Portugalist - The Moving to Portugal Podcast

Webinar: Portuguese Visas For Moving to Portugal


Welcome to our podcast series where we unravel the intricacies of Portuguese visas and legal considerations. This was originally recorded as a webinar, but we have put it in audio format for those that prefer to listen on the move. 

Joining us again was Sandra Gomes Pinto, who has provided expert legal info on a number of other Portugalist webinars. 

General Inquiries:
We addressed common questions about visa requirements across different countries and consulates. Listeners discovered how to navigate annual physical stay prerequisites and understand the verification process.

NHR Vs NHR 2.0:
We explored the transition from NHR to NHR 2.0, shedding light on its impact. Listeners learned about the taxation of pensions and social security, clarifying concerns about potential double taxation.

D7 Visa:
Insider tips were shared on the requirements for the sought-after D7 visa, including the possibility of freelance work during retirement. We discussed rental agreement durations and logistical considerations, along with income requirements.

D8 Visa:
Listeners learned the essentials of the D8 long-stay visa, or digital nomad visa, from obtaining a NIF to setting up a bank account. We untangled confusion surrounding income thresholds and alternative visa routes.

Family Reunification:
We delved into family reunification procedures, exploring the choice between including partners in initial visa applications or pursuing subsequent reunification routes.

Renewals and Additional Queries:
Listeners discovered how to navigate visa renewal processes and the importance of seeking professional assistance. Clarity was provided on income adjustments and eligibility criteria.

Moving with EU Partners:
Insights were shared on relocating with non-EU spouses and partners and navigating residency registration protocols, including the 90-day registration rule.

Exploring Other Visa Avenues:
We explored lesser-known visa options, such as volunteer visas and routes for applicants from Portuguese speaking countries like Brazil. Concerns about criminal records and their impact on residency prospects were addressed.

Additional Insights:
Listeners delved into procedural nuances for non-EU citizens residing in EU countries and the benefits of existing EU residency in the visa application process.

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