PRSay Houston

The Journey Through PR and Advice for Upcoming Members

February 14, 2024 Veronica V. Sopher, PRSA Member and Host
The Journey Through PR and Advice for Upcoming Members
PRSay Houston
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PRSay Houston
The Journey Through PR and Advice for Upcoming Members
Feb 14, 2024
Veronica V. Sopher, PRSA Member and Host

Welcome Bridgett Holden, to PRSay – the podcast of the Houston PRSA Chapter.

On this episode, Bridgett shares about The Journey Through PR and Advice for Upcoming Members.

Bridgett studied Broadcast Journalism at Texas Woman's University (TWU). Her clientele ranges from Fasion, Beauty, Sports, Entertainment, Politics, and Nonprofits. She is a military child and was raised overseas in Kaiserslautern, Germany- Bridgett used to speak German and French. She absolutely loves what she does.

Connect with Bridgett:
IG: @shebridgesmediainc
Twitter: @shebridges_pr
FB: SHE Bridges PR 
LinkedIn: SHE Bridges PR

Learn more about the PRSA Houston Chapter, our events and opportunities at

PRSay is brought to you by Veronica V. Sopher, Public Relations

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome Bridgett Holden, to PRSay – the podcast of the Houston PRSA Chapter.

On this episode, Bridgett shares about The Journey Through PR and Advice for Upcoming Members.

Bridgett studied Broadcast Journalism at Texas Woman's University (TWU). Her clientele ranges from Fasion, Beauty, Sports, Entertainment, Politics, and Nonprofits. She is a military child and was raised overseas in Kaiserslautern, Germany- Bridgett used to speak German and French. She absolutely loves what she does.

Connect with Bridgett:
IG: @shebridgesmediainc
Twitter: @shebridges_pr
FB: SHE Bridges PR 
LinkedIn: SHE Bridges PR

Learn more about the PRSA Houston Chapter, our events and opportunities at

PRSay is brought to you by Veronica V. Sopher, Public Relations

Veronica Sopher:

Hello, and welcome to PRSay, this is the award-winning podcast for the Houston chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and I'm your host, Veronica Sopher, I have the opportunity to sponsor this podcast and introduce you to some of our amazing members that we have here in PRSA in our Houston chapter, and our focus is making sure that we get to know each other stay caught up, make sure our network is growing so that we can support each other and all of our efforts here in the Houston area. So with that, we're gonna go ahead and get this episode started. But I'm gonna remind you to hit subscribe. So if you are not subscribing to our podcast, make sure you hit that button. We don't want you to miss any episodes of prsa. And if you're watching on Facebook or YouTube, drop us some comments and my guests and I can be sure to connect with you. So with that we are going to bring on the amazing Bridgette Holden Hello, hello.

Bridgett Holden:

Hey, hey, Veronica. Hi. Good to see you today.

Veronica Sopher:

Great to see you again. It's a new year and, you always have some fantastic updates on what you're doing in your business and your public relations business. And so I love hearing from you because I know that you've got insights. And quite honestly, it's an inspiration to see someone out there getting it done. So welcome back to the show.

Bridgett Holden:

Thank you. Thank you so much. And yes, a lot has been going on in January- hadn't even gotten February yet. And I've done so many things.

Veronica Sopher:

It's awesome. That's awesome. Well remind folks about your agency and your focus area, and then update us on everything that's been going on.

Bridgett Holden:

So the name of my company is cheaper just PR to play off my name. My middle name is Shirley's sh E. And then a bridge. Bridgette, so SHE Bridges PR bridging the gap between you and the media. I have done everything from fashion, beauty, sports, entertainment, politics, and nonprofits is always fun. And to catch you up, I am now a campaign manager. I started out just for PR and then ended up being the actual campaign manager. So that's just something that is a whole different animal, if you will. I had done it, I think in 2010 and 2011 kind of stopped dealing with politics because I don't know who's worse, politicians or celebrities. You know what I mean?

Veronica Sopher:

Yeah, I'm with you.

Bridgett Holden:

Very cutthroat. And so I was just kind of like, oh, no, I just kind of want to do the PR and the branding for your brand. And then someone kind of said that. They were like, No, I didn't agree to that. And then she was like, well, could you would you and I was just gonna like, so I did because I believe in the candidate. Yeah, not just because, you know, I like her. But I really believe in what she's the change she wants. And so I took that on with two clients still. I'm still representing Sister's Network. It's going on for years now, which is really good. They're a nonprofit organization for African American women who have breast cancer. And this year is the 30th year as an Yes, yes. That's fantastic. That's exciting. organization, and founder Karen Jackson is a 31 year four-time breast cancer survivor. Thank you. So excited for her and the organization as well. So this year is really big for them. Especially, you know, its history, you know, and so really excited about getting them out there, you know, doing some things and letting people know that they've been around for 30 years helping women in African American women who have breast cancer have been diagnosed in the communities. Plus, they have over 30 chapters around the United States as well. So they are the largest and only African American chapter, you know, for breast cancer for women who have other chapters around the country.

