She's on Fire

These Sales Need to Stop. This needs to be said!

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 31

Can leveraging holidays for marketing actually harm your brand? This episode may ruffle some feathers but it needs to be said.

Ever wondered if delaying a product launch out of respect for a significant holiday could actually benefit your brand? Hear why it’s essential for entrepreneurs to prioritize honor and gratitude over sales. This episode will inspire you to rethink how you approach marketing around important holidays, focusing on maintaining reverence and integrity. Join me as we call on all entrepreneurs to embrace values of respect and build trustworthy, respectful brands that honor the true essence of Memorial Day.

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Speaker 1:

All right, hey everyone, and welcome back to the she's on Fire podcast. So today I may ruffle some feathers and, as you can imagine, I don't care. This is a really important topic. Today we're going to be diving into a timely and important matter, which is why using Memorial Day as a sales tactic is not okay and how it detracts from the true meaning of this significant day.

Speaker 1:

I think, first, a lot of people forget what Memorial Day actually is. It's not just a three-day weekend. Memorial Day is a time for us to remember and honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It's a day of reflection, gratitude and remembrance. In recent years, there seems to be an increase in the amount of emails that I get. I'm on a lot of different email lists the amount of emails that I get that are all about Memorial Day sales, whether they're from coaches or people selling products, and it just seems like there's this trend of businesses using this solemn holiday or what should be more of a solemn holiday as an opportunity for sales and promotions. Yes, I know we've seen the big box stores, the car dealerships, et cetera, do this for years and no, I don't think that's okay either. I never have. I literally never have but right now I'm talking about us entrepreneurs. We're the innovators, all right. We're the ones that shouldn't need to use a tactic like this. We are the creators, right. If you're using this holiday in that way, if you need to use this kind of sale to move your services or products, then you're either out of touch, you don't care, or your shit's broken and you need to fix it, okay. So let's take a step back and consider what Memorial Day truly represents. It's not just another long weekend. You know, I know it's often the kickoff to summer, but it's. It's not just another long weekend. It's not just a chance for a sale. It's a day dedicated to those who have given their lives in service to our nation.

Speaker 1:

When businesses use Memorial Day as a marketing ploy, it can come off as insensitive and disrespectful. I got a lot of emails from people who I respected in my industry using Memorial Day sales and I was just. I was like blown away. I'm like I actually unsubscribed from their lists because of it. And maybe I'm alone in this, I don't know. But as entrepreneurs this is my opinion as entrepreneurs, as the innovators, as the creators especially those of us building brands based on authenticity and integrity, it's crucial to approach Memorial Day with the respect that it actually deserves.

Speaker 1:

So here's a few reasons why using Memorial Day for sales promotions is not okay, in my opinion. For one, it undermines the sacrifice. When we turn Memorial Day into a sales event, we risk trivializing the immense sacrifices made by our military personnel. This day is meant for honoring their memory, the ones that have died for our country, not for commercial gains. Two, it alienates your audience, or it can. Many of your customers and clients may have personal connections to the military. They might have lost loved ones or have family members currently serving.

Speaker 1:

Using Memorial Day for sales can come across as tone deaf and can alienate those who value the true meaning of the day. I'm going to talk more on that in a second Number. Three, it really reflects poorly on your brand, in my opinion. Your brand's reputation is built on the values that you uphold. Showing respect for national holidays and the people they honor is part of maintaining a positive and respectful brand image. Misusing such a significant day can really damage your brand's credibility and trustworthiness.

Speaker 1:

I want you to think for just a second. How poorly would it look if you did a sale because it was 9-11? How poorly would that look? You would never even think of doing it right. Can you imagine? It's no different. It's not. I want you to imagine how that mother feels going to her son's grave in Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. On Memorial Day, imagine the wife bringing her young child to his father's grave.

Speaker 1:

We can do better than needing a tone-deaf sale like this. So what can we do instead? What can you do as a business owner? Here are some ways that you can observe Memorial Day as a business owner. First, honor the day. Use your platform to share messages of gratitude and remembrance for those who have died. Highlight stories of those who have served and sacrificed. It not only shows respect, but also aligns your brain with values of honor and gratitude. You can support veterans' causes. Consider donating a portion of your proceeds to organizations that support veterans and their families.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying don't sell. You're a business owner. You should sell. I'm saying don't use Memorial Day as a sale sell. I'm saying don't use Memorial Day as a sale, as a sales tactic. Just do it differently. It's a meaningful way to contribute and show that your business cares. When you donate a portion of the proceeds right In my upcoming launch, I'm donating 20% of proceeds to specific veterans causes because I'm launching around Memorial Day.

Speaker 1:

All right, encourage reflection Instead of promoting sales. Encourage your audience to take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Memorial Day. Share resources for how they can honor and remember those who have served, or take a break. Sometimes the best way to show respect is just to step back and take a break. Consider doing that from you know don't post, or you know don't post promotional content and allow the focus to remain on the significance of the day.

Speaker 1:

I was going to launch on Sunday, but decided to hold off until Tuesday. Now that doesn't mean that's what's right for you. I'm just telling you what I decided. We have to think of these things as entrepreneurs. So as we approach the holiday, let's remember to prioritize respect and gratitude over commercial stuff. By doing so, we not only honor those that have given their lives for our freedom, but also build a brand that our customers can trust and respect. I hope you get what I'm saying. Thank you for tuning in today to this episode. I hope this discussion helps you approach Memorial Day and other holidays with the reverence it deserves. I hope that you understand. I'm not saying don't sell. I'm just saying don't use sales tactics that are disrespectful. All right, take care and I hope you have a very meaningful Memorial Day. I'll talk to you soon, thank you.