Free Fire Pro Podcast

SHOTGUNS, SHOTGUNS, SHOTGUNS! What's the best shotgun in Free Fire?

Free Fire Pro Podcast Season 1 Episode 22

DADVENTURER, TRASHMAN, FLAMECARVER, and BZRKR, sit down to discuss what shotgun is the best in the game, and what combos work best. Also what is the best skin for the Shotguns? Which one reigns Supreme?

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the, uh, free fire pro podcast. I'm flam, Carver, and I'm here with Dave venture trash man and Berker gaming. I'm gonna tell you about our upcoming, um, giveaways we're doing on our free fire family website.

You should go check that out. We're we're gonna start doing, um, diamond giveaways soon. So you should go check that out and be ready and be active every day. So you can know when those are going to drop. Also on March 17th, we're gonna be doing a St Patrick state tournament. That's gonna be exciting. Dave venture.

Would you like to tell us more about that? I'd love to tell more about this. The, the website is. Free fire, And those diamond codes will be how many diamonds? 400 diamonds, 400 diamonds and lots of 'em this month. We're excited. Um, and so that make sure you check it out and we're gonna be having lots of articles there.

You gotta go there every day to have a chance to win. So that's important. Um, so for the, the, the contest that we're having the turn, I guess is a better way to say it. The, the St. Patrick's day attorney is gonna be a clash squad attorney. And what does clash squad mean? Uh, we're doing, these are the four V four S or the six V six S four V four or six V six.

And it's one squad versus another squad for the prize. We're gonna have four squads. I think that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna have some best of three best of five. I believe. And ultimately we're gonna crown a champion. Who's gonna be our St Patrick's day champion. So you have a chance to enter and watch this on St.

Patrick's day. We're super excited and we'll be working together, flame, Carver by self that venture trash man. And we'll be streaming this. And then Berker is gonna be running. He'll be also there commenting and whatever, but he'll be running it as producer. We're gonna broadcast this professional broadcast.

We're excited about this being the first to many of these opportunities that you can participate in. So check that out. Uh, you can find out or join our discord, which you can find the link we'll put. Then we'll put an article on the link there, discord on the, on the website.

That that'll be helpful. Now, what about prizes and how do these people, what they want to compete in this tour? Prizes will be diamond codes. This is real simple. You wanna win? You're gonna get diamonds. So, and, uh, we're gonna have lots of diamonds to give away. So make sure you check it out. There will be diamonds to the winners.

I'm excited about that, actually. So, um, this is gonna be a good prize. You'll be able to get those diamonds, uh, probably probably a healthy number islands for first place. Mm-hmm , uh, we might give some diamonds a second place who knows, but like there's only four teams, so we win it all. It's, you know, winter take all kind of deal.

But so that's kinda exciting. So, and for an interesting topic, so all that to say, we got a lot of exciting stuff going on for you in the free fire world, but let's talk about some something cool and free fire flame car. What do you wanna talk about the free fire guns? Those are like the coolest thing in free fire.

I do think the guns are the coolest thing in free fire. I mean, although the tiger headed, my, my specific think tiger head outfit is awesome, but I like the guns too. Well, we gotta narrow it down. Which guns in particular are we talking about? Cuz we could be here all night. Just talking about, I think we should talk about LMG.

No, no, definitely. We should talk about the shotguns there. Everybody has their own favorite shotgun and everybody will fight to the death to make sure other people know that this is the best shotgun. Okay. Any favorite shotguns? I would prefer not to use a shotgun. Well that that's just your opinion, but I have used them all and I have a favorite of the ones that everyone else likes to use.

Yeah. Oh, okay. That's. So I know, I don't know what Carver is and that is, uh, let's see, we're gonna go with you probably the 87, right? It is the mag seven. Yeah. He's the he level luxury mag seven. Yeah. With him here. Yeah. He's the whole mag seven clan. Can you explain, like why you enjoyed the mag seven over, say the 87, the 14, the charge Buster or the, uh, spas.

