She's on Fire

Mastering the Marketing Power Couple to Stand Out and Attract More Clients

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 29

Unlock the secret ingredients to a thriving online business as we dissect the marketing power couple.

If you've ever felt like your business isn't resonating with your audience, you're not alone. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a clarion call to women entrepreneurs everywhere, highlighting the profound connection between who we are and how we express our business's core.

As we navigate through the unique trials faced by women in the marketplace, I share insights from my own experiences and the stories of countless others. Listen in for an exploration of how authenticity and self-confidence are the cornerstones of marketing mastery. For every woman standing at the intersection of personal growth and professional excellence, this is your roadmap to aligning you business for success beyond measure. Tune in, take notes, and join a community committed to rising together.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Shoes on Fire podcast, where we explore the secrets behind successfully running an online business as women, as moms and as the warriors we truly are. I'm your host, jen Gaines, and today we're diving into a topic that is crucial for any woman looking to make a real impact in their online business. So we're going to be talking about the powerful relationship between mindset and messaging. All right, so don't roll your eyes when I say mindset. There's more important angles to think about than journaling. I am affirmations or meditating before work. While all that is great, there's other things that we need to discuss, all right. So here's the thing when we talk about marketing, we often focus on tactics, tools and trends right, but behind every great campaign, there are actually two fundamental elements at play mindset and messaging. These two things are married and there's no divorce in this marriage. All right, so they have to work it out. No matter what, these two components are like the yin and yang of marketing, okay, working together to truly create harmony and fostering success. So let's start by breaking down what I mean by mindset, messaging. So first, mindset. So when you think about mindset work, you think about, you know, journaling, doing all different kinds of things right.

Speaker 1:

But in the context of marketing, of running a business, mindset refers to the attitudes, beliefs and perspectives that shape how we approach our work. Okay, a positive, growth-oriented mindset can be an absolute game changer. It can fuel creativity, persistence, resilience. When things go wrong and they will in businesses that's just the way it is right. So all these things are essential for navigating the changing landscape of marketing, of business building. On the other hand, messaging is about how we communicate with our audience. Right, it's the way we convey our value proposition, the stories we tell and the emotions we evoke. Effective messaging resonates with people on a deep level, building trust and fostering connections. So let's talk about how mindset and messaging are really intertwined or, like I like to say, married, because they are, and again, there can't be one without the other. There's no divorce in this. Your mindset influences your messaging and your messaging, in turn, reinforces your mindset and can influence it right. So think about it If you believe in yourself, that belief will shine through in your messaging. If you believe in your services, that belief will shine through, you'll be able to create better messaging. You'll be able to create better messaging and not only that you're going to be able to articulate that message in a more passionate way, your confidence and enthusiasm will be contagious, attracting your target audience and building credibility. Conversely, if you have a mindset of doubt or negative or worry, it's going to inevitably seep into your messaging. This is why I see so many people have a hard time creating good messaging and then it's going to manifest as weak calls of action to action, rather on inspiring content, or even a lack of consistency in your efforts. I see this over and over again Women who think it's their messaging that's off, which it may be, but then we start peeling back everything right and it often more often than not stems from their mindset. This is why I work on both at the same time. It's so important these two things go hand in hand.

Speaker 1:

I worked with a woman her name Everly if she's listening, shout out to Everly. She's awesome, but she was struggling to gain traction. She's an awesome girl lady I always call women, girls, chicks, you know really cool and was super passionate, or is super passionate, about her coaching services. She's a health coach and she helps moms reclaim their bodies after C-section. I had a C-section, so I know exactly how that feels. So we started working together because she just wasn't attracting the clients like she wanted to and knew that she could really help women with her programs and she swore I love you.

