Free Fire Pro Podcast

Pro Series NA update: $50,000 Prize, Will Free Fire become an NCAA sport in America? Is Free Fire or Free Fire MAX better? - Episode 19

Free Fire Pro Podcast Season 1 Episode 19

DADVENTURER, BZRKR, and TRASHMAN discuss who's qualified for the group stages, how much is left in the tournament, and who will win? All that and more in this episode! Pro Series NA update: $50,000 Prize, Will Free Fire become an NCAA sport in America? Is Free Fire or Free Fire MAX better?

Welcome to the free fire pro podcast. I'm dad venture here with trash man and  and we're talking all things free. Fire free fire news, free fire pro sports updates. And we're going to give an update about free fire India. What's going on, but let's start by about what's going on right now in our server trash man, I should fill us in on the pro series.

It is the north American free fire pro series. And you can watch it this Friday at 6:00 PM Eastern. Yeah. Eastern standard time on their Twitch or YouTube. And you're going to see great teams going up against one another. They are down to 24 teams now, so, and we're right here. We got it pulled up. Uh, It's the leaderboard for who's on top right now.

We're looking at, Hey, you say that right there at P  e-sports yeah. Sorry. Sorry, sports . Okay. So I've seen some of this used to play when I was doing the broadcast and the last one, a club 90 . Uh, oh, they changed it to official this time. Yeah. Uh, let's see. Who else?  was a good team. A lot. Oh, new, uh, Osaka. I was surprised that, oh, it was so far down there.

They were pretty epic. What has happened is a lot of teams have broken up tan KZ there. Um, I've seen some of these teams, these teams have been affected by the pans. Yeah, I think so. I know, I know some of the teams that guy hit the band, some of the players, so they've reorganized. Some of the teams have broken up.

They've split after the first one. And now there's multiple teams, subs teams actually stole names. Like there there've been people who started teams for this, and then they lost control of their clan. And now they've started a whole new clan and they've yeah, it's just, it's been some craziness in the whole thing as people are playing for money or playing for $50,000.

Yeah. Um, never, what was, what was playing one tournament? Not twice this level, but numbers. The whole team got a man. It was, they wouldn't submit for hardware testing. Yeah, hacking does make it in, but it's a little bit more strict up here. So yeah, hardware testing would be great for everyone in this game.

So since you, you helped with the last one, do you see any teams on here that are kind of coming up and coming that we should maybe possibly. Why is the team that won the last one's not in this, uh, Yeah, I'm surprised so that I think that's where you would think that, that those teams, some of the top teams in the last one, I don't see represented.

Maybe they're under different names, but you can see there's 150 points between first place and 24th place. So there's some teams definitely, uh, you know, piece our e-sports got higher 73 points, number 24 brothers, but brothers YT, YouTube. And so these are the top 24 teams right now in the, in the pro series in north America.

So there's still a big discrepancy between first and 24. Yeah. And I mean, looking at it too here, I'm trying to fit like I'm, I'm pulling for some of these guys over here at the bottom. I'm we're looking here at Dole Kings team triple nine. There. I don't know that that's a huge spread to try to come back from their 40 points to 173 for the first place.

And even to make it into the top 12, third, 29 points below. Well, I think what happens here, right, is that the top eight teams automatically move on from the group rounds. I think there's a, there's some more group games. So maybe these teams necessarily haven't all played the same amount of times. So some of these lower teams could actually still be, have games left to catch up where the other teams have already played all there, as you just never know.

But the top eight teams. And then, um, there's, I think it's top eight or top 10, and then there's a, there's another round after the groups are done where there's like a last chance qualifier and the last chance qualifiers, the other teams that are all out, have a chance to get those final remaining spots to get into the top 12, to play for $50,000.

It would be awesome, you know, $50,000 prize, but then you get to thinking about it. There's six people on each team. Not as great. We'd like to see a bigger prize pool for his man and the Hanford that these teams are really putting into it and stuff. I think, I think that's the goal. Ultimately, I mean, $50,000 is pretty good for the beginning of e-sports.

