The Introverted Influencer

When Everything Goes to Sh*t

Erica Van Slyke Season 1 Episode 18

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So you've finally stepped out of your comfort zone to pursue a life that lights you the eff up, and then, sh*t hits the fan.  Flat tires, broken AC units, smoking engines you name it.

While it may seem like you are somehow being punished by God/the Universe/Source for daring to ask for a bigger life, I can assure you that's not the case. 

In this episode, I am sharing the energetics at play when everything seemingly goes to sh*t. 

**All my fellow mamas out there: I am a potty-mouth,  so you may want to listen with headphones on!**

If you found this episode helpful it would mean the world to me if you could share it with a friend or screenshot this episode on your phone, upload it to Instagram stories and tag me (@designingvibes).  This podcast is not monetized, so spreading the word is the best way to "pay me back" for my time and wisdom- so to speak.





Speaker 1:

Welcome to the introverted influencer podcast. I'm your host, Erica. Vanke my soul's mission on this planet is to help fellow introverts grow their online influence and estate, a feminine flow and ease while battling the woes of depression, anxiety, and even mom guilt. I've somehow managed to build a six-figure blog without the use of social media and without sacrificing my mental health, if I can do it, you can too. Hello and welcome back to the introverted influencer podcast. So after last week's holiday hiatus, where I told myself I wasn't gonna work, but I did work just a little, but I didn't record a podcast. I was needing kind of a mental health week<laugh> I am feeling so much more rested and inspired now. So I hope you enjoyed your long weekend as well. And it's just, it's amazing what, just some time away from your work, even if you love your work, sometimes you can get a little burnout<laugh> and so it's, it's amazing what it'll do for your soul and even your creativity. If you just take a step back every now and then. So if you're feeling drained and burnout right now, I'm giving you permission to play hooky and she'll be F out for a minute, at least<laugh>. So in the last episode I recorded before my break, I alluded to the fact that I've been going through a wonky, stressful period in my life. I'm definitely not in the flow right now. And it's, it kind of just feels like what the F universe like, I'm trusting you, I'm playing on a bigger level here. I'm doing what I know I'm supposed to be doing. So why are you throwing like curve balls and almost giving me the vibe that I'm being punished for asking for more and doing the action steps to pursue my next level, life is kind of how I feel, and I don't really wanna rehash all the stupid first world problems that have been thrown my way lately, cuz I'm really not in the mood to have a pity party nor do I believe I deserve one, but it just feels like reality for me has gone haywire<laugh> over the past few months and it's just kind of been like unexpected, unexpected curve ball after the other like flat tire on the way to fix an excruciating absess tooth kind of that really happened.<laugh>. And even though I have definitely had some many panic attacks and even a few days where I've had to applaud myself just for getting out of the bed in the morning, coming from someone who has actually had to go to rehab before and has had clinical depression since childhood, I am patting myself on the back for handling it all as well as I have, because here's the thing, although I'm still not fully out of the, there is a quiet knowing and understanding of the energetics at play here. Because as I've said before, I work from the quantum paradigm where I know and accept that I co-create my reality with God, the universe source quantum field fill in the blank, whatever feels, uh, more natural and intuitive for you. So five years ago,<laugh> something very similar happened to me when I decided that I was gonna stop playing small and show up more boldly. It all started when I got invited to go to this swanky event for the top influencers and bloggers put on by a very well known publication. And I was mm, two and a half years into my blogging journey. I had little babies at home. I'd let myself go. I had no social life. I didn't know how to interact with humans anymore. Um, and I received an invitation from this big magazine saying that I'd been recognized as a top influencer and I was invited to go to this, their big annual celebration in New York at a fancy hotel and being the introvert that I was, I was really tempted to just throw the invitation in the trash and go on with my safe little life<laugh>. But something inside of me told me that I needed to go and show up, put on my big girl panties and step into the fullness of what I had created for myself up to that point. That was a big deal, you know, only two and a half years into my blog. And I was being recognized as a, as a top blogger. And not only that, but I thought it'd be really cool to meet some of the celebrity guests that they had and just to mix and mingle with other attendees who I had admired admired from afar for years. So I decide I'm gonna do this. I decide I'm gonna get outta my comfort zone. And the week of the event, it's safe to say that just hit the fan<laugh> it started, gosh, it was like dead of summer. So hot. My E my AC unit goes out and I can't get anybody to come over and fix it. My son