There Is A Method to the Madness

Meet Al Acebo and Jimmy DiGaetano with Their Product Pro Charge

June 06, 2024 Rob Maxwell, M.A.
Meet Al Acebo and Jimmy DiGaetano with Their Product Pro Charge
There Is A Method to the Madness
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There Is A Method to the Madness
Meet Al Acebo and Jimmy DiGaetano with Their Product Pro Charge
Jun 06, 2024
Rob Maxwell, M.A.

What if you could maintain muscle mass and stay fit while aging gracefully? Learn from the best as we chat with biochemist Al Acebo and Jimmy from Veloci Laboratories. Discover ProCharges, their revolutionary protein supplement originally crafted for bedridden patients, now a game-changer for fitness enthusiasts. With each ounce packing 20 grams of collagen and whey protein, it's the perfect companion for your pre- and post-workout routines.

Reflecting on our own fitness journeys, Jimmy and I discuss the importance of staying active and ensuring adequate protein intake, especially with the passage of time. At 63, I've committed to maintaining my muscle mass and hitting my protein goals, and Jimmy shares his story of overcoming athletic injuries and multiple joint replacements. We highlight the lasting benefits of consistent fitness habits and how supplements like ProCharges can help bridge nutritional gaps without the need to rely on a single product.

We also delve into the stringent FDA regulations that ensure ProCharges meets the highest standards. With insights from Jimmy's nephew, who oversees regulatory affairs, we explain the rigorous vetting processes, quality assurance, and non-GMO, cruelty-free ingredients that go into this protein powerhouse. From its origins as a medical food to its adaptation for consumer use, ProCharges exemplifies innovation and commitment to quality, making it a must-try for anyone serious about fitness and nutrition.

Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...

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What if you could maintain muscle mass and stay fit while aging gracefully? Learn from the best as we chat with biochemist Al Acebo and Jimmy from Veloci Laboratories. Discover ProCharges, their revolutionary protein supplement originally crafted for bedridden patients, now a game-changer for fitness enthusiasts. With each ounce packing 20 grams of collagen and whey protein, it's the perfect companion for your pre- and post-workout routines.

Reflecting on our own fitness journeys, Jimmy and I discuss the importance of staying active and ensuring adequate protein intake, especially with the passage of time. At 63, I've committed to maintaining my muscle mass and hitting my protein goals, and Jimmy shares his story of overcoming athletic injuries and multiple joint replacements. We highlight the lasting benefits of consistent fitness habits and how supplements like ProCharges can help bridge nutritional gaps without the need to rely on a single product.

We also delve into the stringent FDA regulations that ensure ProCharges meets the highest standards. With insights from Jimmy's nephew, who oversees regulatory affairs, we explain the rigorous vetting processes, quality assurance, and non-GMO, cruelty-free ingredients that go into this protein powerhouse. From its origins as a medical food to its adaptation for consumer use, ProCharges exemplifies innovation and commitment to quality, making it a must-try for anyone serious about fitness and nutrition.

Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to there's a Method to the Madness. My name is Rob Maxwell. I'm an exercise physiologist and personal trainer. I'm the owner of Maxwell's Fitness Programs, and I've been in business since 1994. The purpose of this podcast is to explain what works and, most importantly, why. Hence the name, the Method to the Madness. Today's episode is going to be a lot of fun. I'm going to have Al and Jimmy here talking about their local product of amino acids. I'm going to let them explain the whole thing to you. Before we get to that, though, let me thank Jonathan and Lynn Gilden of the Gilden Group at Realty Pros. They are committed to providing the highest level of customer service in home selling, and they have the sales and the reviews to back it up. Give them a shout at 386-451-2412. All right, without further ado, I'm going to go ahead and let the gentlemen here, al and Jimmy, introduce themselves. Whichever order you'd like to go.

Speaker 2:

I'll go first, since I'm the younger. All right, good morning, rob, and first of all thank you for the opportunity. My name is Al Acebo. A little bit of my background I'm a degree biochemist by education and formal training. I'm a degree biochemist by education and formal training. I've been involved in exercise and exercise physiology not obviously to the extent that you have, Rob, but just personally for a better part of my life.

