Whose Turn Is It Anyway?

Episode 54: Second hand scores

July 03, 2024 Loaded Dice Gaming Group Episode 54
Episode 54: Second hand scores
Whose Turn Is It Anyway?
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Whose Turn Is It Anyway?
Episode 54: Second hand scores
Jul 03, 2024 Episode 54
Loaded Dice Gaming Group

It's your turn...to click here to send us your comments on the show

Guess who's back...back again? It's Becky as she returns as first player to talk about one of her favourite subjects "The second hand market" and the importance of that in the hobby space.


In this episode you'll learn:

- about Rob's first experiences on Primal: The Awakening by Reggie Games
- how JP got on with the new Eclipse species in Seekers & Outcasts by Lautapelit
- whether Becky survived the madness that is Mansions of Madness by Fantasy Flight Games
- all about our groups perspectives of second hand games, where we buy them from, what we look for and whether we actually sell them...yes we're looking at you Bex.


0:00 - TURN 1 - Player Count
2:50 - TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
3:07 - Rob - Primal: The Awakening
9:08 - JP - Eclipse Second Dawn (Seekers & Outcasts)
16:26 - Becky - Mansions of Madness
22:51 - TURN 3 - Main Event: Second hand scores
27:03 - What do we look for in our second hand games?
35:16 - What are our favourite second hand arena?
45:14 - Are we general sellers of our collections?
52:10 - What do we think buyers look for when we sell games?
1:00:15 - Closing thoughts on second hand games
1:02:20 - TURN 4 - Would you rather...Always be able to buy the games you want second hand and not be able to sell, or always sell at the price but never buy them at the price you want?
1:10:43 - TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
1:18:09 - TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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It's your turn...to click here to send us your comments on the show

Guess who's back...back again? It's Becky as she returns as first player to talk about one of her favourite subjects "The second hand market" and the importance of that in the hobby space.


In this episode you'll learn:

- about Rob's first experiences on Primal: The Awakening by Reggie Games
- how JP got on with the new Eclipse species in Seekers & Outcasts by Lautapelit
- whether Becky survived the madness that is Mansions of Madness by Fantasy Flight Games
- all about our groups perspectives of second hand games, where we buy them from, what we look for and whether we actually sell them...yes we're looking at you Bex.


0:00 - TURN 1 - Player Count
2:50 - TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
3:07 - Rob - Primal: The Awakening
9:08 - JP - Eclipse Second Dawn (Seekers & Outcasts)
16:26 - Becky - Mansions of Madness
22:51 - TURN 3 - Main Event: Second hand scores
27:03 - What do we look for in our second hand games?
35:16 - What are our favourite second hand arena?
45:14 - Are we general sellers of our collections?
52:10 - What do we think buyers look for when we sell games?
1:00:15 - Closing thoughts on second hand games
1:02:20 - TURN 4 - Would you rather...Always be able to buy the games you want second hand and not be able to sell, or always sell at the price but never buy them at the price you want?
1:10:43 - TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
1:18:09 - TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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hello and welcome to whose turn is it Anyway a podcast that brings you into our gaming group I'm Becky your current
first player and today I'm joined by JP hello and Rob Dog hi today our episode
is all about the secondhand games Market but before we get into all of that how are we all today slightly hung over very
hung over yeah they both look a little bit wor were I'm not going to lie guys I think I think the voices are dropped an octave today yeah
and no no we weren't shouting it's not like we were a club or anything it's uh the local yeah had some food and a lot
of drinks and then some more drinks yeah and yeah suffering a little bit for it today not too bad just tired and yeah
it's it's you know the fact we're like early 40s right and some of us are are
earlier in the 40s than others oh you rob that would be me and uh yeah it just takes a little bit longer doesn't it
just takes that little bit longer just to get back to the the nor normal levels of excitement and stuff you don't look
absolutely hanging you just yeah you just look a bit like oh like were the
Cherry rums a good idea don't know Cherry rum yeah Cherry rum and coke so
basically it's a Cherry Coke that makes you go a bit silly I could go for that that sounds pretty good about three
dangerous yeah yeah there we go other than that all good good yeah I'm all
good nice just regular chilled out Sunday nice so it's all good yeah by the time this podcast is relas least the
2024 ukg will be but a memory but in the here and now it's next weekend so I
think it's safe to say we're all super excited about that yeah we're definitely excited and now when you hear it it
would be over so it's kind of we in this weird time thing of podcast aren't we but yeah we can't wait so I think the uh
the topic in hand is probably pretty relevant for me the secondhand games Market seeing as the old bring and buy is one of my favorite events watching
you come to life at a bringing by is just a thing of beauty it's I I can't believe somebody so small
can carry so much it's amazing when when I have got the right motivation I can be
a pack horse yeah thank God for the box packaging at the what are they call them the the drop
boxes yeah thank go for drop boxes at the UK games Expo
TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
yes so into our first section let's talk about hex I'm not going to do any Adrian and do a little song Here unfortunately
he's the only one that does I know we all like it it's good uh what have we been playing recently then Rob on you
Rob - Primal: The Awakening
mate uh so Davey had the um delivery of the year uh a couple
weeks ago when one box came and he was like oh that's not so bad and then all the expansions came in a box the same
size as the main box so uh he been playing Primal Awakening nice which has
been amazing so much fun like a monster hunter esque boss battler little bit of
story you you walking down and out jumps this giant creature that you have to kick the crap out of which is a lot of
fun it's really really good it's card comboing it's um there's no kind of turns the the the fights are quite
reactive to what you use on your play um and there's loads of different weapons
heavy bow guns bows um hammer things like that like your typical kind
of almost Monster Hunter esque weapons and it's a lot of fun and I can't wait to play again we're playing again
tomorrow night and I cannot wait is this your like third play yeah but you can get usually get a couple once you know
what you're doing you can usually have a couple of Encounters in you know sort two two and a half hours okay so um so
yeah we we've you know we're kind of four or five monsters in now cuz we did
the prologue couple of you know a couple monsters and everything else and I can't wait to play again it's amazing it's
really really good like to the point where I'm absolutely devastated that I didn't back it have you got the room
though cuz it sounds like it's a bit of a c killer no but who worries about that yeah I don't even know why I'm
mentioning it it's never ever been a consideration for me when they he said where the hell am I going to put this I was like you can store it at my house I
have no issue with that whatsoever I thought he said where where the hell am I going to hide it yeah no Gemma knows
it's fine how could you not see it it's as big as your table she said he warned her
about the size of this delivery when the first box came she went oh okay it's not too bad then the second box turned
up what have you got in there um but no it's a lot of fun great game and uh
having lots of fun with it nice so what's the system like the you said it's card combos so how does it work there's
four colored uh four colors of cards there's Shield there's Dodge there's attack and I can't remember the last one
off the top of my head um but they they kind of combo into each each other you have to pay for a card with a resource a
little bit like Marvel Champions and then you kind of you know you do your attacks and then the monster reacts and
it depends on how many defensive cards you've put down either Shield or Dodge um cards that you've played down depends
on how much damage you you get back or whether you negate it completely um so there's kind of an element of I can't go
all out attack because I'm going to get hurt real badly on the end of it and like I say it's all reactive so there's
no kind of that you you you have turns um and the monster it's it's on a like a
four player grid so it's round board with cut up into four pieces whoever AG
GRS the monster the most allow you know the monsters kind of chasing them and little things like if you don't move the
monster knows where you are so you're going to get something bad's going to happen just by you not moving so it kind
of the emphasis is to kind of move around it and work work in tandem um and
then you can only attack certain monsters from certain sides so you have to get behind itak SP so somebody kind
of has to tank it effectively or you kind of have to share it and and yeah it's the for an incredibly small
board um it's a very in-depth game it's easy to play but the depth is definitely
there um it's more strategic than probably you think it would be looking at it but the minis are I say minis
they're like the size of my fist um but they're really pretty really really well made
and Davy should definitely paint them CU they look really cool yeah they they
look awesome to be fair from what I've seen I'm gutted that I didn't back it I'm really am I was going to I was going
to say because because the board is small you just said but dav's boxes were