Veronica Sopher:

Oh, that's fantastic. That's what I love about you is that you are so connected to your purpose. And it shows up in your business, right? I mean, even just your portfolio of clients. So speak to us a little bit about what that's like. And, and I'll give you some context, I was talking to a young entrepreneur, who was struggling with some of the business that was coming in and she was just feeling really misaligned. And as a comms person, she ethically she she had some dilemmas there. And I thought, you know, you get to a point in your career, but it has to be intentional. And then you get to a point in your business, especially your agency, where you have to draw the line of what you can do ethically and feel like the work is aligned to we're value. So talk to me a little bit about that because every time you talk, I always hear you feel so connected to the message and the work.

Bridgett Holden:

You know, for me, I do and this may sound kind of cliche, if you will, however, you know, I think the last time I told you I was raised overseas and so I've traveled all over the world, if you will, just about and seeing different cultures and different people help helped me I feel like you know, from my childhood to kind of accept and have a an appreciation for different walks of life, different cultures, different areas of expertise, different, you know, professions and things like that. So now has to resonate with me, first of all, if it doesn't resonate, then I can't do it, because I have turned down work and refer them to other you know, publicists, just because energy or what they were doing, or if it was a conflict of interest, but I'm just one that I love a challenge, if you will, I love experiencing different things. And so if I know I can do it, I just do it. And if I sit there and think about it, then there's the pressure and the overwhelming stuff like that. But I have been, and I feel like this is part of my dad, there was never a problem wasn't a solution, you know, because he was an officer. And so he didn't have time to look around and think about the problem. And that's a trait that I've picked up from him, although he says I'm stubborn, okay. Exactly. There's some truth to that as well, that I that however, just being able to look at things for what they are, and in that situation, and it's a gift I really feel like I have, because I just problem solve. I don't think about, you know, the issue, if you will, it's like what can we do to you know, solve this. And I say that because taking on, you know, this campaign, because, you know, being a campaign manager in politics, it's like almost all of your time, and I have surprised myself that I've really been able to, you know, compartmentalize everything and put things in perspective. And there is no, no problem, if you will, you know, get it as a problem in this problem. So I just look at solutions, but I love being versatile. I love that about myself. I mean, look at this.

Veronica Sopher:

I tried today

Bridgett Holden:

We have on peak. So we got the window. So But anyway, it's just after this, you know, and going through that with because trust me, I had some comments that were not very positive, you know, about my, my hair. And then now it's my brand. It's my signature. So going through that. I don't know, I just I just feel like I like to take on different challenges. And it's fun for me, you know? Yeah.

Veronica Sopher:

And it is it's, it's got to be enjoyable. And it's got to fill your bucket. So I think that's important. What are some other things that you think if someone's looking at making a transition into doing more of what you're doing with publicity, or maybe a small boutique agency, what are some things they need to be thinking about as they're leaving their corporate space or leaving their traditional PR setup?

Bridgett Holden:

So I'm going to tell you something that I heard from watching Jay, I forget his name, but he used to be a monk. And now he has a podcast. Oh, yes, yes, yeah. And he was interviewing this young lady who's a billionaire. I'm sorry, her name escapes me at the moment. But she was part of the scams line with Kim Kardashian. And now she's a billionaire. And she says something that really resonated with me. And she said that people always tell you or they had the saying, Stay in your lane. And she said, If I would have stayed in my lane, I wouldn't have I wouldn't have been able to do this or do that. And, perfect. It some things are perfected, but some things I had the knowledge, because I chose to get out of my lane. With that, I do that I've done that and didn't realize I was doing that. And so I will tell people to make sure you expand your horizons, you know, not just go above and beyond but expand your horizons and try different things until you kind of find something that you're good at or that you like. And always this is one thing I always say reinvent and reinvent your company, your business. You have to do a SWOT analysis, if you will, either the first of the year, every quarter, just so you can kind of stay on point, you know, and set little goals for yourself as you go through the year, the month a week. Don't get anything too overwhelming, because you know, the saying how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? You know, and always fun. Fun, you're never working.

