She's on Fire

For the Woman READY to Step Into Who You're Meant to Be and Create Success

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 28

Ever find yourself on the precipice of action, only to be paralyzed by what-ifs and worst-case scenarios? You're not alone. It's time to tame the beast of fear and step into the woman that you're burning to be!

This season, we're all about the raw, unbridled energy of business growth and how to harness it despite the nerves that inevitably creep in. Through candid discussions about feeling hesitant to voice our true thoughts, setting boundaries, and overcoming procrastination, this series serves as your personal rally cry to push past the fear and embrace your full potential.

It's not just about recognizing fear; it's about moving with it and through it. Today, I invite you to join me in turning the tables on fear, transforming it from a hurdle to a stepping stone towards success. 

Let's shed the weight of apprehension together and take those small yet monumental steps that lead to the triumph we all seek. After all, it's not the absence of fear, but the courage to proceed in spite of it, that truly sets us ablaze on the path to success.

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All right, welcome back to the she's on Fire podcast. I'm your host, jen Gaines, and I am so excited to be here. We have so much goodness lined up for this season Interviews, some fun things that we're going to be here. We have so much goodness lined up for this season Interviews, some fun things that we're going to be doing. I'm just like. I'm like giddy, I'm so excited about it.


All right, so I have to tell you I have become completely unhinged. I keep telling my clients this, I keep telling my community this, and I'm being so serious, like off the hook, and I'm so excited for things to come. Like I feel a different energy in, in things, um, I've you know I and I know I'm not the only one Are you feeling this too? Because I have heard it from my clients, I've heard it from people in my community too like an energy of expansion, um, of different boundaries, like businesses just blowing up, of transformation. I'm curious if you feel it too, because it just seems like it's so off the hook for me and I'm like it's so off the hook for me and I'm just blown away by the energy. So let's talk. Okay, let's get into the episode, because it's a really important one. This is why I'm doing this as the first one of this season, but in today's episode, we're facing a common yet formidable adversary in entrepreneurship, okay, in really everything, but we're talking business today, okay.


So what is it? It's fear. Now, you may know what I'm talking about because you listened to me before. Or you may be thinking like, oh, what is she talking about? I'm not afraid, I don't live in fear, right, but here's the thing there are tons and tons of ways for me to see whether fear is holding you back. Okay, it often looks like not speaking your true mind, not keeping boundaries, not completing tasks, if I can talk, not putting content out there that truly calls in your people, not getting traction because you lack magnetism. I know that feels rough, right. Procrastination, perfectionism, all the things, all the things. These are all, more often than not, the byproducts of fear.


All right, I've worked with a lot of women and I see it time and time again and it's really important to understand it. All right, and I know I've talked about this before, but you really need to stick with me for a few minutes here, because I see it hold people back so often and it's so disheartening, because I know that the potential within you, within so many women the majority of women I talk to. I see the potential, I know the potential, but it's that fear of certain things that holds them back, and that might be you. So we're going to explore for a few minutes why fear holds us back and really how to start stepping beyond it to successfully build your business. And I know people have, you know a lot of women I talk to. They're like well, I've, you know, done meditation, I've done tapping, I've done this, I've done that, I get it, I get it. But there's an actual process that you have to go through in order to really combat this demon. And I call it a demon because it's hard. It's hard, it held me back for a long time.


All right, I want you to understand that fear. It's a natural emotion, especially when you're stepping into the unknown territories of business building, of putting yourself out there, of entrepreneurship. It doesn't matter how long you've been in it. There's always going to be fear. Now, don't let that scare you. Don't let it be like, oh my gosh, she's saying that there's always going to be fear. What am I going to do? It's never going to work. That's not true when I say there's always fear. Every time you up-level, there is going to be that fear there. What's on the other side? Every time you take a little step, running an online business can trigger all the fears, all kinds of them the fear of failure, the fear of feeling inadequate, the fear of success which so many people say. What does that even mean? I don't understand. How can I fear success with what I want, right? Sounds crazy, but I see it. I felt it A lot of times.