massive so is it mostly minis then in the yeah mostly just content yeah it is and 75 Monsters the battle like a little
bit like Monster Hunter when you when you defeat it you get resources from the monster moner that then allow you to
build weapons armor that do different things so there's all there's levels to
this stuff and it's you know we've barely scratched the surface and it's it's just been so much fun nice so have
the uh the bosses felt differently then massively yeah so the terrain you
put stuff on the map as well that acts like different terrain um so if you're in a desert
there's lots of rocks if you're in the forest there's loads of trees and they all impact differently so if you're next
to a certain plant you heal for one if you're next to a different plant I'm guessing that the monster is
alerted that plank it gives you plus one damage um and things like that so you know there's some monsters that level up
um and they charge and when they charge if you're on the desert you hide behind the rock almost that damages kind of
Damages the monster and and yeah so like I say we've barely scratched the surface
um but it's it's been slows and lows fun nice I know Adrian's back this as well
mhm and he's wait I think he was quite jealous cuz Davey started putting his pics on our WhatsApp group and he's like
oh I got to get my copy but yeah I think think he's enjoying or will enjoy it I'm sure I'm kind of hoping he hates it and
he'll sell it to me but because Davey won't sell it to me
so um that's my only Avenue but I don't believe it's coming to retail probably not they don't always which I'm very sad
about well you can still play it yeah I can you don't need to own it do you says me what are you talking about says me
yeah exactly says me who likes to own the games but there we go yeah me then
JP - Eclipse Second Dawn (Seekers & Outcasts)
yeah yes uh recently we played Eclipse second I da of the Galaxy but with the
new um Seekers and outcasts expansion species boxes that they released I
pre-ordered these directly from the publisher about 18 months ago so I was like oh excited so anyone that knows uh
eclipse is Forex game it's kind of got a lot of Euro mechanics in there lot of
economy management but still spaceships going and dice rolling so it's it's good
fun for that all you know that kind of uh forx five that you you want from that type of game but it has six species or
factions that you can play in the base box and for me I'm kind of like you know
I've played them all and it's like I need a bit more variety so then they go hey is four more oo interested and also
they've um allowing you to kind of expand it to nine players if you want blindly that would be a bit of a mission
round a table wouldn't it it would it's a it's a for six like trying to fit that on a modern ball gaming table
like ours it's it's a tough It's a tall order a night of the Round Table kind of
giant yeah big circle big circle I mean conventions are ripe for it because you
can kind of create that space But yeah generally you're not playing nine players or any are I don't think I don't
think so no um but I'll Circle back on that but no the the four um new species
we actually did the game four players came around and we played all four the new factions so we got to see all of
them um in one go which is quite good for this because we can talk about them more rather than I played one of them
and it was okay um so just very quickly for those that like a Clips I mean I
I'll I'll name I I'll reel off the names of them yeah so you've got the the faction I played was the the Lyra and
they all about building shrines so their their kind of strategy is being quite defensive Turtle build lots of shrines
and defend them and in order to build the shrines you need to kind of spend certain uh resources that you get in the
game and a quite a different play style to to standard Eclipse I quite enjoyed them and and if you build three shrines
in a row you get an ability at the end so quite simple straightforward that's quite fun um curly he played the mcgillan which again allowed him to uh
kind of score off getting more Discovery tiles that are um ship components that you can put onto your Blueprints and um
he's you could use his uh his Colony ships to basically get a wild resource
that can help top you up if you want to get a a certain um research Tech or
whatever so that was quite useful uh Davey played as the the row Indi which I
think that's how you pronounce it and they're like space pirates nice it's basically Agro Pro faction that you
can't build dreadnots you can only build the smaller ships but they move really quick they just fly around and basically
just a bit knobby so Su suited Davey quite well to's be honest played it well
um and he won didn't he he did yeah I remember curly saying yeah he won um it was quite tight actually it was quite a
tight game yeah I think curly enjoyed it yeah I think curly enjoyed it and the last one was the Exiles and they're all about the orbitals and the orbitals are
are basically like these space stations that you build and you can put your resource cubes on um but the difference
is with this faction is that they are basically armed to the teeth so they're kind of out like Star bases but with the
orbital benefits so yeah it was good fun to play it um I really enjoyed it it's nice to have them in the mix uh only
played them like I say we only have one game with them so we don't really know that much about them but yeah it's a
clipse we had a good laugh does it all still fit in the main box no oh dear that's the annoying thing I have you
have I now have these two extra boxes because anyone knows the clipse the production quality on it is is
astounding amazing it really is I've got no interest in the game whatsoever but I popped all of the the pieces when Cur
well there's actually not that much to pop when Curley bought his and I loved the organization and the the thought
that went into it the play trays are really play are beautiful so you get four more of them which are for new
colors yeah and you know you don't technically need more but it's nice that you've got more because it keeps all the
the components and everything in place right um so yeah it's it's one of them but they take space up and there's no
way they're going in the main box the box is H mongus isn't it it's huge so full CX I would say uh no three quarters
three quars full cax almost up and definitely a full CA deep I can get Twilight Imperium eclipse in one Cala
Cube what yeah wow okay maybe I'm I'm misremembering it then but I can't get
Twilight Imperium and eclipse and its expansion expansion no so now weirdly my OCD is gone weird cuz I like to put
those games together forx games absolutely and I can't now so I have to separate them on different Cal here's a
insight into how my mind works listeners um so yeah they're next to each other don't go down that rubber hole they're
next to each other now but not quite in the same Cube dear but no eclipse is fun
um I'm looking forward to playing a higher player count because um with the
expanded uh universe or expanded Galaxy uh expansion which ows up to nine players uh it comes with an alliance
mode our game group won't be able to play that allian I quite like it because
there is a thing in Eclipse where you can easily see a runaway leader can
easily see it and sometimes you just there's not a lot you can do about it by you know mid to late game and with this
it's you can team up with someone and I quite like how they've done it because
if you team up with someone you basically do you put your score and their score together and you have it
rounded down oh okay so You' got to be sure that the person you're teaming up with is not dragging your average down
that you actually have a chance of winning as a team yeah and and again more players you can have more alliances
and more people in them so yeah it's an interesting one going yeah should we team up because if you team up you
basically your forces are as one and you can kind of take on maybe that runaway lead is that a bit op sounds a bit
overpowered well it would be if they didn't have that ad add and uh divide by two average
system because I thought how are they going to do this without it being like well my score plus your score will absolutely beat any score in Eclipse cuz
a good score in Eclipse is well a top score in Eclipse I think we've ever had was 50 oh wow okay so it's in that kind
of 40s typically unless you're all evened out but yeah interesting interesting to do it and also with the
nine player I'd never want to play a nine player game ever CU of downtime the
fact they've got simultaneous play as a system where you'll opposite
ends you'll have a token and both of you will take your turns at the same time as you go around oh okay so it's half in
the downtime then yeah that's pretty cool so maybe not n player but if you did eight player it should be roughly
around a four player maybe five player time and so maybe at a convention I might look at second one up yeah yeah so
there we go Clips good fun how about you be well literally two hours ago I was in
Becky - Mansions of Madness
the midst of one of the only Mansions of Madness games that we've actually completed and won hooray Legend yeah so
um it was me curlyy one of my best friends for a million years Katherine and her husband Duncan and we played the
I can't remember the name of the the scenario now but it's one of the um path of the serpent uh expansion ones and I
did tambo's top trick of taking out on the app the other expansions so then it
only used tiles from its own and the base which saves you so much time
searching through the entire so the way I've organized it is one entire box has got T um sort of tiles in it one entire
box has got all the cards and all of those things so yeah it saves so much time good so much time it's the only
problem with those sort of modular expansions that's the thing that I struggle with um Imperial
assault so um I've had to buy folders and actually label them 1 to 10 you know
11 to 20 so that when it says you need 15 30 31 32 40 you know you can find