Speaker 2:

The history and the background of the product that we're talking about goes back to 1996. Goes back to 1996. I was asked to develop a product that would bring dense nutrition, clean nutrition that could be used in a feeding tube apparatus so that bedridden patients would have dense nutrition to prevent degradation of major body organs and primarily skin. But it was really designed to prevent skin degeneration. The product is basically a concentrated form of concentrated delivery of collagen. It's very unique in that it stays in a liquid form even at very high concentrations. For example, our product is currently at 20 grams of pre-digested available collagen protein and whey complex whey protein isolate. Because it is a complete protein and it stays as a liquid. You can literally pour it into anything you want.

Speaker 1:

What's the name of the product? It's called ProCharges.

Speaker 2:

ProCharges. Procharges Okay, this was on the market. We brought it out back in 2017, 2018. There were some issues internally that we ended up having to pull it from the market due to company structure. Basically, my partner passed away and that led to some stress in the company and I pulled it off the market to reintroduce it and I'm doing so now with Jimmy through his company.

Speaker 1:

All right, so then we'll introduce Jimmy over here. He can give a little bit of his background.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, Al. Rob, Thanks for inviting us. My company is Veloci Laboratories. We're a family-owned over-the-counter pharmaceutical manufacturer. We've been making pharmaceuticals for over 50 years over 50 years. I met Al about 12 years ago as my regulatory FDA regulatory consultant, and he's been working with us ever since. He came to me, asked me if I would be interested in launching this product with him again and of course, I said yes, and we're now in the just at the launch stage. Now this month the product should be released to the market and we're hoping that we'll see a lot of interest in it. So far there has been and talking to other trainers, other medical professionals, that they're very interested in the product, and so we have high hopes for it.

Speaker 1:

Now, you're a Daytona Beach, port Orange, locally based company, so that's pretty cool that you produce that here. That's pretty good. So what would you say? Whoever wants to take this would be, uh, whoever wants to take it. What would be the main reason that uh say, fitness enthusiasts would want to take this product?

Speaker 2:

I at a formulation level. The product is again I alluded to being very clean. There's you're delivering 20 grams of protein per ounce. There's no fat and there's no sugars, no carbs. So what is it? Ideally designed to be? A protein supplement.

Speaker 1:

Right, the collagen is big. Right now a lot of people are taking that it has it actually.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting because I've looked at it for a long time. Collagen actually has the closest distribution of amino acid profile to human skin and muscle, so the body assimilates it very, very quickly. Within 15 minutes of receiving a dose it can be assimilated in.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So what are the recommendations, would you say? We've given out to some people for samples. Obviously it's hard for them to tell if it quote works or whatever, because they need to take it for a bit, but they've liked the taste. Taste has been clean. People seem to like it. What is the recommendation? Because I know that we have a few sample bottles here Is it like how many grams and how often per day and all that good stuff, rob?

Speaker 2:

what you'll find that makes this product very, very unique is that it is actually a pre-workout and a post-workout at the same time. So in one bottle you have two ounces. Ideally, you would want to take an ounce about 30 minutes before you work out. That actually becomes an energy source for the body. As you go from lipolysis, which is metabolism of sugar for energy I'm sorry, glycolysis, which is sugar for energy, to lipolysis, which is fat for energy, there's a gap of about 80 calories or so that the body actually metabolizes protein, which is why, traditionally, bodybuilders won't do cardio beyond 30 minutes, right? Because between 25 and 30, you start burning muscle, right?

Speaker 2:

What this product does is it supplies that energy gap between glycolysis and lipolysis. So, prior to a workout, your body actually uses the ProCharge as an energy source during the workout. So ideally, the perfect pre-workout energy product is going to be water and ProCharge. You're hydrating your body and you're providing energy. Post-workout, the body will actually use it to rebuild that which has been catalysized. So, whatever you break down during the workout, as you recover in the recovery phase, this product will be used and can be efficient and very, very important for that phase.

