Good News Mental Health with Dr. Uejin Kim, MD

Mental Health Hacks: "Marie Kondo" your mental health (find JOY and PURPOSE)

Dr. Uejin Kim

Sometimes what society requires of us is... too much. Be more and do more mantras are taxing to our mind, body, and soul. The result is a cluttered, depersonalized, and chaotic mess. Enter "Marie Kondo." She revolutionized the concept of home organization. What if we apply that to our personal life and our mind life? 

Instead of "what sparks joy," can I ask you: What grounds you? What brings you to the present? What gives you purpose and strength? 

Only you can live your life... the way that you were meant to live. The world needs you to be you. 

Love,  Dr. Kim

#healing #journey #mentalhealth #organization #byebyechaos

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Whatever we can approach our mental health like Marie Kondo, like what sparks joy. Hi, my name is Dr. Kim. This is like this podcast. And today we're gonna continue our mental health hacks series, I kind of started this mental health hacks, series whimsically, and then the retirement analogy really stuck with me. And then we've been kind of talking about your mental health retirement plan, just like retirement financial plan. So last episode, we talked about paying off the debt. And today we're going to be talking about decluttering, or budgeting your mental health. So like Marie Kondo, she's a very famous home organizer, and especially in a hoarding ish situation, she asked the clients, what sparks joy, and I kind of want to approach that to our lives in our mind. So a lot of times when I see my patients, some never try psych medications before, they're just kind of seeing a mental health provider for the first time. But some patients come with five or six min, mental health medications, or 2025 supplements that they have to take on daily basis. And when I when I see those medication lists, not saying that each of them don't serve a purpose or a benefit, but it kind of tells me that there's a lot of clutter going around in the patient's mental health room. So how do you budget? How do you declutter your mental health world and just saying my patients coming in with five to six medications or 20, supplements, a lot of times are told, you need to do this to stay healthy, you need to do this to be calm, you need to do this to be mentally well, well, that doesn't make me calmer. That doesn't make me more grounded, that doesn't make me more present. So today, I'm not going to ask you what to do more, I'm actually going to declutter and and talk about what not to do. That's already on your list. Like everyone else, we have 24 hours a day, and limited resources, we have 24 hours a day X amount of money, but how do we build legacy? How do we maximize our money, it really comes down to our choices. So in the financial world, you know, when you're budgeting and when you're looking at your budget, and what is you know, what are the some of the spendings that you didn't know about that is not necessary. Things like sneaky subscriptions, you know, or the clothes that is in your closet that was once your style, but not now is not and you feel guilty throwing them away, or extra purchases to keep up with the trends, but it's really not you. So in the mental health world, these things might be unnecessary hours on social media, that's giving me ideas and comparisons. Like, oh, my house is not as clean as this lady's house. Or I'm not losing weight as fast as that girl, or, man, that person is so successful, and they're younger than me. And I feel like a less than, or things like signing up your kids or signing up for all these classes that you or your kids don't really want to take. But there's a FOMO there's fear of missing out or in your business, you have to do certain things, certain certain marketing tricks and keep up with the Joneses, to stay afloat. But maybe it's not you maybe he's not bringing you to the present. Maybe he's actually draining you then giving me a sense of purpose. So again, my take home questions, just like what sparks do joy is what grounds you, what brings you back to the present and what gives you purpose and strength. And if things in your life are not answering yes to these questions, maybe you should consider cutting them out. I hope this helped and brought a little bit clarity in the confusing mental health world. And stay tuned for the next episode.