them easier yeah that's the only thing I don't like about those games is that you
know when they're telling you to add stuff from from different ones which is cool that you can do that yep absolutely
but the organizational side of it is a real P yeah and I have put all the tiles in sort of half in baggies of the same
kind so if you had have put all of the kits in together you could just look for oh that one's the serpent t tacle one
that one's the train one or whatever you know so it makes it easier but yeah it was the scenario where you have to find
the four relics and put them together in the correct order to stop everyone turning into serpent people people yeah
and we did it we actually did it I think it was getting close though you know when things are really ramping up and everyone's getting like four damage each
turn in the Mythos face like oh we're not going to have long guys but we just managed to get all the squeaked it
through we squeaked it through all of the relics in the correct order on the plinth whatever you know whatever it is
and it was really great we're like yes we finally managed to do it it's good when you win it yeah good I think that's
the first time as a four you know this particular group together have actually completed a mission it was like yes get
in my friend Katherine if you're listening Katherine I don't think you are but if you are she's normally very competitive so it was nice that we uh it
was nice that we won kick the game's ass yeah and I also showed her um walk about mini golf and her husband yeah yeah they
liked it that was cool he's still banging into that AR you I just love it I just love it it's it's just so
realistic and it's just fun isn't it and Rob you love it as well don't you I absolutely love it i' i' I've had a
hangover day as we've all so I've got very little done I was playing the Xbox for probably about 3 hours today and I
thought you know what I just need to I just need a break do something different yeah hammering down with rain outside I
don't want to go anywhere so I put the VR headset on had a little round of golf felt great afterwards just felt really
refreshed and then went back on the Xbox yeah it sorted me right out I just I like searching for the Lost balls it's
really good I do occasionally have to go on to YouTube and cheat and find where they are cuz some of them are impossible to find but I'm a bit of a completist in
it it's the one thing that annoys me about that game is when you can't find the lost ball and I've looked everywhere
and I'm a man so I struggle to find things at the best of times let alone but my my well my best little cheat for
this is to use the browser function on your uh VR so you press your Oculus
button zip into your main thingy go into a browser go onto YouTube put the video
in of the balls and then flip between baby I hadn't even thought to do that I
take the headset off and then end up using my phone this Amateur hour that's Amateur hour and then you just need to
then you just need to press your Oculus button again and you're right back into walk about me oh yes there we are find it beautiful I can't think of the name
of the YouTube channel that is the best in my opinion uh in a princess or something
and this is this is bloke who will just walk you around and it's just great yeah I know that walk up mini golf is not board game related at all but it's just
amazing I think it's you know on a Bard gaming podcast the fact that you had that in your let's talk about hex was it
on the last episode I think it might have been it in didn't you yeah I did I love it so much I'm going to talk about that for a 20 minutes I think it it does
bring to life for me one of my favorite aspects of board gaming around a table you're not around an actual table but
you've got your headset on you're talking to each other as if you were and all right you're looking at avatars of
just floating heads but when you're actually playing a board game you're not necessarily looking at someone in their
face talking to them are you I think I look at you guys more now now we're doing this podcast than I would if we were playing a game yeah so it is it's
very akin to me to playing board games you're um there's a lot more swearing from my point of view I do find it you
are a different person yeah it it sort of it brings the road rage kind of aspect out in me I think I said when we
played that I've only seen you really angry at two things one is Alexa when she doesn't understand you but then
understands curly instantly it just irritates me and when we play Walk about golf the language level I mean you you
you leveled up massively I'm thinking well I need to step my game up a little
bit now because the the level of swearing was incredible I I I'm quite potty mouth normally in my regular life
I do have to try and reain it in at work and I do try and reain it in on a podcast cuz nobody wants to hear that but walk at many golf gloves are off
gloves are off you're having it yeah I think the best thing on that is is I just become a windup Merchant when we
play and I just like annoying curly but then I end up falling over in the game and the ends up beating me so he always
has the last laugh but I just you know when he when he does a shot he just completely like fluffs it and I just oh
no oh sorry mate we should look at playing the it is
it Doo Oh yeah demio the board game the board game
so it's a dungeon CER where obviously you stood around the table in VR and playing rolling dice fig I would give
that a game I think you can get trial on it so I'd definitely be up for triing it because I love Dungeon Crawlers but the
fact that I could just put it on and play a Dungeon Crawler without having to set up set up everything yeah that's where be amazing yeah let's give it a go
yeah nice that's what we've been doing recently nice [Music]
TURN 3 - Main Event: Second hand scores
onto our main segment then the secondhand games Market what does that immediately ring to you cheap games
that's what it brings to me what about you rob little bit of stress a little bit of oh Christ am I buying something
that's complete is the description correct what is missing pieces that you don't find out about until like oh no it
sounds anxiety driven that sounds like glass half empty mate yeah I I I mean
don't get to be wrong I love a bargain and if it's cheap then I I'll still go for it but yeah I I I do it's why I
don't look at like the bring and buy when we go to expose and and and conventions things like that I I look at
it and I think well yeah no I'd rather not oh for I say for me it's like the thrill of the hunt you know like bit
like when you're going into or maybe you don't but charity shops or like clearance sections in places and finding
that thing that you like that's in that's a bargain and it's like yes I've caught it that Thrill of the I might
find the thing you go dig in and r Ling through you are like the board game David Dickinson aren't you yes that's
what you are Bobby dazzler yeah I I just love that um one
man's trash is another man's treasure kind of that's yeah I absolutely love that do you like car boot sales yes oh
yes car boot sales any kind of some load of toot in the middle of a room crap
Fest I'm D I'm a wble I am straight in there diving in yeah I love it
interesting in it because like whenever we go into like shopping which is rare and for those that have ever gone into a
TK Max right it kind of invokes the same I suppose it's kind of levels of stress
for me which is I don't find the thrill of the hunt that fascinating um I like
cheap games and I like secondhand games got no problem hence why I'm on this episode but yeah the whole uh you kind
of finding something in Reams and Reams oh God it just does me add in oh no I love it you love it yeah it's tkx
doesn't do the same thing for me because you got to try the clothes on and I can never be asked with that but finding
yeah if it doesn't involve any more effort after the IM initial looking and seeing a thing yeah clothes never going
to be bothered never going to be bothered it just isn't important enough to me which is why I look like a back of crap I just it's not interesting to me
it's not interesting to me but yeah other things like shoes or games or
basically anything else I like arts and craft stuff amazing I love that yeah charity shops cuz they got a mixture of
all sorts of things I'm not going to try reams of cloth on cuz I can't be asked but you might see that thing that thing
that you know it's worth but no one else seems to you snaffled it m brilliant so
I think yeah I know what you mean Rob when you're thinking oh it might have bits missing or or whatever like the condition of the Box does not bother me
no I'm not really worried about that either if I'm if I'm buying if I'm selling I I I think it'd annoy me more
if I'm selling a game that's got a box rip or Mark not not because it like
lowers the value or anything like that it's like I I didn't take care of it I I didn't do what I'm supposed to do like
you know but like buying one I couldn't care less like if if I'm getting a bargain if the box is discolored or got
a tear in it or whatever I couldn't care less but yeah selling it would kind of
annoy me interesting see it wouldn't annoy me I I that' give me anxiety if I've sold something or someone to Greed
price or whatever and then I will worry about it or p on it until that person
has had a chance to tell me it wasn't good enough but I think I'm the same if I ever that's why I never make anything
for commission such as any arts and crafts thing or or anything at all because that level of of worry I put on
myself until they've received it are they happy do they think it was good enough but if I've made a thing already and someone buys it brilliant like a
board game like if they've seen it that's why bringing byy sales to me are so much better than say selling on eBay
or Facebook or any of those things because the that worry is instantly gone isn't it if someone has seen it and
they've chosen to buy it then you already know so that's fantastic to me so what what you re can we look for
What do we look for in our second hand games?