We've seen some higher price points. I think there was $80,000 prize pools or servers. Those, the world series is up to 2 million. Yeah. The world series has got a ton of money. So like when you get to the, to the highest level, it pays, it pays to be in free fire pays to play. Um, but like for first starting out $50,000, I think it's 12,000, the first.

Then maybe 8,000. It works the way down, but you get paid all the way, like number 11. Yeah. So that's pretty good deal. But I mean, the truth is especially starting out that if you win your first tournament, you get 12 grand that's life-changing and that's, I mean, that's, I mean, it is. I mean, I know that's not that much in the comparison to the bigger stuff, but if I got $12,000 right now, after winning a tournament, I'd be like, I'm all in.

We get one, six to 12,000, but yeah. Cause it's 50,000 right now the team gets 12,000. So there's. We were saying split off. See that noise. It's exciting, but there's a lot of effort that goes into it. I mean, I know chiefs have been training stop for this. It's like a three bumps competition to get from, from the beginning all the way through.

I changed my answer. Yeah, so like, but you'd be mad if you didn't get in it. If you got 12 place, you'd be pretty, pretty bad. I wasn't going to get $0, but I still think it's a really great price pool. I think as e-sports grows, it's going to be a hundred thousand dollars, 150,000. It's going to grow. So it's gonna just get more, more.

So you want to definitely get it, gets to get your team. And can we do, can we do some pro speculating here real quick? I got a question. So with the rise of e-sports within the NCAA in America, right? This specifically north America, do you think free fire is going to make a push at all into the college circuit?

Cause I know, I know. A lot of universities in division two and up are starting to get full ride scholarships for e-sports. In fact, I think the university of Michigan just gave out 12 full ride scholarships for their e-sports. Um, so like, do you think they're going to make a push for. Um, at this point, I would say, no, just given off the way America is.

It's not, mobile's not the huge dominant thing here. So I think they're still looking at PC and console players for the colleges. And I think mobile may be getting a bit overlooked. Yeah. The thing is that free fire is definitely delineated is delineating now between emulators, which are PC players and mobile players, and really gone on the side of.

They're not trying to make it easy there, it seems like they're trying to weed out emulators from the competitive nature of the game, which is what the e-sports in America is made up with PC players. And so I don't think right now the near future that this is going to be about bursting onto the e-sports scene.

In the college game because they're playing games like Dota at Overwatch CS, go fortnight. Those are games you play on a PC. Now, if, if free fire will do it, I want them to do and make it beautiful, amazing PC versus games like pub GMC console crossover. Oh man. This would be, I would, I would love a PC specific version of this because I would be so good at it.

And I think that for me, would make free fire even more. Yeah. I mean, I completely agree. I thought that for awhile, I mean, I love mobile gaming. I love mobile gaming, but to, to me, for me, I grew up on console. So like I'm always thinking, okay, when is this going to become a console game? What is this going to become a full PC game?

Because to me like that is where the biggest market is. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think that's good. And your thoughts on that tournament, we've been watching the term at all. I'm going to be watching this Friday. Uh, didn't get a chance to catch. The first segment of it, it just got busy and stuff, but I do want to see these teams play.

I'm watching Navy e-sports, you know, I was in the military, so I gotta watch it. I gotta watch the Navy sports. You can see what they, I have two army friends with question though. We don't see the army in here. The Navy is getting that kind of time. So

Woo.  dropping some bombs over here. First trash man. It's funny. Um, well, a lot with we talking about the pro series, let's let's give it update. We've been, we did a lot of talk about free fire Indiana, and we shared this briefly. I think I want the other podcast, but I'll, I'll rehash it in case somebody in here that episode, um, recent.

Free fire changed all the social medias in India from free fire India to free fire Macs, India, which, which is a big deal because there is no free fire in India. Currently free fire. Max India is a free fire. Max is available on only the Android store. It's not available on iOS. You cannot, you cannot play.

Uh, you cannot download a free fire in any way, shape or form in India on iOS. It's only available as a free fire. Max, if you already have the game, you can still play it for now. They have not shut down the. But I feel like it's coming soon. The service shutdowns is coming. And so, um, right now we we've been talking about some of the big, the big names, but as you buy as the biggest name in the entire world for free fire's Indian player, and he said, this, I'll tell you this trash, but I don't know if you saw this article, but he said that he believes within, within a matter of days, weeks, or just a few months free fires coming back.