Easy answer. You can spam with it, but I really do like the mag seven because it has a lot more bullets than the other shotguns. Even if you, you can miss two to three shots, depending on if you have the skin to the mag seven or not, that has the waxer, um, bullet. You can miss two shots and still take a dude down with only hitting body shots.

But with two shots you can kill 'em with just a headshot. And because it, it. Continues to shoot, and you can just hold the button. You can get easier headshot drag shots, right? Like you could with like an SMG because it shoots so fast. And it, you can, when you're playing on like unlimited or just casual clash squad or ranked, you can just, you can go through someone's Google and still reload fast enough to take them down before they have time to react.

So you're saying it's easier than others the than hitting shes. So you're saying for non hacking players, It's the best. It's the best one. Yes. If you're playing legit, mag seven is the like best gun to get easy head shots where you don't have to have something to just hit a headshot with any other shot.

That's your opinion, right? That's what we're talking about. Berserk. Do you have an opinion about which of the best. Shotguns early on in your, your pro new career here? I personally like the mag seven, actually. That's the one I would run. I, I typically I've been trying to switch it up a little bit since you guys made fun of me, uh, using the U NMP and the mag seven, so that I have a close weapon and something that's kind of the middle distance, cuz I'm not very good at long distance, but I kind of actually like that combo, it runs pretty well trash man.

I'll say my favorite first, last that is, that is pretty solid. Tombo um, I like the M 10, 14. Uh, it's. I like it mainly because we got that sweet dragon skin for it. Like the Draco, the dragon skin is awesome. Not gonna lie. And I still believe that up close. It will beat the mag seven out. No. Oh, oh, oh yeah.

Yeah. Up, up close is brutal. Here's the thing. We as influencers have all the cool, the cool shotgun skin. What I don't have is a cool mag seven skin. So I prefer the one punch man skin on the M 10 87. I really I've got the green skull hand one, whatever. Uh, and I also have the, the green dragon skin on the M 10.

So I like using those because I have cool in for. I don't have a cool mag seven skin. Although I do think that mag seven is more helpful, especially in a battle, especially if you pick it up early in the game and you're not good at hitting those shots. And I like to hit the vest. Let's be honest. So, um, I'm not always the greatest with the M 10 and M 18 seven.

So I would think practicality speaking, I'll go with the, the mag seven. If it competitive play, I have tried to pick up the spas 12, but again, I don't have cool skins for that. So, but for me, Style points or just clash squad. I'm probably gonna go regularly with the M 10, which I hated that gun at first, to be honest with you, I hated it.

But now I like it. Cuz I got a cool dragon scan and it, I like to watch people turn into poison dust. So yeah. I'm, I'm going to M M 10 with you, right? Well, we've got, we've got some metrics. I know Carver looking at his over there right now in mine as well. So which one do you think has the best damage?

Overall, probably the M 1 8 87. It has a very high damage even for body shot or headshot and with two bullets and it's fast reload. You can take people down really quickly. Yeah. Still hate that gun though. It just seems like, seems like always running the person. They can get two head shots in both. Both swing were.

That's why they banned 15 million hackers over the last six weeks. Cuz there's a lot of that going around that they're trying to take out of the game, which is why they're bringing the free fire credit system, which we do gotta talk about. That's gonna take, that's gonna take the hackers out of the game so well, help hope.

Hopefully it will. But um, yeah. So what else can you tell us about the guns that we, maybe we no, um, you know which one's the, okay, so slowest reloading gun has gotta be, what do you think. The M 10, 14. Yeah, the dragon, the dragon skin. Like I don't takes forever. I don't get that. Because if you look at all the other shotguns per like the metrics or what data we can find all the rest of 'em are the same.

