As The Pokeball Turns

TRAINER'S EYE #106 - "Pokemon GO in Missouri" ft. Kansas City North Pokemon GO

David Hernandez Season 1 Episode 110

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In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay, Community Ambassadors for Pokemon GO from Kansas City, Missouri

Both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay share their initial experience with Pokemon. There primarily involvement has been with Pokemon GO and the biggest influence on their Pokemon journey has been the Pokemon GO Community.

Afterwards, both Kateramarie and BeeCeeKay shares their experience playing building up their Kansas City community with the Community Ambassador Program from Niantic. They both share what influenced them to get involved and share insight on how their community works together as a team!

Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

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My name is Caitra Marie and this is my Pokémon story.

David Hernandez:

Welcome to As the Pokeball Turns, where we interview people about their experience with Pokemon. My name is David Hernandez, and today I'm joined by two community ambassadors from Kansas City, Katerin Marie and BCK. Both y'all, welcome to the show.




Hey, thanks for having us.

David Hernandez:

Without a doubt, and from what I understand, BCK, you're the biggest Raiders fan. Out in Kansas City, like what is it like to be the only Raiders


No, no, no. No, no. Chiefs fan.

David Hernandez:

Oh, you're a Chiefs fan? I mean, isn't that kind of the same thing?


No. God. Oh, no. No. Absolutely not. We don't do the Raiders. We

David Hernandez:

don't wear the black and silver?


No, we

David Hernandez:

not an NFL podcast, but We're actually here to talk about Pokemon Go. So let's talk, talk about when y'all first started playing. So what was y'all experience with Pokemon Go?


well, I started the week after the game started, because everybody's saying, hey, you gotta check this out. So I got on and back then it was a lot different. So it was my fitness app. I'd walk a little bit and catch a Pokémon and walk a little bit more and catch a Pokémon. And that was about it. And then everybody started getting together after your raids. And we were all kind of geeking out the park and saying, um, are you playing Pokemon Go? And that's kind of how it started. We started on Facebook Messenger, got too big for that. then the guys that I was working with at the time, the OG group, they said, well, let's move over to Discord. And I said, Disco what? I like Disco. I'm dancing here. You can't see that. But yeah, it just grew and grew. And then, later on the years, we decided to join up with a community ambassador program and it is just growing and growing since,

David Hernandez:

It sounds like Tina was kind of the one who was spearheading this group. Is that fair to say?


I have a bunch of admins that help.

David Hernandez:

Okay. But you're, are you kind of the main head honcho, like the one who applied for the community ambassador and all that?


I was the first. Yeah. I think a lot of us, we kind of split up our responsibilities and I like to talk to people a lot. So I'm kind of the more outgoing person. That's the face. But there are a lot of people that help us out back behind that like to do the tech stuff that I don't like to get into, like, how to add the bots everywhere and all that kind of stuff behind the scenes. but yeah, and logistic people and, you know, yeah. So we have a team mods, admins to help us out. And then, I'd always do the community days since the beginning. it was just too much to do more and more activities, especially with these rate hours and BC has been doing rate hours for forever. So we kind of divide the community ambassador things with, I do the CD events and bigger events and he does the rate hours and helps out as well. It was like, Go Fest, huge help. Thanks again. And everybody else, our team really helped us then brought water, help set up, break down everything, talk to people, coordinate. I couldn't do it alone. Definitely. Shout out to my leaders, my community.

David Hernandez:

Hey, shout out to the Kansas city admin team.



David Hernandez:

did you have any experience with Pokemon prior to Pokemon Go? Or is this your first experience?


not really. I mean, I have two younger kids and so we started getting into it. Once mom downloaded a strange phone or app on her phone. And so. We kind of did and then we got really into it. We started doing The trading card game a little bit because I have some history with trading card games. And we watched all the anime. It was fun.