Speaker 1:

So it in a sense kind of helps prevent gluconeogenesis, so breakdown of the muscle tissue due to basically running out of carbs, so to say. Correct exactly. And that bottle you gave us to sample that's two ounces, that is two ounces, so half before, half after. I'm not sure if you're ready to talk about prices or whatever yet, but what would that go on the market for, for somebody that's out there to purchase?

Speaker 2:

We're actually looking at price points. It's going to be somewhere around $6 to $7. So your dose is about $3. Do they do that? Are you going to do that? How about the cost?

Speaker 1:

of a cup of coffee before you come work out Right about $2, unless you go to Starbucks.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Sell it at 11 around there, Starbucks over.

Speaker 1:

Right. So are you going to sell it in packs of 12, or?

Speaker 2:

how would that work? We're staging. That's something that jimmy and I are working on.

Speaker 3:

You can speak to that, jim yeah, I think what we're going to do is we're going to offer it um an individual. If somebody wants just, you know, purchase one um, and then we'll have some specials for um. You know, buy three, get the fourth one free, those sorts of things, and then we will be selling it to retailers as well, which we have a lot of interest, and to gyms as well. Right, and one of the to me, one of the best features with the product is that it allows you to be compliant with your protein intake. It's so much easier than getting out your you know, your big container of powder, having to mix it here. It's on the go, you take it with you.

Speaker 1:

So it's built your samples. That container you gave me is similar, correct, so it's kind of like a squeeze tube, it is it looks like just some of the water enhancers.

Speaker 3:

Same type of container, drip-free, so like a ketchup bottle type of container.

Speaker 1:

And I believe, al, you had told me privately that it had all the essential amino acids. Am I correct? All of them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it has all of these. So the branch chain amino acids are all present. Bcaas BCAAs are all present. They're in a 3-2-3, which is ideal for muscle, for skeletal muscle structures. Right right, it's a 3-2-3. So, yeah, it has.

Speaker 1:

All the 10 essential amino acids are present in the product and similar to like what you see with like goos and gels and endurance athletes use. They now have some of the branch chain amino acids in them as well. Same purpose for trying to stay away from the breakdown of muscle tissue during workout. Yeah, how much, um, how many grams of protein is that measured in this?

Speaker 2:

There's 40 grams in the bottle. Okay, so 20-20?, 20 and 20, correct? It's designed to split the dose, but it really is to the person's taste. I take about 45 minutes before, 30 minutes before a workout, I use an entire bottle. About 45 minutes before, 30 minutes before a workout, I use an entire bottle. And for me, because I do train and I keep some intensity in my training, still today, I don't want to take the chance, right? You know, at our age, listen, lose muscle fast, lose muscle fast and also joints are very sensitive. So I want to make sure that everything stays very hydrated, that my body stays fed during the workout and then afterwards I take about half a bottle or so afterwards, but in an entire bottle I'm only looking at 160 calories.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, that's good. I was going to ask that how many calories? Okay, yeah, and most research shows that after a workout, you should have between 15 and 20, maybe even 25 grams.

Speaker 2:

So that kind of fits right in the middle. That's right. That's exactly about where I am.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's very, very good. And a couple more questions on that, but maybe so, al, you said that you are, you've worked out, and I know that from Jimmy. Telling me, so did you do a lot of bodybuilding and that was your interest in lifting. I actually started in powerlifting first. Telling me, so did you do a lot of bodybuilding?

Speaker 2:

and that was your interest in. In lifting, I actually started, uh, started in powerlifting. First. I powerlifted for about five, six years and then, uh, a couple of a couple of injuries prevented me from continuing to stay at the level that I was I was training at, so I went into bodybuilding. After that, just my love for training in the gym was was still actually very, very powerful, and it is today, is today. You know, 45 years later, I'm still at it.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, today my goals are dramatically different, primarily just staying physically fit, staying active, keeping muscle on the body. Keeping muscle on the body, which is an ongoing battle. Again, I'll be 63 this year. I've been blessed, absolutely blessed, that I can do it. Many of my peers don't have that luxury, don't have that option, so I'm going to try to do everything I can to just keep the engine clean and feed it, make sure that I've got enough protein throughout my day. Jimmy alluded to staying protein compliant, and that's something that most people aren't really aware of. Our body requires about a gram of protein per pound of body weight. That's usually what I tell people, and so you're looking at somebody at 150 pounds, you know you're going to need literally 150 grams of protein total in your total diet. We're not in any way recommending that you get the entire protein out of this product. This product is only to supplement. You need multiple sources of protein that have multiple presentations of amino acids Different biological grades.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and you want your body's digestive system to work through it, because some of the substrates are critical as well for nutrition. So we're in no way saying, hey, this is all you need to take, but it does help you hit your number. So before my day gets going, I know that I'm going to be able to put in somewhere between 40 to 80 grams of my 210 grams that I need. I can do it out of my product, I can do it out of this product, so it eases the calorie intake, which helps maintain my body weight about where I want to stay, and it does keep my body healthy. I can feel it in my skin and my bones in times that I have not been supplementing it.

Speaker 1:

I can definitely feel the difference and jimmy, you come from a bit of a athletic background as well. Played some highlight down in miami right uh, actually Rhode, island. Same. Thing.

Speaker 3:

Close United States East Coast. So how did that go and what got you out of that? That was back in the 80s. Highline was still big. I had an opportunity to play in Rhode Island, which I did, but after about three years or so I started some injuries, which you know happens to everybody at some point.

Speaker 1:

Three years into it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I just couldn't. I just couldn't do it anymore. So I had to hang it up. But you know it was an experience, glad I did it. So I had to hang it up, but you know it was an experience, glad I did it. It was shortly after that, rob, if you remember that. I met you back when you were training people at your house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was in between Over 30 years ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah for sure, and now I introduced my son to you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

He's 21 now, but about 10 years ago I think it was I started bringing him to train with you and he still trains to this day. He's doing very well and he's coming to the regular basis. Yeah, he's getting there Not bad Slowly, but he's getting there.

Speaker 1:

And you lost a lot of weight back in your day.

Speaker 3:

I did and, unfortunately for me, I've had a lot of issues health wise. I have actually have six joint replacements. Wow, might be a record that I know. So, yeah, that is in the last. You know, four or five years has really limited my ability to to train, um, but yeah, I mean I was coming, been coming to see you almost, like I said, 30 years and it was steady for a long time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, my sister even my, my parents my dad used to come with me. Yeah, yes, they did.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I have a long history.

Speaker 1:

So, getting back, uh, to the product there, speaking of your sister, one of your sisters is a physician, correct? How does she like? Does she like the product? Is she all aboard?

Speaker 3:

She's not really up to speed with it. Now she's an ophthalmologist. She doesn't work the daily business.

Speaker 1:

With your company.

Speaker 3:

Right, she does not because she's still practicing, so she isn't familiar with the product yet. So my nephew that also works with us, that does all our FDA regulatory things with, along with Al's been my consultant and he really likes the product. My I have another sister that used to train with you for quite a while. She still runs on a regular basis and I gave her samples.

Speaker 1:

She's been testing it does she like it she?

Speaker 3:

loves it. Yeah, she really likes it, the uh Because endurance.

Speaker 1:

Athletes have to pay attention to this too. I mean, they go through more I'd say they go through more muscle breakdown than bodybuilders, because they're… they're also enjoying it. Yeah, for sure. So yeah, all right, so we'll stay on that trend. So, al, I guess you're the FDA guy, so does FDA look at these products, or is this a non-FDA?

Speaker 2:

No, no, very closely, because some supplements they don't right, some supplements they don't. The issue with, and the concern with, a product like this is that the nutrition value is very, very high, right. So literally, it can potentially be an issue if the product is not formulated properly, and what I mean by that is microbial integrity, right, so this product has been submitted. Now, that is microbial integrity, right, so this product has been submitted. In fact, we just finished the studies on a process where you take the product and you charge it with bacteria and see if the product can clean itself. And with this particular formulation, it passed with flying colors. It was incepted with six different pathogens, and this is getting deeper than it is.

