Multi-Passionate Mastery

Ep 33: Priorities are Your Superpower as a Multi-Passionate, Here's Why.

March 01, 2023 D'Ana Joi Season 2 Episode 33
Ep 33: Priorities are Your Superpower as a Multi-Passionate, Here's Why.
Multi-Passionate Mastery
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Multi-Passionate Mastery
Ep 33: Priorities are Your Superpower as a Multi-Passionate, Here's Why.
Mar 01, 2023 Season 2 Episode 33
D'Ana Joi

Welcome back to the show! In our last conversation, we talked about how to stop feeling flaky as a multi-passionate. 

I wanted to make sure that we covered that because being a multi-passionate person does not have to be associated with being flaky, indecisive, and so on.

Instead, I want you to understand that with just a few simple life skills you can unlock the superpowers that you have as a multi-passionate. 

And the NUMBER ONE skill to have in your toolkit as a multi-passionate is PRIORITIZATION. Tune into today's episode to find out why. 


  • πŸŽ‰ My group coaching program for multi-passionates is NOW ENROLLING! 

Ready to FINALLY break free from the pressure of doing "all the things" at once?! Prioritize and Thrive has the coaching, course, and community that you need. Learn more and join us by visiting 

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  • You can access the automated transcript for this episode HERE.



Please note that any of the offers mentioned in this episode are no longer relevant as my business is closing. If you'd like to stay connected, come find me on LinkedIn!

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back to the show! In our last conversation, we talked about how to stop feeling flaky as a multi-passionate. 

I wanted to make sure that we covered that because being a multi-passionate person does not have to be associated with being flaky, indecisive, and so on.

Instead, I want you to understand that with just a few simple life skills you can unlock the superpowers that you have as a multi-passionate. 

And the NUMBER ONE skill to have in your toolkit as a multi-passionate is PRIORITIZATION. Tune into today's episode to find out why. 


  • πŸŽ‰ My group coaching program for multi-passionates is NOW ENROLLING! 

Ready to FINALLY break free from the pressure of doing "all the things" at once?! Prioritize and Thrive has the coaching, course, and community that you need. Learn more and join us by visiting 

  • 😍 Loving the show? Please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts (here's how) or a 5-star rating on Spotify. 

  • You can access the automated transcript for this episode HERE.



Please note that any of the offers mentioned in this episode are no longer relevant as my business is closing. If you'd like to stay connected, come find me on LinkedIn!