David Hernandez:

It's kind of interesting how, you know, you led the group with no experience of Pokemon and for you was just motivation was just using fitness. You're trying to do a healthy lifestyle. It sounds like, did you ever expect yourself to be this involved as you are nowadays back then?


i'm a middle aged housewife, um I have two kids that keep me on my toes My oldest is, in the gifted program, uh, which is kind of a special needs of its own. And my youngest is a primary wheelchair user. He has spina bifida and a few other alphabetic diagnoses to him. so I'm not your typical, I don't know. Well, what is your typical Pokemon

David Hernandez:

what is


person? Yeah, everybody. Everybody's welcome. But yeah, I didn't think I'd be doing this in my free time. No, but I am,

David Hernandez:

It sounds like you enjoy it though. Cause you know, you got a team and you got people who kind of believe in you. Like, you


they do.

David Hernandez:

your BC is kind of trying to figure out the technical issues, but he said that, you know, it was because of you that he got more involved.


he's so sweet. yeah. There's just a whole group. we actually call ourselves a pokey family. I know that's kind of hokey

David Hernandez:

I like it.


It is it came from our some of our members and everything because we come together Especially even in the early days. This is pre covid we'd bring food we'd get together and we'd have tacos or Uh, we had chili cook off. That was cindaquil community day Yeah, it was freezing too, so we put up the tarp around the shelter, and everybody was like huddled in, and

David Hernandez:

What's this like during one of y'all's winter? It sounds like like a, during a cold season of Kansas


Yeah, yeah, well, I'm trying to remember when that was. I think it was like October or November.

David Hernandez:

Mm hmm.


up my Pokemon, but yeah, was cold. Of course, Missouri, the temperatures are like, one day it's 30 degrees, the next day it's 70, so it could have been any time of year.

David Hernandez:

Every good leader has a good team behind them. That's what I've come to find out. Well,


You know, we're talking about the chiefs and Mahomes. That's the way he always is. And I'm gonna try to be like Mahomes, you know, it's my team. I know that was good. You got easy right off the front.

David Hernandez:

So BCK? What about you? When did you first start playing Pokemon Go?


so I started during COVID, I got sent to work from home and I noticed I was getting like no activity, no exercise, everything was closed, So, I was just looking for a way to get out and exercise, because I'm not the most motivated person, and I'm a gamer, always have been, so I was kind of looking for something that would get me out. And, came across Pokemon, which, I was into it when I was a kid. Through middle school, I played the game, the trading card game. I played the first two gens on Game Boy. But since then, I hadn't been involved in it much. And when I came across it, I was kind of excited, figured I'd give it a try. And, kind of took off from there. Um, I was pretty casual for the first, um, I want to say three to six months, until I came across the discord and met Tina and, the other mods and the whole group and then I kind of just dove in head first. just the community aspect of it really got me more interested in it, so.

David Hernandez:

I guess on that note like what was it about, you know Meeting Tina and being in the community that kept you engaged with Pokemon Go at the time.


So, the reason I have a funny Welcome story, I guess. So right after I started, I didn't really know how it worked. And, there was a raid down the street from me. So I was like level 15 maybe. And, uh, I walked down to do this raid cause I'm like, why not? It was a five star. Right. And, and, it wasn't fun. you know, obviously. so I just kind of got. You know, I, I like to catch things, but like, I really didn't know how else to play because I didn't know anyone else did So I kind of went looking online for remote raiding people and, that's how I actually came across the discord was online. I think it was on Reddit somewhere and I found a North Kansas City discord and I, I was like, wow, I wonder if that's still active. And once, once I got in, and found people I could raid with and do. You know, all the mechanics with instead of just, you know, the, catching That's when I really took off. So, cause rating is, that's favorite part of the game. So.

David Hernandez:

Why is it raiding your favorite part of Pokemon Go?


Honestly, I don't know. I think, again, I think it's just community. Cause catching and stuff, you can do that by yourself. But, with Rage, you really have to, uh, you have to have other people with you for the most part. Cause, you know, most legendaries, I mean, there's a few you can do alone. But, it's just, it's just the community aspect of it. I've met a lot of people I consider friends at this point, through this game.

David Hernandez:

Now Tina, I didn't ask you this question. What about you? What's your favorite part of playing Pokemon Go?


