SOLACE: Soul + Grief

Prayers for a Father or Grandfather

Candee Lucas Season 2 Episode 54

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Feeling the ache of a lost Father or Grandfather? Want to find solace and connection in the midst of your grief? This episode provides an exploration into the comforting power of religious prayers from around the globe. We've unearthed the profound strength, hope, and peace that prayers from religious traditions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism can provide you during these times of sorrow. These guiding lights offer not just solace, but also a sense of continuity and a deeper connection with those fathers we've lost.

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Our theme music is:  Gentle Breeze by Yeti Music from the album "Uppbeat".
Additional Music and sound effects today by:   via Pixabay


We welcome you to Solace: Soul + Grief, I'm Cand ee Lucas, your host. When we started this ministry, we understood how difficult it was to lose a loved one, and we had hoped to create a space and a ministry that addressed these concerns and served as a source of comfort and wisdom for those who travel with God on their grief journey. This podcast is brought to you by Catholic Cemeteries Diocese of San Jose. We're glad you're here. You're always welcome in our circle of healing, love and support.


Prayers can provide a sense of comfort and reassurance. The words in the following prayers are written in ways to offer hope, love and peace. When we're feeling overwhelmed by grief, reciting these prayers can remind us that we're not alone and God is always there to support and comfort us. These prayers can strengthen your relationship with the higher power. It can help you express your emotions. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to say when you're grieving. Reciting prayers that affirm your religion can give voice to your emotions and feelings. They can offer a sense of tradition and continuity. For many people, reciting prayers from holy texts is a part of a religious tradition. Continuing to recite these prayers during grief can provide a sense of continuity and connection to loved ones who have passed.


What follows is a series of prayers for the loss of a father. They are taken from various religious traditions from around the world. When you're missing your father especially, I hope you'll return again and again to the comfort of these prayers. "Dear Jesus, come wait here, come dwell with me. I hide in your presence and rest in the grief I lost so much when dad passed away, his comfort, his love. Lord, please stir up these wonderful memories and help me soak up warmth, amen.


The next prayer is from India --"All conditioned things are impermanent. When one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. The next is from Buddhism Whatever has the nature of arising also has the nature of ceasing. And from the Bhagavad Gita, the wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. And from Job the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised. Psalm 34,. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. From Matthew, chapter 5, blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. And from the Bhagavad Gita as a man casting off worn out garments takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn out bodies enters into others that are new From the Quran. Everyone is going to taste death and we shall make a trial of you with evil and good, and to us you will be returned.


A prayer for comfort, l"ord, we come to you with broken hearts as we mourn the loss of our beloved Father. The pain of His passing feels unbearable and we struggle to imagine how we will get through the difficult times. Please comfort us with your loving embrace, lord, and give us the strength we need to carry on. We know that our Father is now with you and we find peace in the knowledge that he is no longer suffering. Please help us to honor His memory by living our lives in a way that would make Him proud. Father in Heaven, we thank you for the gift of our Father's life. We are grateful for the time we were blessed to have Him with us on earth and for the love and guidance he provided us with. As we say goodbye to Him, we ask that you watch over His Spirit as he journeys home to you. May he feel your loving embrace and know the joy and peace of being reunited with you. Help us to find comfort in the memories we share with our Father and to celebrate the life that he lived. Dear is God. Our hearts are heavy with grief, lord, as we mourn the loss of our dear Father, but even as we struggle carrying our sadness, we find solace in the knowledge that he is now in your presence, happy and at peace. Please help us to celebrate His life and to honor His memory by living our lives with joy and purpose. We thank you for the gift of our Father's life and for the love he shared with us. Please grant us the strength we need to carry on without Him, knowing that he is forever in our hearts.


"Heavenly Father, we come before you today with heavy hearts as we mourn the loss of our beloved Father. We thank you for the life he lived and the love he gave us. We ask you for your grace to help us accept his passing and to find peace in knowing that he is now in your loving presence. Father, we know that you have a plan for each of our lives, and that includes our Father's journey. We pray for the grace to accept your will and trust in your divine wisdom and goodness. Help us to find solace in the knowledge that our Father is now reunited with loved ones we have gone before him and that he is in a place of eternal peace and happiness.


And we close with Norman Fischer's Zen-inspired version of Psalm 23. "You are my shepherd. I am content You'd lead me to rest in the sweet grasses, to lie down by the quiet waters. I am refreshed. You lead me down the right path, the path that unwinds in the pattern of your name, and even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are with me, comforting me with your rod and your staff, showing me each step. You prepare a table for me in the midst of adversity and moisten my head with oil. Surely my cup is overflowing, and goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life and in the long days beyond. I will always live within your house, amen.


That concludes another episode. Please support us by subscribing on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcast. We always welcome your comments and feedback. Remember, spiritual direction is always available through Catholic Cemeteies. I'm Candee Lucas, chaplain, after-care coordinator and spiritual director at Catholic Cemeteries. You can reach us through the email or telephone number in the show notes. Be gentle with yourselves. Travel safely with God. Vaya con Dios.