what's that thing so you're not bothered about box condition not not obviously if it's falling apart that's one thing but
if it's got a tear or a mark on it yeah I couldn't care less but you're worried about bits so it sounds for me it has to be complete okay and I think I I think
we're quite fortunate in this hobby that people will kind of be honest and let you know you know it's 99% there we're
missing one token yeah it's token but it is missing like fair enough that's cool and pretty lucky that things
like Board Game Geek or whatever you can look at the manual or rule Rules book or something it will
say 20 of these 10 of those so it is quite quick and easy isn't it especially if you've got an amazing insert you can
just you'll know if something's missing or not so I quite like that what about you JP what what are you looking for if you're buying a secondhand game I think
for me I don't tend to go oh let's look at the general um
collection of what's out there and go oh that sounds good and I'll buy it I'm usually looking for something specific
okay so you've got like a catalog in your mind like a shopping list yeah so I've got a shopping list or you know a bunch of games that I'm after of which
I'm more than happy to buy secondhand don't have to be new and a lot of the times they crop they crop up or you can
find them and you go oh looking for that have it have some of that what's your
price point what's the what would convince you to buy or or put you off or whatever what what's that kind of where do you sit with if it's say £100 new
what would you like it okay let's say it's not in shrink it's been used but all the bits are there what's your kind
of ratio of this is okay to buy or no s I'll buy full price oh it's hard isn't
it it's difficult because there there's other factors like is it still in print and can you get it new it's it's an
important factor so I've actually paid uh for a secondhand game that is out of print probably what it would cost new
just because you just can't get it done um but let's just say that it is available I could buy it and there it
is1 I think for me has to be probably in that 70 to 65% of the price for me to
want to think it's a deal mhm um if it's kind of 80 90 I'll probably just buy it
new yeah you know what I mean I completely agree with you that I've got this and I don't I don't know that it's
necessarily 65 70% it might be different for each particular game I suppose but yeah I've then got that oh you know what
I'd rather just buy I'd rather just buy I know it's there it's done it's new it's going to be perfect condition well
generally um and you've got the not warranty but you've got the depending on who you buy it from you've got the
support of I could get stuff you got the comeback haven't you but even that like you can get going back to your missing
tokens thing you know the the Publishers some Publishers will support you even if you've bought a secondhand game it's got
missing bits yeah and you could say look missing five tokens this that and the other and they'll they'll ping it to you
yeah unless it's of a certain very large ball gaming company that I won't mention but we all know who it is they they
won't do it yeah I think from the you know wingspan water you know um
yeah Calamity of 2023 I just Stone my games will forever
be absolutely my Pinnacle of customer service for that it was Boxing Day on a
Sunday morning when I emailed them or something cuz I was at work I think I remember
and straight there straight away like within a few days over the Christmas period they send me the cards The
Replacements yeah and just not even not even a quibble not even a oh we want photo I mean I sent photos because
because I did but I think they probably would have done exactly that if I hadn't and I just I was so impressed and the same with mind Clash when my Septima
token snapped they literally shipped a token in a massive box from Poland it
was just one token one wooden Disc One wooden little well it was a paralyzed token on patient track was it Y no
quibble no nothing they didn't even ask me to pay for postage and that probably was quite a lot of postage for a little
box on Poland yeah but just so impressive whereas then you've got your other show remain nameless companies you
think come on guys it's top and saely a bit of plastic but I can't make that and
but that would annoy me and it's just pushing you to go and bling your games up is it not that I've got a problem with that at all but no no that's your
bag I think yes that is my bag but I think we've got a really good Community like if you'd have put out on I don't
know insert your Facebook group here whatever um somebody I bet somebody will
have blinged that token or done that thing and you might have been able to find it and I think that is a really
nice thing about our hobby isn't it everyone's very they know what that missing bit is does to people so that is
really nice so yeah I think price is a specific thing depending on many
different factors isn't it so what I would be willing to pay for something would be different to what Rob would or
you would depending on the circumstance of actually how bad you want that game I say for me it's how how much do I want
it yeah and do I like you said is it available you know if I can pay 20 quid
and get it brand new I'd probably do that yeah but if I'm like you know what I just I want it now I I yeah I'd go for
it yeah I think because I often buy speculatively I suppose well I did that
year when I bought about a thousand games you know I'd never even heard of some of those but I was new to the Hobby
I was excited that's my excuse you know so I was happy to spend 10 or 15 quid a
pun a yeah because I you know and I feel like it is sort of like renting isn't it because games don't really continue to
depreciate as a rule in value if you can sell it off again for what you've bought 44 or you know five or less or whatever
that's almost all your money back isn't it yeah so it does feel like renting in that instance like you know the the takenoko game I bought for 15 quid now
that's not going anywhere cuz I like it but I could definitely sell that for 15 quid or even or definitely 10 quid so
I've only wasted five quid and I've had a fair few plays and that's fun isn't it and the thing is you know you get a
coffee and that's nearly a fiber exactly so you know it's like you said I kind of
think of it in the same thing same way renting it's like you're in it for a period of time until you want to get rid
of it yeah so yeah I guess what might raise the price of if there's like promos or whatever when I bought space
base um I think it was gridon I bought that from um in their bringing by sale from Paul
Richards friend of the podcast play him on arcn NOA it's good anyway hi Paul uh
he put sleeves all in it as well and I was so like thank it was what a lovely
thing to do and it was I think it was pretty cheap anyway okay the box is ripped but like you said Rob I don't care about that under the
bottom of the box is ripped so it's like who even cares about that you're not even going to see it from the inside because of the insert but um yeah you're
more likely to get sleeved cards or upgraded tokens or maybe even promos or something aren't you so I think that
possibly would affect the amount I'd be prepared to pay yeah the the Box Thing are interesting if you caught me early
in the hobby I would have said it's really important yes I I would absolutely agree
with you that because I want it to be pristine I think think you as a product I want it to be as pristine as possible
but now I'm kind of like Life's Too Short it's just a effing box like you
know the game's there I can still play it it's fine the box I just it's
literally a transporting mechanism from a shelf to the table that's all it is I quite like it if the edge of the Box
looks okay cuz that's the bit you see most of the time right but there there's four sides to an edge of a box generally
so one of them is probably going to be f in it also depends on the box like some boxes are just containers
for ball games but then there are some boxes that are really pretty yeah with my Witcher game if that box was ripped
I'd be I'd be annoyed but if I bought it second hand it was ripped that wouldn't
bother me at all no it's really weird how much you've looked after your thing isn't it there yeah definitely definitely so what are our favorite
What are our favourite second hand arena?