Veronica Sopher:

That's right. That's right. Do you find it challenging? You know, What size is your team? Do you have a team you bring in a couple of folks or is it?

Bridgett Holden:

So I have contractors and then I'm about to bring back on an assistant Now, before the pandemic, I was solid, it was great. So now you know, and being a little gun shy, and because people are kind of different now, as far as working and different things of that nature. So I do have people that I bring in for certain projects. And now I'm taking that plunge again and bringing on an assistant starting in February. So I've really just had to put my head down and grind, if you will. But the challenge has been to make sure I balance it, I'm a Libra have to be balanced to balance, work and play. I'm off. And so I've done pretty good. However, now that things are picking up again, it's time to bring someone else into the fold to help, you know, with just little things, and that makes a big deal.

Veronica Sopher:

Oh, yeah, it gets that work off your plate, so you can focus on the strategy and some of those other things. Yeah, and so we do have a lot of younger professionals in our chapter, and we've got a very active PRSSA chapter. So what advice do you have for folks looking to get into the industry- they're maybe are looking for internships, or they're applying for their first jobs as graduation is on the horizon? What advice do you have for them?

Bridgett Holden:

So as you're like, making that plunge, you know, I would tell them to not be afraid for one and to thine own self be true. If it's something that you really think you're good at, go for it, you know, even if you have so we as women, if we don't have one or two of the qualifications, then we say, "Oh, we're not qualified." However, men, if they have 10 of the qualifications, and two or whatever, they will still apply. And I want you know, these young ladies or young men, sorry, if people were getting out of college, to you know, make sure that Be confident. Don't let anyone tell you you can't. Because whether you believe you can or cannot. It's true. Yeah.

Veronica Sopher:

So true- mindset. I love it. I love it. I love mindset. And it's true. We've got to just visualize what our future is. And if we know we want to be PR people or public- if you want to work with celebrities, if you want to work with athletes, number one, connect with Bridgett first, do you believe you can because they need good comms people who can see the strategy and align messages and it's it's well within reach for anyone. Absolutely. I love it. I love it. Well, how can people connect with you? What's the best way for people to learn about what's going on with you in your business business? Are you on LinkedIn? What are your handles? Yes. And we'll make sure all the handles are in

Bridgett Holden:

Somewhere? Everything. So LinkedIn, it's Bridgette Holden, and SHE Bridges PR and like I said with the rebranding, I changed my Instagram to the fashionable publicists. For those who don't know, I'm very, very much into the show notes. So if anyone wants to connect with you, they fashion. And so it's a PR is what I do, fashion is who I am. So I decided yeah, because it was like everybody was oh, you're always so fashionable. So yeah, so that's one Instagram. can just click, because I know that when you walk in a room,

Then I have another Instagram:

ThisismeBridgette. If you want to follow me there, I'm also on Tik Tok: ThisismeBridgette. What is it? X now I am still trying to get used to it. It's shebridges_PR. And then Facebook's SHEBridgesPR and then also, Bridgette Holden, if you got it. especially in appearance, a event, people are gonna want to connect with you and ask all the questions because your brand is very visible. And I love it.

Bridgett Holden:

Thank you so much. Oh, I just wanted to say, Veronica, that I am on the cover of the Houston Defender as one of the black professionals, you know, because of her hair. So it's Edwards from Fox 26 and seconded Joseph, who's, you know, with the Black Lives Matter movement, Houston. And it was just amazing. We didn't know that we were on the cover. And I was just like, Ah, so that's been huge for me.

Veronica Sopher:

I love it. Because we have to be able to publicize what we're doing, too. I tell people all the time. If you're not telling your story, nobody else is going to so.

Bridgett Holden:

Exactly, that's what I say.

Veronica Sopher:

I'm with the girl. All right. Well, it was so good to chat with you again. I always love visiting and I can't wait to see you in person.

Bridgett Holden:

Same here. Veronica, have a great day. And thank you so much for having me.

Veronica Sopher:

You bet. All right, everybody. Bridgette Holden, you have got to connect with her. She's fantastic. Her content that she puts out is also phenomenal. If you are looking to connect with more members in our Houston chapter of PRSA then make sure you listen to as many episodes of PRSA as you can, get to know people, send them a message, get in their DMS, and get to know them because when we meet in person, it's awesome to already had that connection made. So with that, we're going to wrap up this episode of prsa make sure you drop us some comments if you are listening on or drop us a comment if you're watching on LinkedIn or Facebook reach out, we would be happy to connect with you and then make sure you hit subscribe so with that we're going to end this episode and we will catch you next time