Maybe you have started a lot of projects, but stopped in the middle. Maybe you have tried to sort through all of your ideas and figure out what to start with, but it's so overwhelming that you just leave it there and ignore it a little bit longer. Maybe you've been to all those places. And so you have this proof in your mind that,"Yeah. You know what being multi-passionate as hard. It creates all these distractions. And it's a lot for me to try to figure out." When you learn how to prioritize. You start to gather proof in the other direction. Welcome to the Multi-passionate Mastery Podcast. The podcast where creatives come to embrace their talents as a gift, not a burden. I am your host, D'Ana Joi. Together we'll explore how to finally make friends with focus, ditching overwhelm, and idea fatigue once and for all, and how to be unapologetic about who you are as a multi-passionate. But I'm not just going to pump you up with a bunch of empowerment content. I'm going to give you tools and practices that you can implement starting today. It's time to unlock your multi-passionate mastery. Let's begin. Hello, my love and welcome back to the show. I'm so excited that you're here with me. If this is your first time tuning in welcome you're right on time. And if you've been rocking with me episode after episode, Thanks for being here again. I appreciate you so much. In our last conversation, we talked about how to stop feeling flaky as a multi-passionate. And I wanted to make sure that we covered that because that's not something that I want you to walk around feeling. Having many talents. Having many passions, having a lot that you want to share in this lifetime as a multi-passionate person does not have to be associated with all of these negative qualities, like being flaky, wishy, washy, indecisive, and all of that. And instead of thinking of yourself as someone who maybe just can't get it together or struggles with focus and things like that, I want you to understand that was just a few simple skills you can unlock your superpowers that you have as a multi-passionate. And the number one skill, the number one life skill that will show you that you have this super power as a multi-passionate is knowing how to prioritize and that's where we're going to talk about today. Now, if you don't already know this, I am kind of obsessed with the concept of prioritizing. And that's because it has changed my life dramatically as a highly multi-passionate person. And it's changed my clients lives dramatically as highly multi-passionate people who, before working with me just had all these ideas and no place to start and would feel overwhelmed or frustrated and would really feel like having a lot of gifts and a lot of talents was just something that was confusing. Something to figure out and not something to really enjoy. I have a coaching program called prioritize and thrive where I teach my clients the priority mapping method that I developed specifically for multi-passionate. So to say that I love priorities is an understatement and it might sound strange. Like, what are you so into prioritizing? After this episode, you're going to understand why. So I'm going to talk about three reasons priorities are your super power as a multi-passionate let's dive right in. The first thing is that having clarity about where to put your attention will boost yourself confidence. And if you think about the concept of having priorities. Another way to put that is, you know, where to put your attention at any given time. And when you know that when you know where to put your attention it's like level unlocked you level up and that's going to boost your confidence. Not knowing where to put your attention, feeling frazzled all the time, feeling overwhelmed by your ideas. That's not going to do your self-confidence any favors. If you listen back to episode 22. With my client spotlight interview with Chanel Carter. You'll hear her say that learning how to prioritize. Inside of my program made her feel like that girl, because she had finally figured out something that had been holding her back for so long. I'll link to that episode in the show notes. If you want to hear it from her firsthand. But I love when she said that she was like:"I stand up straighter. I have better posture. I feel. Better about myself as a person. I have more confidence. Because this thing that I had struggled with for so long, I finally figured out"...and that thing was prioritizing. So. Let me give you an analogy to think about. I want you to imagine. Being a child and you want to learn how to ride a bike. You want so badly to learn, but you have this fear of going down a hill. That's near your house. So that keeps holding you back. So, instead of learning how to ride a bike, you keep wishing you could take action on your dream to learn, but you're not doing anything about it. Then one day, your older sibling tells you that,"Hey, you know, your bike has brakes. And when you learn how to ride, you'll learn how to use those brakes. And if you lightly hold down, On the break while you're going downhill, you can totally control your speed. And you can control your pace and it really isn't going to be that hard." And they are like, I'll show you how to do it. So you had no idea that this method even existed. You just thought you were going to get on the bike and fly down this hill. So now all of a sudden, now that you have a method, you can try, you're like,"okay, all right. I'm ready to give it a try. I'm going to learn how to ride a bike. So the next weekend you start learning how to ride just up and down your street with your older brother, older sister, whatever. And you begin to practice and you're getting the hang of going up and down your street. You're feeling really good with that. But now it's time to go down that hill near your house. If you want to actually ride around your neighborhood, you can't avoid this hill. So you're still nervous, but you remember what your sibling taught you. And they're right there by your side to help you figure it out. They're there to help you. If you fall, they're supporting you. And so you do it. You go down the hill, you're lightly pressing the brake, just like they showed you. You're controlling your speed and you go down the hill, you don't fall you coast to a nice pace and you did it. Imagine how you would feel as you get to the bottom of that hill. You would feel a rush of self-confidence because you'd be like this thing, this hill, that was tormenting me, that was holding me back is no longer an obstacle. I did it. That's what creating priorities is like. Having a ton of ideas as a multi-passionate person and not knowing where to start. That's the hill near your house. Right. And that sibling who says, Hey, there's actually a way to do this that can work for you. It's not as hard as you think. And I'm going to be there for you to help you. That represents me. Because I'm a life coach for multi-passionate and I help you create those priorities. I help you sort through those ideas and figure out what to start with first and what to start with next. I'm big SIS over here, right? And I say, Hey. There's a method for this. And so together we can tackle that hill that's been tormenting you, and just think about the level of confidence that you would have when you take something that's been an ongoing challenge in your life and you figure it out, you work through it and it's no longer. Tormenting you. It's no longer something that you have to avoid. So that method that I'm talking about is the priority mapping method that I teach in my signature coaching program, which is called prioritize and thrive. I told you I love priorities. You can get a sneak peek of that method in my free training, which we'll link down in the show notes, or you can visit multi-passionate to register to get a sneak peek of the method that I teach in my program. So that was a long drawn out step one, but let me do a quick recap. The number one reason that having priorities is your superpower as a multi-passionate is because it will boost your self-confidence as a person because you'll no longer feel that having a ton of ideas is a huge hurdle that you need to overcome. The second reason that priorities are your superpower as a multi-passionate is that when you eliminate decision fatigue, you make more room for your creative expression. When you have a lot of ideas and you're not