions
and seeing people play it yep no I want no part of that thank you very much so I think I'm actually going to upset the
apple cart here doesn't sound like you because I'm going to suggest that everyone plays
once a year even though I don't actually like the game not what I thought you'd say no and there's there's a twofold
reason so first of all that means I'm Bing terraforming Mars and I think terraforming
Mars has many competitors for similar games that I think do it better and
certainly do it in a shorter Play Time Jesus so I am biding terraforming
Mars because I think there are other games that do very similar out there that people should be be playing instead
of terraforming M um so and I think TI
is a unique experience I think maybe every year is a bit much Chris would not agree with you but I think it is I I
don't think there's any game that quite captures and I think like Game of Thrones is kind of similarish it's that
kind of event game where you're talking and kind of competing against each other
but I think Twilight Imperium although I don't like so much of the dice rolling I think Twilight Imperium does do a good
job of um allowing you to choose your own route are you going to be the war like
and okay that's chosen slightly by what race you pick but are you going to war
are you going to go and find like just chase the objectives or whatever it is
but I feel like there's while I wouldn't suggest everyone plays TI every year I
would suggest that everyone plays TI at least once to understand it to get the EXP experience
Etc terraforming Mars does not need to be played every year because there are
so many games out there that are Euro engine builders um that do it better and in
shorter time even terraforming Mars Aries expedition to me is the same game or a similar enough game done in half
the time I mean you're right about the half the time yeah but that for me is where it stopped that was the only thing
you were right about yeah I don't know why I just get a different feel for it Aries I don't mind
it but I just prefer the base I prefer normal DM um there you go there we go
opinions yeah absolutely look at that we all had different ones and we didn't start a
fight it's possible people woohoo nice and that brings us on to our
penultimate turn
TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
and that brings us on to our penultimate turn where we talk about what we are looking forward to over the next few
weeks so Chris what are you looking forward to well due to the current
success of the TV show that's just recently come out for Fallout um I've already had one request from Tambo to
play Fallout and we've done we've done it and then literally the other day JP also said oh by the way can we play
Fallout because i' I've been watching the show and now I've been playing the the video game and I want to play the ball game again so like okay
so we'll be playing that with the expansion the new California expansion but we're going to play it the full
Atomic Bond co-op mode which JP's never done before that's what I'm intrigued about yes because I used to own Fallout
uh the Bas and uh new California played it a bit had fun with it got to a point
where I was like I'm done with it moved it on pretty early in the board gaming kind of hobby Resurgence I had and I
always had a little issue with the game the fact it's competitive was just stupid in my opinion and then new
California added a co-op mission in it which we played which was better I don't
know it just felt like something was missing after like a couple of years Atomic bonds cames out and said oh yeah
we made it fully Co-op everything's been converted new mechanics have come in and it was like right okay that now looks
interesting but then you know moved on played other games and you're right the TV show just come out loving it and uh
yeah I just want to try it again I'm really up for it so yeah in the diary for a couple of weeks so that' be good
yeah looking forward to that JP mine is a game I wanted to play at my birthday
weekend but I didn't get round two which is TE wakan always hard to say even
worse to spell bra sir even worse to spell um and it's a game I I really
enjoy um it's uh pretty much a dice movie Euro game um where you go down
around a Rondell uh on the board and build like a pyramid and stack in in the middle and uh yeah it's it's a game I
don't know why I don't play it as much as I do because every time it gets to the table I thoroughly enjoy it and then I leave in the Box for about two years
and then I play it again just cuz you struggle to see it well yeah do you want to
play thingy but yeah it's really good it's really meaty um I've got the latest
expansion which is weirdly called the expansion period expansion
um and I've not played that one before so we're going to try and mix that in and see what it does doesn't sound like
you putting expansions into games well I've played it with the pre-classic period a lot which gives you the
asymmetric kind of PRI and priestesses and it kind of gives you an ability and that they're quite fun to use and
they're little modules it's very modular the expansion so you can kind of throw in bits or uh some of it and none of it
or whatever um so yeah so looking forward to that just yeah I need to give that a go and I've got teenu as well
that I up last Expo that I still need to play I haven't even read I opened it looked inside oh there's some pretty
bits in here and then never looked a book but I do need to play that mhm do
it Rob well after your board gaming weekend and getting Skyrim to the table
again I'm probably going to just bust out and leave it on the table at home again and kind of make my way through it
solo if if nobody else wants to join cuz um I really enjoyed playing it the other night I want to kind of mess around with
it and kind of see get further get past the first chapter yeah and um but I've
got a lot going on at the moment so it's kind of hard to to kind of set aside the time to you know for the for the you
know events and everything else I got my calendar's kind of full so um so yeah setting something up on the table and
just kind of leaving it there and coming back to it m you know when I've got a spare couple of hours I think um I think
yeah so that's probably what I'm going to do nice nice uh for myself so there's
worth mentioning so we have another episode out before the Expo but that will be on the Wednesday before so just
wanted to remind everyone that we are doing a live episode yeah um which we're really looking forward to and we're going through kind of what that looks
like at the moment and how we divide up the sections and and all that kind of stuff and it's it's actually quite fun
to be to organizing this live episode and we yeah I think it's fair to say we're all sort of quite passionate about
trying to deliver the best live episode we can our first ever sort of one with an audience really yeah so I think we
feel quite privileged right to to kind of do it and you're right we we've never done it to a live audience before we've
done a live episode but it was streamed yeah and that was quite chaotic at the
time because it was literally all of us on one one go it's the first time has ever happened anyway and yeah and it was
like the 24-hour event so it was all a bit knackered um going through that so no this this I'm I'm really buzzed for I