Speaker 1:

So who does that? Do you guys do that yourself? No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

That's done by a licensed.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say that sounds pretty high-tech.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would never bring in mind you the kind of bugs they were.

Speaker 1:

We don't want Jimmy walking on microbes. No, nowhere near us.

Speaker 2:

Not these bugs, but it's called the USP51 challenge's. Wow, it was. Uh, it was. It's called the usp 51 challenge and it was accepted with uh, seven or six different bacterium. Uh, they were brought in at a very, very high level five billion count and the product is able to clean itself without any intervention. It the formula itself cleaned itself. So what does that mean exactly?

Speaker 1:

it cleans itself. It went down to zero count okay just over time within seven days days. Okay, yeah, that's pretty interesting. So you guys are all cleared, then FDA, we're cleared to go. Good, so it's just a matter of get it all together and launch huh Business wise.

Speaker 3:

The FDA doesn't approve the product. We just have to meet the requirements to sell the product. They're not going to evaluate it independently, right, but they will tell us what's required in order to sell the product.

Speaker 1:

Almost like getting a business license. Like you can't put your business out there unless they've checked over your parking issues, kind of like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's similar In a way. The FDA puts out you know they call it a monograph and that tells you what's allowable for the product that you're looking to put into the market. That changes from the criteria, changes from drug to cosmetic to in this case, this is food and dietary supplement. So the requirements change, but there's still requirements and it's still regulated by the FDA. There's still requirements and it's still regulated by the FDA, and we have to do the required testing and we also have to follow all the guidelines to be a FDA regulated facility, meaning that we have to follow current good manufacturing practices and make sure that everything that we're doing follows their guidelines. We get regular inspections from the FDA and they come and they look through our records, make sure we're doing what we're supposed to and if there's anything that they find that's deficient, then they give us a report and then we correct it.

Speaker 1:

How often do you get inspected?

Speaker 3:

Currently. I think the last one was two years ago.

Speaker 2:

It's about every two years. If a company has failed in any way, the FDA comes in much closer, but when a company has a good track record, they go two to three years.

Speaker 3:

Obviously during COVID covid that changed, so we didn't have an inspection through that entire time, um, but since then we we have, so, um, they, they normally, like al said, it's somewhere between, depends on how you know how busy they are and how you know they're obviously like everybody else, you know it depends on their staffing and availability. So, um, no more than four years, but generally somewhere in the two, two to three year Right.

Speaker 1:

But that gives the public, uh, you know they feel safe. You know cause, as I said, a lot of um, a lot of supplements are not regulated. I mean, I remember, like when we were younger, they potentially should be Right.

Speaker 2:

The issue is how they're, how they are manufactured and where they're manufactured Right we manufacture. This is a drug manufacturing facility which automatically has a higher yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1:

That's a good point. It's not a dietary supplement manufacturing.

Speaker 2:

It's a drug manufacturing facility, so when they come in they look at everything. This formula has been on the market since 1996.

Speaker 1:

So it's been tested For the original, as you said for skin Correct.

Speaker 2:

And this is a variation of the original formulation. It's been tweaked for flavor, Right, that's the main thing that I did with it. So this particular formula, this type of presentation and this delivery has been vetted by FDA since 1996. And originally as a medical food which has a higher regimen because there's no digestion that goes straight into the as a feeding tube application. So it's been around a long time. We, by God's grace, have never had an issue, other than folks telling me the issue with flavor and that's what we've been working on that's always going to be a hard tweak.

Speaker 1:

Now are there different flavors. What flavors do you have?

Speaker 3:

currently, with our initial launch, we have one that has no flavor but it does have the sweetness, and then we have three other flavors, um, black cherry, uh, lemon, lime and fruit punch. Uh, and those are the ones that we're going to start, start to launch with Um and then, you know, depending on uh demand, we have options to uh to basically come up with any flavor that we want.

Speaker 1:

That sounds pretty good. I mean, you know, somebody might say a chocolate or something like that, it's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we vetted a pancake syrup product Fantastic. So you're putting a blueberry pancake or a maple pancake syrup, quote unquote. That has no sugar and is 20 grams of protein, right. We vetted a salad dressing. So we have a salad dressing product, obviously from the business side, and launch. We have to be very careful. We have close to 20, 25 formulas that we bring out, some in the savory and some in the sweet.