Like he believes it's coming back to India. And so I feel like he has to know more than I know because he's got 30 million followers. Well, given when we reported on that article, it has been days and weeks now. So I guess we're looking for the months that he was talking about. Um, and I would love to see it come back, but I don't, I we're seeing more and more of these streamers now kind of start to like the worry lights on, right.

So the, you know, as that's what we were looking at this article here too, with PVS, and he's talking about the biggest concern is that it's going away or them having to start over. Right. So, I mean, whether that be with a new game or, uh, the server shutdown, losing all of their content that they've worked for them.

Yeah. I mean, that's, that's the big thing I've seen a lot of them just wonder what game they're gonna play. Everybody's still playing free fire max, which is an upgraded version of free. Uh, it does, it does limit people with low, with lower end phones. They just aren't able to play free for our backs. I still, I played three, five backs last night.

It was super glitchy on my emulator. So on my phone, it's not so much, but I don't enjoy playing on free max. Even the people in the chat where like, it's just, yeah, Devendra. My phone does that too. It's just super laggy. Um, you know, so I love the beauty of free fire max. It's just not well polished yet for me.

So I play regular free fire. And so if we were to lose regular free fire, And we had to pick free fire max, I get the pain. Right. I understand that. So I understand how India is struggling with that, but we needed, we needed to just be aware that things are coming, changes are coming in that, in that server.

And I I'm hoping, um, Singapore has reached out to the government of India and said, Hey, what's going on? This is a Singaporean game. It's not a Chinese game, so let's get back. But I don't know if you saw this recently, just as a matter of, I think yesterday or. That was at the 28th. So a couple of days ago, um, there was a push in India to not only be in free fire, but now the government's saying, Hey, pub G got through with what battle about what is a battlegrounds mobile India.

And they want that band. So now there's a big push because they already banned pub G. This is just a review, revisit version of like a remix of. They're wanting that to get banned. So there's a chance to hear the upcoming future that battlegrounds mobile, which is really set to have a huge payday because of free fire is going to get abandoned again.

Wow. I don't know. It there's something, there's definitely something weird going on over there with that. Like even, even now, it just more and more, it seems like. Something bigger than just something to do with the game. You know what I mean? Like we, we don't know what's going on, pop political wise over there with the government and everything, but it is kind of getting, if they're coming back after world is crazy.

I mean, there's a lot going on right now with Russia and Ukraine. Um, there's a lot going on right now with India and China. There's a huge issue with India, China right now with, with, you know, who owns what, and, and allowing those apps with the game. I mean, we're seeing a lot of countries really focusing on themselves like India, once their gear, their games, their culture represented, which I think is.

But not at the cost of not having any exposure outside world, but we're seeing that. So I'm hoping to free fires coming back in India. Uh, because one, I just not see a lot of Indian gamers watching streams or interacting. Cause I think they're just kind of like, what are they moving? And I really want them to stick, stick with free fire.

This has been a huge part of it community. And now once one shocker, I just remember we were talking about this earlier while India is a huge market for them like fan base and player wise and stuff like that. Interestingly enough, though, it wasn't the biggest, uh, monetary. Uh, for them, right? Yeah. I mean, we saw that in the us free fires.

Now the number one most profitable mobile game above pub G, which is a huge win and even a much bigger slice the pie. I think that India was, even though there were so many 45 million players, I just I'm surprised by that. I feel like in India, they had a lot of players for those players. Weren't spent a lot of money and then.

And the U S market, they are spending a lot of money. So that's, that's been a surprise, but I know I've spent a lot of money in the game cause, uh, you know, I haven't been getting the stuff for you. Like I thought, so I need to quit doing that because my wife has it's tax season and my wife's going to tally it all up and I'm going to be in trouble.

I'm sure. So, Hey wait, you can write that off as like businesses. I am writing it all off. I have two. Because I'm going to be in trouble. I needed to green criminal skin. Yeah. The sixth time. Yeah. I didn't need to spend that much money on six of them, but, uh, you know, his addiction, I gotta work on it. So yeah, that's been, that's been an interesting thing.

