Soul Sis

Tune Into YOU: Mothering Yourself to Manifest Your Dream Life

June 14, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 17

Today's soulo episode is all about YOU. When we delayer all of our obligations, expectations, familial & friendship bonds, we are ultimately left with ourselves. You are what you come into this life with & what you will leave this world with. Body, mind, & soul, it is YOUR personal experience --your consciousness-- that you have to learn to not only live with, but love with. The practice of living the life you want to live begins with love, & if you don't already love your life, the love must begin with the source of the conscious experience: the love must begin with the Self. Owning your own life & loving yourself enough to put YOU first is imperative to healthy spiritual hygiene & thus a life worth living. Our manifesting magick unlocks when we tap into mothering ourselves into our experience, which we will discuss in depth in this episode.

As we explore the divine feminine, we can acknowledge that our divine maternal instinct is to nurture those around us, which can lead to overextending to those around us & putting our own needs on the side. It's time to mother ourselves --& not just those around us-- into our reality. A gentle reminder that YOU matter, you deserve to come first, and you need to be your #1 priority. Women as a collective are conditioned to overextend to others, overexert for others, & over apologize to one another with no regard to why... The purpose of projecting our innate nurturance to others before our own needs & desires is to limit our power and our potential. This is your sign to stop apologizing for taking up space! Stop apologizing for having desires.... dreams even! When we can recognize this we can unlock so much magick in our lives & manifest our desires by making ourselves a priority too. 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.