Oh gosh, Well, while Beastie was talking about raids, um, it brought me back to the community. I mean, that's why we come out and do it. We're stronger together. I always say that. and my favorite Pokemon is Tyranitar and yes, Tyranitar is awesome. It's a green Beastie. I love it, but it's also because Tyranitar was one of the very first raids that brought us all together. And we were all like, oh man, how many people we need? I think we need 12. Yeah, eight or 12. And we laugh now, but that's the way it was back then. And we'd wait for each other. Oh, I got somebody else coming. Okay. As long as we could wait about 10, 20 more minutes, they could get here and we could do this. Yes, we need them. Okay. We'll do it. But yeah, it's evolved since then. And you know, then we talk about COVID and how the rating has changed and evolved and we've Gone with the flow a little bit, and remotes have changed things, some for the better, some not. I'm a big fan of coming out in person, but also, like I mentioned before, my son has special needs. And I totally understand that sometimes you do what you could do. From where you can, not to advocate spoofing anyway, you know, not anything like that, but remote raids Definitely have a place in Pokemon Go. It just all brings us together whether we're on discord in person You gotta have something people need people.

David Hernandez:

I like that. People need people from the land that's divided.



David Hernandez:

Ha ha


That is true. We have to keep ourselves together somehow, you know, we have our differences and everything but we come together with Pokemon Go

David Hernandez:

Now Tina said her favorite Pokemon. What about you? What's your favorite Pokemon?


Don't say Aggron.


No, so I'm a Gen 1'er, but In all honesty my favorite is Giratina. It's just the lore behind it. It wasn't, it's not like something I played with in the game and stuff, but like, I think the lore for Giratina is the most interesting, so just, it's always my favorite.

David Hernandez:

I know that Aggron lines from Raids, right? When all suggests is that Aggrons, like, use Aggron people.


Well, there's a little history too, because BC always teasing me about how, I have a love hate relationship with Aggron. I just feel that the poor thing got mistreated in

David Hernandez:

my god. No,


just, in the day, they just throw it in their raid party, and I'd be like, oh no, not again.


I told Tina one of these days, one of these days I'm going to jump into a raid lobby with her and duo something and I'm going to have a team of all Aggron, so


you know I'm gonna quit. I'll leave you, man. Hehehehe.

David Hernandez:

what you need to do is you need to be able to get some people involved with you and you'll all just use aggrons.


Oh my




People troll me about that, but I just laugh.



David Hernandez:

by the way. Just let me know the time and day and I'll visit.


Oh no.


I'll send the invite.

David Hernandez:

Tina, I'll use a level one aggrons to make it even better.


Oh my gosh.


Let's see if T Tar can carry us then.


I'll bring my team. You know I got one.

David Hernandez:

I gotta, I gotta know, like, how deep are you into this Ttar? Do you have like a full squad or like army? Like,


Yeah, I have a Tyranitar problem.

David Hernandez:

Do to do


really do. Yes. No, I mean, thing. it's a good thing, and I mean. So I have the two perfects. one is dark and one is rock and they have teams with them too. So they have their teams. I have the shadow teams that go with each of them and yeah, no, it's just insane. And then I have some for sentimental reasons and my husband crocheted me a Tyranitar. awesome.

David Hernandez:

In regards to just playing in kansas city Where do people go to play say like for a raid hour say for community?


So pretty much all of our events are, at our local park here. So like Tina explained earlier, Kansas City is kind of split. So we have a South Kansas City group. Ours is the North Kansas City group. And as long as the weather permits, all of our meetups are at Oak Grove Park. We've built it up. I think now we're up to about. a half a kilometer trail, Loop and within that half a kilometer we have over 20 gyms and stops combined So it's it's real nice. We've built it quite a bit So as long as the weather's decent, that's where we play. We we do raid hours there. We do community days there We had go fest there where we had almost 200 people show up. It can handle big crowds. there's lots of spawns. It's just, it's really nice. We have another spot on the other side of town, that's more indoorsy for the winter months when I'm the only one at Oak Grove Park.




uh, yeah, I tend to be there regardless. There's raid hours. I haven't missed a raid hour in Almost three years now and there's times in the winter I'm the only person there on a Wednesday and I'm just sending remotes. but I don't not go there. So

David Hernandez:

I mean, at least you're not level 15 trying to beat a level 5


Right now that I now that I'm a level 50 it goes a little easier for me so


Yeah, BC grinds.

