The Root Reasons

#10: Understanding and Managing Stress with Alexa Hanshaw

May 31, 2022 Jessica Briecke Season 1 Episode 10
#10: Understanding and Managing Stress with Alexa Hanshaw
The Root Reasons
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The Root Reasons
#10: Understanding and Managing Stress with Alexa Hanshaw
May 31, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10
Jessica Briecke

Do you wear your stress and busy-ness like a badge of honor?

Proud of how you managed to get up at 4:30am, get a workout in, get the kids ready for school, juggle all the things at work while skipping lunch and going for a coffee instead, take the kids to soccer, make dinner, have your nightly glass of wine and do it all again tomorrow?

While it might look cool on social media or you might get praise from others like "wow you really do it all, you're superwoman!" your body is reacting differently, as you've probably noticed! This is not sustainable.

Enter Alexa Hanshaw, a Health and Stress Management Coach, who helps her clients bring back balance and ease to their busy lives. She walks the walk too- she still maintains her full time day job while running her business and teaching fitness classes on the side, without burning out! 

Tune in as Alexa and I discuss:

  • The main types of internal and external stress (yes there are different kinds!)
  • Why not all stress is bad
  • How to help your children through stressful times
  • Symptoms and signs of early stage burn out to pay attention to
  • Can you do TOO much exercise?
  • The key pillars Alexa works on with her clients to help them manage stress
  • Alexa's tips to avoid burn out

Connect with Alexa:

Facebook group

Connect with me:


Instagram: @jessbrootreasons

Thinking about joining the membership? Head over to to get started!

Show Notes

Do you wear your stress and busy-ness like a badge of honor?

Proud of how you managed to get up at 4:30am, get a workout in, get the kids ready for school, juggle all the things at work while skipping lunch and going for a coffee instead, take the kids to soccer, make dinner, have your nightly glass of wine and do it all again tomorrow?

While it might look cool on social media or you might get praise from others like "wow you really do it all, you're superwoman!" your body is reacting differently, as you've probably noticed! This is not sustainable.

Enter Alexa Hanshaw, a Health and Stress Management Coach, who helps her clients bring back balance and ease to their busy lives. She walks the walk too- she still maintains her full time day job while running her business and teaching fitness classes on the side, without burning out! 

Tune in as Alexa and I discuss:

  • The main types of internal and external stress (yes there are different kinds!)
  • Why not all stress is bad
  • How to help your children through stressful times
  • Symptoms and signs of early stage burn out to pay attention to
  • Can you do TOO much exercise?
  • The key pillars Alexa works on with her clients to help them manage stress
  • Alexa's tips to avoid burn out

Connect with Alexa:

Facebook group

Connect with me:


Instagram: @jessbrootreasons

Thinking about joining the membership? Head over to to get started!