bring and buy places or well not necessarily bring and by do we always go to bring a buys rather than eBay or
whatever what's our favorite secondhand Arena I think for me I don't actually
relish bring and buys sorry I don't that's right more for me more for me but
weirdly I I mean Expo no thanks I think the thought of going to the bring and by
Expo even before the uh the rejigging of the shenanigans that have been happening we'll come back to that in a minute yeah
um but the thought of me standing in a queue for I don't know how many freaking
minutes of my day all right what's what's your so that's okay time what would make the queue okay enough for you
to go in what's your kind of like I want to walk in straight away oh literally so not even a five minute queue not even a
5 minute que you're not interested gcon as an is an example they have a room I can walk in whenever I want and go and
now if I leave that too late then things would have gone right yeah but actually last gon I didn't even bother um what I
do like is the pre- bring them by like
Google Sheets yeah that you can put your games on and sell them even before the convention start now that for me is
perfect yeah I you see all the kind of Facebook sales now don't you in this kind of you know time of recording run
up to a big convention and you get all this we're selling for 10 quid 15 quid
you know plus five quid for postage or you can pick up at insert your convention name here airon goodon you
know ukge whatever that is yeah that has my preferable way I think yeah you got
the whole list it's it's basic like shopping on a website there all the games all listed you just go down you
can search out you know sort by A to Z whatever have a quick look and go yes but equally I could put my own games on
there and I'm getting emails oh I fancy that fancy meeting on the Friday yeah no
problem we'll sort it out so you kind of sold all your stuff before you even got to the convention and that's the way I like to do it yeah and I think
conventions like gric con are really built up for that because it's easy it's not too massive yeah Expo I don't sell
games there just because it's so many people trying to find people that expose a pain in the eyes even when you know
them yeah it is yeah even when you literally got their phone number in your your phone and you're ringing them you
know you know how busy those Halls get and it's like yeah we're in Hall three on on the row of the table which roow
there's like 50 million rows of tables where are you no no thank you I told a total lie there it's not my favorite way
bringing by the ukg bringing by is my favorite favorite way but it's my second
favorite way to do that Preamble sought out before so we've got a pile of board games and I am not going
to cure up in that bring and by sale good for you because there's only two of my games in it and the rest of Curly's
but that's not just of it I can't be bothered I can't be bothered May would I have done that maybe a year ago maybe
two years ago absolutely not would I not would not have keed up to it two years ago is when you the first time you went
yeah that's true and I wouldn't want wanted to waste any of the time and I think that's why I don't want to do it now I think like unless you're playing
games if you think actually you know what I need to kill an hour for you for
you when we were going off and playing games that you had no interest in like it was something to do yeah like yeah
yeah but for me it's it's like queuing up a a theme park but there's no
ride yeah there's all the games Rob yeah but still it's no you're right yeah I
think I wouldn't que up to sell the games it's like it's like go into a theme park queueing for a ride
but you get in TK Max yeah that's not a good trade-off is it and I'm like no I'd rather not i' I'd
rather not um like you said about gric con walking into a room see what's there oh that looks cool yeah it's not for me
whatever look but you know it takes a couple minutes mhm and that's cool cuz
you're there to play games and you're there to experience it and I'm not there to queue up for an hour and a half to go and look at games that I might like I
think I think when it gets over an hour I'm definitely not going to be interested then because that is just too long to stand up maybe it's cuz I'm old
now and I don't want to stand in a queue my legs hurt yeah I think 20 to 30 minutes would be my cut off I think okay
that would be my yeah and and like you're right if if you guys were all doing something that I had no interest
in but then there's always something else to look at isn't there actually but I would I would spend I would spend 20
or 30 minutes cuz actually I just end up chitchatting to people in the queue which is quite nice that's the positive of it like you're right I remember you
saying that last time you just end up having conversations with really nice people yeah yeah and you just talk about
the Hobby and you're talking about stuff so it's quite nice to meet people in that way um but yeah I think I I respect
people that do it but it's not for me so I think it's it's interesting they've changed the rules this year isn't it and
there that has caused some controversy hasn't it I'm not aware of this so what is the rule change okay so back along
you could basically take whatever however much you know whatever vehicle
you wanted to dump a truck your huge collection of games in and take roll cages roll cages I remember seeing some
many of the roll C now you know taking like a little Scout scooty thingy SC you
know whatever whatever not a granny trolley cuz we know there's a special place in all of our hearts for the granny trolley you can't get that many
games in the granny trolley can't really know like the kind of truck that Joel bought and brings around so I think
that's probably fair enough any bigger than that any more than 20 games go to this is where you need to go
to eBay now or or Facebook or whatever cuz you you're getting to you're bordering on shop territory aren't you m
I think and it took such a long time because there was no limits people were
taking games that were literally dross that were just going to fill up the shelves and make it take longer for you
to find that little rare gem that you either looking for or didn't know you were looking for so I think now the
rules have changed so you can only take in how many is it think it's five as yeah an amount a smallish amount thing
is as well the Expo get any money for this yeah so they take a a percentage I believe for charity oh okay so that's
that's great and I think that was some of the kickback from why they shouldn't change the rules um they also if you don't Pi pick
your games up at the end they take ownership of them and then they can do what what they like with
them so so there's that but I think the at the cues were phenomenal weren't they
for people taking their games in and a lot of people just went you know what I th Thursday evening lots of people were
trying basically getting that bring and by here and que up for hours just trying to get their games in see for me I'm
there to have fun I'm there I'm there to experience new games I'm there to even play old games with new people I'm there
for the experience for me standing in a queue to sell games that like it just it
kind of goes against everything the convention's meant to be well for you I guess for me yeah absolutely yeah
obviously this is just my opinion but have have a good time you know what
I mean go off and experience it some people do have a good time doing that yeah they want to sell their games they're trying to make money out of it
and and and good good for them they've obviously bought the games at some point from someone whatever but I think that
kind of small limit now if you wanted to sell more they probably would let you go back to the end of the queue again and sell another five and I think that's
that's the right thing to do in my opinion please don't add me cuz I don't care but I care I care opinions don't
really matter I care about all opinions but they're not going to change my opinion yeah he F yeah I I think that's
good because if you want to if you're really determined to sell 20 games fantastic great 100 games brilliant
crack right on if they're worth it enough to you and then hopefully everyone else for you to queue up that
many times brilliant brilliant the counter argument for me is is the fact that some people's convention experience
is this and only this once a year that's the only time that they could do it and I kind of empathize with the fact that
if I had even 20 games to sell and I'd had to individually box all
of those up and sort those individually out and faffing it well I quite like the
box so whenever well I don't mind it because because I've got access to lots of cardboard boxes at work okay um I do
too cuz I buy games I end up getting we've just got a ton in the garage that are just just piled up on top of each
other we'll keep that box cuz if we sell more game you know yes I quite like that and I take pride in my packing ability
cuz I've moved house about 15 times I'm good at packing that's one of my skills
um and when we've sold to murly games people have commented on how pleased they were with the packing I'm like yep thank you I'll take that that is a that
is an Accolade I will I will happily proudly have Becky is the owner of the packing peanuts
Corporation Shameless brother I don't have a packing Corporation I should have one you should um yeah I don't mind
packing it but yeah that f for me is going to the post office doing and I know there's way around you can sort
that out it's fine but the anxiety for me then is waiting for it to arrive has it arrived they've said it's not arrived
but I think it has are they lying are they we've all had that experience and we've also also been the people that
have not received the goods and feel like is that person lying to me did they really send it so that does fill me with
quite a lot of anxiety and apprehension yeah because the idea that I've let someone down is my worst nightmare so
that's bad for me so so I guess yeah the the the fact that it's instant bringing by of any kind ukg or otherwise that is
brilliant for me yeah it's done isn't it yeah in your head it's like I brought the games done Bish bash BOS hopefully
get some money yeah happy days so do we sell our games are we sellers of games I
Are we general sellers of our collections?
mean JP's nodding his head massively I'm kind of like selling what is this thing selling what is this uni
construct yeah I I definitely sell I I have a I don't say I have limited space
but I have forced upon myself limited space given yourself the confines of a very specific area to fill yeah and it's
case of if you've got too many they start overflowing where are they going to go one in-one out policy totally and
I'm okay with that I I was again early in the the I was going to say career it's not is it early in the uh the hobby
I uh I wanted to have everything and I thought it's cool I want them all like pokon yeah collect collect all the
Pokémon um but you you get to a point where it's just not sustainable and you're never going to play them all
usual stuff so yeah now I regularly sell and I look at you know the mood on my games will change I I really like that
