She's on Fire

Taking Courageous Steps to Success

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 34

Ever wondered why your hard work isn't paying off despite countless hours spent on your business? Learn the essential difference between safe actions that keep you stuck and courageous actions that lead to breakthroughs. This episode of the She's On Fire podcast uncovers how to get out of the safe actions holding you back. With insights from a recent conversation with a determined entrepreneur, we identify the pitfalls of "safe" actions and talk about how into how fear of judgment and lack of clear strategy can result in busy work that doesn't truly move the needle.

Breaking free from this comfort cocoon is the key to unlocking your potential. I share my own experiences and effective methods that have transformed not only my life, but also the lives of many other women. This episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiration, empowering you to take bold, courageous steps towards achieving major breakthroughs and life-changing results in your business.

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Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back to the she's On Fire podcast. I'm coming at you with a she's On Fire hot minute today and this actually may end up being longer than a hot minute because it's really been on my mind, but I do these when something really comes up, sparks inside me, or you know just I have to get it out right away and I can't wait for my regular day for recording. So, anyway, I was talking to um, a really nice girl the other day who just felt like she was really stuck in what she was doing, and she said something that intrigued me and I find the same thing a lot Okay and that's why I wanted to bring it to your attention. But she said I just don't get it. I'm taking so much action, I'm doing so much, but the needle isn't moving. I'm not getting anywhere. So when we dug into this, I found the problem literally so fast and it is a freaking problem that I see so many women have, and that's why I wanted to bring it on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing yes, you may be taking action like she was. She really felt like she was just doing so much. You may feel like you're hustling, but while we've heard that action is key right to getting results. I've said it myself so many times action equals traction, action equals money. You've got to take action right. There's something that people often forget Not all action is equal All right, and what I see so very often is the action is actually keeping you stuck. And you're probably thinking what is she talking about? She's probably insane, but here's the thing A lot of entrepreneurs stay stuck in business because you're taking safe action. So it's the action that's keeping you stuck, because you're taking safe actions. I always talk about the comfort cocoon. You're taking action within that cocoon so you stay safe. So you may be doing a shit ton of work, but you're taking safe actions. And, believe me, I know firsthand how easy it is to fall into that.

Speaker 1:

I used to do the same thing I really did, taking the same safe actions day in and day out, saying, oh, I need to work on my lead magnet. Oh, I need to revamp my lead magnet or my landing page or my email automation there's so many different things, okay, so I know them all because I used to do them, you know. And then a few months go by or, heaven forbid, a year and you look back and are like I worked so hard, I did so much, how is it I didn't accomplish more? How am I not making more money? And you become frustrated. You're like is this even for me? Is this even worth it? I'm spending so much time and I'm not getting anywhere right. So much time and I'm not getting anywhere right.

Speaker 1:

Here's why this happened. You took action just for the sake of work, just for the sake of saying that you've taken action and this might be a hard pill to swallow. You know. You tell your friends, your husband, your, you know, your family, your kids, whoever. I got to go work on my business, but the quote unquote work was the safe work. You may have taken massive action and hustled your ass off.

Speaker 1:

You probably went to, you know, many free trainings or challenges or masterclasses or whatever, but if the needle didn't move, I'm willing to bet that you didn't take courageous action, you didn't take bold action. You didn't say F this, I don't care what anyone thinks. Here I am world and I'm going to change you. I'm doing this anyway, that type of action. You stayed safe. You made the safe choices. You made the safe choices. You made the safe content. You chose the safety of your cocoon and I get it. Believe me, I really do. But this type of action will never create major breakthroughs for you. This type of action will never make someone stop and say, oh, I need what she's offering. If you want to see major breakthroughs and life-changing results, then you're going to need to take the courageous action, get out of your comfort cocoon and really that's what's going to bring you waves of change.

Speaker 1:

So what I see are two causes of this what I like to call fake action. And don't get me wrong, I get it, you feel like you're doing so much, but again, it's not the action that you really need to take to move that needle. So two problems that I see women face so much. One is you're actually afraid, and because you're afraid of whatever it is you know judgment being visible, people laughing whatever it is, invisible, people laughing whatever it is, imposter syndrome. That's why you do the fake action, the busy work, the things that keep you in that cocoon, and you feel safe doing them. Or two, you feel confusion because you don't have clear strategy and clear steps to move forward. It could be both of those things, it could be one or the other, but I'm going to concentrate on the first one right now, because I see it the most, without a doubt. I see that the most without a doubt.

Speaker 1:

Those fears fear of visibility, fear of judgment, all those fears that come up, it's what keeps people in that cocoon safe. It's what keeps people in that cocoon safe. You know when they're worried what people are going to say worried about being visible Because it makes you feel vulnerable to people's judgment, scared of really putting yourself out there, and I mean truly putting yourself out there. And I mean truly putting yourself out there. And I'm. I'm laughing for a reason. Okay, it's not because it's funny, because I feel for every single woman that feels this way, cause I know what it feels like.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I was there, but posting a quote, that's safe action. Now, I'm not saying don't ever post quotes, I post quotes, but what I see are women who take these. Really, I'm going to say easy, easy, little things, little things, safe things, and put them out there Not rocking the boat, not creating waves, no controversy, nothing. And I laugh or chuckle I shouldn't say laugh, but I chuckled because I know the little tricks that keep you safe, because I was there before I get it. I've done all the things to try to keep myself safe until I was I had my I call it the FTS moment, the fuck, this shit moment, and I made the decision enough was enough.

Speaker 1:

If you want to create a business that's truly successful, we need to get your big girl pants on. We need to break you out of that comfort cocoon. There is literally nothing else that is going to build that successful business. Until you do take the steps to break out of that cocoon, there's nothing else. Nobody's going to build your business for you. It comes down to you, and this is why I work so damn hard to help women with this, to help them break out of that cocoon, because I get it. I was there. This is my most important work. It really is helping you change your mind, changing your subconscious, changing your energy and truly stepping into that courageous, confident woman that you can be, that runs a successful business, and you can be her. I cannot stress that enough. But the first step is you deciding that you want to break out of that cocoon, that you want change, that you want to show up boldly, that you want more and that you're done with that old way. And if that's you, I'm the one you need to hire because I get it. I've been there.

Speaker 1:

If you could have seen me when I had so little confidence that I was afraid to walk in and order fast food for fear of how others would judge me, what they might say, would I trip up my words? This is a true story. I've talked about it many times. Man, you would, without a doubt, say to yourself if she can do it, would, without a doubt, say to yourself, if she can do it, I can do it. You don't see that in me, though. Now, because my process works, because my methods work, and I know you have that woman in you just burning to bust out. I've seen it so many times with other women. I've seen it so many times, and she's just in there, just waiting for you to decide enough is enough and that you are ready to step out of that cocoon, and you are ready to do it. The ball is in your court. You hold the power. You get to choose. I will talk to you soon.