So I think that's important for us to understand, like, we, we have a different experience with free fire than they do in the other servers. Um, I'm hoping that, you know, we don't have those same types of problems here. Uh, free fire is being sued in the U S and in California, they've had a lawsuit filed by another company, which kind of, I think started this whole drama.

Yeah. Uh, at least it feels like it did a month before when crafted sued them for, you know, basically a copyright infringement on pub G. And so then a month later, now we have a band in India. We have all this craziness, so I'm hoping we don't have these same problems. Cause I love playing. I don't want to have to start all over with another game.

No. And, uh, I've enjoyed getting to know this community and being part of it. And I'm excited about what's coming in the game cause they do have big plans for 20, 20 to 2022. What's your thoughts on all this was darker. I mean, I, I, I truthfully, uh, You know, when it comes to it. I know that you don't like free fire Macs.

Okay. You've told me that, that it's glitchy, especially. Yeah. I've said, you've said it's okay, but I love free fire. Mexican never had that glitchy and flame Carver, and I both agree that that free fire max is the better game to play. Cause it, the graphics are just there. Yeah. They're way better. I don't know how it's not glitchy for you guys because it's like, you'll be running along and it just like stutters, but like it stunners at the worst time when you face it.

And next thing, you know, the enemy just moves over and kills you. And you're like, what just happened? And then, you know, that's frustrating me. I play a lot more than everybody else, so I probably experienced. But it is a, it is a constant frustration would be with free fire, but every time flame, Carver and I get on and, and I, I don't, I don't, I mean, it's the same servers, so it's not like you're playing just free fire, max players, you're playing regular free fire players, but like for a flame, Carver and I, every time we get on the graphics are great.

I think the visibility's better when you're scoping, when you're trying to shoot, like, because the graphics are more clear and I ultimately, I just never had the same experience. So I don't, I don't know if that's. I don't know if that's an account to account thing. I don't know if that's. Yeah, it depends on, you know, who knows.

We both have had the problem. We've had some, some cooling issues with our machines, which we've gotten resolved, so that should, I'm hoping the cooling issue resolve it, but it still was happening to me for the most part. They're not as bad as it's happened. And I'll agree with everything that the observers said, like the game looks beautiful, clarity wise, everything about that.

I love, but I also don't like seeing, uh, the pain just go sporadic and I'm sitting there and sitting at like 29 and now I'm up to 63. Right? What happened last night? This is a perfect example. I'm I'm looking at the, I'm looking around the corner at the guy he's a behind the, behind the crazy. Next thing. I know he's six feet from the crate is shooting me in the head.

He never moved from the crate there. He just appears and I'm dead. And of course everybody chats like you're a newb. No, that guy somehow appeared in the middle of nowhere and shot me and I never, before I didn't even see him, it's really tough to get killed by bots. We get it. I understand. Well, no, we were put gaming the other night.

I was trying to raise that venture too. And I was being my own worst enemy there, but I was on Macs as well and ran into a Reba. Situation looking straight on and never seen the two people that were right there. They were, yeah. They appear out of nowhere and it is because there's a lag and they get a move so many frames before the, before the pink house.

And that's why it's glitchy for me. It's a lag issue. There's a ping issue. I think it's just because of the data, the problem is the emulator plays it like a phone. So it doesn't like if that was a PC, this they'd be running smooth and I'd be treading. We would be at what, two 40. Yeah. Do you think that when they move and they S they switch, right?

So they segregate the emulator players in the mobile players. Do you think that that's going to improve free? Pharmax. Well, I, I didn't think it would be honest with you. I thought it just, this is great. Now I'm going to have to play on a phone because all the hackers are going to be over on emulators, just hacking away.

And the, the mobile players are going to be complaining about them. But now with the free fire credit system, which we talked about there, the episode, if you don't know what the free fire credit system. Basically, it's a way to get toxicity. All games were to get AFK out game force disconnects to that game.

Um, you know, uh, regular hacks and all kinds of issues with the game out. Cause you'll get good credits and bad credits bidding on how you play the game. If you're a good player or a toxic player or not. I love that because I do think that may actually make my experience more enjoyable as familiar player versus other emulated players, because.