Speaker 1:

I would think lemon-lime. I mean that's always been my go-to, it's the top Gatorade flavors lime. I mean that's always been my go-to, it's the top Gatorade flavors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, that's what we lean into. But you can put the product literally Rob, you can put it into water, you can put it into anything you want, the application. You got a water bottle. You're going into the gym, put the product in, move it and you got a protein drink without any, without a mixer, without spills, without the mess can look around this carpet here you're going to see plenty of protein spills constantly my mixer's in there now.

Speaker 1:

Um, all right, so I know I asked uh, I think it was jimmy this question. So, because I know people are going to ask me, talk a little bit about you. Animal cruelty free on that product.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, any vendor that we use that supplies us. We have a vetting process. We have to do a vendor qualification and we go through and we make sure that none of that. There's no non GMO, all right, all the materials. Cruelty free, all the materials. And then there's different, you know, depending on the product that we're making. There's different grades of the ingredients. Wherever we can, we use the USP grade, which is the highest grade.

Speaker 2:

When it's available.

Speaker 3:

When it's available. Some materials don't come in a USP grade, but that is the highest grade and we try to use that whenever we can. So we're using the highest quality ingredients Available to us Right In every product Not just this, but the other products that we manufacture, also very important, and I'm sorry to interrupt is that our protein source is domestic.

Speaker 2:

We're not buying protein from overseas Right, which have less regulations, less regulations. At that point in time, the responsibility lays on the manufacturer. We still have responsibility to qualify a vendor, as Jimmy spoke to, but our requirements for certificates of compliance in the different areas that are important to us are paramount. We have to have those before we even start working with the product.

Speaker 2:

We're currently vetting a supplier for another product and we're in the process of doing that. Before we buy the first market, the first scale of manufacturing batch, we're going to go through the entire process of qualifying before we do that.

Speaker 1:

So anybody that has this issue concern could feel pretty good about the product and it sounds like Right.

Speaker 3:

And what we do is, and some of my other products that we have on the website, we'll put up the certificates that will. They can go and look at them and see that it's been tested by an independent third party lab, that the amount of protein that's in there meets the requirement. We set the requirement but they tested and make sure and then they'll make sure whatever other requirements for testing that we need to do has passed. If it doesn't, then we have to do an investigation and find out why it failed. Then we have to do an investigation and find out why it failed. But nothing gets into the market unless it passes all the quality testing.

Speaker 1:

Right and you make this stuff Correct Right here, port Orange. So you're like a little Frankenstein over there, huh making products. I didn't realize that place was that busy.

Speaker 3:

No, we've been extremely busy yeah.

Speaker 1:

So your dad started the company, right Is that?

Speaker 3:

So my dad, who was a pharmacist, worked for. The name of the company is Belasa Laboratories. My dad worked for Mr Belasa, who was a pharmacist, when he was a teenager, Started sweeping floors in his pharmacy form for you know a quarter and they stayed friends and as my dad got a little older he started doing deliveries for him and that inspired my dad to be a pharmacist and he went to school, became a pharmacist and him and Mr Blossom stayed very close. Mr Blossom compounded a lot of formulas himself in his pharmacy, which was even more common back, you know, back then, because we're talking about 30s, 40s. They did a lot of that and so he has a book with all kinds of formulas. But the formula, the main product that we sell right now, is a wart remover, not the most glamorous, but, um, there's a people need them, there's a demand for it and the product's fantastic and it's, you know, stood the test of time. I mean, he started making it in 80 years. Yeah, he started making it in the in the 20s. Um, he registered FDA in the late 30s. So the products been grandfathered. It's grandfathered in through the F from the FDA because it predates the FDA.