They're at like 55 and then you get to the M 10 and it's 20. It's like, okay, what happened here? Why it's cuz it was two too powerful. So they try to slow it down. But I think it takes a full seven seconds to reload. It that's insane. I don't think I've ever. I don't think I can remember a game where it took seven seconds, even in like call duty war zone.

When you got these big 150 bullet clips or 200 bullet clips, I think you're reloading a shotgun with five shells as fast or seven shells as it's taking as long as reloading 150 clips in another game. I just, I don't think it's, I don't think it's a realistic number. Yeah. I. I feel like, I feel like if we put the test, I could probably load the six shots into just a regular shotgun faster than what the game does.

Probably I think I could go out to my car, get the shotgun, get loaded faster than it takes to actually load it in the, no. Okay. We don't really, I berserk, we don't play this game for realism cuz there's a lot of unrealistic things. Like I'm not gonna have a dragon shotgun that basically poison damages people or can we point?

Yeah. So I mean the M 60. M 60 being reloaded, just as fast as any other assault Riv. Yeah. You could reload the LS mgs and this game faster than the M 10 14, which doesn't make any sense, but it's a game and that's what they did to competitively balance it. Uh, what else you got on the, the guns for us? The spas 12.

That's a great one. It is, um, It not a lot of people play with the spas. I feel like the other guns are used a lot more frequently than this one, but I do think the spas can hold up and still in the gameplay. So you can still pick this thing up and get a few kills and does have a scope. The only shotgun too, have a scope.

And it does have some good range with five bullets. So it's pretty nice. I never find the spas. I think that's the reason nobody gets to play with it. It never comes up. Like I never, it used to always come up. It was trash along. It was trash money, like a year ago that gun was garbage. Nobody picked it up.

Nobody used it. What? It went from garbage to you can't find it like, yeah, but it's, I mean, it is good gun. Now a lot of people pick it up regularly and use that over the other gun. It has been buffed mm-hmm . And it's been buffed enough to make it playable. I think they've done a good job balancing the shotguns for the most part, especially we taking the super huge nerve on the M 10, 14 with the dragon skin.

I think they're trying to make that a very competitive class, cuz obviously it gets used a lot in unlimited modes, especially here in north America. Um, but like for me, I'm gonna tell you a sleeper gun, a sleepers shotgun, the shotgun pistol. I, I pretty much think I've got more, more kills with the shotgun pistol in battle Royal.

Then I do the regular shotgun because I get that thing when I can find no other gun and I'll get close and just blast somebody with that bad boy. And do you have the damage potential on that gun? I will grab that right now. It's gotta, it gotta be very high. I mean, it's very high, especially for close range, 94 damage.

Holy cow. That's insane. But its range is much less than any other shotguns and it only holds two bullets as well. Yeah. But I mean, if you're inside that thing's range, I think that's like, you're done. Yeah. If you're at like five meters, it it's, you're gonna get bam, bam. They're down. It's it's always. And like, so the problem is I try to use that across a room.

That's a bad idea that is like instant death for you. So if you can get close enough, like I like to hide, I like to run away, hide behind a corner. They approach me and just pop out and bam. Right, right in the face. It's sit down and there's nothing worse Berker than getting shot with easily. What people, which is probably the most, um, left on the ground ground in the game as the M 18, 18 73 is not worse than getting killed with that.

Have you ever been killed with that? Yes multiple times. And you know what? I get killed with a lot of guns, but it's super irritating in the, in the first couple rounds get killed by a pistol like that, especially cuz I just reset and clash every time. Well, it's a shotgun pistol. That's why I'm throwing in there.

Cause sometimes it used to be in the shotgun. It's technically a pistol, but yeah, they it's a pistol cannon and I think it only comes with like two or three bullets. Like you only get really. Two or three bullets. You don't get a chance. Like if you don't two bullets, yet two, you, you get like one chance to kill the person and then you're dead.

And so it's, it's why I think people don't like to pick it up, but to me, I thought the category shotguns, I still think the charge Buster is my most furious one to get killed with just because I know either the player was good enough to time that shot out, or I'm just bad enough that he had that amount of, of time.