I don't want to play against the better players. Cause I know they all got hacks. And so I'd rather play as mobile players, even though I know a bunch of old players have hacks, there's still a lot more mobile players who probably don't have hacks who haven't figured it out. I saw, I think per capita emulator has more, but there's still a bunch of hackers in both.

Yeah. Both. Yeah. I mean, I hope so. I like free. Pharmax better. I mean, that's just my, that's my 2 cents on the whole thing, but they're all about aesthetics though. I am too. I mean, I really, I like a beautiful last episode you were talking about how attractive a character looked versus in real life versus the way things look definitely matter.

It doesn't matter to me. Yeah. I said, listen, you want FEMA to have a six pack of real life diva that looks like what the will looks like in real life. Okay. Is it that hard? Dad? Bob Thema is what you want. Dad. Bod, Eva needs to come out so that all of us with dead bodies don't have to feel so insecure about the characters who are playing the games.

Okay. I'm just saying, well, hang on, hang on. Dead venture always wants to be put in the game. If you get put in a game, you want six pack or no six pack. I want to be real Devin. Real dad. Just like me. See, there you go. Body positivity in 2020 brand new guys. Thank you. List. As long as I want to be me, but I want to be like apex and apex is a different game, but apex, every character model, no matter if they're bigger, small, same kill box.

That's how I think game should be. So you could have a character who's as big or small as you want. Say kill box. Wasn't always that it wasn't like that. Apex. They got a lot of trouble for that and they've gotten a lot. It's actually gotten a lot better because of that. Like the game plan. And if you don't have kill box, is this.

Every, you know, you're not actually shooting the physical characters body that you see. There's a, there's an invisible kill box that exists within the frame of that character where you shoot. So a female character, although slimmer and better looking should have the same kill box as a male character. It should be the exact same size.

So it doesn't matter if he's in a female or use a male. Tall character, shorter character doesn't matter if bigger character, smaller character, it's the exact same kill box for competitiveness. Not every game has done that. And that's caused players to get super bad. We should probably do a kill box test.

Ooh, that would be good because if we can prove that the, the kill boxes are not the same, holy cow, we would change free fire forever. I've wondered that with some of the care, like the one I'm running now, the burning scared. You know, he's got the jacket, it's kind of fluffed out. Oh, you run the like techno berserker looking character stuff.

So he's a little bit bigger than say Kelly. Kelly's like one of the smallest ones in the game. So it, um, clue. And I'm trying to think mocha, they diagnose that they help people don't use the dinos that got bigger hit box and that they say that the big old heads, if it's got a big head, they won't use it cause like the.

And we talked about vitamin Helma, but like nobody wants to use the helmets because they they're bigger. That's a says it's easier to get a headshot on the hummus. We have to test that. Yeah.

because that, that, that is that's coming. We're that we're going to test the kill box. Not like the venom hill was cause their trash, but whatever. Yeah. We will find out for you free fire pro podcast. We'll go do the work for you and figure out is the kill box. So I believe it is. It seems like it is. I think we could, because if we would know, because people would already be complaining that they would all be used the female characters and complain about the male characters.

We haven't seen them, but they do complain about the size of the head. So that could be a legitimate issue. And like in competitive play, now that I'm sitting in thinking about it, it is usually a. Like female characters that a lot of teams are running or they run like the track suits or the, the smaller costumes.

So maybe they're yeah, they are, she was taxing. We're going to check this out. Your team at free fire pro pack podcast is on this for you. We will let you know what happened. We're going to report this in the next week. We're going to work on this. We'll go get in the lobby. We'll we'll go shoot each other up and we're going to make sure we know we can't do anything about you and your desires, but.

We'll figure this in here, Mr. Free fire, if you're listening. Cause you always listen to what I say, make, make body realistic characters and faster Freebird knows that you exist, but he does in the meantime though, number one, listener, meantime, number one, listen, I forgot what to say. Now we're check out our, where you have a chance to wit diamonds regularly throughout the 400.

We're going to be getting 400, 400 diamond codes away this month, that 400 died because diamond was worth $400 and you got to find the latest and greatest free fire newsletter. We will see you on the next episode of free fire pot, pro podcasts. Thanks for listening.

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