fractures his arm while I'm getting my nails done at the nail salon for the event, the babysitter calls me and is like, you're gonna have to meet me at the children's hospital. So I'll leave this alone to go meet the babysitter. Then once we get back from his procedure, his surgery, I, uh, I returned to the 120 degree sweat lodge. That is our house to make dinner. And I cut my finger and I had to go back to the ER that night to get nine stitches. And it doesn't even stop there. Y'all like my car engine started to smoke. You cannot make this up. But all that being said,<laugh> the year leading up to this big event for me that entire year is when I really got committed to like, um, yoga and meditation and learning about vibration and law of attraction type of work. So deep down, knowing what I had already began to learn. I knew that something more was at play here, like some weird subconscious self sabotaging stuff. And then on the plane ride to the big event, the big day I pulled out this book that I had bought in the airport gift shop while I was waiting for my flight. And the name of the book is called you are a badass by Jen sin Centro. And I cannot believe my eyes when I began reading a chapter on the way to this event in the plane titled the big snooze. And in that moment, it all became so crystal clear what was happening to me. And not only that, it was almost like God or the universe winking at me when I did come upon this revelation. So for any of you going through some weird happenings right now, I thought it would be helpful to read to you the lines that I, that I read in this book that made it all make sense to me on an energetic level. So let me pull out my book. Okay, let's see here, here it goes. The big snooze is like an overprotective Italian mother who not only doesn't want you to ever go outside, but who wants you to live with her forever? Her intentions are good, but fully fear based. As long as you stay inside the familiar risk free zone of your present reality, the big snooze is content, but should you try and sneak past her to attend the rock and party outside your overprotective? Controlling mother is going to claw, scratch, scream, bite her, her body in front of your rapidly approaching new life. Basically, she's going to do whatever she can to stop you. And it ain't gonna be pretty. It's like when you quit smoking or doing drugs and you go into withdrawal, finally, you've taken a leap and done something that's going to massively improve your life. And for days, sometimes weeks you feel worse than when you did. When you were a wild child, you're hacking up all this nasty crap, renting your body of toxins, shaking, sweating, puking. Wondering why on earth. You thought this was a good idea. It's really fun. Same goes for when we rid ourselves of limiting subconscious beliefs that have been holding us back and take a giant leap outside of our comfort zone. It's a detox of such staggering proportions that sometimes it can feel like the universe is conspiring against us. Trees fall on our cars, our computers crash. We find our significant others in bed. With our best friends, we get our identity stolen. We get the flu. Our roofs came in, we sit and gum. When in reality, the big snooze is creating chaos and an attempt to self sabotage and keep everything as is instead of moving forward into unknown yet desperately wanted new territory. Every successful person knows this and has been through this when taking great leaps forward life often turns to before it turns to Shinoa. So<laugh>, it also goes on to say, grow ain for weenies, but it's nowhere near as painful as living the life you're living right now, if you're not really going for it. So with that being said, if you've been living under a cave, you are a badass is such a great introduction to self-help as it relates to vibrational awareness and understanding in a very down to earth practical way, but also moral of the story here. If is hitting the fan for you right now, after you've just committed to stepping outside of your comfort zone and pursuing your true desires, please be careful not to create some kind of jacked up story in your head where either a, you interpret all of these happenings as signs. You can't really have what you want and that you're doing the wrong thing or B that God is punishing you for essentially asking for more and asking for a bigger life, because that's just a Jack up story that the big snooze has conditioned you to believe because God gave you the desires in your heart. So stay in your worth, quiet your mind daily, to connect with your higher self and to connect with that vision of your higher self. And just know this is just the boring low vibe part of your subconscious, the ego. That's essentially trying to keep you safe from lions in the jungle. And at the end of the day, certainty is a futile pursuit. So you've just gotta keep moving forward to what truly lights you up. Stay in your calm, stay in your Zen and just recognize it for what it is. It's the big snooze<laugh>. So I hope you are able to find the parallels in this episode today. Um, I really appreciate you hanging out with me this week. I make no money from this podcast. So the best way to show your support is by leaving a five star review on whatever podcast app you use, or by sharing this episode with a friend or even better by screenshotting this episode on your phone, uploading it to your Insta stories and tagging me in it at designing vibes, sending you my love.