To charge that thing up and shoot me. Yeah. If you get killed with a charge Buster, it just means you're a new, right. Basically I'm not, I like the look of that gun when I first started. So I picked it up all the time and then I realized how garbage in this  it's a cool looking gun. Right? I've gotten some kills with it and clash squad and it's fun.

And like, I was super excited to get the kills with it, but it, I, I don't the, the mechanics of the way that free fire does default aim and head shots. It's just not a, it's not a playable weapon. They're gonna have to super buff that gun or change the way the game is played because it's just not realistic use that.

And especially in competitive play, I don't think, yeah, I definitely like the idea they were going with a charge Buster, how you had to charge up your shotgun for like more damage and to like shoot farther. But I think that it's just, it doesn't compare to the other shotguns where you're gonna pick it up, roll with it.

Like, I feel like they pulled this from other like other games do similar things to like this, like destiny has some where there are charge type weapon. Mm-hmm  but then again, you know, we are comparing two totally different types of gameplay there on the, yeah. They're most first person shooters, but they.

Have vastly different dynamics once you get into the game play well, like in halo has the Spartan laser, right? Like, so you have, I mean, you have all these charge weapons, but the truth is like, you can't control it as well on free fire. I mean, you can't control the charge Buster as well, but kudos to all the amazing players who can yeah.

Who have killed me with it. Yeah, no, I would agree. So, and you other thoughts on the guns here? No, that's about it for me, unless you're a hacker and then no congratulations for you. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, I don't even see hackers using that's how, you know, the gun is probably not  balanced, right? Like it's not hackers don't even, even hackers hate this gun.

If the gun is so bad that the hackers choose not to use it. It, yeah. You might need to be adjusted. So like, yeah. And hackers don't use the M 1873 either. So I, what I here's what we should do. We should, we should tell free fire, go to the guns that nobody picks the hackers don't pick and just make those better quit.

Nerfing the other guns make all the, the terrible guns better and balance it that way. I hate when they Nerf the guns. I love like you don't ruin the, all the games do this, right? They ruin the guns. You love go fix the guns. Nobody loves to make. 'em just as I different balance it, that way, that way I can still play with the, the ump the way I like it.

But now I might have another option to play with the M 1873. Like. Here's a simple balance. They made 2 73, give us four shells instead of two. Yep. That way I don't get killed half the time when I use it, like, let me give a little bit more room to breathe early in the game. And I might play with that, that gun more, but you know, they did that with it.

If you guys remember they did that with Uzi, right? Probably bullets Zi had when it came out. No. It's like 20 something, wasn't it? Yeah. It was like, it was like a clip and a half, like that high of fire rate dude was just like, I think it was 27. Like there was 18 bullets in a clip and then they added nine.

Like, it was like, you didn't even get two because it was so deadly now they've they've I think they've beef. They've, they've nerfed the gun and then beefed up the clip a little bit, which is nice. But like that's what I I'd rather seen happens to just ruin all the good guns, like make the guns better.

That aren't mm-hmm .  any other thoughts on shotguns? I don't have any other thoughts on shotguns. No. Well, that's, uh, I, I think the shot, the shotguns are a very well loved class in the game and you know, people love to use the shotguns. Um, I'm not the biggest fan. I'm gonna take a sub machine gun every time versus a shotgun.

The only time I'll take a shotgun is if I know the person's gonna push me and I, I don't think I can drag shot fast enough to get the head shot. I do think that up close, the shotgun can do enough body damage. And a couple head damage shots that I can get 'em. But, um, that's, I, I usually will take it as a last resort, not as a first resort as other people.

Will. What about, do you, do you guys take it? Uh, let's see. Do you guys do last resort or first resort? A shotgun trash man. Uh, last resort mine. I, I just like the, like the submachine guns, cause I'm still con I feel like I'm still able to keep them at red range away from me. Whereas you gotta play the shotgun up close they're they're versatile.