game and maybe 6 months yeah it's all right yeah but what if you then suddenly want it again that is my fear then I'll
get it yeah but oh the thing is life too short there are other options there are
plenty of options if you look in that covered sorry we are in JP's house if you no don't look at my cupboard if you
look in his cupboard and saying oh do you know what I'm in the mood for that okay but I'll get the same sort of kick
from this I see what you're saying I do see what you're saying you just don't agree
with it no I I do actually agree with it I do agree with it too but that fomo of
I had this once and now I got rid of it it's like why I'm a hoarder of all sorts of crap in the garage I might need this one day one day I'll be crying out for
this bit of plastic crap Life's Too Short only one one regret
I've had of my sales Netrunner the only one because I repurchased it yeah although I haven't repurchased the
original Fantasy fly I repurchased the uh North signal Games version of it yeah but again I and that was just because I
I kind of got into it again for a bit but I haven't played it again and he probably going to be line of the year go nah sell it off buy it back yeah maybe
my my sister's husband does the same stuff with fishing gear often he buys loads and then he goes off fishing and
he sells it all and then he buys more or and then there that kind of circle effect but I worry about wanting it
again and I like to own the game myself rather than be waiting for someone else to play yes that is true that's why I
bought bones to be honest that's why I bought bones but that was 3 years in and
I knew 100% that purchase was was absolutely right for me so it's not like
I played it once and was like I have to have that like you know so you can get your fix in other ways you can and I
guess that way of testing it is is if your house burnt down and all your games were gone which ones would you Reby
which ones would you Reby yeah and I've still got games on the Shelf of shame that I bought in that very first bring and by
ukg excitement phase have I played them no no are they in the pile to be sold
no will they ever be no well I've watched the videos on YouTube of how to
play them two of them yeah that's the thing isn't it would I
re them no I wouldn't the thing is we do get carried away with games we get we car we get carried up in the hype of
certain games we get you know oh I need this but like I said there's so many
different games out there now like it wasn't until I went to Expo for the first time and saw how many games are
available it's like wow it's there it's mindblowing isn't it there are so many games like I've I've got too many
Dungeon Crawlers yeah I've got too many dungeon callers and I do need to sell some but the thought of selling them the
actual physical act of boxing them up and selling them like just instantly I'm like I really can't be bothered oh well
if you sell them I'll box them were you really yeah awesome I said that out
loud didn't I have to do it now you know I'm happy with um because I've never done it before I've never sold a ball
game online like you know I've sold it to friends mhm um does that make a difference then do you think so what are
you worried about you worried about it going wrong are you worried about not I'm worried about me not you know say um
not not quoting for postage properly okay not getting the correct delivery
method and getting it wrong and something happen like cuz did like if if somebody's buying a game for 100 quids
again it's not the end of the world if it goes wrong don't get me wrong but it's a lot of money to lose consider
purchase exactly yeah yeah and I don't want to it up to the point where you know that customer sorry that person
doesn't get what they've paid for they are a customer and that's where I I know exactly what you mean because that someone's a customer of mine I owe them
so I to be honest like I I need to sort it but again they're on the Shelf
they're not eating anything they're not in the way like exactly yeah I don't need it's not like I need to water them
or feed them or anything like that they're they just staring out at me going play me play me R and I tune out
and I'm good with that you know so um so yeah in the grand scheme of things so
you're doing exactly what I'm doing you're just letting them sit there and and I have to tell myself I'm depriving someone else of playing them that's what
motivates me then to actually get my assing gear and sell the stupid thing there's one game that I need to sell and
we've I've talked about it before which one is it Arkham Horror yeah the card I really want to play it again but because
it's such a a heavy story campaign unless I get three new friends
that have never seen it before to play it like I'm I'm realistically I'm never going to play it again but I loved it so
much don't need three just need one more it's hard to play man yeah it's hard
anyway well the difference between two and four players was night and day yeah I suppose it's been that long since I've played it but like everything about that
game the artwork the story the the the feel of it I just I love it so so you
don't really want to get rid of it do you no no but he's not playing it I'm never going to play it well well
hopefully I will but I'm not going to play it but there's just a little part of me that's like yeah you know what
it's not that I have to have that game but no one else has got it have they none of us in the group have got it so
if you get rid of it you're never going to play it again but I'm okay with that I don't think you are I'm okay with
it thing is like I want to experience it for the first time again ah so you want to do the Eternal Sunshine of the
Spotless Mind delete the knowledge out of your brain and then and I can't so you know it's um and we finish the
campaign and it's all mixed up in a box oh you got to sort it haven't you the thought of sorting it all out is a
little bit like oh God so so yeah that that's the one that's the main thing that's holding me back okay okay so
there you got the reasons there yeah yeah yeah so if we were going to sell it what is the um what are the things that
What do we think buyers look for when we sell games?
we look for as buyers so I just mentioned sleeves earlier I really like it if someone has sleeved the game I
guess not just because he's got sleeves but because that shows me they care about the game so I'd also expect all
the bits to be there and all of that so that kind of tells me that someone has invested more than just buying the game
um things like inserts blingy bits box damage I don't care we've mentioned box damage what for
you is the thing that you'd I that it came from a non smoking house as well yeah because cardboard absorbs doesn't
it and you can't get rid of the smell of smoky bits oo SMY bits smokey smokey
bits you can't get rid of the smell of smoke absorbed you know game pieces
tokens whatever can you no no it's it's fumed yeah so yeah I don't really look
for anything specific uh like The Bling bits to be honest for me it's got it
great it's not is it all there I mean if it's got an insert bonus but usually the cost would be risen because of that um I
think for me just you know good quality pictures on actually what it what's in there honest pictures I think is that
yeah not not someone trying to scam you um but also I would typically always ask
the seller if uh they could send some additional pictures as well um or maybe
on some specific areas of the game yeah and that going to cut out scammers I suppose or yeah it's just I want to be
sure like again if I'm dropping 100 quid and especially if it's an out print thing I want to be sure that it's uh
what I'm buying so it's kind of that safety thing I think for me um but yeah
it's versions of the game it you know I'll know what again it goes back to I know
what I'm after so you're looking for a very specific criteria yeah the kickstarter version or the whatever
Edition or or this particular game specifically I'm just hunting for it so yeah so not for me really doesn't really
matter yeah know I'm the same present correct yeah I couldn't care about the bling yeah it's nice like inserts even
don't bother me like as long as I can organize that game that when I come to
set it up I know every is that's all I need I love baggies I love baggies like
I don't mind I don't like 7,000 of them I couldn't care less honestly I genuinely could care less as long as
everything that's supposed to be in that box is in that box I'm you're bed by
same with JP though if I'm going to look for I'm looking for a game or at least
I've got a small list in my head and I think if I see one and it's the right price cuz for me that's that's the thing
like you said you you pay a little bit more if it's out of print um or if it or it's value for money yeah I think it's
not it doesn't have to be cheap it just have to it has to be able to hold a certain value for me think
actually you know what I'll pay a little bit more for that because I can't get it or I can get it for this
price you know am I really you know saving a ten not i' I'd rather get it new for the pie of I totally feel you
with that but that but that's the only thing with me and to be honest the only games I've bought secondhand have been off JP anyway so you know it's all there
so you know if it is FY then you know or if bits are missing then you know that's
you're going to help him search and find that's a conversation but but no I mean as long as it's present and correct and
you're paying for and you're getting what you're paying for that's that's the only thing that's the thing you bring up
a important point so there have been times where I've sold games in the gaming group and I'm more than happy to
let them go cheap because one the gaming group benefits from that and it's not like I'm
trying to squeeze every penny out of MIM mates you know so you know Rob like you say Rob's had a few of the old games and
it's like just we'll do it for that I'm take a little bit of a hit on it but yeah do you know what I mean for the
easiness of the sale exactly and it's the fact I don't have to box it up I don't have to do this I don't have to do
that so it's just kind of like you're paying for the time I remember when you sold me Des scent and you were like do
you know what I'll let this go I'll let this go cheap because I know you're going to love it yeah so you got
enjoyment out of you know got used giving it to me and you knew I was going
to enjoy it yeah that was it and it got used oh jeez yeah did you know what I mean I bought it played it three times
and then it sat on the Shelf whereas you played it I don't know 20 30 plus times
got used what about when people try to hike up the price cuz it's painted or because they've got the Fancy Pants
insert or whatever yeah you're right if if if games come with painted minis puts
me off yeah me too um because it's it's that kind of like well you
might like that style you might not like that style or when you come to sell that game it's a very specific taste how you
would have done that mini and and I don't really paint my minis anyway I mean if they're like uh shaded like
washed yeah that's that's inoffensive and it's fine I've done that with half of my mansions and Madness Mansions of