Speaker 1:

But she swore up and down that she just couldn't get her messaging right, couldn't, wouldn't connect with people for some reason. And when I looked it was like to be blunt, boring, the same as everyone else, the same stuff. Nothing stood out. So when we started our coaching sessions, it became very apparent very quickly that she was super plagued with self-doubt and also being seen by certain family members and worrying about what they were going to say. Now, when she first came to me, none of that came out right. But this is what I often see Women who are running businesses and who think it's their messaging and it often is their messaging, but it's also the mindset behind it. So we really worked on shifting her focus to her many strengths and the unique value because of her story and really focusing on those things. And once she started to really embrace a more confident and positive outlook, looking at herself differently, her messaging became more compelling. It was easier to create. Her messaging became more compelling. It was easier to create her messaging because she was much more confident, had much more self-belief and, in turn, started seeing a significant uptick in her engagement and her sales. So it really highlights how mindset and messaging go hand in hand. It's so important to understand this and work on both at the same time.

Speaker 1:

So how can you ensure that your mindset and your messaging are aligned? I mean, the first thing that you're going to have to do is really cultivate that positive mindset. Use self-reflection and mental conditioning Some of the techniques you know. Obviously, positive affirmations, yes, right, visualization. These things will help, but you have to be consistent in them and it's not the only thing. Just writing a bunch of affirmations down every day it's not going to completely change your mindset. So we've got to do other things that's really going to get into your subconscious and really help cultivate that positive growth mindset. So being consistent is a huge step here. It's a it's it's the most important step, because a lot of times what I see are women. They start working on their mindset. They do it for a week.

Speaker 1:

I've talked about this before in another podcast episode, where I call your mindset work like a fad diet. That stuff has to stop. That stuff has to stop. It's a constant process. Every level you go to it's a constant process. You don't ever want to stop. But one of the things you can do is start setting smaller, achievable goals to help you maintain that growth-oriented mindset. So too often I see people with a goal of, say, selling out their program and making $20,000 in their launch, but they can't even go live on Instagram. They can't even go live in a Facebook group. Yes, you should have big goals Absolutely, without a doubt, but you also need to have stepping goals to get there too. So you have to do some good self-reflection to figure out what are the smaller goals that I need to crush to get to the bigger goals.

Speaker 1:

It's also crucial to know your audience, understand their need, their desires and their pain points. No, I'm not saying that we're going to just go and start sticking them in the pain points and all that kind of stuff, but you need to know what kind of pain they're in what they're dealing with to help craft your message. And when you know these things, you're going to be able to craft compelling messages that truly resonate with them. When your messaging is aligned with what your audience cares about. When your messaging is aligned with what your audience cares about, it's going to create a stronger connection. So you have to do some research.

Speaker 1:

Ask them questions. Don't ask them the question what do you need? Because I've seen people do that. What is it that you need? What kind of content do you need me to make? No, you don't want to ask them that, because the thing is is people aren't going to know what they actually need. They're going to know what they want, but need and want are two different things. Often they don't even know what they need, or what they need is something completely different than what they think. So what are their wants? What are their desires? What are the things that they're having a hard time with?

Speaker 1:

And finally, be consistent and authentic in your messaging and I know that word authentic is thrown around like it's nothing anymore, but you've got to be you and be consistent. Being you. Talk about the same things over and over again. Don't reinvent the wheel every single week. People need to hear things over and over. Consistency will build trust and your authenticity who you truly are it's going to foster deeper connections with people. If you're somebody completely different off camera or off microphone or whatever that's going to come across, people are going to find out.

Speaker 1:

Don't try to be somebody else. Be you, and this often goes back to building that confidence. This is why I work so hard on helping women with their mindset and their messaging together, because you cannot have one without the other. Your mindset shapes your messaging and your messaging reflects your mindset. So by aligning these two elements, you create a powerful synergy that can elevate your marketing strategy and your business to new heights, and it will work.

Speaker 1:

But you have to take the time to work both of them. Don't skip over it. Don't just say well, my messaging is off, I gotta fix my messaging, because more often than not, with pretty much every woman I've ever worked with, it goes back to mindset too. All right, so that's all for today's episode of she's on Fire. I hope you found this helpful and insightful. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, share it with other women who are ready to bust out. If you leave a review, please let me know. I would love to thank you personally. All right, I hope this helped and I will talk to you soon. All right, bye you, thank you.