Soul Sis

Manifesting Do's & Don'ts for Eclipse Season + Mercury Retrograde

May 10, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 12

We’ve got a lot to talk about that's going on in the sky right now! With Eclipse Season upon us (May 16 Lunar Eclipse) & Mercury Retrograde starting today (May 10), you might feel some friction in the air. On today's 'soulo' episode of Soul Sis we cover exactly why it might not be the best time to actively manifest (though, keep in mind we are literally ALWAYS manifesting & implementing the Law of Attraction, it just isn't the ideal time to actively focus on calling into reality exactly what you want) and instead play with a few fun alternatives to help you optimize your energy during these times. We break down the BS about retrogrades, & go deeper into how we can actually benefit from a break in manifesting with some alternate spiritual practices which align with astrology.

Self love, self care, & meditation are a must right now. This is also a great time to turn inward and ask yourself what is and isn't working in your life. Let go of what you no longer use or what no longer feels in alignment. **My episode on minimalism may be of great value during these times... to take a deeper look at how you can release what you don’t want/no longer need to create space for something more in alignment with your desires/goals moving forward.** It’s a good idea to go back or look back into whatever you’ve been working on or completed already (or back to unfinished business/loose ends/past projects/relationships) & reflect. Ask yourself now where you can rethink, reshape, reframe, revise, reorganize, reevaluate, recalibrate & reassess what is and isn’t working there, or what may be missing that you’d otherwise overlook if you didn’t take this contemplative, meditative, analytical & objective approach.  It can be SO rewarding post-retrograde to invest this time now.  By the end of this episode you'll feel ready to tackle both Eclipses & Retrogrades head on with some enthusiasm. With a little practice of patience, contemplative & corrective energy, and of course- an attitude of gratitude- we can come out of these times on top! 

Lastly, a love letter to my Soul Family:
Trust that the Universe is divinely guiding you to exactly where you're meant to be. You've already been putting out there all that you desire with all of your manifesting practices & it hasn't gone unnoticed.  God/Source/Universe recognizes all the spiritual connecting, mental practices, and aligned action you've been taking, & wants you to receive all that you desire in due time. This season of spirituality is all about surrendering to life & following the flow in faith that it will all come to you when it's meant to.   All you have to do is get out of your own way & trust the process. It's time to take a break from the manifesting game and practice the Art of Allowing.

Lunar eclipse =
 Earth comes between the moon (full moon) and the sun
Solar eclipse = moon (new moon) cast shadow on earth to block sun's light causing darkness  

Eclipse Schedule 2022
May 16 ~ total lunar eclipse 
November 7 & 8 ~ partial lunar eclipse (except it would be visible from India)
October 25 ~ a partial solar eclipse (unlike the first one from April 30) will be visible in India

Mercury Retrograde 2022 Dates
January 13 - February 3 
~May 10 - June 2
~September 9 - October 1
~December 28 - January 18 (2023)

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.