David Hernandez:

does I


Oh, totally.

David Hernandez:

couple of months a couple years I bet


I got to level 50 right at about three years.


It took me a long time. Can I tell you? So many pidgeys. So many pidgeys. So many

David Hernandez:

Back when we had to do the evolution grind



David Hernandez:



Back before friendships. Yes.

David Hernandez:



My trick was friendship level ups. That was my trick. I never did the mass evolutions because again, it's just super boring for me. So like mine was, mine was friendship level ups. Like I would get, you know, five, six people up there to that one, one interaction until best and then pop an egg. And I was there for the longest. I was getting a couple million XP almost every Wednesday. So that helped a lot.


and great quality of life improvement, that um, notification thing. Do you want to use a lucky egg? Yes, I do! Finally! I'm out, I'm not a hostage anymore. Please, just go ahead. Friends, open.

David Hernandez:

Hey you! Yes, you with the ears! Don't go anywhere, just taking a quick ad break. We'll be right back. So when did y'all start trying to get into the involved the competing ambassador program and what did that look like y'all?


Well, um, we didn't jump on when it was kind of connected with Silph Road. Actually, it was, this started with the Silph Road and we actually did a lot of stuff with the Silph Road. We got on the map with them. that was a lot of fun. I did drive some people to finding us, through that. but afterwards, we kind of hesitated. We're on the fence with that for a while and then, I don't know, I finally decided. Maybe it was worth a try, especially when they, kind of opened it up at one point. And I was like, okay, why not? Because I want to see what this is all about. And the only way to see is to give it a try.

David Hernandez:

And why were you on the fence about it? Like, why were you hesitant?


Hey, to be honest there's a lot of different standards within different communities. and we have players that play, different ways. So we had some folks that, When we talk about COVID and how hard it was to play and get together. There's a lot of, uh, multiple accounts going on, stuff like that. And, it's always something that I haven't been a fan of. My community knows that I tried to follow the terms of service and we don't do a lot of that. And I feel, I understand the other argument that I've heard about that, you know, how else am I going to take down this boss? I don't have anybody that'll play with me. But there are people you could play with. You just might have to do a little work to come out and see us, join the discord, come to meetups. You know, we even have places to coordinate remote raids and stuff on our discord too. It's possible. I don't feel anymore that you have to have a secondary account to be successful Pokemon Go. I don't think you ever did that's the mom in me. See you hear my mom voice coming out But yeah, so there was a kind of an issue with that and I wasn't sure community was going to make the cut I love you community. I have always loved you, but I was kind of worried and so I kind of read some of the requirements and everything and I thought you know what? I think if our community, I love them, and I think the program will end up loving them too and accept them. And, we decided not to talk about, multiple accounts, baby accounts as they're called and stuff. And if people ask me straight out, yeah, I will definitely tell them, you know, terms of service, let's not do that. But after we kind of adopted that and decided to go forward, it you know, it was a little easier than I thought they accepted us. They looked at us we were a okay, in their eyes. Yay. Oh, we got the support and backing the, things that come out of the program that's been nice. And I think it's gotten more people to come to the game in our area. So I think overall it's been a good experience and I have learned so much from the other. Community ambassadors that I have met with, or whether it's with, program, how we communicate and what I call land because we don't just like, openly talk about everything that's on that. But, I had a. Opportunity. I was one of Community ambassadors They got to go out San Francisco and go to their offices. And so I got to meet some of the other community ambassadors in person. And that was really fun. I think we're truly birds of a feather and, we became friends and we still like chat back and forth and actually did a collab with one of them when we had our Superbowl competition going on. Yay. Shout out San Francisco. Two Bacchus. They won a contest, by the way, but we won the Super Bowl.

David Hernandez:

important because I don't want San Francisco to win. Real quick. So what was it like to kind of meet the other community ambassadors to network with them during that time?