Madness only because I saw them again today and I was like oh yeah I really should get around to doing all the rest of them but will I ever do it no because
I don't care enough about minis we've already established that you know so that Primal and also like for me if I'm
painting The Minis in that game it's not like you can just go out and get a replacement like the Warhammer stuff you
buy you buy a squad for 20 quid if you the painting of that up it's not the end of the world it's annoying it
sucks and you've invested time and effort but like if I started painting my Witcher minis which they they look
incredible if I that up I can't get a replacement no you got to strip that
paint off and hopefully not ruin the mini underneath and and that's the point and then if I do ruin the mini underneath like the um the Imperial salt
stuff I really want to paint that but I just I can't my my level of painting is not good enough to guarant guarantee
that I'm going to knock that out first time I feel the same about my level of painting which is why I would be prepared to do a wash like I did for my
um unfathomable minis so they're just all painted like this kind of amazing they're not painted amazing the color is
amazing is what I'm saying they're painted a really cool metallicy green that I got from the last Expo um and
that looks cool to me that's enough I don't need to because minis to me it's not important enough I'm more likely to
be to pay a little bit more if someone's got an insert that like yes I'd agree with that because I I value that over
painted minis but knowing how long they take I guess you could see why people
say well this Min these minis are painted it took me 20 hours yeah but you can't really it's bit like selling your
house isn't it well I paid this amazing1 pound of R wallpaper yeah but you like it I don't care it's kind of like
decaling a car yeah yeah yeah it might be really so you might find 1% of the
people that are interested in your thing that love the thing you've done to it and to them it's worth more but to the
99% they're not going to care it's what you find valuable yeah then I don't find
painted minis valuable for me some people will look at and go amazing we'll pay another 50 if if they're painted
well and they look cool great but I don't even if somebody had the Mansions of badass characters which I think they
look cool if they're painted properly yeah I don't care enough I still don't ever care enough but also what happens with those minis you put them in a box
yeah they get thrown back in the box that yeah 100% unless you're putting like foam around each individual and I'm
never going to do that with minis because I don't care enough I just don't care enough I think we've established
that we don't care much about the the Min side to some people that is a real a real thing the Hobby in itself which is
probably a whole new episode in its own right to paint or not to paint yeah
Closing thoughts on second hand games
anything else to say wrapping up no second on games second on games I think
it's great that we're in a hobby that can do that you know and the fact that
you know let's think about the alternative what would happen to those games if we couldn't sell them we'd be putting them in the bin and that's yeah
that that sounds very sad that's a sad thing the fact that I'll would go for a recycling center at best right um not
talking about the minis but like the cardboard and and everything else would hopefully be recycled but still like
there's a game there that someone's going to enjoy and it's just about finding the right home for it I I guess I heard just as a one little assign I
heard someone talking about yeah but if you buy it secondhand you know that Designer isn't getting any more money you're like well no but the overprice of
some of those board games like yeah the designers aren't maybe getting the money
the the I don't know distributor is or or whatever they are but yeah I don't I
don't think that's if if it's going to make someone stay in the hobby I can't imagine anyone who only ever buy
secondhand games or maybe there are but I mean you know cost a living and everything this this is an expensive
hobby I could totally understand if you only ever were prepared to buy secondhand games but I don't think that
makes you less of a a board gamer all so I I think how you get your games for me
is irrelevant yeah yeah really is doesn't matter how you get them I mean don't steal them guys but and don't buy
the knockoff ones from you know t or wherever you're going to get them from
yeah don't get terraform Mars from wish although the pieces might be might be better quality uh yeah the actual
cutting of the the the the punch board's probably a lot better but anyway um but
yeah no it doesn't matter where you get them from uh how you get them from it's you're a gamer my Approach is more
scaton I think than your you you've got a list of what you want to buy I'm just looking for bargains you looking go oh
shiny yeah I love that yeah so maybe not scaton Magpie approach Magpie yeah yeah
shiny shiny cool that about wraps it up then cool
TURN 4 - Would you rather...Always be able to buy the games you want second hand and not be able to sell, or always sell at the price but never buy them at the price you want?
[Music] so would you rather I've got I don't
know what my answer to this is would you rather always be able to buy the games you want at a good price
secondhand and then not be able to sell your games or would you always want to
be able to sell your games at the price you want but then never find them never find the new game secondhand at a good
price to buy or to sell I think I sit in the latter Camp so you
want to be able to sell them for a good price yeah I'd like to sell them for a good price but if I can't acquire them
secondhand ever it's not the end of the world for me so to you cuz I don't do a lot really
in in I sell more than I buy second hand yeah so for me I would favor the the
latter what about you Rob I'm probably the same I don't well no sorry I'm the
other one which go on let's settle this I don't sell ball games as we've you
don't care about selling for a good price because you're not going to sell any don't buy them either no I mean the thing is just play them the thing you
steal them don't you I just steal them yeah absolutely for me I would rather give them away if I'm done with them
like completely done with them I would rather give that game away knowing that somebody else would enjoy it yeah than
me throw it away than me you know just sit on your shelf put it in the Loft do
you know what I mean oh that's the board game graveyard exactly I would rather give it to somebody who potentially
because again a lot of my games are Dungeon Crawlers so if I gave it to a family and just said look try this if
you don't like it you don't like it that's you know if you don't like it give it back but if you like it have it
enjoy it you know what I mean cuz the majority of people would especially if
you're family if you got kids um you know that it's it's it's a story played
out you know with with minis yeah yeah a lot a lot of it would depend on the game obviously but yeah no I'd rather I buy a
good price rather buy JPS at a good price that's what you buy historically has been very uh very attractive me he
basically bats his ey you seen Puss in Boots right in Shrek that's what he does he goes please can I have zombie side
please anyway go on then Oh yay cak space I tried it with too
many bones and it didn't work yeah you're never pricing that out was cold dead hands yeah I will have to be dead
for you to have it but you don't you got it now I think trouble is I want the new stuff as
soon as it comes out yeah but I don't sell my stuff either no so for you this
is the hard one yeah I don't do either I think if I if I
if I did sell them i' I'd want to get a good price but if I knew someone was going to really enjoy it that would be enough for me I think because clearing
out the space is the more important thing but that's because I'm in a very privileged position that I can hopefully aboard afford the board games I want to
buy yeah I think I'd rather be able to buy the games I want if I was really looking for that cuz I we mentioned
before I get massive fomo so if I hadn't backed the whatever it was when it came out and then it went out print I'd be
just like bereft of life so I think maybe always being able to buy the games
I want at the price I want yeah and then if I can't sell him very much I'll find just give it to someone
yeah Rob can look at me with his Boots eyes and I'll just give him whatever game is I don't want anymore photosynthesis currently is in my pile
that I've never even played it never even taken the lid off a second time I'm actually intrigued by that one yeah I
was too it yes trees nice is it trees dice hospital that's still there need to
play you'd like that yeah I think I would dick it Stella that still sat there doing literally nothing yeah yeah
thing is there there's not enough time there's not Baron Park 2 still haven't played the expansion it's not called
Baron Park 2 Baron Park 2 Baron Park bad news bad news be I still haven't because I like the bass I like I like how it
works but yeah I've still got loads of games that I've never even never even played since I can't
sell them either because well because curly said earlier oh there's someone in the Facebook group wants to buy dice hospital for a I don't know what the
price was do you want to sell it I like no no because I might I've watched the I
watched the Paul Grogan how to play and it looks really good he's like we'll play it then a good yeah I will sometime
never we'll do it I think I'll buy I I'll choose the buy buy the games you want secondhand at the right
price acquisition strategy always oh yeah
always I just bought a new C from somebody who lives around the corner so we've got a 2 by
2x5 up 2x5 2x4 can't remember on the on the top Landing doesn't matter more
space yeah that can be our vers of the Board Game Loft so you've got a tearing system now with your B you got your your
ca in your living room as we know which is your Prime display yeah and now
you've got one well don't forget also the two little two by oners that we have lamps on they've all got board games in
as well oh they in the corners yeah oh I've not even I don't even seen what games on there obviously have you ranked
them as low a grade as the ones on the the ones that Curly won't let go on the Shelf you know like like uh like
Monopoly and oh no they there in a completely separate thing yeah yeah we've actually we do have massive
ranking yeah ranking systems here you come up with it how do you formulate this ranking system well the ones that
are in the the table that no one even realizes actually opens and can have it's got the drawers in you know where all our baggies and stuff that's the top
layer of that is a slidy the top slides apart and you can put stuff in that's got Monopoly cludo Cranium you know your
your old style family board game SM Game of Life I think is in there um which we
never ever play at all Scrabble that's where my Scrabble board is yeah um you
know when I said I'd feel really bad if those games weren't in the bin if we put ball games in the bin yeah I'll take it
