Free Fire Pro Podcast


Free Fire Pro Podcast Season 1 Episode 21

DADVENTURER, TRASHMAN GAMING, FLAMECARVER, and BZRKR ask the question: Given the current global climate, and all that is happening in Russia, should we play on the Russian server? Or should we say no? Or is there a better way? 

Welcome back to another episode of the free fire pro podcast. I'm DADVENTURER, TRASHMAN, FLAME CARVER, and BZRKR. We are here to talk to you about something that's going on in the world. I want to talk about in this episode, if we can just take time away from like our normal podcast programming, let's talk about what's going on in the world now.

I don't want to be political. This isn't a political podcast, but the world is kind of at war. And so when it comes to how that affects free fire, I thought an interesting discussion for all four of us would be as we are from, uh, the, the north America server. The question I want to propose to us and maybe to our listeners is, should we play in the Russian server because you guys know I have, I have an account in every single server in free fire.

I have a Russian account. I have a, uh, Indian account. I have a Singapore account. I've got, I actually got two instances. I've got, you know, you name it south, South Africa, Latin America. I got it. And so does it, does it come a time when the world is that at odds that we should do things differently in how we approach free fire as a game or his game?

Like a separate from. What do you guys think? Uh, definitely an odd question. I, in a way, I mean, I don't, I don't see why not, like it's not one, the game's not like made by Russia, it's Singapore game and stuff like that. So in no way, like, would you be helping them financially or anything? And I mean, the people that have enough time to game, obviously aren't really the ones that are involved with what's going on right now.

So, right. I mean, technically. Tell me if I'm wrong debit or I'm debt venture. Tell me if I'm from Carver, but like we would actually be taking from the Russian economy if they were playing the game because they spend so much Don, Diamond's not helping them out, right? Yes, definitely. Yeah. So I think like Sotheby's just like an ethical dilemma, right?

Do you play a game? Like we're looking at, like in the news, all these companies all over the world are pulling their businesses from Russia. Like McDonald's which everybody everywhere in the world's got big up. McDonald's is closed like 600 stores today in Russia. And so it made me wonder, should we not play now?

I haven't played the Russian server in months, so it's not like, it's not like, oh, Friday nights Devendra plays in Russia. Like I have an account everywhere, but like, there's been a problem logging in because BlueStacks where I play from is not letting me like access multiple emails right now. And so I don't, I haven't figured out the problem, but if I could play, should I play in Russia or should I say no?

Because the world is at odds, I should not play in. Russia is darker. What do you think? I mean, it's hard because the citizens aren't necessarily the government. Right. And like, when we talk about that stuff, the ethical question kind of becomes who's it actually hurting? I mean, think about it. Like McDonald's pulling business that actually just is hurting regular everyday people who are working right.

Who have jobs. Right. So yes. Does it inevitably hurt the economy of Russia? Yeah, but those are just regular, everyday citizens. We have no idea what their affiliation is. We don't know if they're in support of all this, if they're not. And so I don't know. I, I, it gets kind of dicey when we start talking about, um, stuff, especially like video games when it's not even hosting.

Yeah. I mean, well, it is hosted there because all the, all the servers are in the countries so that the Russian server exists on physical devices in Russia. From what I understand, that's one of the big things about India is the Indian server is actually on Indian computer servers in India. That's the service.

So I would presume that Russia is awesome. In somewhere in Russia, there's a server room. That's got free fire on it. That's where big plays. And that's where my count is. And so if you don't know, I'm, , you know, they got dose of Madonna. I'm dosed for data in the Russian service. So I have an account it's kind of silly, but should I play, like I thought about that with the first thing I heard about all the stuff that was going on in both Russia and Ukraine, I was like, man, I should just get on the Russian server.

This is like two weeks ago. Now there's full blown. And the, and the ethical question is, is that a, is that a real irresponsible thing, you know, to go on our, the Russian server in play? I mean, I'm not saying I'm going to, but I just, I thought it was an interesting question as I was actually driving in my car today.

Like, should I even, should I even do that, like fully aware, do you think that that's, uh, an ethical logical thing or do you think. No, because things are crazy in the world. You probably should just not do that. Do I think it's okay for people to enjoy a game through this tough time? I think, yes. I think like it's not really affecting the government as BZ.

R K R said. So they shouldn't, you can sh so you're basically thinking that by dos, Medallia, dad venture playing in the Russian server, I would be bringing comfort to the. Yes, of course. Right. I'm bringing comfort. So what, what are your thoughts, do you think, do you agree with his perspective or do you think you don't think a different perspective?

No. I mean, I don't see anything wrong with it. There's nothing like, why would we, why would we sit and just be mad? Cause what a w you know, a group of people or the government, or whatever, feeling like the citizens are still citizens. Why not enjoy that time with him? Or he may even get their take of like, what's what they feel is going on.

Hmm. Yeah. I didn't think about that buzzer. Did you have you thought, I mean, you're thinking about this now, cause I'm obviously I'm asking about it, but do you think it's a way to get perspective from Russian citizens by playing in their servants said, Hey, what's going, what do you think about what's going on in the world?

Yeah, I mean, truthfully. Yeah, because I, we, I, especially, the more you hear about Russian Russian citizens going we're with Ukraine and we don't agree with this war. I mean, we have w it's hard because we ha we like to paint in broad brush. Right when we're talking about people, but the truth is I, I, I don't think you can do that, especially in situations of war, not every German was Iraq was a Nazi.