think Expo we all love Expo for a different probably reasons Chris you're going um for the first time this year
you're not going to make the live event though unfortun no unfortunately not no but I will be there you'll be there I'm really pleased you're you're going um for your first
xar experience and I hope you enjoy it cuz it's it's just good fun just like hanging out with your mates and playing
games and buying games and just games just games games games games games and
it's just cool and get to eat some cool food hang out all that kind of stuff yeah I don't think you really appreciate
the scale of the industry until you start going to the some of these events and you're seeing just how much is out
there and how many people are in into it and it's it's it's quite eye
openening in a in a really nice way in a in a lovely way I remember speaking to the security guard when I was there like
is that any point you being here it's a room full of Geeks the worst thing that's going to happen is the table's getting flipped like nothing is going to
happen but um but no it's really nice to be in a community where there's that
many people and everybody's really cool it's really nice yeah to pull back the curtain a little bit as well we were
talking weren't we last year as to what what what would we do what would we get to where we say we've done something
this year to be like sort of proud of a big milestone or anything that and kind of as a bit of a pie in the sky it was
like well let's see if we can get to an expo event or something like that where we do a live episode and within a year
we're there like again who knows who turns up right but please but please please do yeah it's on the Friday um
what time is it it's uh half 1 to half2 in the dice room which is in pza 4 I
believe and we'll have all the details you go to the show notes of this episode there'll be a link to the event and it's on the games Expo website which again is
is just exciting to see our little symbol on the website if you go on there and and sort of say oh you can see them
live so yeah just really happy to be as you say privileged enough to be in a position where we can do that and and
yeah just really looking forward to doing that yeah you don't need a ticket for
the event um because your Expo ticket will pretty much cover it you just need to kind of be at the um the room I don't
know 10 15 minutes before I believe right place at right time it's first come first serve so you know we got 30
seats I think for the room we ain't filling that and well we might uh let's
let's hope if you listen to the podcast and you go to the Expo and you're there on a Friday we'd love to see you we would love to meet you actually and
that's the one thing even if it's outside of the recording the episode just come and say hello we'll be we'll be in our in our t-shirts and then reing
so so if you see you know see the logo and you see the branding you see us around and do stop and just say hi cuz
there's nothing that we love more actually than just chatting to the listeners and we did that last year and it's a brilliant and uh yeah it's just
nice to meet um meet some of you guys who kind of listen to us on a you know week in week out basis so yeah please do
but if you can please come and listen to the show Absolutely and again we've got another episode coming out before then
so I'm sure we'll actually about how what we're looking forward to at the Expo but I know that some people like to
plan their time just wanted to kind of say if you want to come and see us plan around that little window of time yeah
and if you don't want to come and see us there might be seats available for you to sit down and have a little bit of a rest yeah so worst case scenario just
come and have a sit down with us have a little break yeah yeah all good fun so outside of the Expo episode recording I
have there's a group of four of us that every year go and do something geeky like we ironically call it Lads Lads
Lads cuz don't really drink that much or or get up to anything too crazy it's just God I love this community I love
this H it's just you know have a couple of pints she'll have some food we'll do something geeky you know tank Museum I
think we did last time and all that kind of stuff so just do something geeky so this year we're going to Warhammer World we're going to play some necromunda um
oh that'd be amazing yeah we're starting a new campaign we've never done a campaign we've done one-off games but we're starting a new campaign of net
Commander so that's one day we'll go and visit the castle up at Nottingham and
just play some board games and just be a little bit nerdy for four or five days in our little Airbnb and I'm just I I
really look every time I look forward to it um and last year we were just in the middle of nowhere in like a little sort
of four bed cabin or whatever it was yeah um and we just played board games and did nothing else really we played a
bit of blood Bol but this year we're going to Warhammer world to play necrom on their nice cool looking tables and
then just yeah usual thing probably just Chuck in like a so Clover and some just one and all that lot and just just nerd
out for four days looking forward to it sounds cool I'm so jealous
I love the fact it's called Lads Lads Lads just I love that like it's great I absolutely love it cuz if you tell
someone outside of the hobby there's Four Lads going on a holiday that is what they assume that you're going out on Benders and all that lot so we call
it the lads Lads Lads cuz it's just like not
that love it man that's awesome and that's it that's our final turn over and
TURN 6 - The Final Turn
done with we're now counting points of how many Dark Side points you've uh attributed to yourself over the over the
episode I'm shelling off my corruption I'm trying to get rid of it lots of dark side points enough to create a Galactic
Empire if you've enjoyed this episode and you enjoy what we what we do there's two things you can do for us well there's a few there's three things you
can do for us first of all please mention us to someone you know someone in the hobby uh that maybe doesn't
listen to us that's a great way to spread the word of whose turn secondly
please like us on Facebook on Tik Tok on Instagram please talk to us about the
episode about what you're up to gaming talk to us on our posts when we post up what games we're playing we really love
interacting with you guys online if you have a few pennies you can support us on coffee send a few a few pennies every
sort of month or so our way and again hopefully this sound quality is better than it has been um but please feedback
and it's it's those few pennies that soon add up and allow us to purchase these these wonderful mics and bits of
equipment that help us out so with that whose turn is it Anyway

TURN 1 - Player Count
TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
Rob - Anachrony: Fractures of Time
JP - Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods
Chris P - Skyrim The Adventure Game
Adrian - Get On Board
TURN 3 - Main Event: Turned to the Dark Side
FEAR leads to...
ANGER leads to...
HATE leads to...
SUFFERING leads to the Dark Side
TURN 4 - Would you rather...With our two finalists from our board game battleground, would you rather force everyone to play one of the finalists every year or banish one from being played
TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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