back some of them I would still play yeah yeah but I yeah I I could but let's
face it I'd rather play anything else yeah absolutely um and then in the little Cal in the living in the in the
gaming end of the kitchen you've got those perudo that's in there yeah Mr and
Ms the little game card game all the all the bits of crap really that I can't get
rid of because they they're still games oh and then we've got the upstairs behind the bedroom Telly is like the
hiding place for all the monopolies all the different versions they have yeah Simpson's Monopoly Disney Monopoly we
got Simpson's Monopoly there James Bond monopo no I'm got jameso and then we've got the Lord of the Rings Risk the two
copies that's underneath a spare bed bed cuz it's a lifty up bed it's underneath there the ottoman yeah and then uh the
Gloom Haven box I think is Curly's brothers that's on the top floor mhm yeah and you just got another shelf
another set of CarX just got bever this is bringing by yeah i' got plenty space
it's fine I need to get rid of some stuff t i oh this this episode's turned
into me realizing I'm just you just need to put some of gaming events in back yeah but I don't want play some of
them Fair there's your answer right there but some of them I think you should go let's just give it a will cuz
a lot of the ones you said photosynthesis Dice off i' play yeah but then I'd always rather play something I
know I like and that's the trouble isn't it that's like going to a restaurant and always picking the same meal it that I
do that it's safe and it's comfortable it's safe I know I like it and i' be disappointed if I order some food and
then I see someone else is something over there like that yeah life is for living
oh yeah and life us been playing the board games and I know I like them so I don't want to waste my time on some bit of crap that you don't know though yeah
that's true that's true and now it's time for up an ultimate
turn you're not convincing me to get rid of
TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
him what are we looking forward to I'll start off I'm looking forward to my big
birth birday games day is it the actual big birthday it is actually on the day of the big birthday so it's actually on
the day and it is your big birthday which is the big 40 right yeah yeah 40
welcome to the club yeah I've always felt like I'm 40 anyway I don't I don't think I really care I don't feel any
different I now look 40 as well which is not the you know I was always 40 but now my age is just caught up with me yes my
my bones and my joints feel 40 but my immaturity level will never be
there but I've always felt like a 40 you're a woman so I I don't think it's a I more like weirdly stressed out about
being 30 than 40 like 40 I wasn't that bothered but 30 I was like oh I don't want to be 30 cuz like exit in your 20s
it does seem a bit but then kind of quickly got over it and 30 is a really good decade of your life you know
generally cuz you kind of know what's going on when I married Mr Curley so oh yeah when I was 30 me and him weren't
together so I suppose I didn't have anything that I could you know there's like key moments in your life do you have kids do you have a hand I didn't
have either of those things but I didn't really want them that wasn't a key moment for me so yeah I didn't mind
turny 30 was just like oh I think everything's all right isn't it yeah it'd be right but yeah 40 I'm not really
worried about it be all right but yeah we're going to have just games whenever whatever people want drop on in or yeah
just a chill out just a nice chilled out thing we do like our birthday game days don't we like it's just nice and social
it's a bit of food usually knocking about there'll be mates at our house yeah definitely and and we just play you
know games and have a good laugh so yeah no good what did we play at Curly's wild serengetti came out didn't it that um
yeah that Chris Chris be the ninja yeah ninja fry Chris yeah um he really likes
that go yeah I think it's days when days like that that you pick out other games that you not play for ages or whatever
you party games you generally try a lot more than you normally would because you're already there and he's like do
you want to play this and you're like well I'm not really that bothered I'll give it a go and it could surprise you yeah yeah how about you guys what you're
looking forward to so I've just acquired the latest Lera game which is inventions
evolution of ideas and uh I've only ever played it on uh tabletop simulator
before twice and always enjoy it now I've got the physical copy it's beautiful cuz it's an eagle Griffin
production chunky their games are beautiful it's so greatly produced stupidly expensive because they always
are and it's that big box l Ser it's like yeah that's what I need in my life another one um but yeah we're playing it
tomorrow nice and I not tomorrow Tuesday doesn't matter podcast who cares um no I
think you'll find you need to get the date I think you'll find it up date you stupid
trat and I need to read the rules and watch a few vids just to get it in my head because it's a ler right and I've
got to teach this this mofo and they're always a a bit of a teach bit of a hefty
it's a hefty Beast yeah but it's it's all about kind of you know you are
inventing coming up with these ideas and people are then inventing off your ideas and sharing them out into the world and
you you know you're kind of playing as a society and and you can basically chain
your actions using these chain tokens which is where you do your combo Wombo I'm going to do this and I'm going to
chain into this action and then do this and then change it and you're trying to find loopholes in the game why does curly not like Las serers sounds like it
should be his thing he just instantly I put the event up instantly went no which one did he play that he liked
the B yeah which is my favorite one okay which is amazing yes Adrien it's amazing
take that Adrian take that Adrian it's better than the gallerist me um but I'm
just looking forward to it because I I kind of got it you know when you get a game and you get all out and you have a
look at the board and because I've only played it virtually to actually have it physically out when is it released now
it's out now well it's being fulfilled now I managed to buy going back into your second hand I managed to buy
someone's pledge oh using the Facebook group because they were selling weirdly selling Lisboa to Stewart in our gaming
group and they were also selling their Pledge Of Invention so I just went yes pleas cuz it's one of those oh I wish I
backed it kind of things and that's when I don't mind that things are brand new in shrink or or whatever it was
literally as it was you don't feel like someone scalping you they've just decided you know what actually I don't want money I want it yeah just cover
cover what I paid and I'm happy and that's cool so yeah I'm really looking forward to that cuz I love it for me
it's just like brain burn doesn't sound like it's not to me no I'm with you with that one Rob it's not for me it's fair
what about you then Rob I've got three things this week okay uh we're playing Primal again tomorrow oh he's loving
this is he he so good it's not invited anyone else though so good just saying
well we're in a campaign now yeah that he he we had this conversation last
night and he's like I really you know I'd love to play I'd love to play it so 15 chapter
campaign I'm out instantly he was like I'm you don't have to play it that way obviously you can play it singularly you
can pick a monster and fight that monster um I said this last episode cuz it was on the couch right or bearing our
soul for um Great Expectations and that's what I said I say I'm done with
Campaign games I'm just done with them not all of them though no and I did say the exception will be Elder squs because
it's literally three game sessions but I mean this thing I mean you you if you s if you did a solid like 4H hour session
you could get four chapters done easy nah it's still out what else are you looking forward today um my final
day at my job yay yay uh I'm being made redundant but I want it to happen so
it's fine um so yeah after 15 years uh that will be my final day and the
following day will be my birthday so who doesn't love a birthday absolutely yeah
busy week this week it's an important week isn't it I think yeah anyone that's gone through redundancy I have it's it's
a weird one it's been handled horribly and it's gone on for way too long and and you know I stuck it out and stay
professional and and everything else so looking forward to just just kind of getting it done end of the chapter yeah
exactly moving on to bigger and brighter things very excited about so so yeah
it's a a very transitional week for me I know this is back after the time
but we're all very excited by Expo but uh yeah now so now it was great it was fantastic all my cxs are filled up with
my bringing by um Adventures so yeah I was hoping that I was going to be able to celebrate the end of my job being a
either get it permanently which I was going to celebrate by BYO of stuff or no it hasn't worked out we're not doing the
job anymore commiseration BYO of board gameit I feel better but I'm kind of in a in a limbo we're not sure yet yeah so
I'm just going to buy loads of games anyway and uh yeah it'll either be to commiserate or to celebrate so either
way it's a win-win yeah absolutely yeah cool and now it is our final turn so our
TURN 6 - The Final Turn
game is done and as we pack away all the tokens into their very beautiful folded space inserts not an advertisement but
we will if you're interested no they're not yeah if you're interested over there at folded space HQ
give a tap us up I want to say thanks for listening and if you've enjoyed the show please like subscribe and follow on
your podcast player of choice and we'd love it if you would recommend the show to some of your gaming friends and
family you can also support the show by becoming a coffee supporter spelled k fi
and we'd like to say an extra special thanks to all our coffee supporters who have made it possible for us to get this new Swanky recording equipment Legends
hopefully everyone is hearing the improved quality feel like we've totally leveled up our audio stats in this last
couple of episodes if you want to contact us all of the details will be in the show notes at the bottom and we'll
be back next time with another episode so until then whose turn is it the bringham buyer's turn

TURN 1 - Player Count
TURN 2 - Let's Talk About Hex
Rob - Primal: The Awakening
JP - Eclipse Second Dawn (Seekers & Outcasts)
Becky - Mansions of Madness
TURN 3 - Main Event: Second hand scores
What do we look for in our second hand games?
What are our favourite second hand arena?
Are we general sellers of our collections?
What do we think buyers look for when we sell games?
Closing thoughts on second hand games
TURN 4 - Would you rather...Always be able to buy the games you want second hand and not be able to sell, or always sell at the price but never buy them at the price you want?
TURN 5 - Penultimate Turn: What's Coming Up
TURN 6 - The Final Turn

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