You know what I mean? When we talk about the way that this is affecting the world. Yes. Russia as a government and the people in power making decisions that are affecting the citizens. That doesn't necessarily mean that the citizens, I mean, we're in America. Like we definitely don't agree with everything that our government does it.

So if some, all of a sudden people started boycotting stuff that affected us as citizens in other countries. We've we've traveled overseas. Yeah. Right. They, they, they think poorly of us as individuals, right. Because of an experience they had or because of what they see on the news or so and so forth that might have nothing to do with who we are.

I think as individuals, we need to give everybody the benefit of doubt. Yeah. No, I think, I think that's good. I, I hadn't thought about that perspective. Um, I haven't really thought through the, should I start get it on there and talk to people? I mean, generally when I play on their servers, they don't understand liquid what I'm saying.

A lot of them don't speak English and I don't speak Russian. I don't speak, I don't speak a lot of languages. I don't speak Hindi. So, um, I don't always know, but like usually like, hi, how you doing? And they're like, huh. So, um, but it would be good to get a perspective, maybe a different perspective. Maybe that might broaden my.

Understanding of the world at large and how people feel in the world instead of having more of a single-minded concept of just like watching the news and just taking the news, what it's worth. Because I think we all know, right. You know, the news is always, always, right. It's always just a little bit often.

I mean, to, you can only, if you're only watching. Let's say you're only watching one news source, then you only know what that one news source is saying versus anything else. You know what I mean? Right. So, and things could be totally different for like mazurka was saying from the Russian perspective. Like we may be thinking one thing and it's totally not the situation.

Um, I think it's a good question for people who listen to our podcasts, like maybe this is a question we should ask on social media for the free fire pro podcast and ask, you know, if you're listening to the show, making the comments, wherever you're listening to. Do you think it's okay. Ethically, morally to play in the Russian server during this time when the world is at a war, is that it's something that you have a strong conviction against.

Or is that something that you feel is it's really doesn't matter because video games transcend culture. That's one of the things I love about it. Video games do transcend culture. I can play a game with a person. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand the language, but we can understand the game and the mechanics of it.

We can play together and we can have a blast. And I think it makes the world a smaller place. Uh, maybe that's what needs to happen with all these world leaders. They need to play free fire. I mean, that could, that could help. Like that's, that's it. We change it over. So now Ukraine versus. One V one for the title who gets it.

Yeah. I mean, that would be an interesting predicament, but, um, yeah, I mean, I think that's something, I mean, I have fans on Ukraine and Russia. I know because they I've told me this is not recently. They've told me before and many months pass. I know those are two countries. I do have viewers that watch me from, and then I have concerned.

I really love my fans across the globe. I do think like free fire as a family. Don't you think for fire as a family? Yeah, I think free far is a great family and a great way to meet people. And do you, do you have, I mean, you're, you're a streamer. Do you have fans all across the globe to, I have them coming from everywhere saying like, I'm from here, welcome on that all over the place.

And you, you regularly interacting with thousands of people on the discord. So that makes it hard if you were to take one side versus the other, right? Yeah. Yeah. And so those are some things. You know, for me, I, I just think, I think the game free fire is bigger than life. And so, uh, you know, we say we, it's just bigger than the game, right?

It's more than a game it's life. And I think the free fire is, is life. I like to say that. And I think we have to go beyond the borders of, um, nations, the borders of cultures, the borders of language, and learn how to communicate our connectedness as people. I think part of the problem is, is what's going on the world as it's.

As people are disconnected and they're not, they're not connected to each other. And so that's one of the issues I see with the whole thing. So, um, so if you're listening out there, let us know what you think of it. We we'd love to hear your perspective. Is it right or wrong? Maybe we'll try to fire. Uh, the Russian server and see if we can, we can get on, maybe we'll find some fresh perspective we never thought about before.

Uh, cause we don't, we don't really know what's going what's right in the world. We see news and we make perspectives, but we're not being political. We're not saying one versus the other. We're not, you're not taking sides and it's all that we really want just peace in the world at large it, every nation and every culture and every creed, because that's what I think humanity is about.

Especially with the free fire world. Like I just want play free fire with my friends across the. And get more connected and, and understand them better and they can understand me better and we make the world a better place. Erie does Parker, many of you, any last thoughts here before. No. I agree. One love across the world would be great.

One love. Yeah, let's get together now. You and, uh, let's go. I am not a singer, but I actually am a singer. Uh, so that's, it's been great having you listen to the free fire-prone podcast. Check us This month we'll be giving away diamond codes. Um, I think we'll hopefully very soon we'll start giving us some diamond codes away at our website 400 diamonds on those codes.

So. And we'll hopefully get access to advanced servant. Listen to our advanced server episode. If you want to hear more about the advanced server coming up and really answer the question, is it coming up with? There could be some secret behind the scenes. Things happen where it's not coming up and we may be getting a delayed update.

We'll see what happens here in the next couple of days and interact with us on social media. You can find us on Instagram on, on, on YouTube and on Tik TOK as the. Pro podcast or FFP, uh, FF pro podcasts, uh, on those and just follow us and be part of what's going on here at the free fire pro podcast. And we'll catch you on the next episode of the free fire pro podcast.

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