It was really fun. I was all excited, but you know, you're all a little bit nervous too. But it's just like the first time you step into the park and are looking for other players to help you out with a raid. But I think even more so, we just, like I said, we're birds of a feather. We're all just wanted to talk and get to know everybody's experience and their background. What's your community like? What do you do? And, so it's just instantly a lot of talking in. We didn't shut up for a long time and went late into the night. Sometimes they're early in the morning. A few of us were the early birds and we got really early and walked around San Francisco and talked when I first got there, met up with one of them, never met him, never seen him before or anything. but yeah, we met up in Chinatown, like, Oh, Hey, we're going around trying to find all the, Pokemon and fun stuff that we could do. It was just insta friends. I think in person, there's something that just drops the barrier that you have when you're, you know, online or discord or email tone can be lost and you don't know. But when you're in person, it's just like, you smile, they smile trainer eyes have met, you know, let's do this. Let's be friends and let's play.

David Hernandez:

BC, so what made you want to kind of step in from becoming just a player who enjoyed the facilities to becoming a Community Ambassador and try to be a leader?


So, Tina Went through a lot of work. I saw what she had to go through to get approved, and I don't know that I could have stuck out through that, but once I realized that, she was overworked, I mean, we have a, community is growing fast, and people expect, you know, once they realized, you know, they get free check in items, and, all the perks of having a community ambassador. They really wanted more events than what she could handle alone. So it kind of worked out. She, does great with what she does. She, I mean, she goes above and beyond and, for community days and the bigger events and, That's her kind of deal. And then I run the smaller stuff. So like every Wednesday for raid hour, I do some of the spotlight hours. we're talking about, doing a split thing for raid days, you know, the six hour days and stuff trying to, it's just basically to, to lift some of the load off her and keep our community growing and happy at the same time. So.

David Hernandez:

I got to ask, since you have such a unique perspective, what does it mean to have somebody like Kate to run the Kansas city as a player into now, like how much of a difference did it make for your experience in Pokemon go?


But wait, wait, wait, just me. It's all the


It's, uh, yeah, it's great. I mean, like I said, she goes above and beyond. I don't, know. many of the other C. A. S. Except for, you know, I've had talks with some of the other ones in our state. And, you know, we all try to work together, you know, to help each other grow. It's not just, you know, for us. so that's good to have those relationships. But as far as she goes, I mean, like I said, she's got to be one of the best because she, know, she, she does crafts and, and she just goes above and beyond for everything. Like for community days, she made sure that, we could bring water for everybody. we had coolers of water and The other mods, like in our discord, the rest of our leadership team, they're, they're great as well. I mean, everybody kind of does their part and. It's amazing. Like we have, we have good relationships with each other. Like everybody gets along great. we have a wide variety of personalities. but it works because we all have the same goal, you know, in mind. And, and that's when, you know, when we're together, it's playing Pokemon and that's, that's how we all And it, it's a great community. Like I said, I mean, I probably would have put the game down. You know, six months after I started, if I hadn't came across the community. and I feel like that's how a lot of other people are as well. Like it's just, it's getting together, it's forming friendships and it's not just a game at this point.

David Hernandez:



people and I'm gonna say their names. It's Jeremy. It's Brian. It's Tammy It's Brandon and Sometimes a little bit tina. But yeah, it's when we all come together and Just like in raids you need your leadership to come together. And we have other community members too that aren't officially in the leadership, but they lend a hand to, jump in. Oh, you guys can't make it that raid night or something, especially when we were having those every night raid hour and they jump in and they lead raids. or I'm not gonna mention their name, but they're like every now and then they'll like, Put a little money in my pocket and say thank you so much for everything you do. but Every little thank you, every little smile that they do helps, and our community is really great about that. You know, what do you need? How can we help? Like I said, can't, can't do it without them.

David Hernandez:

Now, Kate, you know, BC, he said, like how you were taking so much of the load and you were doing all the things you were doing for the community on your own. And I know you have a team, but what drives you to kind of go above and beyond? Because it's easy to just sit back and just let the game run its course. But you went above and beyond and added extra for the community to enjoy. You know, why did you go that extra step? Like what drove you to do that?