Speaker 3:

But when mr Blossom passed away in 1965. Everything he had he left to my dad. He didn't have any other family here and my dad was, like you know, a son to him and we started making the product in the basement in New Jersey and you know, we progressed from there and now, you know, we've expanded tremendously. We're in the process now of looking to expand our footprint even bigger and running out of space. So, yeah, the business is doing very well. We have some other products that we're launching. We have another product line that we just launched. Now currently that's just starting and then we're going to have the pro charge as well. But you know that's, that's Al's product. We're just making it for him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Um, but it's his product, Um, so everything that we do is based on his guidelines.

Speaker 1:

So well, how do we? Um, so pro charge to me sounds like a great thing. How do we? Uh, got a couple minutes here to to wrap it up. What's the last thing? Maybe, al, you want to tell people like when to look for it, how to look for it.

Speaker 2:

It should be. We're in the process of finalizing the website and different market avenues for it, so it should be available in the next 30 days.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, okay. What's the website?

Speaker 2:

going to be? Do you have the ProChargeProteincom?

Speaker 1:

ProChargeProteincom, and can they order directly from there, directly from the site? Okay, great. Anything else you want to say about the product or any of that.

Speaker 2:

I've just. Personally, I'm very critical of all the formulas that I've developed and this is probably one of the finest formulas that I've worked with. I've worked with prescription drugs, with conventional over-the-counter drugs. This is when Jimmy and I sat and talked about it. We acknowledge there's a lot of situations where a product, a problem is created and then a product is developed. This product addresses a problem. The problem is availability, protein compliance and the use ease of use. You can leave your house with a bottle in your briefcase or your purse. The product is stable. You can use it anytime you want. It's very, very easy to use and meets that requirement. Overall health has improved. Obviously your focus on physiology we're talking about exercise, but overall health, literally beauty from within.

Speaker 1:

Well, so many people are taking collagen now right for their hair now. Well, that's the other thing too Skin, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We do have. We will have a product, a ProCharge product, designed specifically for that, more for that side. We want it for, you know, hair, nails, skin, because that also is in high demand. And now that Big time.

Speaker 2:

Specifically for women. Right.

Speaker 3:

And in recent years know everybody you know started out everything was way isolate and that's what everybody wanted, but it's slowly transitioning into the collagen. Yeah, it is um, and we use uh, porcine collagen as well. I don't know if we ever mentioned that, but um the profile.

Speaker 2:

The profile is the closest to human skin and bone and muscle Human skin, bone and muscle. There's quite a bit of protein in the bones as well, so it's the closest profile, the cleanest and the most available of all the collagen.

Speaker 1:

So last question, kind of a little funny one. So can you take one of them little bad boy bottles on an airplane, or are they going to make me throw it away?

Speaker 2:

It is ideally designed just below the three-ounce bottle level. There you go. Yeah, because you said it was two ounces, two ounces.

Speaker 1:

So when that guy goes in there, I'm always the one that TSA grabs and says you can't take this. Well, you look suspicious to me, Absolutely. I get patted down. I'm the only one in the group and I always get pictures up on the wall right so I can get this bad boy through security, because I'm going in June, so I'm going to have to try it out and make sure I didn't get arrested. No problem, it's a two ounce product you're good to go, yeah, I'll get you, I'll get you some more samples.

Speaker 3:

yeah, for sure I should have that, I'm hoping, by the end of this week. That'll be pretty cool, yeah, and it'll take about two weeks maybe to get the labels printed and once we have that, the product's ready, Everything's done. We've registered the product, so we're basically we're ready to launch. We're just waiting on the labels, Okay. So yeah, we're ready to go. Hopefully, like Al said, within the next 30 days we'll be in on the market.

Speaker 2:

And we'll let you know when it's available. That's perfect. We'll let you know when the website is up.

Speaker 1:

All right. Thank you, gentlemen, until next time. Thank you very much, rob. Thank you, al and Jimmy. I found that to be a very interesting interview and I learned some things. Now let me thank Overhead Door of Daytona Beach. I can personally vouch for Jeff and Zach Hawk. They are consummate professionals and they can be reached at overheaddoordaytonacom.

ProCharge Amino Acids Product Discussion
Fitness and Goals Over Time
(Cont.) Fitness and Goals Over Time
FDA Regulation of Dietary Supplements
Product Development and Qualifications