When we fear success, it's because we fear we won't live up to the expectations of people coming in. So we kind of self-sabotage ourselves so we don't bring more people in right? We fear not having enough time to take care of all these people, to service them right, serve them. We fear not getting them the results that they want. So that's all fear of success, worry. We self-sabotage because of it. And really, fear is the brain's way of trying to protect us from perceived dangers. You know this goes way back, way, way, way back, right, but the thing is is if we let fear dictate our actions, we won't ever take the leap or the steps necessary to see our dreams come true, to make them happen. They're not as far out of reach as some may feel. So how the hell do we get beyond this? That's a big question, right? How do we do this so we don't spend months and months or, heaven forbid, years spinning our wheels, self-sabotaging and all that stuff?


I've been there so I know it's a terrible spot to be in Not making the money, not making the sheer amount of money that we're truly capable of making and everyone is capable. Everyone has a gift. Every single woman I've ever come in contact with has something to offer. It's whether you want to put yourself on that line and woman up or not. So it really comes down to a choice between the old that's in a certain box and the new that's stepping into the next box.


See, the thing is, you know you just need to step over that first line to start transforming your life. You know people think it's like, well, I have to go from here all the way over to there. But that's not how you do it, right? The key word in this is transform. I'm not telling you to make 100 changes in a 24-hour period or a week, but in order to actually see different results, you're going to have to make that first decision right now. Right now is when you transform, when you start that process. Right now is when you've had enough. You want different, you want more. You know you're made for more, you know you're made to thrive, you know you're made to make a lot of money and not feel bad about it. Right now is when you take that first step, first step.


The thing is is you cannot make a radical transformation until you step over that first line and declare that you are done with old and you're stepping into your new identity the woman who is ready for more, the woman who isn't going to settle and the woman that is prepared to take more steps. So here's what I want you to do right now, today. Right now, as soon as this is over, I want you to take one small step, just one. I want you to just declare yourself it's a small step, but it's going to have huge results. Radical transformation, because it's going to set off a domino effect. So, right now, when this is over, I want you to go make a post today. Just title it I am fierce, are you? So you're asking somebody else if they are too, so you're not just out there saying I'm fierce, right, but you're declaring. This is what you are now, and I want you to tag me in it at fierce, fierce, mom Boss, if you do this and I'll tell you why right at the end here, okay, in just a minute Now, for some people this could be scary as fuck.


It may or may not be for you, and if it is, I get it. I know what it feels like. But when you do this and you declare this, you will feel different. And this is the beginning of how we transform. And the thing is, you could very well be inspiring someone else. You may get great comments. You may get some funny ones too.


You might connect with people, and that's what business is all about connection, right, it's about building relationships and connecting. And you may be surprised at how supportive people actually are. And here's the thing. Here's the thing I really want you to understand the ones that aren't. There's a block button. Hit that block button. I don't care if it is your mom, your grandma, your meemaw or anybody else. If it is your mom, your grandma, your mima or anybody else, I don't care. They are not part of your business building if they are not supportive. So think about that. You need to build your own community and tribe.


That is not in today's episode, but I want you to remember that it's so important. So right now, you can do this by going into Canva and create an easy graphic with those words. Or you can easily post a picture of yourself or something and just put those words as the caption. Whatever you want to do and whatever is easiest to do right now, okay, don't put this off because you're thinking, oh, I got to go create a graphic. No, easy Now. I say easiest to create because the post itself may not be that easy for you. Some it will be a walk, a walk in the park. Some are going to sweat over it. I probably would have been one of the ones that sweats over it. Do it anyway. It is a small step.


Take this step, this step. Declare yourself now. What you do right now is the start of either staying the same, worrying about what everyone else says and does and thinks, all this stuff, or it's the start of your transformation, because you are declaring that you are fierce, you are ready Now. You may not feel that yet, but what this does is trigger your brain, trigger your mind, and that's crucial to transformation. It's crucial. So declare I am fierce and ask the question are you? And if you tag me in this, you're going to get entered into an amazing prize drawing that will take place once a month. Tag me at Fierce Mom Boss. It will be in the show notes so you know exactly who to tag. Let's have some fun with this. Let's enjoy declaring ourselves.


This is the first step. It is a small step to take Step out of that box, across that line, and I don't want you to forget. Stepping out of fear is not about removing fear entirely. Stepping out of fear is not about removing fear entirely. It's about moving through it and forward it despite it. It's about taking those first steps right now, even just a small one, and I want you to remember that every successful woman and man that you see crushing it out there online started where you are. Fear is universal, but it doesn't have to be a barrier. All right, I'll talk to you later. Bye, thank you.