That's easy. I remember when we were doing those tarantar raids I was talking about, right? we needed those 8 to 12 people. There were people there that I looked up to. Shout out to Becky. and they were level 35 and I was that's amazing. And they were saying, they're going, okay, we need to divide by teams and then we need to divide by people in level and they get us in little groups. So everybody had a fighting chance we could take on and it's the people that were before me, those early level forties. I looked up, it said, Oh, are the big dogs. I want to be like them someday. So giving back. It's giving back. Because they gave to me every time I see somebody is like, you know, I can't do this raid. You guys are like way of a higher level than me. Your Pokemon are better. I'm like, no, come on. If you have just dodge. We did it back in the day. Somebody else lifted us. And we're here to lift you. We're stronger together. do this.

David Hernandez:

It reminds me of, uh, wrestling. There's always the people who go in as rookies. And then later on when they're like established or they're retired, they have a ritual to where they lay down for their final match and they lose their final match for somebody else to take over. It's kind of that transition of forward. Like, yes, we got a time to where we're rookies. People poured into us. But now it's time to give back because it's important for the next generation to move the stick further than we could, if that makes sense. That's how I've always viewed both Pokemon and more as I get older, more part of life in a way.


I agree.

David Hernandez:

Thank y'all for coming on the show. I do have one last question. I'd like an answer from each one of y'all. You know, there's a lot of people outside looking in, trying to build up their communities or don't even know where to start. If you could give one piece of advice to people maybe listening, what would you give them to build up their community?


Okay. So I would say just play. If it means that much to you, like put your all into it. Like, I know our community was already, you know, it was already good size before I was ever on the leadership team, but I still now like for GoFest, like I made a flyer and I posted it to all my socials, people that follow me that are locals. our Facebook group, Instagram, stuff like that. Like I posted a flyer and it had the QR code for Campfire Discord. It took me 30 minutes to make on, a Photoshop app type deal. And it's simple stuff like that, that really, I mean, over the last month we've grown by, I wanna say like 400 members. It's little stuff like that that can draw a crowd, I mean. You have an event coming up, just let everyone know that you can think of. Put it on Facebook, hang it at your, hang it at your local card shop. And then just be friendly, be inviting, introduce yourself if you see someone new and you think they're playing. Like, little things like that can make all the difference.


I would say just do it. Just Go for it. If you're passionate about the game, people will see and pick up on that and it will just grow and build. There's not a lot you have to do. Maybe get the fire started and kindle a little and people will just run away with it. I'm surprised so much at what other people are enthusiastic and I'm sitting back going, Oh, I'm not really feeling this event. And somebody will say, Oh, but it's so great because, and I'm like, you're right. It's great. Okay, let's go. Let's do this.


and if I can add, your whole demeanor, it's infectious. So over, I mean, Tina, Tina knows over the last couple of months, we've had a couple of people that live farther out than our area and they used to come to our events and now they have, I mean, I got a message a few weeks ago and I think Tina received the same message about, you know, what we meant to them. how they learned from us and now they want to start their own group and try to get C. A. For their area. And there's, I pretty sure too, that I can think of right off top of my head that are now their groups are at, you know, 15 20 people like over the last month, you know, they're starting somewhere and they're, they want to go for C. A. Status. And that's, from Coming from our group and seeing how, things get ran over here and how again, the community, like it's infectious, like if you're nice to people and you introduce yourself. And I was an introvert when I started this game, I'm still not the biggest people person, but you'd never know that from playing with me at the park, because it has opened me up to new things as well. So it's helped me grow.


Yeah, I've seen him grow. I'm just, I'm not as mom. I'm proud of BC. He has made a lot great progress and it's, awesome to see

David Hernandez:

You're his mom in Pogo.


I am well, you know what? My group called me raid mom. They did. That was like what I went by for the longest time. And there's still members. They're even my age that every time I see them, they're like, mom, I'm like, yeah, hi.

David Hernandez:



mind being mom such great, awesome people too. I'm a little biased, but my group is awesome.

David Hernandez:

Thank you for listening to As the Pokeball Turns. Follow all my socials and join our Discord community to stay connected by clicking any of the links in the description of this episode. Tune in next time for more episodes featuring more people, more stories, and more Pokemon. Until next time.

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