What do you think? PIAR I actually. Middle. I actually wouldn't say first or last, I'd say middle. Like I've been trying partially as a new gamer. I think you need to get comfortable with all the weapons so that if it comes down to it, you don't, you have some familiarity. So like when I'm playing with shotguns, I, most of my gameplay shifts so that I'm, I'm trying to get closer before I'm taking shots, but I would agree with trash man, like SMG class is probably my favorite to run with it just, its just balance.

There's more opportunities in different. Engagement. Yeah. You know, places, styles, distances. Mm-hmm  uh, what about you? I used to play the shotguns, my last resort. I've been trying to go a little bit more first resort and picking them up and trying to get good with them. So, you know, people don't say I'm not gonna to shotgun.

So I haven't like the shotguns a lot more recently, but still, I would say they're not my first choice, especially for about Orreal and I'm I'm I'm, I'm evaluating mine as last resort in battle album. It's just too many open ranges. Where you're just all in the field. Shotgun's a wasted gun until you get close.

And I don't often carry a lot of glue walls. I don't, I don't, I don't carry the penguin. So. I don't usually have the glue walls to make them push close. So I need to keep them a distance with, with an SMG and a longer range gun in clash squad though, I will take a, I will take a shotgun, probably I'll say more closer to half the time.

Not necessarily half the time, but maybe 40% of the time. I'll take a shotgun because I can, I can have a, I can force it to close range. And I think that's the difference me. Yeah, no, I'd agree with it. Well, I think this is, uh, this is a, been a riveting discussion about shotguns and we love to talk about all things free fire here.

We've talked about shotguns, other episodes. We've talked about places that you could land in the game strategies and tips. We love to talk about kind of character styles and weapons and what we'll do on another, maybe on the, maybe on another episode, I, I sat down with my, um, my audience on one stream and literally just streamed for like two hours where we just talk, talked about their dreams in the game, different character skills, pet skills, different outfits, and fashion, different.

Ways that the game could be changed. So I have tons of feedback and it was really good feedback. Uh, some of it was like, wow, I never thought about that. And, uh, I'll bring that an episode. And maybe you guys should do that with your own fan bases. And then we come back and compile, like, what are the best things that we feel like the, the communities coming up with?

And maybe you can tell the, to us, if you're listening, like what are some of the things that, that you love? In free fire, but you have some ideas to change. Would you change a gun? Would you create a, would you bring a new gun to the game? What would a, what would a, a character ability be in the game that if you created it, what would a pet ability be?

Um, maybe there's some specific type of fashion for a backpack or a sky board or clothing item. That you might like to see the game, or should there be a different mode in the game? Should the game mechanics change like how the game has played? And so it's been really a fun discussion with my fans and I, I think you guys, your fans enjoy it.

I encourage you to do that. And we'll do another episode here in the, in the future. So keep listening, maybe one of your ideas will get shared. I think we should share. I didn't write all the names down from people. Maybe I'll do it again, but what we can share, if somebody, you know, comments on our TikTok on free fire pro podcast, TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, we'll share you on the show.

If you have an idea, you shared that way and we'll talk about it and highlight you and what you're doing and how you play the game. And so that's, we'll, we'll make that another episode here at the free fire pro podcast. What do you guys think? Yeah, that'd be a great idea. Yeah. That's a good idea. Yeah. So, well, thank you for listening.

This episode of the free fire pro podcast. I'm dad venture again here with flame. Carver Trashman am Berker, and we're talking all things free fire from pro news to tips, to tricks strategies, uh, news around the globe. Oh. Lately, especially with all things going on in the globe. And we'd love for you again, like we talked about at the beginning of the show, check us

And you can find us on the internet anywhere you you're on social media, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, um, Facebook and on the website and follow us at free fire pro podcast until next time.

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