sure where to start, you're left asking questions. Like: which idea should you act on first? And then how do you know if you're working on the right thing at the right time? And lastly you have this burning question. Is there a way to look at all the ideas that you have and figure out how to approach them without mind drama, getting in the way. Without feeling frustrated that you can't figure it out or annoyed that you have so many ideas and all of those things that multi-passionate tend to come up against. So when you learn how to create priorities, you are eliminating the need to ask those questions. Instead you say, okay. I know exactly where to put my attention. I know what I can start with first. And this project is going to make everything that comes after easier and more enjoyable for me. What does that do? Well, it frees up a lot of mental space. And when you have free mental space, is that not when you feel the most creative? When you are not constantly in problem solving mode. Then your creativity can thrive. And as a multi-passionate. Creativity is your lifeblood, right? You're here to create, you're here to express when you're not being expressive. When you're not creating, when you're not sharing your work, it feels like something's missing. I know, you know, that that's how you feel, right? It's the same with me and with all the other multi-passionate that I have the absolute pleasure to work with inside of my program. So that's the second reason that creating clear priorities is your super power as a multi-passionate. Because when you eliminate that decision fatigue, you make more room for your creative expression. Finally the third reason that priorities are your super power as a multi-passionate. Is that gathering proof that you can prioritize helps you to embrace your talents as a gift, not a burden. Again, when you have these ideas, that being multi-passionate means you're flaky. It means you can't figure things out as fast as everyone else. It means that you're never going to finish what you start... you probably up until now have been gathering proof of that. Maybe you have started a lot of projects, but stopped in the middle. Maybe you have tried to sort through all of your ideas and figure out what to start with, but it's so overwhelming that you just leave it there and ignore it a little bit longer. Maybe you've been to all those places. And so you have this proof in your mind that yeah. You know what being multi-passionate as hard. It creates all these distractions. And it's a lot for me to try to figure out. When you learn how to prioritize. You start to gather proof in the other direction. So imagine being able to say, okay, I have these six different ideas for things that I want to do. And now I have learned the priority mapping method. And I know how to figure out which one to start with. So you looked at your ideas, you know which one to start with, you choose something. And you begin to work on it now in my program, it's not just about choosing what to do, but I also give you a method for staying focused all the way through the finish line, staying focused long enough to gain meaningful momentum on the priority that you set. So that you get that into a place where you're just maintaining whatever you build and then you have the energy to start the next thing. So that's how the method works that I teach inside of my program. So not only do you know how to prioritize, but you're like, okay, I'm also feeling really confident that I'm going to be able to focus and follow through on this idea. And you do exactly that. You start making headway, you start seeing your progress. All of a sudden you're gathering proof that even as a multi-passionate person, you can stay focused. You can prioritize. You can put your energy toward moving the needle and gaining momentum on a specific project. You learn to do that in a way that feels good for you. A lot of multi passionates that I meet, especially people who hesitate when it comes to joining my program. They think that what I'm teaching them is to just choose one thing. And go all in on that one thing. When in reality, I would never tell a fellow multi-passionate to just choose one thing, because I don't ever want to be told that because it's not what we're here to do. However, knowing how to prioritize one project over another is everything. When you are focused on creating priorities instead of this idea of just choosing one thing. You know that at some point your priorities are going to shift. So instead of feeling like, well, this is the last thing I'm ever going to do, so I better just be okay with it. You can start to ask the question. Okay. Well, where can I bring in some of my other passions to help me as I work on this project? And you start gathering proof that as a multi-passionate, you can prioritize, you can focus and you can even integrate your other skills and passions into this effort that you're putting into this one project. And that is so powerful for you as a multi-passionate and that is the way to heal and release yourself from the idea that you're flaky or you're all over the place. And then what happens once you gain momentum on the priority that you set? Let's use this podcast, for example. At one point, this was a huge undertaking for me, starting a podcast who. Overwhelming, but. Now. I sit in bed. I recorded an episode. I edit it. I schedule it. It's not that difficult anymore. Does it still take effort? Absolutely. Does it take the level of effort that it took in the beginning? Absolutely not. And I've proven to myself that I can stick with a project for the long term. This is season three of this podcast. Right. So I've gathered proof that as a highly multi-passionate person, I know how to prioritize. I know how to maintain. And I can keep something going. And once the podcast got underway. I was able to launch my group coaching program that came after the podcast. And once I got the hang of that and got everything going with that. So to having clients enrolling on a consistent basis, feeling really good about it. Then I decided to do another side project, which is my digital magazine called thrive guide. So you see if you watch my personal journey. I'm not just doing one thing. I'm doing more than one thing, but I did not start. Each venture at the same time. I did not start each project at the same time. They were not in the same phase at the same time. And. Having that skill. Has been my personal superpower. It has allowed me to say yes to myself over and over again, because I trust that I know how to prioritize. I know how to stay focused and I know how to gain momentum and keep things going. And I want the same thing for you. When, you know how to prioritize your gathering proof that you can in fact do that as a multi-passionate. I want to remind you again here, that I can help you with this. If you have a lot of ideas and you don't know where to start, or you feel this pressure to do all the things at once, or you keep starting multiple projects at the same time and none of them are getting anywhere. And you want to try a different way. I would love for you to start by checking out my free training. I'll link to it in the show notes, or you can go to multi-passionate It's a super fun and engaging training. That will give you a sneak peek of the method that I teach in my program. My program prioritize and thrive is where we can work together directly. To get you to this place where prioritizing becomes your superpower. So I'm here for you. I'm not just giving you this advice and then saying, now go out and figure it out. I'm lending, you know that I can help you with this. Okay. All right. So let's do a quick recap and we'll wrap this episode up. Here are three reasons that priorities are your superpower as a multi-passionate. Number one, having clarity about where to put your attention will boost yourself confidence. Number two, when you eliminate decision fatigue, you make more room for your creative expression. And number three. You are gathering proof that you can prioritize which helps you to embrace your talents as a gift, not a burden. and actually enjoy being multi-passionate. I hope that you're now convinced that creating priorities is your superpower and again, If you need help getting started, check out the free training down. In our show notes. All right, that's it for today. And I'll see you in the next episode.